Dems, don't let Repubs bamboozle you, America IS a democracy.

That's rich, why, such anemia inflicted animus is a true wonder of prosaic prose!

And you are, what, God's intellectual gift to us mere mortals?

Well, let's take a look at another pearl of so-called wisdom you had the unfortunate moment of dysfunction to spew on USMB,

"The deep state is going after Trump to warn all of the rest of us. The time is fast approaching when there is no longer law and order. That is a time you should fear, but you don't. Because you are a moron."

Brilliant westwall, utterly spasmodic in it's depth and mental midgetry!

My dear intrepid interlocutor, your declaration reeks of ignorance and paranoia. The notion of a so-called "deep state" conspiring against a democratically elected leader is a tired and baseless trope used by those who lack the intellectual depth to comprehend the complexities of government.

Your insinuation that the "deep state" is warning the rest of us is nothing but fear-mongering and a desperate attempt to cling onto a crumbling ideology. The fact that you cannot see the danger in such rhetoric only serves to highlight your own inadequacies.

Your prediction of a world without law and order is not only unfounded, but it also reveals your lack of faith in the institutions that uphold our society. Instead of engaging in paranoid fantasies, why not put your energy into working towards a better future for all?

In conclusion, my dear opponent, your lack of intellectual prowess is a source of great amusement to me. Your baseless accusations and fear-mongering serve only to demonstrate your own shortcomings. Perhaps it is time for you to retire to the safety of your echo chamber, and leave the real debates to those with the intelligence and integrity to engage in them

So, I dub thee honoree and winner of the Blistering, Blathering, Blustering, Bloviating Blowhard award!

You are the Master Bloviator blowing harder than the rest us mortals, an inescapable truth!


Crack open a bottle of cheap tokay, it's time to celebrate!

Your wall of drivel proves my point exactly. Instead of countering my concise judgement, you reinforce it with a calculated, carefully researched, veritable blizzard of inane statements.

None of them yours.
Your wall of drivel proves my point exactly. Instead of countering my concise judgement, you reinforce it with a calculated, carefully researched, veritable blizzard of inane statements.

None of them yours.
And you know this, how? Your mendacious mediocrity is astounding. If you think I plagiarized, I challenge you to find the alleged source I stole it from. Hah! Checkmate my delirious dangling dandelion amongst the sunflowers.

Congratulations, you've earned it!

And you know this, how? Your mendacious mediocrity is astounding. If you think I plagiarized, I challenge you to find the alleged source I stole it from. Hah! Checkmate my delirious dangling dandelion amongst the sunflowers.

Congratulations, you've earned it!

View attachment 774460

Your posts remind me of the "Upperclass Twit of the Year" competitions.
Your posts remind me of the "Upperclass Twit of the Year" competitions.

Oh, I'm sure I remind you of a lot, let it fill that mindless empty chamber you pretend is a brain.

But, you failed my challenge, where was the source I plagiarized?

Hah, you can't find it because it doesn't exist. Now you truly know what you are up against.

And that scares you like a wily weasel.

Go sit in your inner void and meditate on the following:

One day I'll match Rumpole's wit, but, as a mendacious mediocrity mired in mental midgetry, I don't have a chance.

Now go pester someone else, you bore me.
Oh, I'm sure I remind you of a lot, let it fill that mindless empty chamber you pretend is a brain.

But, you failed my challenge, where was the source I plagiarized?

Hah, you can't find it because it doesn't exist. Now you truly know what you are up against.

And that scares you like a wily weasel.

Go sit in your inner void and meditate on the following:

One day I'll match Rumpole's wit, but, as a mendacious mediocrity mired in mental midgetry, I don't have a chance.

Now go pester someone else, you bore me.

Your style of prose is what I referenced, not the specific word salad you threw together.

Jasper Ford, Douglas Adams, a dose of Peter Cook. All brilliant authors, and you copy their style.

You have good taste, just no original style of your own.
Your style of prose is what I referenced, not the specific word salad you threw together.

Jasper Ford, Douglas Adams, a dose of Peter Cook. All brilliant authors, and you copy their style.

You have good taste, just no original style of your own.

I write as the words emanate my soul. I did not 'carefully research' as you alluded.

Similarities of style are abound in art.

Do we discount Oscar Peterson because he is similar to Art Tatum?

Do we discount Braque because he is similar to Feininger?

Do we discount Teleman because he's similar to Handel?

Do we discount Anais Nin, who would probably not be famous but for her association with Henry Miller?

Though I make no claim to be in league with these esteemed persons.....

Your point suffers.

PS, though I must say, Anais Nin was a published writer in her own right, but Miller did expose her to a wider audience.

PPS, and why should 'style' be more important than the meaning?

It doesn't, our styles do not matter. You don't matter, I don't matter, all that matters is the argument, the subject under discussion.

That's it. this is not an art forum, so to get bogged down on anything but the argument is a waste of time.

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I write as the words emanate my soul. I did not 'carefully research' as you alluded.

Similarities of style are abound in art.

Do we discount Oscar Peterson because he is similar to Art Tatum?

Do we discount Braque because he is similar to Feininger?

Do we discount Teleman because he's similar to Handel?

Do we discount Anais Nin, who would probably not be famous but for her association with Henry Miller?

Though I make no claim to be in league with these esteemed persons.....

Your point suffers.

PS, though I must say, Anais Nin was a published writer in her own right, but Miller did expose her to a wider audience.

PPS, and why should 'style' be more important than the meaning?

It doesn't, our styles do not matter. You don't matter, I don't matter, all that matters is the argument, the subject under discussion.

That's it. this is not an art forum, so to get bogged down on anything but the argument is a waste of time.


"Art"..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
"Art"..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Mockery, and the emojis you've selected are feeble attempts at posturing.

