Dems of the board, was impeachment a good idea?

The way that Schiff reset the impeachment proceeding rules in the House, that took any fairness off the table
in the Senate. The republicans had to put up with the sham in the House, and the democrats had to in the Senate.
If you're going to place blame, rise above your partisan indoctrination and blame both parties.
And, for you foreigners blabbering in our politics.....go kick start your anemic economy.
I'm tired of your sour grapes.

Frankly, I didn't think the Senate trial was a sham, like the House impeachment was. Basically they voted to acquit because the case didn't measure up to the level of impeachment and even if more witnesses and documents would've done a better job of proving their case, it just didn't warrant impeachment. So in this instance I don't see a reason to blame the GOP for anything.
I do believe if the House had done their due Diligence, slowed things down and did it right, along with giving the republicans their
day of Due Process and none of that closed door crap in the basement. The republicans might have helped clean up any questions
the House had when they were in the Senate. But, that didn't happen start to finish. All I've seen from the left is all the blame
is left on the Senates shoulder and the democrats take no responsibility in the botched trial.

First of all, Dems don't take the blame for much of anything, but neither do the Repubs for that matter. But in this case it sure looks like it was slap-dash with not much foresight. It was all hurry, hurry, hurry cuz Trump is an existential threat to our democracy, the constitution, and the next election, so they rushed it. Maybe they feared the courts would not rule in their favor if they challenged Trump's claim to executive privilege in court. But in any case the needle never moved in their favor and in fact might've started going a little the wrong way, so they sat on the Articles for a month for some reason that I can't fathom. But in so doing, they exposed their own narrative of the impending disaster that Trump posed, maybe they thought the wait would harm the vulnerable Repub Senators or make them more nervous. I can see the hope to retake the Senate, but basically they screwed themselves over with such a weak and incomplete case that those GOP Senators didn't feel pressured.
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From the Russia gate to the Kavanaugh false accusations and then to the shampeachment. What is next?

To those who are not yet participating in an American party, do you believe the impeachment was a good idea? President Trump won again, didn't he?

What is the thought process behind the choices the party is making? Hate is going to defeat president Trump, no good candidates required?
Trump didn't win. He got impeached. Democrats have excellent candidates and when its time, you will understand how weak the republican candidate really is.

Excellent candidates? Oboe is backing blumberg. Ha. Good luck, sore losers. [emoji1787]

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Obama has backed no one. trump is about to lose. He's a very weak candidate with a failed presidency.

He’s on douchberg’s commercial IMWrong. You are weak. [emoji1787]

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Obama has issued no formal endorsement.

He’s on his commercial.

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From the Russia gate to the Kavanaugh false accusations and then to the shampeachment. What is next?

To those who are not yet participating in an American party, do you believe the impeachment was a good idea? President Trump won again, didn't he?

What is the thought process behind the choices the party is making? Hate is going to defeat president Trump, no good candidates required?
Trump didn't win. He got impeached. Democrats have excellent candidates and when its time, you will understand how weak the republican candidate really is.

Excellent candidates? Oboe is backing blumberg. Ha. Good luck, sore losers. [emoji1787]

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Obama has backed no one. trump is about to lose. He's a very weak candidate with a failed presidency.

Malcolm X would have described you as a "Chump" (a Black person that votes Democrat), now on that he was smelling reality. .. just a hint there IM2 oblivious.

Malcolm X said that in 1962. Your disingenuous use of this comment is noted given that he would not say the same thing today.

You are about to lose.

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Trump didn't win. He got impeached. Democrats have excellent candidates and when its time, you will understand how weak the republican candidate really is.

Excellent candidates? Oboe is backing blumberg. Ha. Good luck, sore losers. [emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Obama has backed no one. trump is about to lose. He's a very weak candidate with a failed presidency.

Malcolm X would have described you as a "Chump" (a Black person that votes Democrat), now on that he was smelling reality. .. just a hint there IM2 oblivious.

Go easy on him. He’s a shut in, with nothing to do. This is his hobby.

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Seems that you are here just as much as me.

You spend all day every day posting about Donnie. He’s is your head. What a joke.

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Trump didn't win. He got impeached. Democrats have excellent candidates and when its time, you will understand how weak the republican candidate really is.

Excellent candidates? Oboe is backing blumberg. Ha. Good luck, sore losers. [emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Obama has backed no one. trump is about to lose. He's a very weak candidate with a failed presidency.

Malcolm X would have described you as a "Chump" (a Black person that votes Democrat), now on that he was smelling reality. .. just a hint there IM2 oblivious.

Go easy on him. He’s a shut in, with nothing to do. This is his hobby.

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Seems that you are here just as much as me.

Not posting anything resembling your full time rhetoric. I’m out on the street making moves.

