Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

Gun control (except for extraneous weapons) are left to the States. The States will use "Due Process" and accomplish what needs to be done according to the State,County and City needs. Congress and a President can do nothing if the State decides to overturn the ruling. And that will stand up in court. You are still trying to play the victim in your lie. We ain't buying it.

Do you live in this country? Just curious. Unless a law is unconstitutional, all states have to abide by the laws of the federal government. If states could just ignore those laws, then we would have no need for the federal government to write laws, now would we?
How about a 110 lb woman who has to work in a crime ridden neighborhood?

I have know 100's of these women. None have carried a gun and none have been raped.
This is your paranoid world, not the real world. You have never even driven through a true inner city.

You, are a coward.
I have known several that carried guns in their car and in their purse.

You have to be a real class-A moron to believe that because some women you know haven't been raped that no women ever get raped. tense of thousands of women get raped every year. There's nothing "paranoid" about women being worried that they could be raped.
I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Do tell, what would you do against somebody who is going to take your life with a gun? I studied martial arts right up to black belt, and even when I got to that point, my instructor told me there are no realistic moves against an attacker with a gun.

A couple points.
First off, if someone wants to kill you with a gun you will be dead. No one is gonna come up to you and say, "Hey, Ray, I am now going to pull a gun and shoot you" so that you have time to reach for your gun.
What is gonna happen is that you will hear a noise and effectively the same second fall dead to the ground.
Second, I have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being confronted by someone with a gun that wants to kill me. You have to be an ass hole to hide in a storm shelter every time it rains.

I have been confronted with a gun twice in my life, twice with a blade. I am still here, uncut and never shot.

You are a coward.
Why do you imagine you only need a gun if the perp has a gun? If your an old woman and some thugs break into your home, are you going to fight them with your bare hands?

Calling people cowards because they don't want to risk injury or death is the indication of an infantile personality. If I said "you're a coward" because you don't want to fight some wild animal, would you go and do it?

No one could be as big a moron as you appear to be.


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I have known several that carried guns in their car and in their purse.

You have to be a real class-A moron to believe that because some women you know haven't been raped that no women ever get raped. tense of thousands of women get raped every year. There's nothing "paranoid" about women being worried that they could be raped.

Correct. It's not a slight chance. Studies reveal that Americans use their firearms to stop a crime or for self-defense between 44,000 and 4 million times a year, depending on which study you subscribe to. But meeting in the middle somewhere, let's say it happens 2 million times a year. The FBI study has the lowest at 44,000.

In any case, if we can assume that not using a firearm in those situations would have led to a successful crime or even death, that's a hell of a lot of crime we CCW holders and armed households stop every year. But only leftists want to stop this successful program and constitutional right. Why? Because stories of licensed carriers stopping a crime never make it to national news. Hell, it may only make it on your local news if it's a slow news day. So people on the left think it's actually rare.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Yes, the last thing we'd want is for crazy people to be denied access to guns.

Instead, we need to keep teaching our kids to do Active Shooter Drills and cower behind their desks.
This has nothing to do with psychology and everything to do with making gun ownership so expensive and time consuming that common citizens can't afford it.
dems are working hard to punish common citizens for what I dont know

It's like budding juvenile sociopaths pulling the wings off flies. Just cuz.
You stand a lot better chance with a gun against an attacker than without.

Actually, no you don't. FACT.
If I have a gun and intend to victimize you, all you gun can do is make a bad situation worse.

If I see somebody that looks suspicious, my hand is on my gun already.

Looks suspicious? In my 65 years I have never been able to identify someone who is carrying a gun and intent on using it against me by how they look. Maybe you are clairvoyant? That is the only way to explain your mysterious power.

But if I look in my rear view mirror, see a passenger get out and running towards my car, my gun will be pointed at his head before he can take a stance. Here, it's legal to kill somebody trying to break into your vehicle while you are in it if you're licensed like I am.

Does this happen often to you?
This has never happened to me and I have had a gun pulled on me twice, as I have said.

Nevertheless, you can do whatever you like. Just quit trying to stop others from doing the same. When I carry, I don't expect to use my weapon, but like my car insurance that I really don't need, my house insurance, it's good to have it just in case you do need it. If you want to go out uninsured, that's your business.

A gun is not insurance. In fact, you would be charged an surcharge for carrying a gun as it increases not decreases the probability you will be injured by one.

Read you post again. Someone is gonna attack you at a stop light, people look suspicious to you. Good grief you live your life in fear. What a terrible way to live.
Studies reveal that Americans use their firearms to stop a crime or for self-defense between 44,000 and 4 million times a year

complete and total horse shit. How can you believe such crap?
This is the same as believing Donald. You people are fuckin idiots.
How about a 110 lb woman who has to work in a crime ridden neighborhood?

I have know 100's of these women. None have carried a gun and none have been raped.
This is your paranoid world, not the real world. You have never even driven through a true inner city.

You, are a coward.
I have known several that carried guns in their car and in their purse.

You have to be a real class-A moron to believe that because some women you know haven't been raped that no women ever get raped. tense of thousands of women get raped every year. There's nothing "paranoid" about women being worried that they could be raped.

you folks are so fearful

a weak mind no doubt
Actually, no you don't. FACT.
If I have a gun and intend to victimize you, all you gun can do is make a bad situation worse.