Posturing is not an argument.

I've been waiting for some time, patiently, to learn precisely what your argument, or counter argument is, to the OP.

Yet all you've done is attack me personally for which I chose to respond in kind. Perhaps I should have ignored you entirely, that would be the advice of my friends, but I tend to respond when even I shouldn't.

Now, are you bound and determined to be this quintessential mediocrity, or would you, for once, care to offer something of substance?

My guess is your next comment will one of the following:

1. An attack on me personally.
2. Pettifogging the subject in the OP
3. Or a cop out.

I doubt you will offer anything in the way of a counter argument, or something to move the debate forward.

We shall see.

Mockery, and the emojis you've selected are feeble attempts at posturing.

Posturing is not an argument.

I've been waiting for some time, patiently, to learn precisely what your argument, or counter argument is, to the OP.

Yet all you've done is attack me personally for which I chose to respond in kind. Perhaps I should have ignored you entirely, that would be the advice of my friends, but I tend to respond when even I shouldn't.

Now, are you bound and determined to be this quintessential mediocrity, or would you, for once, care to offer something of substance?

My guess is your next comment will one of the following:

1. An attack on me personally.
2. Pettifogging the subject in the OP
3. Or a cop out.

I doubt you will offer anything in the way of a counter argument, or something to move the debate forward.

We shall see.


Mockery is the absolute best way to deal with delusional people.

Such as yourself.
Mockery is the absolute best way to deal with delusional people.

Such as yourself.

Which is Item #3 on my list.

Congratulations, you have provided a text book example of a cop out.

And I'll file the rest in the "assorted soporific & sophomoric retorts', file.

The truth, you are a mediocrity, and like a child with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar, you cannot help ourself, you cannot help being anything more than a mediocrity. You, like a sea slug being asked to imagine the world of the flying fish, cannot fathom anything beyond your intellectual station. Oh, you can sense it, but you can't be or do it.

1. Your insults are cheap, lacking creativity. If they were creative, we could have fun, but you are an excruciating bore.
2. Your retorts are lazy.
3. You've not offered anything, ever, to move the debate forward.

So far, you've not me proven wrong, on any level, on any point, not even a compelling path of reasoning regarding the OP.

Zilch, nada, as in nada damn thing.

Oh why do I even bother replying to your 'vacuous' charges?

As to the famous line by Bill Buckley commenting on his reading of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" he said:

"I had to flog myself to read it".

I can relate, Bill, I can relate.
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Which is Item #3 on my list.

Congratulations, you have provided a text book example of a cop out.

And I'll file the rest in the "assorted soporific & sophomoric retorts', file.

The truth, you are a mediocrity, and like a child with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar, you cannot help ourself, you cannot help being anything more than a mediocrity. You, like a sea slug being asked to imagine the world of the flying fish, cannot fathom anything beyond your intellectual station. Oh, you can sense it, but you can't be or do it.

1. Your insults are cheap, lacking creativity. If they were creative, we could have fun, but you are an excruciating bore.
2. Your retorts are lazy.
3. You've not offered anything, ever, to move the debate forward.

So far, you've not me proven wrong, on any level, on any point, not even a compelling path of reasoning regarding the OP.

Zilch, nada, as in nada damn thing.

Oh why do I even bother replying to your 'vacuous' charges?

As to the famous line by Bill Buckley commenting on his reading of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" he said:

"I had to flog myself to read it".

I can relate, Bill, I can relate.

Congratulations, you have uttered yet another word salad that could just as easily been accomplished by a couple of sentences.

Remember dear child, "brevity is the soul of wit".
Congratulations, you have uttered yet another word salad that could just as easily been accomplished by a couple of sentences.

Remember dear child, "brevity is the soul of wit".

Ah yes, that stupendous commodity, wit. Wit is good, one liners are good, if you are trying to be


And here's one from the philosophical funny man himself, Voltaire:

"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire

My word, if anyone should know about the soul of wit, it would be Voltaire.

So I'll remember your little aphorism that the next time I crack open the Federalist Papers, or Wealth Of Nations, which is to say, serious works.

Humbly tendered,
Ah yes, that stupendous commodity, wit. Wit is good, one liners are good, if you are trying to be


And here's one from the philosophical funny man himself, Voltaire:

"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire

My word, if anyone should know about the soul of wit, it would be Voltaire.

So I'll remember your little aphorism that the next time I crack open the Federalist Papers, or Wealth Of Nations, which is to say, serious works.

Humbly tendered,

"Humor is mankind's greatest blessing"-Mark Twain
Oh, I'm sure I remind you of a lot, let it fill that mindless empty chamber you pretend is a brain.

But, you failed my challenge, where was the source I plagiarized?

Hah, you can't find it because it doesn't exist. Now you truly know what you are up against.

And that scares you like a wily weasel.

Go sit in your inner void and meditate on the following:

One day I'll match Rumpole's wit, but, as a mendacious mediocrity mired in mental midgetry, I don't have a chance.

Now go pester someone else, you bore me.
sounds like someones hemmorhoids are really inflamed more fiber and less liquor
"Humor is mankind's greatest blessing"-Mark Twain

When I want to laugh, I'll look for some comedians, witty repartee and one liners.
When I want to learn, I'll read serious material that contains more than one liners.

You're not making sense.
When I want to laugh, I'll look for some comedians, witty repartee and one liners.
When I want to learn, I'll read serious material that contains more than one liners.

You're not making sense.

Then you have never read Mark Twain.
hey stupid fuck langley shill,even RFK jr has said he wants no part of the demonrat party because it is not the party he remembers he was once proud of as well its well documented that tens of thousands around the country that were dems for decades have abondoned the party because of how they have become a bunch of communists encouraging men to be in womens sports and to dress up as women.

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