Dems got beat by a game show host with bad hair in 2016…could they lose to an incarcerated felon this time?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Could you imagine…Are they that bad?
Keep an eye on the polls….watch this give Trump a boost. America isn’t buying the bullshit dems are selling.
Could you imagine…Are they that bad?
Keep an eye on the polls….watch this give Trump a boost. America isn’t buying the bullshit dems are selling.
The liblight party might be getting more than 3 percent. You think? 🤭
The liblight party might be getting more than 3 percent. You think? 🤭
hahaha….perhaps…but doubtful.
Ya’ll can’t run faggots. You have 340 million people to choose from and you run a faggot…WTF?
hahaha….perhaps…but doubtful.
Ya’ll can’t run faggots. You have 340 million people to choose from and you run a faggot…WTF?
A couple corrections.
First there are 340m people but you have some that can't run. You also have tens of millions upon tens of millions that disdain liberty.
Second, I'm not a libertarian. That party is a joke. I said that in the other thread
Anything is possible, especially with a strong third party candidate in the picture.
Should I listen to purple hairs in cyberspace instead?
I dunno, you clueless dipshit, should you? I surmise 90% of the demographic in question you constantly rail upon is a part of some college aged youth segment you detest. So, exactly who the fuck are you talking about?? :dunno: I work for a living, have never protested, and still believe you're toxic scum. Address my demographic, or get bent.

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