Dems have no leader for 2020


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
It's pretty sad the Dems can't even field a leader now that Clinton has gone down in flames.

On the question of who should be a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, Sanders led the field, at 14 percent, followed by former first lady Michelle Obama at 11 percent, Warren at 9 percent, Clinton at 8 percent, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo each at 4 percent, and television personality Oprah Winfrey and Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) each at 3 percent.

For Democrats, no clear leader


There current "leader" is a total train wreck. Pelosi is 76 years old now and looks like worse than Hillary ever did.
"But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Lizzy "Cheekbones" Warren is near the top of the field:

"And my Aunt Bea has walked by that picture at least a 1,000 times remarked that he - her father, my Papaw -- had high cheek bones like all of the Indians do."
"Being Native American has been part of my story, I guess, since the day I was born," Warren continued.
Warren explains minority listing, talks of grandfather's "high cheekbones"

Bernie isn't even a Democrat. He's just a crazy independent socialist/communist:

Who else are these losers going to get? Mark Cuban? A billionaire elite to take down a billionaire elite which the left claims to hate?

Then there is Michelle Obama, who has never had a real job, unless you count high paying do nothing administration jobs she got hooked up with thanks to being the wife of a Democrat politician in Chicagoland.

I don't know why they don't go with the person that truly represents Democrats the most: Maxine Waters.
“Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”
I just watched-the Republicans were out there-they were having a great time. They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior. I really did.”
“We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”


Top 10 Outrageous Maxine Waters Quotes | Human Events

I won't be surprised if they try to push the Muslim, Keith Ellison. That outta win over the rust belt.

It's pretty sad the Dems can't even field a leader now that Clinton has gone down in flames.

On the question of who should be a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, Sanders led the field, at 14 percent, followed by former first lady Michelle Obama at 11 percent, Warren at 9 percent, Clinton at 8 percent, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo each at 4 percent, and television personality Oprah Winfrey and Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) each at 3 percent.

For Democrats, no clear leader


There current "leader" is a total train wreck. Pelosi is 76 years old now and looks like worse than Hillary ever did.
"But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Lizzy "Cheekbones" Warren is near the top of the field:

"And my Aunt Bea has walked by that picture at least a 1,000 times remarked that he - her father, my Papaw -- had high cheek bones like all of the Indians do."
"Being Native American has been part of my story, I guess, since the day I was born," Warren continued.
Warren explains minority listing, talks of grandfather's "high cheekbones"

Bernie isn't even a Democrat. He's just a crazy independent socialist/communist:

Who else are these losers going to get? Mark Cuban? A billionaire elite to take down a billionaire elite which the left claims to hate?

Then there is Michelle Obama, who has never had a real job, unless you count high paying do nothing administration jobs she got hooked up with thanks to being the wife of a Democrat politician in Chicagoland.

I don't know why they don't go with the person that truly represents Democrats the most: Maxine Waters.
“Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”
I just watched-the Republicans were out there-they were having a great time. They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior. I really did.”
“We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”


Top 10 Outrageous Maxine Waters Quotes | Human Events

I won't be surprised if they try to push the Muslim, Keith Ellison. That outta win over the rust belt.

Right now I'm pretty sure they feel their biggest asset is Trump.

After that, we'll probably see a few people emerge after the mid-terms. And most likely, there will be a list of candidates that rivals the GOP's 2016 group in length.
It's pretty sad the Dems can't even field a leader now that Clinton has gone down in flames.

On the question of who should be a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, Sanders led the field, at 14 percent, followed by former first lady Michelle Obama at 11 percent, Warren at 9 percent, Clinton at 8 percent, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo each at 4 percent, and television personality Oprah Winfrey and Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) each at 3 percent.

For Democrats, no clear leader


There current "leader" is a total train wreck. Pelosi is 76 years old now and looks like worse than Hillary ever did.
"But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Lizzy "Cheekbones" Warren is near the top of the field:

"And my Aunt Bea has walked by that picture at least a 1,000 times remarked that he - her father, my Papaw -- had high cheek bones like all of the Indians do."
"Being Native American has been part of my story, I guess, since the day I was born," Warren continued.
Warren explains minority listing, talks of grandfather's "high cheekbones"

Bernie isn't even a Democrat. He's just a crazy independent socialist/communist:

Who else are these losers going to get? Mark Cuban? A billionaire elite to take down a billionaire elite which the left claims to hate?

