Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

Tell us when a Conservative took responsibility for anything; tell us the last Conservative President to leave office with a deficit smaller than when he entered?


and there you go with the blame again. typical liberal hypocrite.

I'll translate for you:

"I can't. You got me. I surrender"

honey, Obama has our national debt up to 17 trillion and he still has 3 more years of wasteful spending to go. just wait until obamacre fully kicks in and we find out how much more that planned.
Reagan doubled federal spending and tripled the national debt. He was a Keynesian by definition.

A) None of that is true. Ive pointed it out time and again and you never learn.
B) If that's what accounted for the success of the 1980s then why hasn't Obama's economy done twice as well? Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.

Sure, tell that to everyone whose manufacturing job went to Mexico.
You can point out all the BS you want about Reagan, he would never win the Republican primary today with his big government spending and illegal amnesty.

What does outsourcing have to do with anything at all? In 2007 the UE rate was about 5% and workforce participation was much higher than today. All those jobs didnt get outsourced to Mexico in 2 years.
You aren't able to think deeply with knowledge on much of any subject, are you?
Tell us when a Conservative took responsibility for anything; tell us the last Conservative President to leave office with a deficit smaller than when he entered?


Who do you think was the last Conservative President?

Tell us when a Conservative took responsibility for anything; tell us the last Conservative President to leave office with a deficit smaller than when he entered?


Who do you think was the last Conservative President?


Thats my point; we've had a lot of socially conservatives but few fiscally conservatives. Which is why the cartoonish notion that is floated here 100 times a day that we need someone who will run the nation like a Wal*Mart is so crazy.

Maybe I should have asked, "Who was the last Republican President to leave office with a deficit smaller than when he entered?" It's okay, nobody will answer it either.
Tell us when a Conservative took responsibility for anything; tell us the last Conservative President to leave office with a deficit smaller than when he entered?


Who do you think was the last Conservative President?


Thats my point; we've had a lot of socially conservatives but few fiscally conservatives. Which is why the cartoonish notion that is floated here 100 times a day that we need someone who will run the nation like a Wal*Mart is so crazy.

Maybe I should have asked, "Who was the last Republican President to leave office with a deficit smaller than when he entered?" It's okay, nobody will answer it either.

Couldn't agree more with the bolded portion. The last thing we want is government run like a business. We have too much of that already.
Who do you think was the last Conservative President?


Thats my point; we've had a lot of socially conservatives but few fiscally conservatives. Which is why the cartoonish notion that is floated here 100 times a day that we need someone who will run the nation like a Wal*Mart is so crazy.

Maybe I should have asked, "Who was the last Republican President to leave office with a deficit smaller than when he entered?" It's okay, nobody will answer it either.

Couldn't agree more with the bolded portion. The last thing we want is government run like a business. We have too much of that already.
HA....The problems with government spending all point to one issue.
That instead of operating within the confines of a budget, it operates as though the supply of money is infinite.
Nope, he wasn't. Even posting something like that indicates gross ignorance.

Reagan doubled federal spending and tripled the national debt. He was a Keynesian by definition.

A) None of that is true. Ive pointed it out time and again and you never learn.
B) If that's what accounted for the success of the 1980s then why hasn't Obama's economy done twice as well? Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.

A) show me the numbers that prove it isn't true. Federal spending was less than a trillion a year when Reagan took office and it was 2 trillion a year when he left. He found a federal budget of 900 billion and left one of 3 trillion.

B) The 1980's economy wasn't successful. It was the begining of the long decline of the middle class. More to the point, the real problem with the Obama economy is that the Austerity crowd insisted on cutting government spending. We do have huge deficits because REVENUES dropped.

In short, we have never gotten out of a recession without a flurry of spending and wealth redistribution. The problem with this recession is we actually listened to you idiots.
Recessions wouldn't be so bad if the government didn't manipulate interest rates and inflation wouldn't be so bad if the government didn't print money like there is no tomorrow

Even now the fed is holding interest rates at arbitrarily low levels why? So Obama can show a booming stock market and say he's fixed the economy.

The only reason that's happening is because people are being forced into the market because interest rates on savings are about 1% and what's happening is that people are borrowing to throw money into the market and why not it only costs a few percent to borrow and the market is artificially high right now.

It's a castle built on sand and it's the government's fault.

