Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

No, he's being impeached to give the Democrats, who actually think they have national momentum, air time beyond the news to blather their nonsense, essentially dropping their trousers in public and screaming "Look at me!"

Actually, they are impeaching him because the last thing you want is government by angry mob.

Imagine it's 2025, and Harris calls an Antifa/BLM mob to intimidate Congress into putting her into office after she lost.

See the problem now?

To the point, a right that can be regulated and fees charged for its exercise by whatever sitting government happens to be in the chair is not a right, but a privilege.

There are no rights. There are only privileges. Any fool who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

All supposed rights are regulated. You can't scream "Fire" in a crowded theater. You can't claim to be a worshiper of the Aztec Pantheon and go around cutting people's hearts out. You can't scream about the fourth amendment when someone in your basement is screaming for help.

So the question is, does this regulation make sense?

Um, yeah, it kind of does.
Funny the 1st amendment was passed when the best means of communication was letters and horse. Using your example the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to any form of mass communication, radio, tv, the internet and so on. Your argument is dumb as shit.
As far as the old world empires they never had the right to own firearms however the US has always had the right. Your argument is dumb as shit.

Actually, all of those industries are either regulated or self-regulate. TV and Radio are controlled by the FCC. Movies are governed by the MPAA (and before that the Hayes Code). The internet is still the wild west, but it won't be for much longer.

The problem with the argument of Second Amendment Advocates is that we need a gun for one of two reasons.

To kill people who want to hurt us.

To overthrow the government when we don't like it anymore.

Okay, the problem with the first one is that it almost never happens. DGU's are rare, and a gun in the home if 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

The other one is even sillier, because the government has tanks and bombers and artillery and warships, and clearly, the Second Amendment didn't give the people to keep and bear those. (In colonial times, there were privately owned warships and cannons, but the government put a stop to that nonsense.)

But even if you could, what would that look like? It would be Jan. 6 every day... Hard pass for most sane people.
still quoting that 43 times debunked bullshit?
Firearms, in regards to the 2nd, are a protective measure for the most part, as in self defense. In that respect, a firearm is merely a tool to protect life and limb, only one of many you may not realize are readily available unless you are aware and resourceful.

Of course, there are numerous laws that ban such resourcefulness like the use of hornet spay on a dangerous criminal that threatens your life, or restrictions on pepper spay, licenses for tear gas, bans on knives of a certain style and length, bans on spring loaded guns that fire a projectile that can penetrate a bullet proof vest, etc.

The right to bear arms should cover all these tools of self defense, not just "guns". I never see this mentioned in these kind of conversations online.
Normally I would say that you’re right, if it weren’t that you guys put in office a figurehead, and are in the process of steamrolling your agenda along party line votes, which Americans don’t like. You’ve let the more radical elements run things so far, using Joe as the face, while nut jobs within like AOC are the real drivers...Overplaying your hand is a Democrat staple.

Uh, Biden is very popular right now... he'll be even more popular when we round the corner on the Plague and the economy.

Most Americans favor stronger gun laws.

There ya go again, believing in bias confirming polling...In any case, while most in America may well favor curbing gun violence, they don't want that achieved by a heavy handed government coming after them and their own guns....Believe it or not liberals own guns too....

See, the thing is that it is more than just taking a piece of metal away, it is removing a right....And American's of all stripes are firmly against that...
There ya go again, believing in bias confirming polling...In any case, while most in America may well favor curbing gun violence, they don't want that achieved by a heavy handed government coming after them and their own guns....Believe it or not liberals own guns too....

I'm sure a lot do. And a lot of them won't have a problem with psych evaluations for new gun owners.

the two things we always find out after a mass shooting. 1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was crazy. and 2) He was still able to get a gun with relative ease.

The real problem is commitment. While overwhelming majorities support most common sense gun control, they don't make much progress because their concern doesn't last more than a few weeks after the last mass shooting. Meanwhile the gun fetishists are on this topic 24/7, like some of our resident gun nuts here who just can't talking about guns.

See, the thing is that it is more than just taking a piece of metal away, it is removing a right....And American's of all stripes are firmly against that...

Actually, I don't think a crazy person should have a right to a military grade weapon so he can shoot up a school.

