Dems Add Kavanaugh To List Of Who They Will Take Down With Or Without Evidence

We have what she said and the fact she passed a lie detector test. She came across as a credible witness.

HOW did she come across as a CREDIBLE witness?

She could not remember WHERE the attack happened.

She could not remember WHEN it happened - not even the YEAR.

The witnesses SHE named says the event NEVER happened.

She said she delayed the hearing over her fear of flying...yet facts / records show she has been flying A LOT (French Polynesia, etc....)

She said she went to couples counseling in 2012 over her and her husband's argument over doors for the front door...but official records show that happened in 2008...

She was called out for giving different information than her therapist had written down during one of their sessions - Ford claimed THE THERAPIST GOT IT WRONG and that SHE CORRECTED IT when she talked to the Washington Post (Therapist notes contradict what she says)

I believe she was SINCERE, but there is NO WAY she WAS 'CREDIBLE'!
Democrats declared to their GOP colleagues and to the American people today that they are adding Judge Kavanaugh to the list of Americans they will Impeach / Take Down - with or without Evidence - if they win control of the House.

The very next day after Donald Trump won the Presidency Democratic Party leaders openly declared that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything President Trump and the GOP attempted to accomplish, no matter what they had to do, for Democratic party - not the country's - benefit.

They declared they were making the Impeachment of Donald Trump their top priority, with or without any evidence of criminal activity against him. Democrats have already attempted to introduce legislation / articles of Impeachment without any evidence against the President.

Today the Democrats publicly announced the would seek the Impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh - with or without evidence of criminal activity - should he be confirmed to the USSC and if they win the House.

R-Senator Lindsey Graham destroyed the Democrats, especially D-Feinstein, in a blistering rebuke that exposed how they had held onto the unsubstantiated Ford rumor letter, chose not to go to the FBI with it, sat on it, and waited until the last minute to bring it out to delay / kill Kavanaugh's confirmation to the USSC. Graham exposed how the Democrats are so desperate to get power back that they designed and carried out a despicable campaign designed to destroy every aspect of Judge Kavanaugh's life...again, just to get their political power back. In carrying out their despicable plan Democrats USED / VICTIMIXED both Kavanaugh and Ford...without hesitation or concern.

Having learned nothing....not caring who knows what they did...the Democrats doubled-down on their hatred, selfishness, lack of actual concern for Americans, and their Party-1st revenge-seeking crusade by declaring that once / if they get back their power and if Kavanaugh is confirmed they will Impeach Kavanaugh just as they plan to Impeach the President - with or without evidence of wrong-doing!

Dem tells Senate colleagues Kavanaugh 'coverup' will 'never last'

Kavanaugh vote live blog -- Senate Judiciary Committee weighs in on recommending nominee

Ah yes the party of the working class... and of tolerance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dems hate the working class.

Republicans hate women especially uppity women who get in the way of boys being boys.

Wrong, that's just you being brainwashed by a raging, hate filled media.

The Trump supporters are part of a cult which means you people are the ones who have been brainwashed. The fact is that Americans do not trust the media but they trust the media over Trump.
Democrats declared to their GOP colleagues and to the American people today that they are adding Judge Kavanaugh to the list of Americans they will Impeach / Take Down - with or without Evidence - if they win control of the House.

The very next day after Donald Trump won the Presidency Democratic Party leaders openly declared that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything President Trump and the GOP attempted to accomplish, no matter what they had to do, for Democratic party - not the country's - benefit.

They declared they were making the Impeachment of Donald Trump their top priority, with or without any evidence of criminal activity against him. Democrats have already attempted to introduce legislation / articles of Impeachment without any evidence against the President.

Today the Democrats publicly announced the would seek the Impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh - with or without evidence of criminal activity - should he be confirmed to the USSC and if they win the House.