And yet that seldom happens with people who use firearms for self-defense.

Looks suspicious? In my 65 years I have never been able to identify someone who is carrying a gun and intent on using it against me by how they look. Maybe you are clairvoyant? That is the only way to explain your mysterious power.

Not a power at all. I know by the way somebody looks at me, acts around me, perhaps they way they are strangely moving at me. I've experienced it several times in my younger days delivering home medial equipment where we often found ourselves in very bad areas of Cleveland. They don't look like your average John.

Does this happen often to you?
This has never happened to me and I have had a gun pulled on me twice, as I have said.

Well there you go. You've had a gun pulled on you twice. Earlier you stated that you have a better chance at being struck by lightening.

So by your own admission, being attacked with or without a firearm is not that rare. In my earlier response to bripat, guns are used to stop a crime or for self-defense between 44,000 and 4 million times a year depending on what figure you choose to use. It happens frequently enough in this country to warrant owning or carrying a firearm if you desire.

A gun is not insurance. In fact, you would be charged an surcharge for carrying a gun as it increases not decreases the probability you will be injured by one.

Read you post again. Someone is gonna attack you at a stop light, people look suspicious to you. Good grief you live your life in fear. What a terrible way to live.

I look both ways before I cross a street, even if it's a side street. That doesn't make me fearful, it makes me smart.
complete and total horse shit. How can you believe such crap?
This is the same as believing Donald. You people are fuckin idiots.

No, because it happens all the time. Do you think people make up these studies out of thin air? As I said, the lowest figure is from the FBI. Are they liars too?
Why do you imagine you only need a gun if the perp has a gun? If your an old woman and some thugs break into your home, are you going to fight them with your bare hands?

I don't need a gun, period. I do not live in fear.
You have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being the victim of an assault during a home invasion, literally. Not only that, you having a gun during such an event will make a bad situation worse. I am much too reasoned to let my fears control me.
Why do you imagine you only need a gun if the perp has a gun? If your an old woman and some thugs break into your home, are you going to fight them with your bare hands?

I don't need a gun, period. I do not live in fear.
You have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being the victim of an assault during a home invasion, literally. Not only that, you having a gun during such an event will make a bad situation worse. I am much too reasoned to let my fears control me.
In a lot of areas, that's true. In other areas, it isn't. When I lived in downtown Baltimore, I was robbed 7 times. There was a methadone clinic down the street from my house. Heroin addicts were walking through my neighborhood every day.

Having a gun during such a situations makes it much better. It ensures that I won't be killed or injured and most likely will prevent me from being killed or assaulted. Many people are alive today only because they had a gun during a home invasion.
How about a 110 lb woman who has to work in a crime ridden neighborhood?

I have know 100's of these women. None have carried a gun and none have been raped.
This is your paranoid world, not the real world. You have never even driven through a true inner city.

You, are a coward.
I have known several that carried guns in their car and in their purse.

You have to be a real class-A moron to believe that because some women you know haven't been raped that no women ever get raped. tense of thousands of women get raped every year. There's nothing "paranoid" about women being worried that they could be raped.

you folks are so fearful

a weak mind no doubt
Do you stick your head in the oven and turn on the gas? You must be "fearful."
I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Do tell, what would you do against somebody who is going to take your life with a gun? I studied martial arts right up to black belt, and even when I got to that point, my instructor told me there are no realistic moves against an attacker with a gun.

A couple points.
First off, if someone wants to kill you with a gun you will be dead. No one is gonna come up to you and say, "Hey, Ray, I am now going to pull a gun and shoot you" so that you have time to reach for your gun.
What is gonna happen is that you will hear a noise and effectively the same second fall dead to the ground.
Second, I have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being confronted by someone with a gun that wants to kill me. You have to be an ass hole to hide in a storm shelter every time it rains.

I have been confronted with a gun twice in my life, twice with a blade. I am still here, uncut and never shot.

You are a coward.

I have a permanent scar on my chest from a knife. Got it as a Teen. I've been shot at and fared better than I did against that knife. BTW, the punk that used that knife spent a long time in ICU over it. Being pissed sometimes makes the pain go into shock and stay there for a few minutes. We were cleaning out a gang that infected our town. And we did it without guns.
Gun control (except for extraneous weapons) are left to the States. The States will use "Due Process" and accomplish what needs to be done according to the State,County and City needs. Congress and a President can do nothing if the State decides to overturn the ruling. And that will stand up in court. You are still trying to play the victim in your lie. We ain't buying it.

Do you live in this country? Just curious. Unless a law is unconstitutional, all states have to abide by the laws of the federal government. If states could just ignore those laws, then we would have no need for the federal government to write laws, now would we?

There you go again. Editing the Constitution to suit your fantasy. Your bunch keeps removing the words "Due Process". Thankfully, the courts have kept that in. The fact that the Feds can't ban the whole spectrum of guns. Now, they can find something extraordinary and highly regulate that one weapon but they can't outright ban it. But the state can using Due Process.
Gun control (except for extraneous weapons) are left to the States.

The right to keep and bear arms belongs to the people, and not to the states. The states have no more legitimate authority to violate this right than the federal government has.

Due process says they do. You just edited out those two words from the 14th Amendment. If you want to rewrite the Constitution, there are ways to do it.

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