Dems of the board, was impeachment a good idea?

I could care less what you think. You have your interest, not the American interest in mind.

Good endorsement for Trump that all the foreigners lobbying for their - not American interest, hate him.
You really don't seem to grasp that your very staunchest allies, the Australians, who'll forgive you just about anything, are embarrassed by the events in the Senate. Oh well. Deplorables.

Myself, I'm enjoying the debacle, though it's hard on the Americans I like and admire.
Would you happen to have a copy of the referendum that stated that you speak for all Aussies?
The Sydney Morning Herald is the largest newspaper in Oz, America's very staunchest ally.
There was not much of a choice.... they were left with no choice when the DOJ refused to investigate the complaints of staffers who reported the CHEATING, and lawlessness.....

Trump was always going to get off, for his high crimes.... but History, facts, what was done by him, needed to be recorded..... And it was.....

Correction: Trump has committed no crime. The democrat tactic of trying to get someone removed for not committing a crime is a other brilliant one.
Correction. Trump is guilty as hell. That's why he blocked witnesses and documents.
Haha! Yeah, guilty people turn over transcripts all the time....

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It carefully notes it is not a verbatim transcript. In fact it is the sort of document guilty people would turn over.
This claim has been discussed ad nauseum and thoroughly debunked.
Even if the Australians are our allies, you Trump hating frothing at mouth lefties are not. Probably not liked in your own country either, perhaps not even a real Australian... explains why you hang out at USMB and not the AUSMB.
Ok. You're just dense. Fair enough, I get it.
Straight to name calling....typical
Yeah, both typical and.......Sad!
you Trump hating frothing at mouth lefties
I think they should have issued the subpoena's, filed suits,and continued the investigations into the spring. Everyone knew they would never flip the magic number of Senators. They got 1 out of 20 they needed.
It still had to be done, for their self respect if nothing else.
There was not much of a choice.... they were left with no choice when the DOJ refused to investigate the complaints of staffers who reported the CHEATING, and lawlessness.....

Trump was always going to get off, for his high crimes.... but History, facts, what was done by him, needed to be recorded..... And it was.....
What "cheating?" What "lawlessness?"

You live in a fantasy land.

Is she talking about the democrat election process?
When the far Left loons are howling for Trump's blood everyday and you realize you're going to lose your speakership next year even if you can keep your House majority, it kinda makes you do dumb things even when you know it's dumb before you do it. I think that's the pickle that Pelosi found herself in, and many of the so-called establishment Dems that are still in the party. It was never a good idea except to the lunatic extremists that would've primaried out as many moderates as possible this year if nothing was done. Of course, that's going to happen anyway, but the impeachment allowed some incumbents to say hey, I voted to impeach the guy what more do you want?

Maybe the thinking was they could force some tough votes in the Senate for the vulnerable Repubs there and maybe take back the Senate majority. So a twofer, appease what's left of the base and help Schumer try to gain control of the Senate. As it is, the Dems are getting killed with all those Trump appointees to the federal bench.

Actually, the Fed Judge Appointees are having little affect in the "Party of the Rump". As long as they stay within the Constitution they won't help either side go off the deep end. You sure do like to parrot the Rump's words even when they are stupid.

You already know that the Senate Majority is in jepordy. And the House has enough padding to afford a few seat losses to the Republicans. Even if Rump wins (doubtful at this point) he's in for a rough ride. After his last "Revenge" speech, he's already gearing up for some real "Here Hold My Beer" moments. He's going right back under the knife for Impeachment. He can't help himself. When he should have been making a speech about healing America he's making a speech about all those he's going to get even with.

BTW, according to the local papers today, Romney flew back to Utah, faced the Republican Party head on and they have decided NOT to do a recall. It seems the reasons he gave was accepted by the voters there and had they decided to go for a recall, most of them would have been under a recall. You think Baptist are religious, check out Mormons.

So your Rump isn't doing so well today. Go ahead and use the information from a few days ago. It's changed. So go ahead and carp along and keep burning it to the ground. The sad part is, through all this, the Dems may end up with the Senate, House and the Presidency which is something I don't look forward to. Through your ineptness, we may end up seeing the Dems version of "Here, hold my beer" moments.
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speaking as an indy - i give full kudos for impeaching donny. it's balls to the wall time

Lol why because he’s honest haha

because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Just assimilate to American values

I've seen your idea of your American Values. Sorry, but you don't mind if the rest of us assimilate to another America. You know, like it once was in the 1950s when a Republican was respected not feared?
There was not much of a choice.... they were left with no choice when the DOJ refused to investigate the complaints of staffers who reported the CHEATING, and lawlessness.....