R-Senator Lindsey Graham destroyed the Democrats, especially D-Feinstein, in a blistering rebuke that exposed how they had held onto the unsubstantiated Ford rumor letter, chose not to go to the FBI with it, sat on it, and waited until the last minute to bring it out to delay / kill Kavanaugh's confirmation to the USSC. Graham exposed how the Democrats are so desperate to get power back that they designed and carried out a despicable campaign designed to destroy every aspect of Judge Kavanaugh's life...again, just to get their political power back. In carrying out their despicable plan Democrats USED / VICTIMIXED both Kavanaugh and Ford...without hesitation or concern.

Having learned nothing....not caring who knows what they did...the Democrats doubled-down on their hatred, selfishness, lack of actual concern for Americans, and their Party-1st revenge-seeking crusade by declaring that once / if they get back their power and if Kavanaugh is confirmed they will Impeach Kavanaugh just as they plan to Impeach the President - with or without evidence of wrong-doing!

Dem tells Senate colleagues Kavanaugh 'coverup' will 'never last'

Kavanaugh vote live blog -- Senate Judiciary Committee weighs in on recommending nominee

Ah yes the party of the working class... and of tolerance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dems hate the working class.

Republicans hate women especially uppity women who get in the way of boys being boys.
Nobody hates women. We hate liars.

You can say that with a straight face. When does Trump lie. When he opens his mouth and uses his twitter finger. Dr Ford is not a liar.
Democrats declared to their GOP colleagues and to the American people today that they are adding Judge Kavanaugh to the list of Americans they will Impeach / Take Down - with or without Evidence - if they win control of the House.

The very next day after Donald Trump won the Presidency Democratic Party leaders openly declared that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything President Trump and the GOP attempted to accomplish, no matter what they had to do, for Democratic party - not the country's - benefit.

They declared they were making the Impeachment of Donald Trump their top priority, with or without any evidence of criminal activity against him. Democrats have already attempted to introduce legislation / articles of Impeachment without any evidence against the President.

Today the Democrats publicly announced the would seek the Impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh - with or without evidence of criminal activity - should he be confirmed to the USSC and if they win the House.

R-Senator Lindsey Graham destroyed the Democrats, especially D-Feinstein, in a blistering rebuke that exposed how they had held onto the unsubstantiated Ford rumor letter, chose not to go to the FBI with it, sat on it, and waited until the last minute to bring it out to delay / kill Kavanaugh's confirmation to the USSC. Graham exposed how the Democrats are so desperate to get power back that they designed and carried out a despicable campaign designed to destroy every aspect of Judge Kavanaugh's life...again, just to get their political power back. In carrying out their despicable plan Democrats USED / VICTIMIXED both Kavanaugh and Ford...without hesitation or concern.

Having learned nothing....not caring who knows what they did...the Democrats doubled-down on their hatred, selfishness, lack of actual concern for Americans, and their Party-1st revenge-seeking crusade by declaring that once / if they get back their power and if Kavanaugh is confirmed they will Impeach Kavanaugh just as they plan to Impeach the President - with or without evidence of wrong-doing!

Dem tells Senate colleagues Kavanaugh 'coverup' will 'never last'

Kavanaugh vote live blog -- Senate Judiciary Committee weighs in on recommending nominee

Ah yes the party of the working class... and of tolerance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dems hate the working class.

Republicans hate women especially uppity women who get in the way of boys being boys.

Wrong, that's just you being brainwashed by a raging, hate filled media.

The Trump supporters are part of a cult which means you people are the ones who have been brainwashed. The fact is that Americans do not trust the media but they trust the media over Trump.

No, only the radical libs lap up the hate propaganda at msnbc, cnn, and networks. Thats all.
Democrats declared to their GOP colleagues and to the American people today that they are adding Judge Kavanaugh to the list of Americans they will Impeach / Take Down - with or without Evidence - if they win control of the House.

The very next day after Donald Trump won the Presidency Democratic Party leaders openly declared that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything President Trump and the GOP attempted to accomplish, no matter what they had to do, for Democratic party - not the country's - benefit.

They declared they were making the Impeachment of Donald Trump their top priority, with or without any evidence of criminal activity against him. Democrats have already attempted to introduce legislation / articles of Impeachment without any evidence against the President.

