Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage


I believe that it is too late for me (66) to see a reversal of the status of the USA as too many are now ill-informed and brainwashed.. The changes needed will not happen because
way too many have alienated the people who are capable of greatness through politics or business.
The evil of today pushes the wrong agenda getting the young to do there bidding through the manipulation of ,race, sexual orientation and religion.
Only evilness points to these things to distract from the real issues.

I think you got it entirely wrong.

minorities, gays, and women are in the same boat as most white males are in.

The thing that has kept the GOP strong for decades is they've managed to conflate privilage of the wealthy with privilage of the white straight male.

America was strong because we established minimum wage laws, we had strong unions, we have strong workers rights.

And for the last 30 years, starting with Reagan, the wealthy have been making war on the middle class, all the time pointing "Hey, there's a guy in a dress! We can't have that!" to distract, dare I say it, stupid people from what they were doing.
Guy, other than you usual sticking up for the 1%ers, (and look how well that turned out), what have you really added to the conversation.

Fact is, everything your side said... was wrong.

FYI it ain't the rich people being hurt by artificially low interest on savings it's the middle class and poor that are getting screwed on that one.

Not really. The Middle Class and Poor are benefitting from low interest rates on their mortgages, car loans and credit cards... which is more than the paltry amount they would have gotten on savings, if they had any.

Credit cards sorry 15-20% ain't low

And the problem is people don't save. They buy houses they can't afford, new cars every couple years pay hundreds of dollars a month for fancy cell phones and HBO and other unnecessary shit.

Don't tell me they can't save because that is utter bullshit.

In all honestly a lot of those people with homes would be better off renting and then saving their money
FYI it ain't the rich people being hurt by artificially low interest on savings it's the middle class and poor that are getting screwed on that one.

Not really. The Middle Class and Poor are benefitting from low interest rates on their mortgages, car loans and credit cards... which is more than the paltry amount they would have gotten on savings, if they had any.

Credit cards sorry 15-20% ain't low

And the problem is people don't save. They buy houses they can't afford, new cars every couple years pay hundreds of dollars a month for fancy cell phones and HBO and other unnecessary shit.

Don't tell me they can't save because that is utter bullshit.

In all honestly a lot of those people with homes would be better off renting and then saving their money

And the question becomes, who sells them those things they can't afford. Who spends millions of dollars telling them, 'You have to have this!!!"

Frankly, I sunk thousands of dollars into my 401K, and look how that turned out. The guys on Wall Street made a killing, I took a bath.

Same with houses. Yup, a lot of people bought a lot more house than they needed, because someone told them it was an "investment". You had whole TV Channels dedicated to house-flipping shows.

Here's the thing. Between the time I sold my last house and bought my current one, I rented for four years. Renting is really a sucker's bet.
Not really. The Middle Class and Poor are benefitting from low interest rates on their mortgages, car loans and credit cards... which is more than the paltry amount they would have gotten on savings, if they had any.

Credit cards sorry 15-20% ain't low

And the problem is people don't save. They buy houses they can't afford, new cars every couple years pay hundreds of dollars a month for fancy cell phones and HBO and other unnecessary shit.

Don't tell me they can't save because that is utter bullshit.

In all honestly a lot of those people with homes would be better off renting and then saving their money

And the question becomes, who sells them those things they can't afford. Who spends millions of dollars telling them, 'You have to have this!!!"

Sorry Boy, the decision to buy is not the fault of anyone but the idiot shelling out his money for shit.

Frankly, I sunk thousands of dollars into my 401K, and look how that turned out. The guys on Wall Street made a killing, I took a bath.

You didn't lose anything unless you pulled your money out. You're still working right? You haven't taken all your money out and paid the taxes and penalties have you?

As you get closer to retirement you should restructure your portfolio to avoid risk and preserve capital. if you don't do that it's your fault

Same with houses. Yup, a lot of people bought a lot more house than they needed, because someone told them it was an "investment". You had whole TV Channels dedicated to house-flipping shows.

Not only did they buy more than they should have every time the value went up they refinanced and cashed in their equity. It was no one's fault but theirs. I know a dozen people who refinanced at least 6 times in 4 or 5 years when the market was hot.

That is plain old fucking stupidity now all these idiots are upside down and are whining that it wasn't their fault. Well it is their fault and it certainly isn't the fault of some TV show.

