Dems of the board, was impeachment a good idea?

The way that Schiff reset the impeachment proceeding rules in the House, that took any fairness off the table
in the Senate. The republicans had to put up with the sham in the House, and the democrats had to in the Senate.
If you're going to place blame, rise above your partisan indoctrination and blame both parties.
And, for you foreigners blabbering in our politics.....go kick start your anemic economy.
I'm tired of your sour grapes.
From the Russia gate to the Kavanaugh false accusations and then to the shampeachment. What is next?

To those who are not yet participating in an American party, do you believe the impeachment was a good idea? President Trump won again, didn't he?

What is the thought process behind the choices the party is making? Hate is going to defeat president Trump, no good candidates required?
Cyanide is faster than impeachment.
Correction. Trump is guilty as hell. That's why he blocked witnesses and documents.

Trump does not play nice with people who do not play nice.

Great quality...
Yeah, In a mob boss, Mafioso, la Cosa Nostra.... kind of way..... :rolleyes:

:D just the perfect, admirable trait to teach your kids....
Better than raising a stable of weak beta males.

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Says who? God? Christ? He says to LOVE your enemies.... should I follow him, or you and Trump? :dunno:

Men who are not decrepit, weak, boisterous assholes, are stronger than crybabies like Trump.

God teaches us to love our enemies?

God certainly DOES NOT teach us to love Satan Care... that may be where you are going wrong. We should love those who love our nation... TRUMP.

did two corinthians tell you that? :lmao:
The way that Schiff reset the impeachment proceeding rules in the House, that took any fairness off the table
in the Senate. The republicans had to put up with the sham in the House, and the democrats had to in the Senate.
If you're going to place blame, rise above your partisan indoctrination and blame both parties.
And, for you foreigners blabbering in our politics.....go kick start your anemic economy.
I'm tired of your sour grapes.

Frankly, I didn't think the Senate trial was a sham, like the House impeachment was. Basically they voted to acquit because the case didn't measure up to the level of impeachment and even if more witnesses and documents would've done a better job of proving their case, it just didn't warrant impeachment. So in this instance I don't see a reason to blame the GOP for anything.
speaking as an indy - i give full kudos for impeaching donny. it's balls to the wall time

Lol why because he’s honest haha

because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Just assimilate to American values
Correction: Trump has committed no crime. The democrat tactic of trying to get someone removed for not committing a crime is a other brilliant one.
Correction. Trump is guilty as hell. That's why he blocked witnesses and documents.

Trump does not play nice with people who do not play nice.

Great quality...
Yeah, In a mob boss, Mafioso, la Cosa Nostra.... kind of way..... :rolleyes:

:D just the perfect, admirable trait to teach your kids....
Better than raising a stable of weak beta males.

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Says who? God? Christ? He says to LOVE your enemies.... should I follow him, or you and Trump? :dunno:

Men who are not decrepit, weak, boisterous assholes, are stronger than crybabies like Trump.
I love when libs try to throw the bible at an argument, when in times before they wear their athiesim on their sleeve like a badge of honor.

Trump is kickin' y'alls asses, and you don't even understand why or how....I'll take a hundred strong young men over non binary, beta males any day.

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Once again, Rump shows that he wants America to be divided and continue to burn.

Liar, its the left who seek to divide us. ^^^ the liberal projection is off the charts.

The Impeachment is over and done with. Rump has announced the investigations have just begun. He's going after anyone and everyone that he sees as part of the Impeachment. There is going to be no "Healing of America". It's going to be "Let's burn it to the Ground". It's all about Rump. You have already screwed up by believing that Rump IS America and without Rump there can be no America. America isn't just one person.

Not one mention of working to heal America. He hinted to this and then goes back to attacking. He has announced the grueling investigations (most are unfounded to begin with) using the Executive cheat on yet another election year. What this does is refires the Impeachment Program because he's out of control. When he should be working to put America (All of America) back together, he's out for revenge. If he is reelected, he's going right back in for impeachment because he's left many people no other choice.

We need to a President that will work to help America Heal not one that is willing to burn it to the ground out of of revenge. But I think that choice is now the "The Party of the Rumps". You can work to heal America or you can continue to burn it to the ground. Well, America is on fire and it's up to the President to work to heal those wounds. Rump is just lighting more fires and misusing his office to continue to go after more revenge. I think he's going to be impeached again if he's reelected because the revenge he is doing will Definitely have a negative affect on the 2020 election for President.

Much like his false Biden charges and impeachable actions have all but removed Biden from contention. No matter how illegal those actions are, Rump believes he got away with it and it's effective. Now comes his long string of "Here, Hold my Beer" moments that many of us knew were to come at a time when Rump should be working to "Heal" America. Instead, Rump continues with his revenged, both real and imagined. I'll say it again, if he's reelected, he's going to be impeached again and he's going to make history as the ONLY President to be Impeached twice.
Nope, time to pound you libs until you wise up, and stop with the foolishness...