Today the Democrats publicly announced the would seek the Impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh - with or without evidence of criminal activity - should he be confirmed to the USSC and if they win the House.

R-Senator Lindsey Graham destroyed the Democrats, especially D-Feinstein, in a blistering rebuke that exposed how they had held onto the unsubstantiated Ford rumor letter, chose not to go to the FBI with it, sat on it, and waited until the last minute to bring it out to delay / kill Kavanaugh's confirmation to the USSC. Graham exposed how the Democrats are so desperate to get power back that they designed and carried out a despicable campaign designed to destroy every aspect of Judge Kavanaugh's life...again, just to get their political power back. In carrying out their despicable plan Democrats USED / VICTIMIXED both Kavanaugh and Ford...without hesitation or concern.

Having learned nothing....not caring who knows what they did...the Democrats doubled-down on their hatred, selfishness, lack of actual concern for Americans, and their Party-1st revenge-seeking crusade by declaring that once / if they get back their power and if Kavanaugh is confirmed they will Impeach Kavanaugh just as they plan to Impeach the President - with or without evidence of wrong-doing!

Dem tells Senate colleagues Kavanaugh 'coverup' will 'never last'

Kavanaugh vote live blog -- Senate Judiciary Committee weighs in on recommending nominee

Ah yes the party of the working class... and of tolerance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dems hate the working class.

Republicans hate women especially uppity women who get in the way of boys being boys.
Nobody hates women. We hate liars.

You can say that with a straight face. When does Trump lie. When he opens his mouth and uses his twitter finger. Dr Ford is not a liar.

Yeah, shes a liar.
Democrats are no longer on the RIGHT-LEFT spectrum. They have branched into pure anti-Americanism. They use the DOJ and the Intelligence Agencies like a secret police force. They use women as pawns in character assassination. I just hope the majority of Americans recognize what they have become.

A majority of Americans recognize that Republicans are far worse than Democrats. They abuse their power. Trump is the one who wants to use the DOJ and our intelligence agencies as his personal Gestapo. That is why he constantly says this person or that and usually a political enemy jailed. That is why phony conservatives want documents on the Russia investigation. So they can pass them on to Trump's attorney.

No, the left is using the fbi as their brownshirts. You can't be this clueless. You really cant...can you?

You are the out and out liar. The only brownshirts I see is Republicans who want to jail their political opponents.
You might not consider her a liar but she sure doesn't have any proof to back up her story.

No witnesses and she couldn't even remember the house she was in or how she got home. Two people she said were witnesses have already said they weren't at the party. So who's the liar.

Not credible at all.
Democrats are no longer on the RIGHT-LEFT spectrum. They have branched into pure anti-Americanism. They use the DOJ and the Intelligence Agencies like a secret police force. They use women as pawns in character assassination. I just hope the majority of Americans recognize what they have become.

A majority of Americans recognize that Republicans are far worse than Democrats. They abuse their power. Trump is the one who wants to use the DOJ and our intelligence agencies as his personal Gestapo. That is why he constantly says this person or that and usually a political enemy jailed. That is why phony conservatives want documents on the Russia investigation. So they can pass them on to Trump's attorney.

No, the left is using the fbi as their brownshirts. You can't be this clueless. You really cant...can you?

You are the out and out liar. The only brownshirts I see is Republicans who want to jail their political opponents.

Nope, libs have ratcheted up their hate. Remember, they shot a republican congressman. You see nothing.
o want
We have what she said and the fact she passed a lie detector test. She came across as a credible witness.

HOW did she come across as a CREDIBLE witness?

She could not remember WHERE the attack happened.

She could not remember WHEN it happened - not even the YEAR.

The witnesses SHE named says the event NEVER happened.

She said she delayed the hearing over her fear of flying...yet facts / records show she has been flying A LOT (French Polynesia, etc....)

She said she went to couples counseling in 2012 over her and her husband's argument over doors for the front door...but official records show that happened in 2008...