Trump was always going to get off, for his high crimes.... but History, facts, what was done by him, needed to be recorded..... And it was.....
Agreed. I'm not a Dem, let alone a Yank, but to any who honour their founding documents it had to be done.
The sure sign of a TDS moron. The Constitution didn't require and such charade

Is that your way of getting even? Creating more of them? You got them stacked like cord wood now with no place to put them.

speaking as an indy - i give full kudos for impeaching donny. it's balls to the wall time

Lol why because he’s honest haha

because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Just assimilate to American values

I've seen your idea of your American Values. Sorry, but you don't mind if the rest of us assimilate to another America. You know, like it once was in the 1950s when a Republican was respected not feared?
So American values are bad? Lol
speaking as an indy - i give full kudos for impeaching donny. it's balls to the wall time

Lol why because he’s honest haha

because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Just assimilate to American values

I've seen your idea of your American Values. Sorry, but you don't mind if the rest of us assimilate to another America. You know, like it once was in the 1950s when a Republican was respected not feared?
So American values are bad? Lol

Just your idea of what American Values are. And there isn't much valued about your values. I was down on Romney until he gave his reasons for his vote. And so were the folks just west of here until he came home and presented his views. He's a stone cold hero in Utah right now according to the local newspapers. You dropped the mic a bit too soon on that one.
Lol why because he’s honest haha

because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Just assimilate to American values

I've seen your idea of your American Values. Sorry, but you don't mind if the rest of us assimilate to another America. You know, like it once was in the 1950s when a Republican was respected not feared?
So American values are bad? Lol

Just your idea of what American Values are. And there isn't much valued about your values. I was down on Romney until he gave his reasons for his vote. And so were the folks just west of here until he came home and presented his views. He's a stone cold hero in Utah right now according to the local newspapers. You dropped the mic a bit too soon on that one.
If you think American values are represented on the left you are funny hahah
because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Just assimilate to American values

I've seen your idea of your American Values. Sorry, but you don't mind if the rest of us assimilate to another America. You know, like it once was in the 1950s when a Republican was respected not feared?
So American values are bad? Lol

Just your idea of what American Values are. And there isn't much valued about your values. I was down on Romney until he gave his reasons for his vote. And so were the folks just west of here until he came home and presented his views. He's a stone cold hero in Utah right now according to the local newspapers. You dropped the mic a bit too soon on that one.
If you think American values are represented on the left you are funny hahah

Values are neither Right nor Left. And you certainly don't have any real values, Rumpster, worth crowing about. It's going to be a long 10 months. And a Fun filled 10 months.
because it's time for another revolution dummy.
Just assimilate to American values

I've seen your idea of your American Values. Sorry, but you don't mind if the rest of us assimilate to another America. You know, like it once was in the 1950s when a Republican was respected not feared?
So American values are bad? Lol

Just your idea of what American Values are. And there isn't much valued about your values. I was down on Romney until he gave his reasons for his vote. And so were the folks just west of here until he came home and presented his views. He's a stone cold hero in Utah right now according to the local newspapers. You dropped the mic a bit too soon on that one.
If you think American values are represented on the left you are funny hahah

Mexican flags are an American value... just depends on your view you see.
From the Russia gate to the Kavanaugh false accusations and then to the shampeachment. What is next?

To those who are not yet participating in an American party, do you believe the impeachment was a good idea? President Trump won again, didn't he?

What is the thought process behind the choices the party is making? Hate is going to defeat president Trump, no good candidates required?
Trump didn't win. He got impeached. Democrats have excellent candidates and when its time, you will understand how weak the republican candidate really is.