Here's the thing. Between the time I sold my last house and bought my current one, I rented for four years. Renting is really a sucker's bet.

Say what you will but renting a small apartment and saving what you would pay for a mortgage, interest, taxes, insurance, upkeep etc etc can be much more financially sound than owning especially for couples with no kids or single people.
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He doesn't have a job so the only thing he's covered by is the first floor of the house.

What are you yapping about, retard?

Got a great job and am getting a promotion pretty soon. Sucks to be you.

I thought Taco Bell fired you when you went on strike in October?

Well with citations and proof like you've provided....

Seriously, do you expect anyone to believe you? You lost to a black man. Get over it.

You're a mindless partisan drone. You have never concerned yourself with facts - you just bleat party bullshit.

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Obamacare Oversight: The Looming Premium Rate Shock | Energy & Commerce Committee

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You've always been an utter moron, Candy - even back at AWE. You spew whatever is on the leftist hate sites like KOS - I doubt you even have a functional brain.
Credit cards sorry 15-20% ain't low

And the problem is people don't save. They buy houses they can't afford, new cars every couple years pay hundreds of dollars a month for fancy cell phones and HBO and other unnecessary shit.

Don't tell me they can't save because that is utter bullshit.

In all honestly a lot of those people with homes would be better off renting and then saving their money

I hope no one ever takes your advice.

First off, a house is the #1 method of saving. Investing in real property is generally the most sound investment a person can make. And renting is virtually never a better option than buying. A house with a 30 year fixed (only a fool enters an ARM) will have the same payment in 29 years as it does today. Rents will increase about 2% a year - in 29 years the renter will be paying 6 times the payment per month.
Credit cards sorry 15-20% ain't low

And the problem is people don't save. They buy houses they can't afford, new cars every couple years pay hundreds of dollars a month for fancy cell phones and HBO and other unnecessary shit.

Don't tell me they can't save because that is utter bullshit.

In all honestly a lot of those people with homes would be better off renting and then saving their money

I hope no one ever takes your advice.

First off, a house is the #1 method of saving. Investing in real property is generally the most sound investment a person can make. And renting is virtually never a better option than buying. A house with a 30 year fixed (only a fool enters an ARM) will have the same payment in 29 years as it does today. Rents will increase about 2% a year - in 29 years the renter will be paying 6 times the payment per month.

Any financial planner worth his salt will tell you that a house is not an asset.

A 200K mortgage at 5% will cost you a total of 387K to pay off

Add to that property taxes at for example 70% of appraised value ans a mil rate of 25.85

That's 140000*.7*.02585 = 5145/ year that will most likely increase over time.

Now add heating and cooling, upkeep, insurance, water and sewage.

Just saving the real estate taxes and homeowner insurance of say 2000 a year for 30 years at 8% will get you 887K add to that the money you save from lower heating, cooling, upkeep etc and you'll easily have over a million.

Can you say a house worth 200K today will be worth a million in 30 years? even if it was you have to consider the lost opportunity costs of the higher expenses that come along with a house.

You are only considering the mortgage payment as compared to rent.
Pretty smart move if the DEMS are willing to play the long game with it. The nation is ready for a higher FMW. The basic lie about it is that it will raise prices. Prices are rising anyway without the added benefit of additional pay for the workers so, at least, this will include that benefit.

Again, when you have a consumer based economy and wages for the consumers remain flat, you're going to have some economic problems since your engine isn't getting any fuel. At the very least, this will be fuel for the engine. I doubt the engine will go very far at the outset because a lot of the new monies will go toward debt reduction but after that, you'll see some real growth.

At the very least, this will be fuel for the engine.

Higher wages without higher production are not fuel for anything.

also, most fast food places are franchises. they aren't corporations with huge profits

I believe that it is too late for me (66) to see a reversal of the status of the USA as too many are now ill-informed and brainwashed.. The changes needed will not happen because
way too many have alienated the people who are capable of greatness through politics or business.
The evil of today pushes the wrong agenda getting the young to do there bidding through the manipulation of ,race, sexual orientation and religion.
Only evilness points to these things to distract from the real issues.

I think you got it entirely wrong.

minorities, gays, and women are in the same boat as most white males are in.

