Dems Add Kavanaugh To List Of Who They Will Take Down With Or Without Evidence

Democrats declared to their GOP colleagues and to the American people today that they are adding Judge Kavanaugh to the list of Americans they will Impeach / Take Down - with or without Evidence - if they win control of the House.

The very next day after Donald Trump won the Presidency Democratic Party leaders openly declared that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything President Trump and the GOP attempted to accomplish, no matter what they had to do, for Democratic party - not the country's - benefit.

They declared they were making the Impeachment of Donald Trump their top priority, with or without any evidence of criminal activity against him. Democrats have already attempted to introduce legislation / articles of Impeachment without any evidence against the President.

Today the Democrats publicly announced the would seek the Impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh - with or without evidence of criminal activity - should he be confirmed to the USSC and if they win the House.

R-Senator Lindsey Graham destroyed the Democrats, especially D-Feinstein, in a blistering rebuke that exposed how they had held onto the unsubstantiated Ford rumor letter, chose not to go to the FBI with it, sat on it, and waited until the last minute to bring it out to delay / kill Kavanaugh's confirmation to the USSC. Graham exposed how the Democrats are so desperate to get power back that they designed and carried out a despicable campaign designed to destroy every aspect of Judge Kavanaugh's life...again, just to get their political power back. In carrying out their despicable plan Democrats USED / VICTIMIXED both Kavanaugh and Ford...without hesitation or concern.

Having learned nothing....not caring who knows what they did...the Democrats doubled-down on their hatred, selfishness, lack of actual concern for Americans, and their Party-1st revenge-seeking crusade by declaring that once / if they get back their power and if Kavanaugh is confirmed they will Impeach Kavanaugh just as they plan to Impeach the President - with or without evidence of wrong-doing!

Dem tells Senate colleagues Kavanaugh 'coverup' will 'never last'

Kavanaugh vote live blog -- Senate Judiciary Committee weighs in on recommending nominee

If they want to make the midterms about taking down BK they will lose big time. All this will help with is rallying anti-TRUMP liberals who had no intention of voting republicans, it will not help with the undecideds or women vote.

Women, especially suburban and better educated woman, are among the ones who are most negative to Kavanaugh and the Republicans. Democrats did even better than Clinton did among suburban women in Virginia and won the Governor's race by nearly double the margin Clinton won the state.

The problem is Kavanaugh is respected and supported by never-TRUMPers like Bush. So the anti-TRUMP suburban better educated republican women might not be looking at things the way you assume. Like I have said in the past Kavanaugh is not Roy Moore, so this smear on him is easy for educated women to see. Suburban better educated women are going to think if this can happen to BK it can happen to my husband or son. Suburban better educated women are smarted enough to know the standard being set will not be only for men nominated to the SCOTUS.
Lindsay Graham is a partisan hack running for re-election. This hearing was just a speed bump for him and Republicans. Kavanaugh should be impeached for assaulting a woman. That is one area where I agree with them. The only concern Republicans have is making the world safe for white guys who already have it made.
Allegedly assaulted. You support punishing someone from hearsay?

No one is being punished. His liberties are not at stake here. This is a lifetime seat that should be filled by someone who has the highest integrity. Dr Ford was believable and she is backed up by a lie detector test while he has nothing.
You do want him punished, you said so. She was not believable. This mans career could have been ended by someone who doesn't appear to be stable and whos motives are somewhat suspect.

She was believable and she has a polygraph test to back it up. Kavanaugh has his rants. Kavanaugh is not5 going to jail so his liberties are not threatened. You and the other Trump supporters are the ones who are unstable. There is nothing out there that would question her motives. You think people live to screw Trump. They do not. Your motives are very suspect.
I haven't said the first thing about Trump. You keep ranting that. The two questions from the polygraph test that were produced an relevant did not name anyone. You truly are obtuse. How can some be believable when they lie about flying, cant remember if they drove home from vacation less than three months ago, can give a definitive yes or no answer to the question of whether she gave Feinstein permission to circulate her letter? The list goes on and on. Why don't she, hasn't she filed a report in Maryland? You ask about motives and reasons? She obviously hates Kavanaugh and his mother, Her gofundmee account has already received $473,662 . Wake up.

You are the one who needs to wake up.

