Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

Do so called poor people have one scintilla of responsibility for being poor in this country? All the money thrown at the problem, more than for all the wars fought in the last fifty years has not really budged the needle. And govt assistance more than makes up for the " lack of a living wage" so is it possible that there is a culture that keeps people down that is cultivated by a certain party?
Let's go highbrow for a moment with a Socratic argument. Let's say we have a fifty year old single man who has a low wage job but has basically had that type of job all his life. This man is deemed needy and therefore a better off group of people are required to pay this man a stipend to help him reach the plateau of a living wage. The man receiving the stipend takes his money and spends it all on gambling, or drugs or women or some other form of entertainment. Now the man who received this money is in the same situation as he was before he received the money, so isn't he entitled to receive another stipend and if not then why did he receive the initial one in the first place?
Oh yeah, the minimum wage, raise it to ten dollars and don't make the employer or the recipient pay any taxes on it for the first year. Case closed. ( ya hear me republicans!)
Businesses brace for 'serious cuts' as city enacts highest-in-nation $15 minimum wage | Fox News

No, actually they don't.


Raising the minimum wage had no discernible effect on employment or unemployment.

As for teenage employment or unemployment, I'd fully support a graduated minimum wage like they do in Australia.

If we want wages to rise for our low skilled workers, we should stop importing millions of low skilled workers.

It's possible Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to keep the poor .. poor and unemployed.

Democrat policies/legislation = wasted lives and little opportunity, well, at least that's the way it's obviously working out.
Conservatives keep making the stupid mistake of thinking liberals believe that min wage increases are cost free. What we really believe is that the costs are worth it. And liberals are unsympathetic to all the whining and caterwauling from businesses about paying more for their labor. They've been going full bore poopy diaper about the min wage since it was first implemented. Seriously. Sooooo sick of the anti-min wage pity party.

I understand what you are saying ... And as a Conservative I can let you know that I in no way think that Liberals don't understand an increase in minimum wage is an increase in costs.
That is why I am not going to have a problem passing the cost on to you and other Liberal consumers ... So that you can better understand how business works and how costs are paid for.

The only problem Liberals have ever had is centered on their desire to spend someone else's money ... And I will be more than willing to help them spend their own money.
I am sure some businesses will suffer from a minimum wage increase ... But oh well, that's business.


And once prices go up because wages have gone up, what will be the net benifit?

There is no net benefit from passing the cost on to the consumer ... But that is hard for some people to see.
I didn't go into business because I thought someone could offer the same product ... At the same location ... With the same service ... For a better price.
I just happen to pay my employees more than minimum wage because they earn it ... They provide me with the service I require from an employee ... And I want to keep them.
I do use equipment and services from other businesses that could suffer from a minimum wage increase and adjust their prices though.

If that is the case ... I will bump up my prices as well to accommodate the increase in costs.
I have growth expectations that will be met ... And unlike the government, I can see that my growth expectation are both relative and achievable ... That is how a successful business works and why the government isn't one.

I understand what you are saying ... And as a Conservative I can let you know that I in no way think that Liberals don't understand an increase in minimum wage is an increase in costs.
That is why I am not going to have a problem passing the cost on to you and other Liberal consumers ... So that you can better understand how business works and how costs are paid for.

The only problem Liberals have ever had is centered on their desire to spend someone else's money ... And I will be more than willing to help them spend their own money.
I am sure some businesses will suffer from a minimum wage increase ... But oh well, that's business.


And once prices go up because wages have gone up, what will be the net benifit?
What do you mean by "prices"? The CPI?

Prices of what are going to go up and why?

If it costs more to produce a product or service the price of that product or service goes up. Is that what you don't understand.. it's seriously obvious.

So what "prices" go up when minimum wage is increased?

Without a doubt..