Recessions wouldn't be so bad if the government didn't manipulate interest rates and inflation wouldn't be so bad if the government didn't print money like there is no tomorrow

Even now the fed is holding interest rates at arbitrarily low levels why? So Obama can show a booming stock market and say he's fixed the economy.

The only reason that's happening is because people are being forced into the market because interest rates on savings are about 1% and what's happening is that people are borrowing to throw money into the market and why not it only costs a few percent to borrow and the market is artificially high right now.

It's a castle built on sand and it's the government's fault.


Guy, you have a comic book understanding of economics...

Maybe some day when you grow up and get into the real world. Some day, little Billly....
Recessions wouldn't be so bad if the government didn't manipulate interest rates and inflation wouldn't be so bad if the government didn't print money like there is no tomorrow

Even now the fed is holding interest rates at arbitrarily low levels why? So Obama can show a booming stock market and say he's fixed the economy.

The only reason that's happening is because people are being forced into the market because interest rates on savings are about 1% and what's happening is that people are borrowing to throw money into the market and why not it only costs a few percent to borrow and the market is artificially high right now.

It's a castle built on sand and it's the government's fault.


Guy, you have a comic book understanding of economics...

Maybe some day when you grow up and get into the real world. Some day, little Billly....

Holy crap, of all people to say that. I had to read it a couple of times to confirm that I was seeing what I was seeing.


Recessions wouldn't be so bad if the government didn't manipulate interest rates and inflation wouldn't be so bad if the government didn't print money like there is no tomorrow

Even now the fed is holding interest rates at arbitrarily low levels why? So Obama can show a booming stock market and say he's fixed the economy.

The only reason that's happening is because people are being forced into the market because interest rates on savings are about 1% and what's happening is that people are borrowing to throw money into the market and why not it only costs a few percent to borrow and the market is artificially high right now.

It's a castle built on sand and it's the government's fault.


Guy, you have a comic book understanding of economics...

Maybe some day when you grow up and get into the real world. Some day, little Billly....

Holy crap, of all people to say that. I had to read it a couple of times to confirm that I was seeing what I was seeing.



Guy, other than you usual sticking up for the 1%ers, (and look how well that turned out), what have you really added to the conversation.

Fact is, everything your side said... was wrong.

Guy, you have a comic book understanding of economics...

Maybe some day when you grow up and get into the real world. Some day, little Billly....

Holy crap, of all people to say that. I had to read it a couple of times to confirm that I was seeing what I was seeing.



Guy, other than you usual sticking up for the 1%ers, (and look how well that turned out), what have you really added to the conversation.

Fact is, everything your side said... was wrong.

Joe, you once again try to lump me in with people with whom I disagree on several points.

I know it's all you have, but jeez.

Well, I'll look at the bright side: At least you didn't find a way to call me a racist!


Holy crap, of all people to say that. I had to read it a couple of times to confirm that I was seeing what I was seeing.



Guy, other than you usual sticking up for the 1%ers, (and look how well that turned out), what have you really added to the conversation.

Fact is, everything your side said... was wrong.

Joe, you once again try to lump me in with people with whom I disagree on several points.

I know it's all you have, but jeez.

Well, I'll look at the bright side: At least you didn't find a way to call me a racist!



Why, you whine about "political correctness", usually the last refuge of... racists.
Guy, other than you usual sticking up for the 1%ers, (and look how well that turned out), what have you really added to the conversation.

Fact is, everything your side said... was wrong.

Joe, you once again try to lump me in with people with whom I disagree on several points.

I know it's all you have, but jeez.

Well, I'll look at the bright side: At least you didn't find a way to call me a racist!



Why, you whine about "political correctness", usually the last refuge of... racists.

Joe provides yet another beautiful, vivid example of PC.

When told (yet again) that he has misrepresented my position, he diverts to the standard "you're just a racist" routine. He could have addressed my first point, but chose not to because he knew that he had nowhere to go. He was (yet again) caught in a lie and just didn't want to deal with it.

This is why it's essentially impossible to have an honest conversation with him and those like him.

I know you don't/won't see this, Joe, but thanks. Again.


Guy, you have a comic book understanding of economics...

Maybe some day when you grow up and get into the real world. Some day, little Billly....

Holy crap, of all people to say that. I had to read it a couple of times to confirm that I was seeing what I was seeing.



Guy, other than you usual sticking up for the 1%ers, (and look how well that turned out), what have you really added to the conversation.

Fact is, everything your side said... was wrong.