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speaking as an indy - i give full kudos for impeaching donny. it's balls to the wall time

Lol why because he’s honest haha

because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Just assimilate to American values

lol.... you mean fascist amerikan values. no thanx, my father didn't fight in ww2 for your special brand of 'values'.
Deregulation, fighting for free speech, second amendment,, hes a horrible fascist lol
speaking as an indy - i give full kudos for impeaching donny. it's balls to the wall time

Lol why because he’s honest haha

because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Just assimilate to American values

lol.... you mean fascist amerikan values. no thanx, my father didn't fight in ww2 for your special brand of 'values'.
Deregulation, fighting for free speech, second amendment,, hes a horrible fascist lol

he's raping the environment - embraces corporate greed, is stripping congress of their power, now has an enemy list & getting his AG to go after private citizens & memebers of congress & cuddling up to dictators while mooning NATO allies is just the start.
speaking as an indy - i give full kudos for impeaching donny. it's balls to the wall time

Lol why because he’s honest haha

because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Oh brother...keep your fantasy to yourself.

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voting blue en masse at the poles will say a whole lot of reality.
Wtf is going to vote for crazy democrats that want to give illegals more rights then citizens.. did you see the law aoc and the democrats just signed off on is insane!
speaking as an indy - i give full kudos for impeaching donny. it's balls to the wall time

Lol why because he’s honest haha

because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Oh brother...keep your fantasy to yourself.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

voting blue en masse at the poles will say a whole lot of reality.
Wtf is going to vote for crazy democrats that want to give illegals more rights then citizens.. did you see the law aoc and the democrats just signed off on is insane!

i'm more CONcerned with the party of trump.
Lol why because he’s honest haha

because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Just assimilate to American values

lol.... you mean fascist amerikan values. no thanx, my father didn't fight in ww2 for your special brand of 'values'.
Deregulation, fighting for free speech, second amendment,, hes a horrible fascist lol

he's raping the environment - embraces corporate greed, is stripping congress of their power, now has an enemy list & getting his AG to go after private citizens & memebers of congress & cuddling up to dictators while mooning NATO allies is just the start.
Are you ignorant or misinformed? But freedom and liberty is not raping the environment, trusting Americans to do what’s
Right is liberty we are born with.. and if you thing over bearing regulations are going to last in a country with the second amendment you are nuts.

your right corporations are doing America thanks to over regulation that only allows people with money to open a business or sustain.. you are rooting for the wrong team
There was not much of a choice.... they were left with no choice when the DOJ refused to investigate the complaints of staffers who reported the CHEATING, and lawlessness.....

Trump was always going to get off, for his high crimes.... but History, facts, what was done by him, needed to be recorded..... And it was.....
Agreed. I'm not a Dem, let alone a Yank, but to any who honour their founding documents it had to be done.

Was it the constitution Pelosi ripped in the SOTU speech?

Embarrassment, embarrassment...
Heavens no. That was already ripped up during Bush2’s reign of errors.
Lol why because he’s honest haha

because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Just assimilate to American values

lol.... you mean fascist amerikan values. no thanx, my father didn't fight in ww2 for your special brand of 'values'.
Deregulation, fighting for free speech, second amendment,, hes a horrible fascist lol

he's raping the environment - embraces corporate greed, is stripping congress of their power, now has an enemy list & getting his AG to go after private citizens & memebers of congress & cuddling up to dictators while mooning NATO allies is just the start.
The Nazis were all big environmentalists.

The term "embraces corporate greed" means he cut taxes. Since when is that a Nazi policy?

How is he stripping Congress of its power?

Since there is a list of people who have tried to destroy him, why wouldn't he have an enemies list? That's a simple listing of facts.

Hmmm, doesn't the AG always go after private citizens? They're called "criminals."

The rest of your list devolves into absurdity.
Dems first, go ahead cease all attacks on president Trump lead by example.

How about no more shakedown schemes or other corrupt behavior like inviting foreign government to interfere in our elections.

I know, fucking Obama administration......

Too fucking funny. Considering all the phony investigation the future Trumpublicans launched into every leaf that fell from the Great Obama Tree. How did they miss the opportunity to whine like bitches about what dat man did! Oh yeah too busy with the Benghazi/Clinton witch hunt.... I remember.

Remember to listen for the Drip.....drip.....drip. Coming all year.
I prefer not to listen to you drooling on your keyboard searching for the latest "WE GOT HIM NOW"!

The truth will burn you and your master like holy water burns any one of the Unholy one's Demons' flesh. (Just like in all the movies)
How can Truth Burn The Lord of Truth or so called Holy Water Burn The Holy One of Israel?

That is Whom I serve.

Lies, Rebellion, Usurpation come from The Lord Of Lies, not from He who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
Last edited:
From the Russia gate to the Kavanaugh false accusations and then to the shampeachment. What is next?

To those who are not yet participating in an American party, do you believe the impeachment was a good idea? President Trump won again, didn't he?

What is the thought process behind the choices the party is making? Hate is going to defeat president Trump, no good candidates required?

Meet thier possible next peachmint 2.0savior

Is Marcus DiPaola The Next Impeachment Bomb? | Sparta Report

Hes lost it
How about no more shakedown schemes or other corrupt behavior like inviting foreign government to interfere in our elections.

I know, fucking Obama administration......

Too fucking funny. Considering all the phony investigation the future Trumpublicans launched into every leaf that fell from the Great Obama Tree. How did they miss the opportunity to whine like bitches about what dat man did! Oh yeah too busy with the Benghazi/Clinton witch hunt.... I remember.