Then there is Michelle Obama, who has never had a real job, unless you count high paying do nothing administration jobs she got hooked up with thanks to being the wife of a Democrat politician in Chicagoland.

I don't know why they don't go with the person that truly represents Democrats the most: Maxine Waters.
“Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”
I just watched-the Republicans were out there-they were having a great time. They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior. I really did.”
“We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”


Top 10 Outrageous Maxine Waters Quotes | Human Events

I won't be surprised if they try to push the Muslim, Keith Ellison. That outta win over the rust belt.

Right now I'm pretty sure they feel their biggest asset is Trump.

After that, we'll probably see a few people emerge after the mid-terms. And most likely, there will be a list of candidates that rivals the GOP's 2016 group in length.

Trump will pummel whatever sap they come up with.

The Democrats are the party of BLM, Islamists, communists, criminals, illegal aliens, trannies, and just about any other type of deviant you can think of.
If Trump implodes by 2020, do they need one?

Meanwhile....Biden, Warren, Corey Booker are chomping at the bit to have a shot at Trump in 2020
So are Republicans Cruz, Rubio, Kasich
It's pretty sad the Dems can't even field a leader now that Clinton has gone down in flames.

On the question of who should be a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, Sanders led the field, at 14 percent, followed by former first lady Michelle Obama at 11 percent, Warren at 9 percent, Clinton at 8 percent, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo each at 4 percent, and television personality Oprah Winfrey and Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) each at 3 percent.

For Democrats, no clear leader


There current "leader" is a total train wreck. Pelosi is 76 years old now and looks like worse than Hillary ever did.
"But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Lizzy "Cheekbones" Warren is near the top of the field:

"And my Aunt Bea has walked by that picture at least a 1,000 times remarked that he - her father, my Papaw -- had high cheek bones like all of the Indians do."
"Being Native American has been part of my story, I guess, since the day I was born," Warren continued.
Warren explains minority listing, talks of grandfather's "high cheekbones"

Bernie isn't even a Democrat. He's just a crazy independent socialist/communist:

Who else are these losers going to get? Mark Cuban? A billionaire elite to take down a billionaire elite which the left claims to hate?

Then there is Michelle Obama, who has never had a real job, unless you count high paying do nothing administration jobs she got hooked up with thanks to being the wife of a Democrat politician in Chicagoland.

I don't know why they don't go with the person that truly represents Democrats the most: Maxine Waters.
“Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”
I just watched-the Republicans were out there-they were having a great time. They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior. I really did.”
“We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”


Top 10 Outrageous Maxine Waters Quotes | Human Events

I won't be surprised if they try to push the Muslim, Keith Ellison. That outta win over the rust belt.


Did you notice that it's 2017?
If Trump implodes by 2020, do they need one?

Meanwhile....Biden, Warren, Corey Booker are chomping at the bit to have a shot at Trump in 2020
So are Republicans Cruz, Rubio, Kasich

Why not Maxine Waters? She is by far the best representation of the Democrat base, at least in terms of IQ.
One will come out, did you notice no Republican was the front runner of the GOP party either.

Now with the 2018 election we will have a balanced congress and after 4 years of Trump, BELIEVE me, every Dem. will be voting, lines not seen since 2008.
It's pretty sad the Dems can't even field a leader now that Clinton has gone down in flames.

On the question of who should be a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, Sanders led the field, at 14 percent, followed by former first lady Michelle Obama at 11 percent, Warren at 9 percent, Clinton at 8 percent, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo each at 4 percent, and television personality Oprah Winfrey and Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) each at 3 percent.

For Democrats, no clear leader


There current "leader" is a total train wreck. Pelosi is 76 years old now and looks like worse than Hillary ever did.
"But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Lizzy "Cheekbones" Warren is near the top of the field:

"And my Aunt Bea has walked by that picture at least a 1,000 times remarked that he - her father, my Papaw -- had high cheek bones like all of the Indians do."
"Being Native American has been part of my story, I guess, since the day I was born," Warren continued.
Warren explains minority listing, talks of grandfather's "high cheekbones"

Bernie isn't even a Democrat. He's just a crazy independent socialist/communist:

Who else are these losers going to get? Mark Cuban? A billionaire elite to take down a billionaire elite which the left claims to hate?

Then there is Michelle Obama, who has never had a real job, unless you count high paying do nothing administration jobs she got hooked up with thanks to being the wife of a Democrat politician in Chicagoland.