FYI it ain't the rich people being hurt by artificially low interest on savings it's the middle class and poor that are getting screwed on that one.
Joe, you once again try to lump me in with people with whom I disagree on several points.

I know it's all you have, but jeez.

Well, I'll look at the bright side: At least you didn't find a way to call me a racist!



Why, you whine about "political correctness", usually the last refuge of... racists.

Joe provides yet another beautiful, vivid example of PC.

When told (yet again) that he has misrepresented my position, he diverts to the standard "you're just a racist" routine. He could have addressed my first point, but chose not to because he knew that he had nowhere to go. He was (yet again) caught in a lie and just didn't want to deal with it.

This is why it's essentially impossible to have an honest conversation with him and those like him.

I know you don't/won't see this, Joe, but thanks. Again.


I don't see it because it's bullshit.

I don't know what your position is and I really don't care, because mostly, you are all over the map on what you believe and frankly, I'm tired of keeping score.

But I do find the whining about political correctness hilarious, because I have yet to hear you tell me exactly what point you were trying to make that "political correctness" is keeping you from making.
Holy crap, of all people to say that. I had to read it a couple of times to confirm that I was seeing what I was seeing.



Guy, other than you usual sticking up for the 1%ers, (and look how well that turned out), what have you really added to the conversation.

Fact is, everything your side said... was wrong.

FYI it ain't the rich people being hurt by artificially low interest on savings it's the middle class and poor that are getting screwed on that one.

Not really. The Middle Class and Poor are benefitting from low interest rates on their mortgages, car loans and credit cards... which is more than the paltry amount they would have gotten on savings, if they had any.
I don't know what your position is and I really don't care, because mostly, you are all over the map on what you believe and frankly, I'm tired of keeping score.

Yet that doesn't stop you from making dishonest, simplistic assumptions.

Most people don't share the binary, black & white, us vs. them view of the world held by partisan ideologues, Joe. You folks are part of the problem. A big part.

I don't know what your position is and I really don't care, because mostly, you are all over the map on what you believe and frankly, I'm tired of keeping score.

Yet that doesn't stop you from making dishonest, simplistic assumptions.

Most people don't share the binary, black & white, us vs. them view of the world held by partisan ideologues, Joe. You folks are part of the problem. A big part.


I'm not sure who "most people" are.

Most people are simplistic idiots who enjoy reality TV.

That said, before the election, you were one of the more reasonable people to talk to.

After the election, not so much. Not sure why, and don't really care.

Do I have an "us vs. them" attitude. Um. Yeah. Probably comes from having to deal with people who have either screwed me over or try to screw me over. Otherwise, I'm a live and let live kind of guy.

If the folks on Wall Street had manned up and said, 'We screwed this up, this is what we are going to do to make it right!" I'd respect that.

Instead, they are just finding new ways to screw working folks over - DON'T YOU DARE ASK FOR A RISE IN THE MIMIMUM WAGE!!!- and you'd damned well better let them have their bonuses out of that bailout money.
I submit that this country became the strongest and wealthiest nation in the history of the world because rewards came based on your ability, hard work and deeds.

As the less capable through manipulation of politics and dogooders ideals obtained more under the rational that you are under privileged and need help.
This became the law of the land and our country fell into spiraling underclass status bordering on being a 3rd world nation.

So what is the way back--plenty like it just the way it is.The ill informed(young college kids mostly) are meant to believe raising minimum wage will do so much good. This is not the belief of the wise but a con job of the manipulators who want to keep you down.

When did anyone earning minimum wage help society prosper---no no no this is not based on deeds.
Imagine if you will telling Derrick Jeter getting paid the same as all other baseball players. Or even someone like Michael Jordan. There never would have been greatness.

Greatness makes for wealth and greatness is now only in sports and Hollywood not in politics or business, has not been for over 50 years.
The politicians and business people who everyone thinks is great are nothing but a bunch of phony figure heads for behind the scene manipulators.

I believe that it is too late for me (66) to see a reversal of the status of the USA as too many are now ill-informed and brainwashed.. The changes needed will not happen because
way too many have alienated the people who are capable of greatness through politics or business. They have washed there hands of dealing with the phony doogooders and are sitting this fight out.
The evil of today pushes the wrong agenda getting the young to do there bidding through the manipulation of ,race, sexual orientation and religion.
Only evilness points to these things to distract from the real issues.
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