Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

Can you imagine what the Democrat Party's Criminals are going to do when they know that everyone is defenseless?

They won't be defenseless. The Elites will still have their automatic weapons and security guards with all kinds of weapons to protect them.
You see, funny thing, when the Second Amendment was passed, guns were so expensive most people couldn't afford them.

Bollocks ... every household had a firearm for hunting and self-defense in Revolutionary War times.

The Minutemen were not in the 1%.

In fact, per the Second Militia Act of 1792 (that's the year after the Second Amendment was ratified) every able-bodied man between the ages of seventeen and forty-five years was a member of the militia, and was required by law to provide himself with a suitable weapon.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective states, resident therein, who is or shall be of the age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia by the captain or commanding officer of the company, within whose bounds such citizen shall reside, and that within twelve months after the passing of this act. And it shall at all times hereafter be the duty of every such captain or commanding officer of a company to enrol every such citizen, as aforesaid, and also those who shall, from time to time, arrive at the age of eighteen years, or being of the age of eighteen years and under the age of forty-five years (except as before excepted) shall come to reside within his bounds; and shall without delay notify such citizen of the said enrolment, by a proper non-commissioned officer of the company, by whom such notice may be proved. That every citizen so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, How to be armed and accoutred. provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch with a box therein to contain not less than twenty-four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball: or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch and powder-horn, twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle, and a quarter of a pound of powder; and shall appear, so armed, accoutred and provided, when called out to exercise, or into service, except, that when called out on company days to exercise only, he may appear without a knapsack. 1803, ch. 15.That the commissioned officers shall severally be armed with a sword or hanger and espontoon, and that from and after five years from the passing of this act, all muskets for arming the militia as herein required, shall be of bores sufficient for balls of the eighteenth part of a pound. And every citizen so enrolled, and providing himself with the arms, ammunition and accoutrements required as aforesaid, shall hold the same exempted from all suits, distresses, executions or sales, for debt or for the payment of taxes.

So, not only is Incel Joe completely wrong in saying that there is no individual right to keep and bear arms; but doing so was an obligation and a responsibility, not merely a right.
The top priority is to get the illegal guns out of the hands of the bad guys. Democrats keep focusing or leaning on the good guys with guns. Maybe we should start these psychological tests of illegal gun owners and their family members in South Chicago or West Baltimore.

Better would be to keep the bad guys off of the street.

There was a time, when anyone who had established his criminality to the degree that society could no longer trust him, would serve his sentence at the end of a rope. After that, there would no longer be any need to worry about whether he was able to obtain a gun or not
LOL, geeze joe. You would label every con on this forum as a nut job and so would psychologist hired by the *biden party

Indeed, on seeing the title of this thread, and further some of Incel Joe's contributions to it, I cannot help of thinking of how notorious the Союз Советских Социалистических Республик was for abusing psychiatry as a means of suppressing political dissidents. What reason can one possibly have to doubt that the same will happen here, l if we start down this path?
Naw, man, I want the right to be able to go to the movies or the mall or shopping or work or send kids to school without having to worry some maniac with a gun is going to spray the crowd with lead.

Your cowardice, paranoia and whatever other psychiatric or character issues you have, are your own problems, and not any kind of valid excuse to strip sane people of any rights.
Should we have the same evaluation before someone can speak his/her opinion....and if he/she fails they can't speak their opinion?

This is a yes or no question.


You can't kill someone with an opinion.

But I can see why you wouldn't want anyone to evaluate your dumb analogy.
Charlie manson managed to do so------
Hitler did the same...
There was a time, when anyone who had established his criminality to the degree that society could no longer trust him, would serve his sentence at the end of a rope. After that, there would no longer be any need to worry about whether he was able to obtain a gun or not

But that was a time with no liberals. We blamed people for their own actions, not inanimate objects.
You guys aren't getting into power again... not until you dump the crazies in your party.

You mean the faggots and transsexuals and even worse sexual degenerates, the Black Lies Matter and Antfifa terrorists, the druggies and the street gangs?

Your party is the party that is full of crazies.
Normally I would say that you’re right, if it weren’t that you guys put in office a figurehead, and are in the process of steamrolling your agenda along party line votes, which Americans don’t like. You’ve let the more radical elements run things so far, using Joe as the face, while nut jobs within like AOC are the real drivers...Overplaying your hand is a Democrat staple.

Uh, Biden is very popular right now... he'll be even more popular when we round the corner on the Plague and the economy.

Most Americans favor stronger gun laws.
It doesn't make a difference. You can either violate constitutional rights or you can't. You on the left feel you can pick and choose which rights you can violate when commies get in charge. How is a $800 fee for this psychological exam any different than a poll tax? You won't like when the shoe is on the other foot. And don't say we won't be in power again. Why do you think the Nazis are so scared of Donald Trump they are taking desperate measures to stop him from running in four years? If you can impeach a President for exercising his first amendment constitutional rights, we will be doing the same in 2022.

