Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

Yeah TK...has your employer paid insurance been taken? :lol:

No, instead it went up 53% thanks to Obama's fascist care mandates. But at least as a 55 year old man, I'm eligible pre-natal care and an abortion....
He doesn't have a job so the only thing he's covered by is the first floor of the house.

Neither has mine.

If you had a job it might have...
Got a great job and am getting a promotion pretty soon. Sucks to be you.

Let me's right around the corner (along with the proof of thermite at ground zero and the real birth certificate)

Most employed people will see the largest single year increase in cost in their lifetime, this year.
But don't worry, we won't mention that fascist care is the reason for the increases....

Well with citations and proof like you've provided....

Seriously, do you expect anyone to believe you? You lost to a black man. Get over it.
Yeah TK...has your employer paid insurance been taken? :lol:

No, instead it went up 53% thanks to Obama's fascist care mandates. But at least as a 55 year old man, I'm eligible pre-natal care and an abortion....
He doesn't have a job so the only thing he's covered by is the first floor of the house.

Got a great job and am getting a promotion pretty soon. Sucks to be you.

Let me's right around the corner (along with the proof of thermite at ground zero and the real birth certificate)
Most employed people will see the largest single year increase in cost in their lifetime, this year.
But don't worry, we won't mention that fascist care is the reason for the increases....

Well with citations and proof like you've provided....

Seriously, do you expect anyone to believe you? You lost to a black man. Get over it.
And how are WE to belive anything YOU say that uses the picture of a WHORE as an avie?

Reagan was essentially a military Keynesian.


Nope, he wasn't. Even posting something like that indicates gross ignorance.

Reagan doubled federal spending and tripled the national debt. He was a Keynesian by definition.

A) None of that is true. Ive pointed it out time and again and you never learn.
B) If that's what accounted for the success of the 1980s then why hasn't Obama's economy done twice as well? Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.
Nope, he wasn't. Even posting something like that indicates gross ignorance.

Reagan doubled federal spending and tripled the national debt. He was a Keynesian by definition.

A) None of that is true. Ive pointed it out time and again and you never learn.
B) If that's what accounted for the success of the 1980s then why hasn't Obama's economy done twice as well? Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.

Sure, tell that to everyone whose manufacturing job went to Mexico.
You can point out all the BS you want about Reagan, he would never win the Republican primary today with his big government spending and illegal amnesty.
No, instead it went up 53% thanks to Obama's fascist care mandates. But at least as a 55 year old man, I'm eligible pre-natal care and an abortion....
He doesn't have a job so the only thing he's covered by is the first floor of the house.

Got a great job and am getting a promotion pretty soon. Sucks to be you.

Most employed people will see the largest single year increase in cost in their lifetime, this year.
But don't worry, we won't mention that fascist care is the reason for the increases....

Well with citations and proof like you've provided....

Seriously, do you expect anyone to believe you? You lost to a black man. Get over it.
And how are WE to belive anything YOU say that uses the picture of a WHORE as an avie?

Any woman you're afraid of is a whore? Interesting definition you have there. Conservatives have a real problem talking to women they can't intimidate.
Reagan doubled federal spending and tripled the national debt. He was a Keynesian by definition.

A) None of that is true. Ive pointed it out time and again and you never learn.
B) If that's what accounted for the success of the 1980s then why hasn't Obama's economy done twice as well? Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.

Sure, tell that to everyone whose manufacturing job went to Mexico.
You can point out all the BS you want about Reagan, he would never win the Republican primary today with his big government spending and illegal amnesty.
Reagan got rooked by the Democrats (TIP O'Neil), and that Congress...they never had any intent to honor the agreement they made with Reagan. YOU fall for the leftist spin hook, line, sinker.
He doesn't have a job so the only thing he's covered by is the first floor of the house.

Got a great job and am getting a promotion pretty soon. Sucks to be you.

Well with citations and proof like you've provided....

Seriously, do you expect anyone to believe you? You lost to a black man. Get over it.
And how are WE to belive anything YOU say that uses the picture of a WHORE as an avie?

Any woman you're afraid of is a whore? Interesting definition you have there. Conservatives have a real problem talking to women they can't intimidate.
Whom said I was afraid of her? I'm not. Just telling YOU the truth that YOU can't handle.
A) None of that is true. Ive pointed it out time and again and you never learn.
B) If that's what accounted for the success of the 1980s then why hasn't Obama's economy done twice as well? Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.

Sure, tell that to everyone whose manufacturing job went to Mexico.
You can point out all the BS you want about Reagan, he would never win the Republican primary today with his big government spending and illegal amnesty.
Reagan got rooked by the Democrats (TIP O'Neil), and that Congress...they never had any intent to honor the agreement they made with Reagan. YOU fall for the leftist spin hook, line, sinker.

Conservatives...always someone to blame other than themselves.
Oh goody! MORE vote buying as it will run more businesses out of business AND cost more jobs.

The left still doesn't get it, they never will.

The left "gets it," they just don't care. Higher minimum wage will push off-shoring and automation, putting millions out of work. BUT it could be used to buy votes for democrats. Leftists don't care how much damage they do to "the poor," they seek power and power alone. In fact, the more people out of work, the more the leftists can buy off with unemployment benefits. Putting millions more out of work may actually be one of the goals of the democrats.

its a last ditch effort by the democrats to try to win an election they know they've lost. as the article clearly states, they are hoping to back the republicans into a corner. Remember when shutting down the government was going to doom the republicans? but it turned out the tea party was right. the launch of Obamacare has lost democrats the voters they are now desperately trying to gain back. it will turn away as many voters as it could bring in
Sure, tell that to everyone whose manufacturing job went to Mexico.
You can point out all the BS you want about Reagan, he would never win the Republican primary today with his big government spending and illegal amnesty.
Reagan got rooked by the Democrats (TIP O'Neil), and that Congress...they never had any intent to honor the agreement they made with Reagan. YOU fall for the leftist spin hook, line, sinker.

Conservatives...always someone to blame other than themselves.

LMAO! Blame Bush! every post you are blaming the republicans for something
Reagan got rooked by the Democrats (TIP O'Neil), and that Congress...they never had any intent to honor the agreement they made with Reagan. YOU fall for the leftist spin hook, line, sinker.

Conservatives...always someone to blame other than themselves.

LMAO! Blame Bush! every post you are blaming the republicans for something

Where did I blame bush in the post above?
Raising the minimum wage is the right thing to do and has the added benefit for the Dems of being good politics when they've successfully cast the GOP as the party of the well-connected, big money, and the party of "no". This will fit right in line.
Bill Clinton cooked the books to make it look like he was cutting and Obama has spent more than Bush x2 and Reagan...stupid fuck.

Of course you use an avatar of a loser that needs others to pay for her birth control, because you're the same kind of scum like her.

Where did I blame bush in the post above?

liberals, always someone to blame other than themselves. LMAO!

Tell us when a Conservative took responsibility for anything; tell us the last Conservative President to leave office with a deficit smaller than when he entered?

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