She was called out for giving different information than her therapist had written down during one of their sessions - Ford claimed THE THERAPIST GOT IT WRONG and that SHE CORRECTED IT when she talked to the Washington Post (Therapist notes contradict what she says)

I believe she was SINCERE, but there is NO WAY she WAS 'CREDIBLE'!

That is so much bullshit from a second rate Perry Mason. You are setting the rules for what a woman should say to be credible. She is at least backed up by a lie detector test which is more than Kavanaugh can say.
No one is being punished. His liberties are not at stake here.


Feinstein and the Democrats just put Kavanaugh on TRIAL in the Court of Public Opinion, charging him with SERIOUS CRIMES - sexual assault, attempted rape, rape - participating in 'gang rapes', and Lying under oath to Congress.

They just conducted a 'suicide bombing' on his word, his character, his judgment, his honesty, his integrity, his reputation, his family, and his marriage.

No matter how it ends up this is a MASSICE stain / mark that will follow him around for the rest of his life. If he is not confirmed, if he does not get confirmed it will be a public 'GUILTY' verdict.

It will be hard enough for his to ever be a Judge again or a professor again while just carrying the allegations - and declarations by Democrats that Kavanaugh is GUILTY until proven innocent...which they claim he was not yesterday because the burden of proof lies on the accused not the accuser...but if he is not confirmed again, it will be seen by many as a 'GUILTY' verdict, and at that point returning to the bench or a classroom will be damn-dear impossible.

You don't get it. Feinstein and the Democrats just set out to - and damn-near accomplished - destroying Kavanaugh.
Democrats are no longer on the RIGHT-LEFT spectrum. They have branched into pure anti-Americanism. They use the DOJ and the Intelligence Agencies like a secret police force. They use women as pawns in character assassination. I just hope the majority of Americans recognize what they have become.

A majority of Americans recognize that Republicans are far worse than Democrats. They abuse their power. Trump is the one who wants to use the DOJ and our intelligence agencies as his personal Gestapo. That is why he constantly says this person or that and usually a political enemy jailed. That is why phony conservatives want documents on the Russia investigation. So they can pass them on to Trump's attorney.

No, the left is using the fbi as their brownshirts. You can't be this clueless. You really cant...can you?

You are the out and out liar. The only brownshirts I see is Republicans who want to jail their political opponents.

Nope, libs have ratcheted up their hate. Remember, they shot a republican congressman. You see nothing.

I see a lot of hate coming up from the alt-right as well. The Republicans want to jail their political opponents.
Democrats are no longer on the RIGHT-LEFT spectrum. They have branched into pure anti-Americanism. They use the DOJ and the Intelligence Agencies like a secret police force. They use women as pawns in character assassination. I just hope the majority of Americans recognize what they have become.

A majority of Americans recognize that Republicans are far worse than Democrats. They abuse their power. Trump is the one who wants to use the DOJ and our intelligence agencies as his personal Gestapo. That is why he constantly says this person or that and usually a political enemy jailed. That is why phony conservatives want documents on the Russia investigation. So they can pass them on to Trump's attorney.

No, the left is using the fbi as their brownshirts. You can't be this clueless. You really cant...can you?

You are the out and out liar. The only brownshirts I see is Republicans who want to jail their political opponents.

Nope, libs have ratcheted up their hate. Remember, they shot a republican congressman. You see nothing.

I see a lot of hate coming up from the alt-right as well. The Republicans want to jail their political opponents.

Wrong. Liberals actually shot and injured republicans at a ballgame. Thats your hate.
o want
We have what she said and the fact she passed a lie detector test. She came across as a credible witness.

HOW did she come across as a CREDIBLE witness?

She could not remember WHERE the attack happened.

She could not remember WHEN it happened - not even the YEAR.

The witnesses SHE named says the event NEVER happened.

She said she delayed the hearing over her fear of flying...yet facts / records show she has been flying A LOT (French Polynesia, etc....)

She said she went to couples counseling in 2012 over her and her husband's argument over doors for the front door...but official records show that happened in 2008...

She was called out for giving different information than her therapist had written down during one of their sessions - Ford claimed THE THERAPIST GOT IT WRONG and that SHE CORRECTED IT when she talked to the Washington Post (Therapist notes contradict what she says)

I believe she was SINCERE, but there is NO WAY she WAS 'CREDIBLE'!