He's not being impeached for his First Amendment Rights. He's being impeached for inciting a riot and getting half a dozen people killed.

But to the point, the Second Amendment is about Well-Regulated Militias, and frankly, an $800.00 exam is perfectly reasonable. The Army does psych evaluations on new members... probably costs more than $800.00 to administer, too.
You mean the faggots and transsexuals and even worse sexual degenerates, the Black Lies Matter and Antfifa terrorists, the druggies and the street gangs?

Your party is the party that is full of crazies.

Guy, your weird sex obsessions are amusing (let's not forget, your religion started out as a deviant sex cult where the cult leaders were fucking teenage girls.)

Most Americans support gay rights. Even Trump avoided the subject. you've kind of lost on that one. Most Americans support police reform.

It says a lot that thinking "Black Lives Matter" or that being Anti-fascist is a bad thing.
In the UK, for example, where you can't even possess pepper spray, the law abiding population has been reduced to a cowering mass of frightened moles.
The number of gun deaths in the UK is soaring and assaults and home invasions are off the charts.

The UK has about 50 gun homicides a year. We have close to 15,000.
So, not only is Incel Joe completely wrong in saying that there is no individual right to keep and bear arms; but doing so was an obligation and a responsibility, not merely a right.

You do realize that the militia laws were largely overwritten by the establishment of the National Guard, right?

Nobody is going to call you up as a Militia, Mormon Bob.
It doesn't make a difference. You can either violate constitutional rights or you can't. You on the left feel you can pick and choose which rights you can violate when commies get in charge. How is a $800 fee for this psychological exam any different than a poll tax? You won't like when the shoe is on the other foot. And don't say we won't be in power again. Why do you think the Nazis are so scared of Donald Trump they are taking desperate measures to stop him from running in four years? If you can impeach a President for exercising his first amendment constitutional rights, we will be doing the same in 2022.

He's not being impeached for his First Amendment Rights. He's being impeached for inciting a riot and getting half a dozen people killed.

But to the point, the Second Amendment is about Well-Regulated Militias, and frankly, an $800.00 exam is perfectly reasonable. The Army does psych evaluations on new members... probably costs more than $800.00 to administer, too.

No, he's being impeached to give the Democrats, who actually think they have national momentum, air time beyond the news to blather their nonsense, essentially dropping their trousers in public and screaming "Look at me!"

To the point, a right that can be regulated and fees charged for its exercise by whatever sitting government happens to be in the chair is not a right, but a privilege.
This has nothing to do with psychology and everything to do with making gun ownership so expensive and time consuming that common citizens can't afford it.

Why would that be a bad thing?

You see, funny thing, when the Second Amendment was passed, guns were so expensive most people couldn't afford them. Gun ownership was a privilege of the rich.

Then Colt started mass producing them, and we've had criminals with guns ever since.

Funny thing, what they are kind of proposing here is what Germany already has. Germany has gun ownership, about 20 million guns for 80 million people. But it isn't considered a "Right", it's a privilege that has to be earned.

Germany has very little gun crime and few gun murders.
Quite wrong.

When gthe second amendment was passed mosgt people owned guns and they were affordable. You losty that stupid argument long ago.

Germany also has a population of helpless victims being looted raped and pillaged by immigrants.

Poor example.
Bollocks ... every household had a firearm for hunting and self-defense in Revolutionary War times.

The Minutemen were not in the 1%.

The "minuteman" is largely a myth.

The Revolutionary army was small, and they had to ask France for guns.
It is not myth they asked francxe for troops not guns.

Mosgt people had guns and ownershiip was common
In the UK, for example, where you can't even possess pepper spray, the law abiding population has been reduced to a cowering mass of frightened moles.
The number of gun deaths in the UK is soaring and assaults and home invasions are off the charts.

The UK has about 50 gun homicides a year. We have close to 15,000.

The US has 5 times the population, and much of that trapped in cities where the Democrat governments take little notice of crime rates.

Most homicides are among the criminal element. Return to timely executions of violent criminals instead of releasing them numerous times over their careers would definitely cut that number.

The Left often includes suicides in their numbers, which of course are not homicides.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

If a woman wants an abortion, Republicans have insisted that she wait three days and think about it, view ultra sounds of the fetus, and undergo other unnecessary medical tests before the woman can have a legal abortion and you don't have any problem with any of these waiting periods, and additional restrictions. You're all for making it as difficult and expensive as possible to have an abortion.

If a Republican wants a gun, he or she should have to go through the same level of bullshit that a woman goes through to get an abortion. Fair is fair.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

If a woman wants an abortion, Republicans have insisted that she wait three days and think about it, view ultra sounds of the fetus, and undergo other unnecessary medical tests before the woman can have a legal abortion and you don't have any problem with any of these waiting periods, and additional restrictions. You're all for making it as difficult and expensive as possible to have an abortion.

If a Republican wants a gun, he or she should have to go through the same level of bullshit that a woman goes through to get an abortion. Fair is fair.

Please quote the Constitutional text specifically guaranteeing the right to abortion.

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