I'm not sure why you think this is such an essential right.
the two things we always find out after a mass shooting. 1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was crazy. and 2) He was still able to get a gun with relative ease.

The largest mass shooting (Vegas) the shooter was a well respected and well known person in Vegas. He was financially successful and took care of his elderly mother. Nobody who knew him would have suspected anything.
There ya go again, believing in bias confirming polling...In any case, while most in America may well favor curbing gun violence, they don't want that achieved by a heavy handed government coming after them and their own guns....Believe it or not liberals own guns too....

See, the thing is that it is more than just taking a piece of metal away, it is removing a right....And American's of all stripes are firmly against that...

Leftists believe if you take guns away from law abiding Americans, the criminals will surrender theirs too. This is why we can't have leftist thinking running this country. Look at how much damage dementia Joe caused already, and he hasn't been in office three weeks yet. He took thousands of jobs away from Americans when we need them the most, pissed off our friends in Canada, pissed off the people of New Mexico, pissed off an American Indian tribe, and gasoline up 30 cents a gallon since he was elected.

It's only going to get worse from here.
Imagine it's 2025, and Harris calls an Antifa/BLM mob to intimidate Congress into putting her into office after she lost.

Whorris? The same woman who started a Go Fund Me account for people to contribute money to bailout rioters across the country so they can go back out and riot?

When did Trump call on anybody to attack the Capital building? Exact words and link please.
If a woman wants an abortion, Republicans have insisted that she wait three days and think about it, view ultra sounds of the fetus, and undergo other unnecessary medical tests before the woman can have a legal abortion and you don't have any problem with any of these waiting periods, and additional restrictions. You're all for making it as difficult and expensive as possible to have an abortion.

If a Republican wants a gun, he or she should have to go through the same level of bullshit that a woman goes through to get an abortion. Fair is fair.

Correct. Fair is fair. If we need to spend $800 for a psychological evaluation to own a gun, it's only fair we make people spend $800 to have a psychological evaluation to vote. They are both constitutional rights, so why shouldn't we?
If a woman wants an abortion, Republicans have insisted that she wait three days and think about it, view ultra sounds of the fetus, and undergo other unnecessary medical tests before the woman can have a legal abortion and you don't have any problem with any of these waiting periods, and additional restrictions. You're all for making it as difficult and expensive as possible to have an abortion.

If a Republican wants a gun, he or she should have to go through the same level of bullshit that a woman goes through to get an abortion. Fair is fair.

You haven't bought a firearm lately have you.
You should shut up when you have no idea what you are talking about ... :thup:

The US has 5 times the population, and much of that trapped in cities where the Democrat governments take little notice of crime rates.

Nobody can tell the left about facts. It's like showing Dracula a cross.


He's not being impeached for his First Amendment Rights. He's being impeached for inciting a riot and getting half a dozen people killed.

But to the point, the Second Amendment is about Well-Regulated Militias, and frankly, an $800.00 exam is perfectly reasonable. The Army does psych evaluations on new members... probably costs more than $800.00 to administer, too.

The courts disagree with you. It's a right for most Americans, not just the militia. That said, there is no constitutional right to join the military or police force. The FBI already proved the commie claim a lie. They knew of the potential attack days ahead of time. It had nothing to do with Trump's speech.
The largest mass shooting (Vegas) the shooter was a well respected and well known person in Vegas. He was financially successful and took care of his elderly mother. Nobody who knew him would have suspected anything.

Not sure why you think that really accounts for anything. The guy was kind of a weird recluse.

During his last months, Paddock reportedly often smelled of alcohol from early morning[33][49] and appeared despondent.[33] He was reported to have filled three prescriptions for the anti-anxiety drug Valium, in 2013[32] and again in 2016, and finally 50 tablets of 10-milligrams each in June 2017, four months before the shooting.[50] The chief medical officer of the Las Vegas Recovery Center said the effects of the drug can be magnified by alcohol,[50] as confirmed by Michael First, a clinical psychiatry professor at Columbia University.[50][51][52][53]

During an interview with local CBS affiliate KLAS-TV, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Paddock had reportedly been losing "a significant amount of wealth" since September 2015, which led to his having "bouts of depression".[54][55][56] According to his girlfriend, she noticed a decline of affection and intimacy towards her from Paddock, who had been romantic at first during their relationship; he attributed it to his declining health.[3]