That is so much bullshit from a second rate Perry Mason. You are setting the rules for what a woman should say to be credible. She is at least backed up by a lie detector test which is more than Kavanaugh can say.

Lie detectors aren't admissible. Anyone can learn how to beat a lie detector.
You are setting the rules for what a woman should say to be credible. She is at least backed up by a lie detector test which is more than Kavanaugh can say.

THE LAW requires the accuser to provide evidence. Despite what snowflakes like you say, the burden of proof lies with the accuser. Ford provided NOTHING....nice story, no details, no evidence, & 4 witnesses who say it never happened.

She passed a lie detector test....congrats. She joins the ranks of both innocent people and criminals who have done so....meanwhile, she still provided NO evidence to substantiate her claim.

No one needs 'Perry mason' when Stevie F*ing Wonder can see Ford failed to prove her accusation.
o want
We have what she said and the fact she passed a lie detector test. She came across as a credible witness.

HOW did she come across as a CREDIBLE witness?

She could not remember WHERE the attack happened.

She could not remember WHEN it happened - not even the YEAR.

The witnesses SHE named says the event NEVER happened.

She said she delayed the hearing over her fear of flying...yet facts / records show she has been flying A LOT (French Polynesia, etc....)

She said she went to couples counseling in 2012 over her and her husband's argument over doors for the front door...but official records show that happened in 2008...

She was called out for giving different information than her therapist had written down during one of their sessions - Ford claimed THE THERAPIST GOT IT WRONG and that SHE CORRECTED IT when she talked to the Washington Post (Therapist notes contradict what she says)

I believe she was SINCERE, but there is NO WAY she WAS 'CREDIBLE'!

That is so much bullshit from a second rate Perry Mason.

Those are the reported facts, dumbass. Please, talk to Ford, get the number of her therapist and use it....
Democrats declared to their GOP colleagues and to the American people today that they are adding Judge Kavanaugh to the list of Americans they will Impeach / Take Down - with or without Evidence - if they win control of the House.

The very next day after Donald Trump won the Presidency Democratic Party leaders openly declared that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything President Trump and the GOP attempted to accomplish, no matter what they had to do, for Democratic party - not the country's - benefit.

They declared they were making the Impeachment of Donald Trump their top priority, with or without any evidence of criminal activity against him. Democrats have already attempted to introduce legislation / articles of Impeachment without any evidence against the President.

Today the Democrats publicly announced the would seek the Impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh - with or without evidence of criminal activity - should he be confirmed to the USSC and if they win the House.

R-Senator Lindsey Graham destroyed the Democrats, especially D-Feinstein, in a blistering rebuke that exposed how they had held onto the unsubstantiated Ford rumor letter, chose not to go to the FBI with it, sat on it, and waited until the last minute to bring it out to delay / kill Kavanaugh's confirmation to the USSC. Graham exposed how the Democrats are so desperate to get power back that they designed and carried out a despicable campaign designed to destroy every aspect of Judge Kavanaugh's life...again, just to get their political power back. In carrying out their despicable plan Democrats USED / VICTIMIXED both Kavanaugh and Ford...without hesitation or concern.

Having learned nothing....not caring who knows what they did...the Democrats doubled-down on their hatred, selfishness, lack of actual concern for Americans, and their Party-1st revenge-seeking crusade by declaring that once / if they get back their power and if Kavanaugh is confirmed they will Impeach Kavanaugh just as they plan to Impeach the President - with or without evidence of wrong-doing!

Dem tells Senate colleagues Kavanaugh 'coverup' will 'never last'

Kavanaugh vote live blog -- Senate Judiciary Committee weighs in on recommending nominee

Lindsay Graham is a partisan hack running for re-election. This hearing was just a speed bump for him and Republicans. Kavanaugh should be impeached for assaulting a woman. That is one area where I agree with them. The only concern Republicans have is making the world safe for white guys who already have it made.
Allegedly assaulted. You support punishing someone from hearsay?

