Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

Prices can go up, then down, then up again, but down again. It could be 4 cents, than 5 cents, than 3 cents, than 6 cents, than 1000 dollars!

Okay ... After it was free and before it was $3.00.


What if you got it for $3 but after got it for $2.50?

If you can explain why you think it may be priced at $3 then at $2.50 ... Then you should be able to figure out the answer to all the questions you have been asking.
You are so close to stumbling across the answer to how MWI influences CPI ... And that will be a win-win all the way around.
You have the knowledge ... All you have to do is use it ... And I can only encourage you to try.

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Okay ... After it was free and before it was $3.00.


What if you got it for $3 but after got it for $2.50?

If you can explain why you think it may be priced at $3 then at $2.50 ... Then you should be able to figure out the answer to all the questions you have been asking.
You are so close to stumbling across the answer to how MWI influences CPI ... And that will be a win-win all the way around.

CPI influences MWI. Wrap your mind around that one.

Or that milk was 6 cents but then 4 cents but minimum wage still went up.
Since the 'free market' isn't helping increase living standards among most Americans, time for the state to step in and better allocate incomes. No, not everyone should earn the same amount. But the bottom need to have their wages upped, and it should be tied to inflation going forward, to keep companies's from abusing their lowest paid.

If this means that the upper income employees earn less, I'm okay with that.

You are a Socialist. I am a Capitalist. You are advocating redistribution. The Free Market increases living standards among most Americans in the absence of or reduction of the following:

1) Highest Corporate Taxes in The World
2) Government Regulations vs. Government Regulations in China, Russia, India
3) Unlimited Legal Liability

You keep talking about "allocation". How is that working out for other countries? Why should we mirror them?

Actually, it's working out really well in Japan and Western Europe.

And frankly, the standard of living has declined since Reagan had the wonderful idea that the poor rich people didn't have nearly enough.
Since the 'free market' isn't helping increase living standards among most Americans, time for the state to step in and better allocate incomes. No, not everyone should earn the same amount. But the bottom need to have their wages upped, and it should be tied to inflation going forward, to keep companies's from abusing their lowest paid.

If this means that the upper income employees earn less, I'm okay with that.

You are a Socialist. I am a Capitalist. You are advocating redistribution. The Free Market increases living standards among most Americans in the absence of or reduction of the following:

1) Highest Corporate Taxes in The World
2) Government Regulations vs. Government Regulations in China, Russia, India
3) Unlimited Legal Liability

You keep talking about "allocation". How is that working out for other countries? Why should we mirror them?

Actually, it's working out really well in Japan and Western Europe.

And frankly, the standard of living has declined since Reagan had the wonderful idea that the poor rich people didn't have nearly enough.

The more I find out about Reagan, the less I like him.
You are a Socialist. I am a Capitalist. You are advocating redistribution. The Free Market increases living standards among most Americans in the absence of or reduction of the following:

1) Highest Corporate Taxes in The World
2) Government Regulations vs. Government Regulations in China, Russia, India
3) Unlimited Legal Liability

You keep talking about "allocation". How is that working out for other countries? Why should we mirror them?

Actually, it's working out really well in Japan and Western Europe.

And frankly, the standard of living has declined since Reagan had the wonderful idea that the poor rich people didn't have nearly enough.

The more I find out about Reagan, the less I like him.

I don't think Reagan himself was a bad guy.

I think the people around him were true believers in certain theories that really turned out to be not accurate. Deregulation, supply side and a lot of other nonsense that sounds great on paper but doesn't work in the real world.
Actually, it's working out really well in Japan and Western Europe.

And frankly, the standard of living has declined since Reagan had the wonderful idea that the poor rich people didn't have nearly enough.

The more I find out about Reagan, the less I like him.

I don't think Reagan himself was a bad guy.

I think the people around him were true believers in certain theories that really turned out to be not accurate. Deregulation, supply side and a lot of other nonsense that sounds great on paper but doesn't work in the real world.