Her flying has nothing to do with it. It is a red herring and that is all. It means nothing. The 2 questions that were asked were the most important. Is any part of your statement false? And, Did you make up any part of your statement? The list of irrelevant items go on. There is no evidence she hates Kavanaugh. You are the one who is being obtuse.
it must be torturing Kavanaugh that he is accused of gang rape. and that bothers me. it should bother everyone. i dont want his name to show up on computer screens and the media for the rest of his life as sex offender. i dont want that for his wife. i dont see in any way how he's guilty. dont beat yourself up anymore about this, ok, judge kavanaugh?

men and women think completely differently by the way. women tend to spin things around, and talk to friends about it. when they get advice they create situations where they read a hell of lot more into it. well meaning but overwrought friends urge women to report incidents that are not legitimate rape.
Allegedly assaulted. You support punishing someone from hearsay?

No one is being punished. His liberties are not at stake here. This is a lifetime seat that should be filled by someone who has the highest integrity. Dr Ford was believable and she is backed up by a lie detector test while he has nothing.
You do want him punished, you said so. She was not believable. This mans career could have been ended by someone who doesn't appear to be stable and whos motives are somewhat suspect.

She was believable and she has a polygraph test to back it up. Kavanaugh has his rants. Kavanaugh is not5 going to jail so his liberties are not threatened. You and the other Trump supporters are the ones who are unstable. There is nothing out there that would question her motives. You think people live to screw Trump. They do not. Your motives are very suspect.
I haven't said the first thing about Trump. You keep ranting that. The two questions from the polygraph test that were produced an relevant did not name anyone. You truly are obtuse. How can some be believable when they lie about flying, cant remember if they drove home from vacation less than three months ago, can give a definitive yes or no answer to the question of whether she gave Feinstein permission to circulate her letter? The list goes on and on. Why don't she, hasn't she filed a report in Maryland? You ask about motives and reasons? She obviously hates Kavanaugh and his mother, Her gofundmee account has already received $473,662 . Wake up.

You are the one who needs to wake up.

Her flying has nothing to do with it. It is a red herring and that is all. It means nothing. The 2 questions that were asked were the most important. Is any part of your statement false? And, Did you make up any part of your statement? The list of irrelevant items go on. There is no evidence she hates Kavanaugh. You are the one who is being obtuse.
Dream on. Some people just cant be helped. Good bye.
Democrats declared to their GOP colleagues and to the American people today that they are adding Judge Kavanaugh to the list of Americans they will Impeach / Take Down - with or without Evidence - if they win control of the House.

The very next day after Donald Trump won the Presidency Democratic Party leaders openly declared that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything President Trump and the GOP attempted to accomplish, no matter what they had to do, for Democratic party - not the country's - benefit.

They declared they were making the Impeachment of Donald Trump their top priority, with or without any evidence of criminal activity against him. Democrats have already attempted to introduce legislation / articles of Impeachment without any evidence against the President.

Today the Democrats publicly announced the would seek the Impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh - with or without evidence of criminal activity - should he be confirmed to the USSC and if they win the House.

R-Senator Lindsey Graham destroyed the Democrats, especially D-Feinstein, in a blistering rebuke that exposed how they had held onto the unsubstantiated Ford rumor letter, chose not to go to the FBI with it, sat on it, and waited until the last minute to bring it out to delay / kill Kavanaugh's confirmation to the USSC. Graham exposed how the Democrats are so desperate to get power back that they designed and carried out a despicable campaign designed to destroy every aspect of Judge Kavanaugh's life...again, just to get their political power back. In carrying out their despicable plan Democrats USED / VICTIMIXED both Kavanaugh and Ford...without hesitation or concern.

Having learned nothing....not caring who knows what they did...the Democrats doubled-down on their hatred, selfishness, lack of actual concern for Americans, and their Party-1st revenge-seeking crusade by declaring that once / if they get back their power and if Kavanaugh is confirmed they will Impeach Kavanaugh just as they plan to Impeach the President - with or without evidence of wrong-doing!

Dem tells Senate colleagues Kavanaugh 'coverup' will 'never last'

Kavanaugh vote live blog -- Senate Judiciary Committee weighs in on recommending nominee

If they want to make the midterms about taking down BK they will lose big time. All this will help with is rallying anti-TRUMP liberals who had no intention of voting republicans, it will not help with the undecideds or women vote.

Women, especially suburban and better educated woman, are among the ones who are most negative to Kavanaugh and the Republicans. Democrats did even better than Clinton did among suburban women in Virginia and won the Governor's race by nearly double the margin Clinton won the state.