I don't know why they don't go with the person that truly represents Democrats the most: Maxine Waters.
“Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”
I just watched-the Republicans were out there-they were having a great time. They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior. I really did.”
“We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”


Top 10 Outrageous Maxine Waters Quotes | Human Events

I won't be surprised if they try to push the Muslim, Keith Ellison. That outta win over the rust belt.


In 2005 no one knew about Barack Obama and in 2008 He was elected...

What is my point!?!

2018 elections have yet to happen and a rising star could rise within the Democratic Party or not.

Still if you believe Trump will be a two term President, well let see if it happen...
It's pretty sad the Dems can't even field a leader now that Clinton has gone down in flames.

On the question of who should be a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, Sanders led the field, at 14 percent, followed by former first lady Michelle Obama at 11 percent, Warren at 9 percent, Clinton at 8 percent, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo each at 4 percent, and television personality Oprah Winfrey and Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) each at 3 percent.

For Democrats, no clear leader


There current "leader" is a total train wreck. Pelosi is 76 years old now and looks like worse than Hillary ever did.
"But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Lizzy "Cheekbones" Warren is near the top of the field:

"And my Aunt Bea has walked by that picture at least a 1,000 times remarked that he - her father, my Papaw -- had high cheek bones like all of the Indians do."
"Being Native American has been part of my story, I guess, since the day I was born," Warren continued.
Warren explains minority listing, talks of grandfather's "high cheekbones"

Bernie isn't even a Democrat. He's just a crazy independent socialist/communist:

Who else are these losers going to get? Mark Cuban? A billionaire elite to take down a billionaire elite which the left claims to hate?

Then there is Michelle Obama, who has never had a real job, unless you count high paying do nothing administration jobs she got hooked up with thanks to being the wife of a Democrat politician in Chicagoland.

I don't know why they don't go with the person that truly represents Democrats the most: Maxine Waters.
“Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”
I just watched-the Republicans were out there-they were having a great time. They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior. I really did.”
“We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”


Top 10 Outrageous Maxine Waters Quotes | Human Events

I won't be surprised if they try to push the Muslim, Keith Ellison. That outta win over the rust belt.


In 2005 no one knew about Barack Obama and in 2008 He was elected...

What is my point!?!

2018 elections have yet to happen and a rising star could rise within the Democratic Party or not.

Still if you believe Trump will be a two term President, well let see if it happen...

Wrong, Obama gave a speech at the 2004 DNC. He was already being talked about for being President. Mostly because he was a "well spoken black man".
It's pretty sad the Dems can't even field a leader now that Clinton has gone down in flames.

On the question of who should be a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, Sanders led the field, at 14 percent, followed by former first lady Michelle Obama at 11 percent, Warren at 9 percent, Clinton at 8 percent, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo each at 4 percent, and television personality Oprah Winfrey and Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) each at 3 percent.

For Democrats, no clear leader


There current "leader" is a total train wreck. Pelosi is 76 years old now and looks like worse than Hillary ever did.
"But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Lizzy "Cheekbones" Warren is near the top of the field:

"And my Aunt Bea has walked by that picture at least a 1,000 times remarked that he - her father, my Papaw -- had high cheek bones like all of the Indians do."
"Being Native American has been part of my story, I guess, since the day I was born," Warren continued.
Warren explains minority listing, talks of grandfather's "high cheekbones"

Bernie isn't even a Democrat. He's just a crazy independent socialist/communist:

Who else are these losers going to get? Mark Cuban? A billionaire elite to take down a billionaire elite which the left claims to hate?

Then there is Michelle Obama, who has never had a real job, unless you count high paying do nothing administration jobs she got hooked up with thanks to being the wife of a Democrat politician in Chicagoland.

I don't know why they don't go with the person that truly represents Democrats the most: Maxine Waters.
“Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”
I just watched-the Republicans were out there-they were having a great time. They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior. I really did.”
“We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”


Top 10 Outrageous Maxine Waters Quotes | Human Events

I won't be surprised if they try to push the Muslim, Keith Ellison. That outta win over the rust belt.


In 2005 no one knew about Barack Obama and in 2008 He was elected...

What is my point!?!

2018 elections have yet to happen and a rising star could rise within the Democratic Party or not.

Still if you believe Trump will be a two term President, well let see if it happen...

Wrong, Obama gave a speech at the 2004 DNC. He was already being talked about for being President. Mostly because he was a "well spoken black man".

In 2004 He was elected to the Senate and no one had him on their radar as the candidate to beat Clinton!