The thing that has kept the GOP strong for decades is they've managed to conflate privilage of the wealthy with privilage of the white straight male.

America was strong because we established minimum wage laws, we had strong unions, we have strong workers rights.

And for the last 30 years, starting with Reagan, the wealthy have been making war on the middle class, all the time pointing "Hey, there's a guy in a dress! We can't have that!" to distract, dare I say it, stupid people from what they were doing.

Joe please don't tell me that you too will use Race,Sex,religion ,as the puppets of the GOP only and not all politicians.--its the fact that even now you only got that part of what my comment was--what about rewards for Deeds that Unions will not allow.
What about wealth through hard work that USA has lost to other Nations.

No lets talk about being gay or white or black--or catholic or Jewish--you completely missed my point Joe and I'm surprised that you went right to the same place all the politicians go to as to divert from the real problem.
You have to start making the rich want to help everyone achieve prosperity and stop thinking you can demand it from them.

So you believe that Michael Jordan was over paid for his ability, guess Tom Brady, and Payton Manning also Right??
I have a very rich uncle who is laughing at Obama every day. He owns over 100 buildings to include Malls in the NYC and Palm Beach areas.
Yea he is well into his 80's and started with a broom in his hand. Will only now develop in foreign nations with foreign corporation's as it is easier,(and like he says the world is smaller now) les regulations, taxes and us American's go there to spend our money, the USA has not only chased good business away it has also chased vacationers aways also..Dumb Dumd.
These kind of thoughts are not American but foreign to me.
It confuses me a little that there are people who seem to imply that it is the greed of business owners that is keeping wages low, but that raising the minimum wage won't impact prices. If business owners are greedy, what makes you think they are just going to take a hit in profit to pay people more?

I'm really greedy and love money more than anything, but despite the fact that I have to pay my workers more I will keep my prices the same and just make less money. That's the greedy thing to do after all.
It confuses me a little that there are people who seem to imply that it is the greed of business owners that is keeping wages low, but that raising the minimum wage won't impact prices. If business owners are greedy, what makes you think they are just going to take a hit in profit to pay people more?

Yeah... I wouldn't look for 'reason' in a minimum wage argument. Just let that one go.
It confuses me a little that there are people who seem to imply that it is the greed of business owners that is keeping wages low, but that raising the minimum wage won't impact prices. If business owners are greedy, what makes you think they are just going to take a hit in profit to pay people more?

Yeah... I wouldn't look for 'reason' in a minimum wage argument. Just let that one go.

Why is opposition to minimum wage reasonable?
It confuses me a little that there are people who seem to imply that it is the greed of business owners that is keeping wages low, but that raising the minimum wage won't impact prices. If business owners are greedy, what makes you think they are just going to take a hit in profit to pay people more?

Yeah... I wouldn't look for 'reason' in a minimum wage argument. Just let that one go.

Why is opposition to minimum wage reasonable?

It's reasonable from the perspective of personal freedom. Government shouldn't dictate prices and wages. Those are personal decisions that government has no business interfering with.
Yeah... I wouldn't look for 'reason' in a minimum wage argument. Just let that one go.

Why is opposition to minimum wage reasonable?

It's reasonable from the perspective of personal freedom. Government shouldn't dictate prices and wages. Those are personal decisions that government has no business interfering with.
Why is absolute freedom reasonable?
It confuses me a little that there are people who seem to imply that it is the greed of business owners that is keeping wages low, but that raising the minimum wage won't impact prices. If business owners are greedy, what makes you think they are just going to take a hit in profit to pay people more?

Yeah... I wouldn't look for 'reason' in a minimum wage argument. Just let that one go.

Why is opposition to minimum wage reasonable?

Did you read my post Iceman? What makes you think a greedy business owner will just take a hit in profit to pay for the increase in minimum wage? If greed is all that is keeping the wage low, will the greed just disappear when the wage goes up?
Yeah... I wouldn't look for 'reason' in a minimum wage argument. Just let that one go.

Why is opposition to minimum wage reasonable?

Did you read my post Iceman? What makes you think a greedy business owner will just take a hit in profit to pay for the increase in minimum wage? If greed is all that is keeping the wage low, will the greed just disappear when the wage goes up?

He may or he may not take a hit. So what?

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