Republicans would say the same about Obama. Well - the sane ones would. He's a good man, husband, father. They just hate what he's doing at the helm.
Love it that these asshole progressives think a 30+% increase for the lowest unskilled labor will not raise prices... that it will help poverty (when other people who were more skilled and experienced making slightly more at say $9 an hour, would now make the same as the lazy and unwilling to do more... those wage earners will make more too and we will still have the same amount making the lowest wage).. and that it won't effect small business hiring (or maintaining) low wage jobs

When did I mention that woman? You did. Not I.
Do you not know when someone is eating your lunch for you?
Like i said....A flyspeck in the ocean....
Now, your next post will mention her again. And you'll expect another comeback.
And you'll keep shoving this hussy in everyone's face because you knwo she's been forgotten. Swept under the dirty rug of history. Of a forgettable, albeit very short period of time.

Have fun on your date. Take pictures.

Ahh, so you know who she is but refuse to say her name because you insist you've forgotten her. I see.

That's a sadder commentary you're reporting on your life than anything I could come up with.
Good luck. You'll need a lot of it going forward.

You have issues. Carpet chomper

When "carpet chomper" is part of your is you that has the problem. I guess you'd rather be catching than pitching.
You not only seem incapable of following a conversation you have utterly failed in english comprehension and how insurance mandated from a federal level works. You seem to need to be spoon fed your information as you are incapable of arriving to any conclusion not preconceived or spoon fed to you in advance. The entire testimony is on record, it can be read if you have the mind to comprehend it. Do I need to go line by line and explain the entire thing to you? I think that would be a waste of time since you are struggling for the basic comprehension of the testimony and are incapable of full understanding of the ramifications of the finer details of what she was asking for.

You failed to capitalize "english" there sport. Apparently proper English is a challenge for you too.

Again, a quote is where you cite someone saying something. You said that she wanted you to pay for her oral contraceptives. Yet you can't cite her saying that. So, one has to wonder why are you lying?

As you said, "The entire testimony is on record"....surely you know how to cut and paste the passage where she says taxpayer money should be used.

She was stating that employers (for her purposes as a student, her employer was Georgetown) put contraceptives on the prescription plans. This would cost taxpayers $0.00. This would cost anyone not in her pool $0.00. Those in her pool would likely see no rise in rates either since hormones are such a small segment of the pharmaceutical spectrum and are made by companies that already have standing with the hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc.

But those are facts. I don't want to confuse your shallow mind with such heavy objects as facts and evidence. Lets get back to your original lie: again boy, please cite where she asks taxpayers to pay for contraception.

You can't.
You won't.

Does that sum it up nicely?
You simply do not get the program do you.
You're the only person in the country who is clinging to this wench.
I am poking fun at you because of it.
You have a boob crush on her. That's all.
Look, you can insist all you like that which is not true.
While I go one bashing you...
For me, this is a participation sport...Sport.
So where are you two going? Movie? Gonna sit inside grab a bottle of wine and whip out your "Ellen" DVD collection, followed up with old episodes of Zena Warrior Princess?...How how about a trip to NYC to take in a New York Liberty game?
Come one drippy....I can do this all day.
Come back with something clever...
Or, you can put me on ignore.....Please!
Or you can run to the mods and complain like a second grader...
Yep. Typical lib. start shit by making accusations. When the accused fight back, you tattle.
BTW, who in their right mind would name themselves after the worst tasting most nasty product ever devised for Halloween trick or treating?...oh, that would be you....
Have a good day there, short bus.

Still no quote from Ms. Fluke...

Seems like you could come up with a quote.
Getting minimum wage out there will get Democrats to the polls in the Fall for sure. They'd be smart to get that message out there throughout the year starting now. We'll see if they can pull together and understand what it means to them really.

Not just Democrats.

The hilarious thing about the GOP is that the 47% Romney referred to actually was a reference to the red state folks who typically make far less than their blue state counterparts.

A lot of people who post here in support of the GOP didn't know that Mr. Romney was referring to them all along.

The push for the minimum wage increase (if it happens) could have cross aisle support from the rank and file.
Since nothing else has worked in stimulating the economy to any great extent; we should try raising the FMW just because it's the next tool in the box.

See what happens.

Keep throwing shit against the wall and let's see what sticks? I sure feel better knowing intellectual giants like yourself get to vote.....:thup:

Leave your sex life out if it.
Reagan grew the government as much as anyone.

Saying he didn't is denial.

The Republicans' Reagan Amnesia - The Daily Beast

:eek: What?!?


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