No one is being punished. His liberties are not at stake here. This is a lifetime seat that should be filled by someone who has the highest integrity. Dr Ford was believable and she is backed up by a lie detector test while he has nothing.
You do want him punished, you said so. She was not believable. This mans career could have been ended by someone who doesn't appear to be stable and whos motives are somewhat suspect.
Democrats declared to their GOP colleagues and to the American people today that they are adding Judge Kavanaugh to the list of Americans they will Impeach / Take Down - with or without Evidence - if they win control of the House.

The very next day after Donald Trump won the Presidency Democratic Party leaders openly declared that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything President Trump and the GOP attempted to accomplish, no matter what they had to do, for Democratic party - not the country's - benefit.

They declared they were making the Impeachment of Donald Trump their top priority, with or without any evidence of criminal activity against him. Democrats have already attempted to introduce legislation / articles of Impeachment without any evidence against the President.

Today the Democrats publicly announced the would seek the Impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh - with or without evidence of criminal activity - should he be confirmed to the USSC and if they win the House.

R-Senator Lindsey Graham destroyed the Democrats, especially D-Feinstein, in a blistering rebuke that exposed how they had held onto the unsubstantiated Ford rumor letter, chose not to go to the FBI with it, sat on it, and waited until the last minute to bring it out to delay / kill Kavanaugh's confirmation to the USSC. Graham exposed how the Democrats are so desperate to get power back that they designed and carried out a despicable campaign designed to destroy every aspect of Judge Kavanaugh's life...again, just to get their political power back. In carrying out their despicable plan Democrats USED / VICTIMIXED both Kavanaugh and Ford...without hesitation or concern.

Having learned nothing....not caring who knows what they did...the Democrats doubled-down on their hatred, selfishness, lack of actual concern for Americans, and their Party-1st revenge-seeking crusade by declaring that once / if they get back their power and if Kavanaugh is confirmed they will Impeach Kavanaugh just as they plan to Impeach the President - with or without evidence of wrong-doing!

Dem tells Senate colleagues Kavanaugh 'coverup' will 'never last'

Kavanaugh vote live blog -- Senate Judiciary Committee weighs in on recommending nominee

Ah yes the party of the working class... and of tolerance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dems hate the working class.

Republicans hate women especially uppity women who get in the way of boys being boys.
Nobody hates women. We hate liars.

You can say that with a straight face. When does Trump lie. When he opens his mouth and uses his twitter finger. Dr Ford is not a liar.
Yes I can say that with a straight face. We weren't talking about trump, we were talking about ford. She has an entire transcript of lies from yesterday.
Democrats declared to their GOP colleagues and to the American people today that they are adding Judge Kavanaugh to the list of Americans they will Impeach / Take Down - with or without Evidence - if they win control of the House.

The very next day after Donald Trump won the Presidency Democratic Party leaders openly declared that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything President Trump and the GOP attempted to accomplish, no matter what they had to do, for Democratic party - not the country's - benefit.

They declared they were making the Impeachment of Donald Trump their top priority, with or without any evidence of criminal activity against him. Democrats have already attempted to introduce legislation / articles of Impeachment without any evidence against the President.

Today the Democrats publicly announced the would seek the Impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh - with or without evidence of criminal activity - should he be confirmed to the USSC and if they win the House.

R-Senator Lindsey Graham destroyed the Democrats, especially D-Feinstein, in a blistering rebuke that exposed how they had held onto the unsubstantiated Ford rumor letter, chose not to go to the FBI with it, sat on it, and waited until the last minute to bring it out to delay / kill Kavanaugh's confirmation to the USSC. Graham exposed how the Democrats are so desperate to get power back that they designed and carried out a despicable campaign designed to destroy every aspect of Judge Kavanaugh's life...again, just to get their political power back. In carrying out their despicable plan Democrats USED / VICTIMIXED both Kavanaugh and Ford...without hesitation or concern.