He was a freshman Senator from Illinois and it was not until 2006 when people started to look at him as a possible long shot.
Right now, it looks like there will be a power void in 2020 with both Republicans and Democrats scrambling to fill the void

Trump will be either severely wounded or will have found some excuse as to why he can't run in 2020
I'd like to see a Maxine Waters/Corrine Brown ticket. The Dems can use racism AND misogyny if you don't vote for them.
It's pretty sad the Dems can't even field a leader now that Clinton has gone down in flames.

On the question of who should be a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, Sanders led the field, at 14 percent, followed by former first lady Michelle Obama at 11 percent, Warren at 9 percent, Clinton at 8 percent, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo each at 4 percent, and television personality Oprah Winfrey and Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) each at 3 percent.

For Democrats, no clear leader


There current "leader" is a total train wreck. Pelosi is 76 years old now and looks like worse than Hillary ever did.
"But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Lizzy "Cheekbones" Warren is near the top of the field:

"And my Aunt Bea has walked by that picture at least a 1,000 times remarked that he - her father, my Papaw -- had high cheek bones like all of the Indians do."
"Being Native American has been part of my story, I guess, since the day I was born," Warren continued.
Warren explains minority listing, talks of grandfather's "high cheekbones"

Bernie isn't even a Democrat. He's just a crazy independent socialist/communist:

Who else are these losers going to get? Mark Cuban? A billionaire elite to take down a billionaire elite which the left claims to hate?

Then there is Michelle Obama, who has never had a real job, unless you count high paying do nothing administration jobs she got hooked up with thanks to being the wife of a Democrat politician in Chicagoland.

I don't know why they don't go with the person that truly represents Democrats the most: Maxine Waters.
“Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”
I just watched-the Republicans were out there-they were having a great time. They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior. I really did.”
“We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”


Top 10 Outrageous Maxine Waters Quotes | Human Events

I won't be surprised if they try to push the Muslim, Keith Ellison. That outta win over the rust belt.


In 2005 no one knew about Barack Obama and in 2008 He was elected...

What is my point!?!

2018 elections have yet to happen and a rising star could rise within the Democratic Party or not.

Still if you believe Trump will be a two term President, well let see if it happen...

Wrong, Obama gave a speech at the 2004 DNC. He was already being talked about for being President. Mostly because he was a "well spoken black man".
Don't forget Biden's opinion that Obama was "clean".
Don't forget that Bill Clinton said another time and place Obama would be pouring Bill's coffee.
What did 'Dirty Harry' say about Obama?
It's pretty sad the Dems can't even field a leader now that Clinton has gone down in flames.

On the question of who should be a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, Sanders led the field, at 14 percent, followed by former first lady Michelle Obama at 11 percent, Warren at 9 percent, Clinton at 8 percent, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo each at 4 percent, and television personality Oprah Winfrey and Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) each at 3 percent.

For Democrats, no clear leader


There current "leader" is a total train wreck. Pelosi is 76 years old now and looks like worse than Hillary ever did.
"But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Lizzy "Cheekbones" Warren is near the top of the field:

"And my Aunt Bea has walked by that picture at least a 1,000 times remarked that he - her father, my Papaw -- had high cheek bones like all of the Indians do."
"Being Native American has been part of my story, I guess, since the day I was born," Warren continued.
Warren explains minority listing, talks of grandfather's "high cheekbones"

Bernie isn't even a Democrat. He's just a crazy independent socialist/communist:

Who else are these losers going to get? Mark Cuban? A billionaire elite to take down a billionaire elite which the left claims to hate?

Then there is Michelle Obama, who has never had a real job, unless you count high paying do nothing administration jobs she got hooked up with thanks to being the wife of a Democrat politician in Chicagoland.

I don't know why they don't go with the person that truly represents Democrats the most: Maxine Waters.
“Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”
I just watched-the Republicans were out there-they were having a great time. They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior. I really did.”
“We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”


Top 10 Outrageous Maxine Waters Quotes | Human Events

I won't be surprised if they try to push the Muslim, Keith Ellison. That outta win over the rust belt.


I tend to agree. Not much for the Dem votrs to chose from.
Kaine may aspire to the mantle.

Or Schumer.

So you cannot say the DEM's have NO leadership.

They do. You are just blind theHawk .
It's worse than that, Hawk. Even now, Trump's people are working with Uncle Vlad to hack the midterms and sweep Dems from power

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