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The way that Schiff reset the impeachment proceeding rules in the House, that took any fairness off the table
in the Senate. The republicans had to put up with the sham in the House, and the democrats had to in the Senate.
If you're going to place blame, rise above your partisan indoctrination and blame both parties.
And, for you foreigners blabbering in our politics.....go kick start your anemic economy.
I'm tired of your sour grapes.

Frankly, I didn't think the Senate trial was a sham, like the House impeachment was. Basically they voted to acquit because the case didn't measure up to the level of impeachment and even if more witnesses and documents would've done a better job of proving their case, it just didn't warrant impeachment. So in this instance I don't see a reason to blame the GOP for anything.
I do believe if the House had done their due Diligence, slowed things down and did it right, along with giving the republicans their
day of Due Process and none of that closed door crap in the basement. The republicans might have helped clean up any questions
the House had when they were in the Senate. But, that didn't happen start to finish. All I've seen from the left is all the blame
is left on the Senates shoulder and the democrats take no responsibility in the botched trial.
I think they should have issued the subpoena's, filed suits,and continued the investigations into the spring. Everyone knew they would never flip the magic number of Senators. They got 1 out of 20 they needed.

they hafta start using their innate congressional power & start making arrests for refusing to appear under subpoena.
Once again, Rump shows that he wants America to be divided and continue to burn.

Liar, its the left who seek to divide us. ^^^ the liberal projection is off the charts.

It's never been the Left that is dividing with Rump. It's been Rump and his cult followers. When the time for Rump to be working to help America Heal, instead, he's announcing his Revenge. He'll be lucky to make another 6 months before the House does another Impeachment. And Rump will continue to go his revenge both real and imagined. And even if Rump were to be reelected, if he continues the same direction then you can bet that he's going to be impeached again in 2021 and he would break a new record being the only President to be impeached twice.

Rump can stop all this by acting like a President. Stop this revenge crap, go in front of the Camera, Apologise to America for the most recent behavior "Without laying blame on anyone" and Promise to work towards uniting ALL Americans with the help of both sides of the isle. But he would have to mean it and work towards that goal. If he does that, he just might very well be reelected and deserve it. IF not, Revenge is a dish best served cold.
You libs are amazing. Even when not in power, you still think that everyone should do what YOU want....

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I think they should have issued the subpoena's, filed suits,and continued the investigations into the spring. Everyone knew they would never flip the magic number of Senators. They got 1 out of 20 they needed.

they hafta start using their innate congressional power & start making arrests for refusing to appear under subpoena.
First the dems had to dot the I's and cross the T's when issuing a subpoena. That didn't happen
Once again, Rump shows that he wants America to be divided and continue to burn.

Liar, its the left who seek to divide us. ^^^ the liberal projection is off the charts.

It's never been the Left that is dividing with Rump. It's been Rump and his cult followers. When the time for Rump to be working to help America Heal, instead, he's announcing his Revenge. He'll be lucky to make another 6 months before the House does another Impeachment. And Rump will continue to go his revenge both real and imagined. And even if Rump were to be reelected, if he continues the same direction then you can bet that he's going to be impeached again in 2021 and he would break a new record being the only President to be impeached twice.

Rump can stop all this by acting like a President. Stop this revenge crap, go in front of the Camera, Apologise to America for the most recent behavior "Without laying blame on anyone" and Promise to work towards uniting ALL Americans with the help of both sides of the isle. But he would have to mean it and work towards that goal. If he does that, he just might very well be reelected and deserve it. IF not, Revenge is a dish best served cold.

It's never been the Left that is dividing with Rump. It's been Rump and his cult followers.

Just a basket of deplorables, refusing to be united, eh?

you forgot to add in poorly educated MAGAT trumpanzees....
There was not much of a choice.... they were left with no choice when the DOJ refused to investigate the complaints of staffers who reported the CHEATING, and lawlessness.....

Trump was always going to get off, for his high crimes.... but History, facts, what was done by him, needed to be recorded..... And it was.....
What "cheating?" What "lawlessness?"

You live in a fantasy land.
There was not much of a choice.... they were left with no choice when the DOJ refused to investigate the complaints of staffers who reported the CHEATING, and lawlessness.....

Trump was always going to get off, for his high crimes.... but History, facts, what was done by him, needed to be recorded..... And it was.....
Agreed. I'm not a Dem, let alone a Yank, but to any who honour their founding documents it had to be done.
The sure sign of a TDS moron. The Constitution didn't require and such charade
speaking as an indy - i give full kudos for impeaching donny. it's balls to the wall time

If you’re an Indy, Trump is a Liberal.
Are you that self-deluded?

i've voted across the spectrum & am married to a (R).
On what issues do you disagree with on the Democratic platform?

i certainly agree with more of their platform than don't. i've said on day 1 that i lean left, so that's no secret. i am for the death penalty, english as the official language, & a national voter ID law as long as it's completely free & phased in over a few years so those that might have a problem obtaining one will be able to get one.

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