Remember to listen for the Drip.....drip.....drip. Coming all year.
I prefer not to listen to you drooling on your keyboard searching for the latest "WE GOT HIM NOW"!

The truth will burn you and your master like holy water burns any one of the Unholy one's Demons' flesh. (Just like in all the movies)
How can Truth Burn The Lord of Truth or so called Holy Water Burn The Holy One of Israel? That is Whom I serve.
Lies, Rebellion, Usurpation come from The Lord Of Lies, not from He who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
Is trump the Lord of Truth to you??? huh???
How about no more shakedown schemes or other corrupt behavior like inviting foreign government to interfere in our elections.

I know, fucking Obama administration......

Too fucking funny. Considering all the phony investigation the future Trumpublicans launched into every leaf that fell from the Great Obama Tree. How did they miss the opportunity to whine like bitches about what dat man did! Oh yeah too busy with the Benghazi/Clinton witch hunt.... I remember.

Remember to listen for the Drip.....drip.....drip. Coming all year.
I prefer not to listen to you drooling on your keyboard searching for the latest "WE GOT HIM NOW"!

The truth will burn you and your master like holy water burns any one of the Unholy one's Demons' flesh. (Just like in all the movies)
How can Truth Burn The Lord of Truth or so called Holy Water Burn The Holy One of Israel?

That is Whom I serve.

Lies, Rebellion, Usurpation come from The Lord Of Lies, not from He who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

Exactly why the truth burns so in your soul. When you read it, it reverberates in your mind. It forces you to post with such vitriolic, and dare I say, demonic intent and devotion, that your evilness almost exudes from my display when I read it.

Have a great weekend!
I know, fucking Obama administration......

Too fucking funny. Considering all the phony investigation the future Trumpublicans launched into every leaf that fell from the Great Obama Tree. How did they miss the opportunity to whine like bitches about what dat man did! Oh yeah too busy with the Benghazi/Clinton witch hunt.... I remember.

Remember to listen for the Drip.....drip.....drip. Coming all year.
I prefer not to listen to you drooling on your keyboard searching for the latest "WE GOT HIM NOW"!

The truth will burn you and your master like holy water burns any one of the Unholy one's Demons' flesh. (Just like in all the movies)
How can Truth Burn The Lord of Truth or so called Holy Water Burn The Holy One of Israel? That is Whom I serve.
Lies, Rebellion, Usurpation come from The Lord Of Lies, not from He who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
Is trump the Lord of Truth to you??? huh???
No. Is Nancy Pelosi and The Godless Democrat Party who embraces the Socialism of The Nazi Party with it's identity politics, death toll of 60 million babies, and their PC Religion Culture your Lord?
I know, fucking Obama administration......

Too fucking funny. Considering all the phony investigation the future Trumpublicans launched into every leaf that fell from the Great Obama Tree. How did they miss the opportunity to whine like bitches about what dat man did! Oh yeah too busy with the Benghazi/Clinton witch hunt.... I remember.

Remember to listen for the Drip.....drip.....drip. Coming all year.
I prefer not to listen to you drooling on your keyboard searching for the latest "WE GOT HIM NOW"!

The truth will burn you and your master like holy water burns any one of the Unholy one's Demons' flesh. (Just like in all the movies)
How can Truth Burn The Lord of Truth or so called Holy Water Burn The Holy One of Israel?

That is Whom I serve.

Lies, Rebellion, Usurpation come from The Lord Of Lies, not from He who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

Exactly why the truth burns so in your soul. When you read it, it reverberates in your mind. It forces you to post with such vitriolic, and dare I say, demonic intent and devotion, that your evilness almost exudes from my display when I read it.

Have a great weekend!
Nothing you say burns me, reverberates with me, or forces me to do anything but pray for your condemned soul and urge you to REPENT and find God, so that you may not be ashamed on The Great and Terrible Day of The Lord's Wrath!
Anyone can be accused of a crime. To say "he was has no been convicted" implies wrongdoing. Your ex-wife could accuse you of robbing a bank, with no evidence but hearsay from her besties. A judge could refuse to hear the case due to lack of evidence. Her friends would henceforth refer to you as the guy who had not been convicted of any crime but was charged with bank robbery. Your friends would likely say it differently, in fact, would ignore the charge entirely since it was clearly bogus.
An accusation by a wife is not a charge laid by a prosecution. But good effort at conflation.
There was not much of a choice.... they were left with no choice when the DOJ refused to investigate the complaints of staffers who reported the CHEATING, and lawlessness.....

Trump was always going to get off, for his high crimes.... but History, facts, what was done by him, needed to be recorded..... And it was.....

Correction: Trump has committed no crime. The democrat tactic of trying to get someone removed for not committing a crime is a other brilliant one.
Correction. Trump is guilty as hell. That's why he blocked witnesses and documents.
Haha! Yeah, guilty people turn over transcripts all the time....

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It carefully notes it is not a verbatim transcript. In fact it is the sort of document guilty people would turn over.

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