Paddock's gun purchases spiked significantly between October 2016 and September 28, 2017. He purchased over 55 firearms, the majority of them rifles, according to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. He also purchased a number of firearm-related accessories. Prior to that, he purchased approximately 29 firearms between 1982 and September 2016, mainly handguns and shotguns.[57][58] His girlfriend noticed the increase of firearm-related purchases but believed his interest in guns was just a hobby.[3]

At his suggestion, two weeks before the attack, his girlfriend went to her native country, the Philippines. Paddock bought her a surprise airline ticket and soon after wired her $100,000 to buy a house there.[59] Most of their communication during this time was primarily through email and text message.[3] He was spotted in Las Vegas with another woman, reported by investigators to be a prostitute.[60] It was later confirmed that the prostitute was not an accomplice or considered a suspect, and her name has not been released.[61] Two days prior to the shooting, Paddock was recorded by a home surveillance system driving alone to an area for target practice located near his home.[62]

The courts disagree with you. It's a right for most Americans, not just the militia. That said, there is no constitutional right to join the military or police force. The FBI already proved the commie claim a lie. They knew of the potential attack days ahead of time. It had nothing to do with Trump's speech.

Um, all those people didn't attack the capitol because the Proud Boys were scheming, buddy. You can thank Trump for that one.

Again, the best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut wanking off about all the people he'd like to shoot.
So, not only is Incel Joe completely wrong in saying that there is no individual right to keep and bear arms; but doing so was an obligation and a responsibility, not merely a right.

You do realize that the militia laws were largely overwritten by the establishment of the National Guard, right?

Nobody is going to call you up as a Militia, Mormon Bob.

By law, the “unorganized militia” still exists, and consists of every able-bodied man between the ages of 18 and 45 with some exceptions. The act which established the National Guard defined it as the “organized militia” separate from the previously-existing unorganized militia.

It doesn't apply to me, any more, because I am past the specified age range.
If a woman wants an abortion, Republicans have insisted that she wait three days and think about it, view ultra sounds of the fetus, and undergo other unnecessary medical tests before the woman can have a legal abortion and you don't have any problem with any of these waiting periods, and additional restrictions. You're all for making it as difficult and expensive as possible to have an abortion.

If a Republican wants a gun, he or she should have to go through the same level of bullshit that a woman goes through to get an abortion. Fair is fair.

Every successful abortion kills an innocent human being. That we allow this savage procedure at all is a deep, dark, shameful stain stain on our society. Having any willing part ion an abortion ought to be treated the same as any other instance of first-degree murder against an innocent child.

The overwhelming vast majority of those of us who own guns never use them to cause any harm to anyone.
Imagine it's 2025, and Harris calls an Antifa/BLM mob to intimidate Congress into putting her into office after she lost.

Whorris? The same woman who started a Go Fund Me account for people to contribute money to bailout rioters across the country so they can go back out and riot?

Of course, you're arguing with Incel Joe who is firmly on the side of the subhuman criminal pieces of shit that the whore helped bail out so that they could continue to commit more acts of violence, destruction, and terrorism.
Not sure why you think that really accounts for anything. The guy was kind of a weird recluse.

He was always strange, but again, well known to people in Vegas and successful. He ran into trouble later on as you posted, but nobody knew that except him and whoever prescribed him the medications. That all came out after the fact. I'm sure most people in his situation are not dangerous. Everybody has a problem of some sort.

Um, all those people didn't attack the capitol because the Proud Boys were scheming, buddy. You can thank Trump for that one.

Again, the best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut wanking off about all the people he'd like to shoot.

I really haven't met anybody like that. And no, keyboard Rambo's don't count. You don't even understand the real reason Democrats want to disarm the public. You're like that happy frog in a pot of ice cold water on top of the stove. The criminals will always have guns no matter what we do, just like they've always had drugs in spite of all the laws and rehab we have to stop them. You on the left want a disarmed society to give them an upper-hand against us. I can't think of anything stupider than that. It's like insisting you go to a fight with your wrists handcuffed.

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