Also tax and regulate corporations, oil companies, the farmers, the insurance companies and they pass the higher costs onto the consumer. Such is life and a profit margin.
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If it costs more to produce a product or service the price of that product or service goes up. Is that what you don't understand.. it's seriously obvious.

So what "prices" go up when minimum wage is increased?

Without a doubt..

Also tax and regulate corporations, oil companies, the farmers, the insurance and they pass the higher costs onto the consumer. Such is life and a profit margin.

Without a doubt what?

What "prices" go up when minimum wage is increased?
So what "prices" go up when minimum wage is increased?

Without a doubt..

Also tax and regulate corporations, oil companies, the farmers, the insurance and they pass the higher costs onto the consumer. Such is life and a profit margin.

Without a doubt what?

What "prices" go up when minimum wage is increased?

Business is in business to make a profit. no profit = no business

The answer is YES, prices will go up when the minimum wage goes up.
Without a doubt..

Also tax and regulate corporations, oil companies, the farmers, the insurance and they pass the higher costs onto the consumer. Such is life and a profit margin.

Without a doubt what?

What "prices" go up when minimum wage is increased?

Business is in business to make a profit. no profit = no business

The answer is YES, prices will go up when the minimum wage goes up.
Prices of what?
What do you mean by "prices"? The CPI?

Whenever the PPI or WPI increases ... The CPI responds with an increase.

As I have mentioned earlier ... The MWI would most likely contribute to a PPI or WPI increases ... Which in turn would relate to a CPI type increase.
That would all result in inflation ... And is why we don't see a net benefit from a MWI.

It differs with each business or service because frequency of sale or service ... Necessity, as well as where it falls in the scope of consumer demand ... Differs with each business.
MWI has a greater prospect of influencing everything because it is an increase to the one thing that all business relies on at the base level … Labor.
Even if a business operates above a level where MWI would effect their employees … That same business still uses products and services supplied by other businesses (PPI or WPI).

The false notion is that to increase MW the Investors or Owners are going to suffer to cost.
Business owners and investors do not conduct business to provide for the cost of doing business … It is for profit.

The baker doesn't wake up in the morning and think … “I am going to open up my business today so my workers can have a place to work and the farmers can sell more wheat”.
That may sound cruel and greedy … But the employee doesn't show up for work and say … “I am working today so I can have a place to work and farmers can sell more wheat”.
One is no more greedy than the other ... And the employee is looking to make a profit on their product ... Which is Labor.

What do you mean by "prices"? The CPI?

Whenever the PPI or WPI increases ... The CPI responds with an increase.

As I have mentioned earlier ... The MWI would most likely contribute to a PPI or WPI increases ... Which in turn would relate to a CPI type increase.
That would all result in inflation ... And is why we don't see a net benefit from a MWI.

It differs with each business or service because frequency of sale or service ... Necessity, as well as where it falls in the scope of consumer demand ... Differs with each business.
MWI has a greater prospect of influencing everything because it is an increase to the one thing that all business relies on at the base level … Labor.
Even if a business operates above a level where MWI would effect their employees … That same business still uses products and services supplied by other businesses (PPI or WPI).

The false notion is that to increase MW the Investors or Owners are going to suffer to cost.
Business owners and investors do not conduct business to provide for the cost of doing business … It is for profit.

The baker doesn't wake up in the morning and think … “I am going to open up my business today so my workers can have a place to work and the farmers can sell more wheat”.
That may sound cruel and greedy … But the employee doesn't show up for work and say … “I am working today so I can have a place to work and farmers can sell more wheat”.
One is no more greedy than the other ... And the employee is looking to make a profit on their product ... Which is Labor.


What proof do you have that past increases in minimum wage have resulted in an increase in the CPI?
Hilarious- the dupes still don't know trickle down has wrecked their world...what we're missing is DEMAND from the nonrich- and that was true BEFORE the Pubs latest meltdown of 2008....
Some guys just can't learn that pissing into the wind doesn't work out well until they try it themselves.

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