The problem is Kavanaugh is respected and supported by never-TRUMPers like Bush. So the anti-TRUMP suburban better educated republican women might not be looking at things the way you assume. Like I have said in the past Kavanaugh is not Roy Moore, so this smear on him is easy for educated women to see. Suburban better educated women are going to think if this can happen to BK it can happen to my husband or son. Suburban better educated women are smarted enough to know the standard being set will not be only for men nominated to the SCOTUS.

A number of respected people have turned out not so good. The last Fox News poll showed suburban women do not believe that Kavanaugh should be elevated to the Supreme Court. The margin is 63-32. Among educated women, it is 60-34.

I think mothers should worry less about their sons getting falsely accused and more about teaching their sons not to do it and stopping it if they see it. It is a epidemic and the treatment of Dr Ford shows why so many are afraid to come out publicly.
No one is being punished. His liberties are not at stake here. This is a lifetime seat that should be filled by someone who has the highest integrity. Dr Ford was believable and she is backed up by a lie detector test while he has nothing.
You do want him punished, you said so. She was not believable. This mans career could have been ended by someone who doesn't appear to be stable and whos motives are somewhat suspect.

She was believable and she has a polygraph test to back it up. Kavanaugh has his rants. Kavanaugh is not5 going to jail so his liberties are not threatened. You and the other Trump supporters are the ones who are unstable. There is nothing out there that would question her motives. You think people live to screw Trump. They do not. Your motives are very suspect.
I haven't said the first thing about Trump. You keep ranting that. The two questions from the polygraph test that were produced an relevant did not name anyone. You truly are obtuse. How can some be believable when they lie about flying, cant remember if they drove home from vacation less than three months ago, can give a definitive yes or no answer to the question of whether she gave Feinstein permission to circulate her letter? The list goes on and on. Why don't she, hasn't she filed a report in Maryland? You ask about motives and reasons? She obviously hates Kavanaugh and his mother, Her gofundmee account has already received $473,662 . Wake up.

You are the one who needs to wake up.

Her flying has nothing to do with it. It is a red herring and that is all. It means nothing. The 2 questions that were asked were the most important. Is any part of your statement false? And, Did you make up any part of your statement? The list of irrelevant items go on. There is no evidence she hates Kavanaugh. You are the one who is being obtuse.
Dream on. Some people just cant be helped. Good bye.

You definitely cannot be helped.

Good bye and good riddance.
Democrats declared to their GOP colleagues and to the American people today that they are adding Judge Kavanaugh to the list of Americans they will Impeach / Take Down - with or without Evidence - if they win control of the House.

The very next day after Donald Trump won the Presidency Democratic Party leaders openly declared that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything President Trump and the GOP attempted to accomplish, no matter what they had to do, for Democratic party - not the country's - benefit.

They declared they were making the Impeachment of Donald Trump their top priority, with or without any evidence of criminal activity against him. Democrats have already attempted to introduce legislation / articles of Impeachment without any evidence against the President.

Today the Democrats publicly announced the would seek the Impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh - with or without evidence of criminal activity - should he be confirmed to the USSC and if they win the House.

R-Senator Lindsey Graham destroyed the Democrats, especially D-Feinstein, in a blistering rebuke that exposed how they had held onto the unsubstantiated Ford rumor letter, chose not to go to the FBI with it, sat on it, and waited until the last minute to bring it out to delay / kill Kavanaugh's confirmation to the USSC. Graham exposed how the Democrats are so desperate to get power back that they designed and carried out a despicable campaign designed to destroy every aspect of Judge Kavanaugh's life...again, just to get their political power back. In carrying out their despicable plan Democrats USED / VICTIMIXED both Kavanaugh and Ford...without hesitation or concern.

Having learned nothing....not caring who knows what they did...the Democrats doubled-down on their hatred, selfishness, lack of actual concern for Americans, and their Party-1st revenge-seeking crusade by declaring that once / if they get back their power and if Kavanaugh is confirmed they will Impeach Kavanaugh just as they plan to Impeach the President - with or without evidence of wrong-doing!

Dem tells Senate colleagues Kavanaugh 'coverup' will 'never last'

Kavanaugh vote live blog -- Senate Judiciary Committee weighs in on recommending nominee

Oh the OUTRAGE!!!!!

The party that was determined to impeach a Democratic President to get revenge for Nixon.