Having learned nothing....not caring who knows what they did...the Democrats doubled-down on their hatred, selfishness, lack of actual concern for Americans, and their Party-1st revenge-seeking crusade by declaring that once / if they get back their power and if Kavanaugh is confirmed they will Impeach Kavanaugh just as they plan to Impeach the President - with or without evidence of wrong-doing!

Dem tells Senate colleagues Kavanaugh 'coverup' will 'never last'

Kavanaugh vote live blog -- Senate Judiciary Committee weighs in on recommending nominee

If they want to make the midterms about taking down BK they will lose big time. All this will help with is rallying anti-TRUMP liberals who had no intention of voting republicans, it will not help with the undecideds or women vote.
No one is being punished. His liberties are not at stake here.


Feinstein and the Democrats just put Kavanaugh on TRIAL in the Court of Public Opinion, charging him with SERIOUS CRIMES - sexual assault, attempted rape, rape - participating in 'gang rapes', and Lying under oath to Congress.

They just conducted a 'suicide bombing' on his word, his character, his judgment, his honesty, his integrity, his reputation, his family, and his marriage.

No matter how it ends up this is a MASSICE stain / mark that will follow him around for the rest of his life. If he is not confirmed, if he does not get confirmed it will be a public 'GUILTY' verdict.

It will be hard enough for his to ever be a Judge again or a professor again while just carrying the allegations - and declarations by Democrats that Kavanaugh is GUILTY until proven innocent...which they claim he was not yesterday because the burden of proof lies on the accused not the accuser...but if he is not confirmed again, it will be seen by many as a 'GUILTY' verdict, and at that point returning to the bench or a classroom will be damn-dear impossible.

You don't get it. Feinstein and the Democrats just set out to - and damn-near accomplished - destroying Kavanaugh.

Shut up with the hyperbole. There was no suicide bombing. The fact is that the Republicans are responsible for this. From the start, they clearly saw Dr Ford as a speed bump they had to drive over. They had no interest in finding the truth so they ignore it. Clearly they were afraid to hear them out.

It should follow him. His conduct was appalling. He acted more like a partisan hack that a Supreme Court justice. The fact is that this hearing is not a court of law. The burden of proof does not lie on the accuser. You look at the information out there and make a decision. If he were not to get it then tough.

Kavanaugh has destroyed himself. She has her testimony and a polygraph test. Kavanaugh has a lot of partisanship. A very poor defense.
No one is being punished. His liberties are not at stake here.


Feinstein and the Democrats just put Kavanaugh on TRIAL in the Court of Public Opinion, charging him with SERIOUS CRIMES - sexual assault, attempted rape, rape - participating in 'gang rapes', and Lying under oath to Congress.

They just conducted a 'suicide bombing' on his word, his character, his judgment, his honesty, his integrity, his reputation, his family, and his marriage.

No matter how it ends up this is a MASSICE stain / mark that will follow him around for the rest of his life. If he is not confirmed, if he does not get confirmed it will be a public 'GUILTY' verdict.

It will be hard enough for his to ever be a Judge again or a professor again while just carrying the allegations - and declarations by Democrats that Kavanaugh is GUILTY until proven innocent...which they claim he was not yesterday because the burden of proof lies on the accused not the accuser...but if he is not confirmed again, it will be seen by many as a 'GUILTY' verdict, and at that point returning to the bench or a classroom will be damn-dear impossible.

You don't get it. Feinstein and the Democrats just set out to - and damn-near accomplished - destroying Kavanaugh.

Shut up with the hyperbole. There was no suicide bombing. The fact is that the Republicans are responsible for this. From the start, they clearly saw Dr Ford as a speed bump they had to drive over. They had no interest in finding the truth so they ignore it. Clearly they were afraid to hear them out.

It should follow him. His conduct was appalling. He acted more like a partisan hack that a Supreme Court justice. The fact is that this hearing is not a court of law. The burden of proof does not lie on the accuser. You look at the information out there and make a decision. If he were not to get it then tough.

Kavanaugh has destroyed himself. She has her testimony and a polygraph test. Kavanaugh has a lot of partisanship. A very poor defense.

Nope, shes a liar.

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