Excellent candidates? Oboe is backing blumberg. Ha. Good luck, sore losers. [emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Obama has backed no one. trump is about to lose. He's a very weak candidate with a failed presidency.
if he has backed no one so far he had better have warren stop those ads with him in them were he seems to be backing her...
Just assimilate to American values

I've seen your idea of your American Values. Sorry, but you don't mind if the rest of us assimilate to another America. You know, like it once was in the 1950s when a Republican was respected not feared?
So American values are bad? Lol

Just your idea of what American Values are. And there isn't much valued about your values. I was down on Romney until he gave his reasons for his vote. And so were the folks just west of here until he came home and presented his views. He's a stone cold hero in Utah right now according to the local newspapers. You dropped the mic a bit too soon on that one.
If you think American values are represented on the left you are funny hahah

Values are neither Right nor Left. And you certainly don't have any real values, Rumpster, worth crowing about. It's going to be a long 10 months. And a Fun filled 10 months.
You think American
Values are open Borders, infencided? Free health care to the world, free college to the world? Illegals have licenses? Over regulation that’s similar to slavery?
I've seen your idea of your American Values. Sorry, but you don't mind if the rest of us assimilate to another America. You know, like it once was in the 1950s when a Republican was respected not feared?
So American values are bad? Lol

Just your idea of what American Values are. And there isn't much valued about your values. I was down on Romney until he gave his reasons for his vote. And so were the folks just west of here until he came home and presented his views. He's a stone cold hero in Utah right now according to the local newspapers. You dropped the mic a bit too soon on that one.
If you think American values are represented on the left you are funny hahah

Values are neither Right nor Left. And you certainly don't have any real values, Rumpster, worth crowing about. It's going to be a long 10 months. And a Fun filled 10 months.
You think American
Values are open Borders, infencided? Free health care to the world, free college to the world? Illegals have licenses? Over regulation that’s similar to slavery?

And exactly when did I agree that all that is a good idea? Please point that out. Inquiring Minds need to know. MOST of us that are against Rump aren't for the crap you claim we are. You made the same BS about me being a Gun Grabber because I presented Common Sense Gun Regulations.

Tell me, if you are a Rump follower, do you really want to competely do away with the Constitution of the United States, completely take over the Supreme Court, dissolve Congress, use the US Military for your every whims, lock up those that disagree with you in interment camps? Or any other insane thing I can think of claiming you may think just to try and make me sound smarter?
So American values are bad? Lol

Just your idea of what American Values are. And there isn't much valued about your values. I was down on Romney until he gave his reasons for his vote. And so were the folks just west of here until he came home and presented his views. He's a stone cold hero in Utah right now according to the local newspapers. You dropped the mic a bit too soon on that one.
If you think American values are represented on the left you are funny hahah

Values are neither Right nor Left. And you certainly don't have any real values, Rumpster, worth crowing about. It's going to be a long 10 months. And a Fun filled 10 months.
You think American
Values are open Borders, infencided? Free health care to the world, free college to the world? Illegals have licenses? Over regulation that’s similar to slavery?

And exactly when did I agree that all that is a good idea? Please point that out. Inquiring Minds need to know. MOST of us that are against Rump aren't for the crap you claim we are. You made the same BS about me being a Gun Grabber because I presented Common Sense Gun Regulations.

Tell me, if you are a Rump follower, do you really want to competely do away with the Constitution of the United States, completely take over the Supreme Court, dissolve Congress, use the US Military for your every whims, lock up those that disagree with you in interment camps? Or any other insane thing I can think of claiming you may think just to try and make me sound smarter?
That’s the platform of the democrat party... yes I know they are crazy
Just your idea of what American Values are. And there isn't much valued about your values. I was down on Romney until he gave his reasons for his vote. And so were the folks just west of here until he came home and presented his views. He's a stone cold hero in Utah right now according to the local newspapers. You dropped the mic a bit too soon on that one.
If you think American values are represented on the left you are funny hahah

Values are neither Right nor Left. And you certainly don't have any real values, Rumpster, worth crowing about. It's going to be a long 10 months. And a Fun filled 10 months.
You think American
Values are open Borders, infencided? Free health care to the world, free college to the world? Illegals have licenses? Over regulation that’s similar to slavery?

And exactly when did I agree that all that is a good idea? Please point that out. Inquiring Minds need to know. MOST of us that are against Rump aren't for the crap you claim we are. You made the same BS about me being a Gun Grabber because I presented Common Sense Gun Regulations.

Tell me, if you are a Rump follower, do you really want to competely do away with the Constitution of the United States, completely take over the Supreme Court, dissolve Congress, use the US Military for your every whims, lock up those that disagree with you in interment camps? Or any other insane thing I can think of claiming you may think just to try and make me sound smarter?
That’s the platform of the democrat party... yes I know they are crazy

Thank you for convincing us all that you will resort to any and all to attempt to try and look smarter. Well, cupcake, supporting Rump wipes all of that out.

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