A party that investigated the Clintons for six years and found nothing. A party that held 7 Benghazi investigations and found nothing. In total 17 investigations of the Clintons and not a single charge.

The party that on the day Obama was inaugurated, while the country was reeling and in the middle of an the economic collapse, that agreed not to pass any legislation and to obstruct Obama’s agenda in every way possible to ensure he was a one-term President.

A party that in 2016 refused to meet with Merrill Garland and now crows about stealing that SC pick.

THAT party is now outraged that Kavenaugh is getting a hard time?
The Democrats - like they did to Cain - just accused Kavanaugh of being a SEXUAL ASSULTER and a RAPIST....without having the evidence to support such a claim. They have signaled, some even said, they would be content with Kavanaugh refusing the nomination to the USSC...and would drop everything - make it all go they did with Cain.


'Democrats care about Women / Women sexually assaulted and / or raped'?

What does it say when the Democrats parade out a line of women claiming to have been sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, and raped....only to have the Democrats declare, 'Justice has been served' when / if the GOP / Conservative drops out of the political race / withdraws his name from USSC nomination?


It gives the Democrats exactly what they want politically right before the women are abandoned....which makes it obvious that there is nothing to these accusations...or Democrats don't give a damn about women, only use them, and don't care who gives a crap knows it as long as the party gets what they want in the end.

Graham drove the point home - this was all BULLSHIT...just like with Cain.

Given the evidence, they are right in saying it. It amazes me how you automatically assume women are lying when you have not even seen the facts. The Republicans refused to launch a serious investigation into whether it happened.


Graham is BULLSHIT. Cain is BULLSHIT!!!
She was believable....

Congrats - you changed your choice of words from 'CREDIBLE' to 'BELIEVABLE', which may only be true if we are talking about ignorant, partisan, Party-1st Trump-Hating snowflakes.








So, please explain from which orifice you pulled the idea that Ford was in any way BELIEVABLE!

Let me correct my error. She was credible. You have no facts to support your opinion. Just suppositions that mean very little.

I pulled it out of my head. Maybe your orifice is the way you do business not me.

The fact is she has a statement and a polygraph to back her up. Kavanaugh has his partisan rants and a friend who refused to testify.
Democrats declared to their GOP colleagues and to the American people today that they are adding Judge Kavanaugh to the list of Americans they will Impeach / Take Down - with or without Evidence - if they win control of the House.

The very next day after Donald Trump won the Presidency Democratic Party leaders openly declared that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything President Trump and the GOP attempted to accomplish, no matter what they had to do, for Democratic party - not the country's - benefit.

They declared they were making the Impeachment of Donald Trump their top priority, with or without any evidence of criminal activity against him. Democrats have already attempted to introduce legislation / articles of Impeachment without any evidence against the President.

Today the Democrats publicly announced the would seek the Impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh - with or without evidence of criminal activity - should he be confirmed to the USSC and if they win the House.

R-Senator Lindsey Graham destroyed the Democrats, especially D-Feinstein, in a blistering rebuke that exposed how they had held onto the unsubstantiated Ford rumor letter, chose not to go to the FBI with it, sat on it, and waited until the last minute to bring it out to delay / kill Kavanaugh's confirmation to the USSC. Graham exposed how the Democrats are so desperate to get power back that they designed and carried out a despicable campaign designed to destroy every aspect of Judge Kavanaugh's life...again, just to get their political power back. In carrying out their despicable plan Democrats USED / VICTIMIXED both Kavanaugh and Ford...without hesitation or concern.

Having learned nothing....not caring who knows what they did...the Democrats doubled-down on their hatred, selfishness, lack of actual concern for Americans, and their Party-1st revenge-seeking crusade by declaring that once / if they get back their power and if Kavanaugh is confirmed they will Impeach Kavanaugh just as they plan to Impeach the President - with or without evidence of wrong-doing!

Dem tells Senate colleagues Kavanaugh 'coverup' will 'never last'

Kavanaugh vote live blog -- Senate Judiciary Committee weighs in on recommending nominee
They are simply disgusting sub humans. I have Zero respect for that corrupt party anymore.
So all you libtards are saying Kavanaugh should just shut up and take all the crap you're throwing. Just accept all the LIES, PHONY allegations, and attempts to destroy his life and family? Wrong! Kavanaugh won a lot of people over with his absolute takedown of the idiotic Dimbo senators. Ford is a liar and Kavanaugh will be confirmed. Poor dimbos. Can't take it when the target fights back can you?

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