Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Yes, the last thing we'd want is for crazy people to be denied access to guns.

Instead, we need to keep teaching our kids to do Active Shooter Drills and cower behind their desks.
This has nothing to do with psychology and everything to do with making gun ownership so expensive and time consuming that common citizens can't afford it.

He doesn't care. He doesn't want you to own a gun. He hates guns, this country, and the 2a.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Yes, the last thing we'd want is for crazy people to be denied access to guns.

Instead, we need to keep teaching our kids to do Active Shooter Drills and cower behind their desks.

The top priority is to get the illegal guns out of the hands of the bad guys. Democrats keep focusing or leaning on the good guys with guns. Maybe we should start these psychological tests of illegal gun owners and their family members in South Chicago or West Baltimore.

Better yet, psychological tests of Democrats. Lets face it. They are not right in the head.

I didnt read this before I posted. :auiqs.jpg:

Great minds, think alike.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

If a woman wants an abortion, Republicans have insisted that she wait three days and think about it, view ultra sounds of the fetus, and undergo other unnecessary medical tests before the woman can have a legal abortion and you don't have any problem with any of these waiting periods, and additional restrictions. You're all for making it as difficult and expensive as possible to have an abortion.

If a Republican wants a gun, he or she should have to go through the same level of bullshit that a woman goes through to get an abortion. Fair is fair.

Please quote the Constitutional text specifically guaranteeing the right to abortion.

The 14th Amendment.

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

Laws which deny women the right to decide whether to have a baby denies her constitutional right to life and liberty. And don't start with rights for the zygote. It doesn't have rights.

For the authoritarian right, it's not about abortion, it's about more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

If a woman wants an abortion, Republicans have insisted that she wait three days and think about it, view ultra sounds of the fetus, and undergo other unnecessary medical tests before the woman can have a legal abortion and you don't have any problem with any of these waiting periods, and additional restrictions. You're all for making it as difficult and expensive as possible to have an abortion.

If a Republican wants a gun, he or she should have to go through the same level of bullshit that a woman goes through to get an abortion. Fair is fair.

Please quote the Constitutional text specifically guaranteeing the right to abortion.

The 14th Amendment.

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

Laws which deny women the right to decide whether to have a baby denies her constitutional right to life and liberty. And don't start with rights for the zygote. It doesn't have rights.

For the authoritarian right, it's not about abortion, it's about more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

You are a raving lunatic. The topic is the Authoritarian Left trying to take away rights.

You support that. The shit you are spewing from your face anus, is just an attempt to distract from your sides crimes.
The best estimate is 40 percent of Americans own a gun. That I believe would be around 132 million people so good luck trying to do evaluations of that many people and their family.
Especially those of us who carry guns outside our home. CCW holders have the lowest crime rate of any group of people including police officers.


He was always strange, but again, well known to people in Vegas and successful. He ran into trouble later on as you posted, but nobody knew that except him and whoever prescribed him the medications. That all came out after the fact. I'm sure most people in his situation are not dangerous. Everybody has a problem of some sort.

The very minute they put him on the Anti-Crazy pills, they should have stopped by and confiscated all of his guns. Problem solved.

I really haven't met anybody like that. And no, keyboard Rambo's don't count. You don't even understand the real reason Democrats want to disarm the public. You're like that happy frog in a pot of ice cold water on top of the stove.

um, that's a mythology. A real frog will get out of the water when the water temperature changes. On the other hand, if you drop a frog into boiling water, he'll probably die of shock. The actual science is different from the Right Wing Metaphor.

The criminals will always have guns no matter what we do, just like they've always had drugs in spite of all the laws and rehab we have to stop them.

Except other countries ban or limit gun ownership and DON'T Have the kinds of problems we have. The concept of "it can't be done" is ridiculous because it HAS been done in Germany, the UK , Japan and a host of other countries.

You on the left want a disarmed society to give them an upper-hand against us. I can't think of anything stupider than that. It's like insisting you go to a fight with your wrists handcuffed.

No, guy, I worry more about a nut with a gun than I do with a crook without a gun. So a mugger takes my wallet. I never carry more than $100.00 on me, and I can cancel my credit cards. That's MUCH less of a problem than if I'm watching a movie and James Holmes pops in because he thinks he's The Joker. Or if Richard Paddock decides to spray down a concert with bullets because he's dying anyway, and wants to take a bunch of other people with him.

They had lower gun murder rates before they banned and confiscated guns...banning and confiscating guns had no effect on their murder rates or gun murder was a pointless, meaningless gesture and offense.

Meanwhile, in the more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down, not up..

so nothing you posted is even remotely true or accurate...

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

If a woman wants an abortion, Republicans have insisted that she wait three days and think about it, view ultra sounds of the fetus, and undergo other unnecessary medical tests before the woman can have a legal abortion and you don't have any problem with any of these waiting periods, and additional restrictions. You're all for making it as difficult and expensive as possible to have an abortion.

If a Republican wants a gun, he or she should have to go through the same level of bullshit that a woman goes through to get an abortion. Fair is fair.

Please quote the Constitutional text specifically guaranteeing the right to abortion.

The 14th Amendment.

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

Laws which deny women the right to decide whether to have a baby denies her constitutional right to life and liberty. And don't start with rights for the zygote. It doesn't have rights.

Laws that allow her to kill her baby take the Rights away from the doofus.
Forced? Wow, that's some power right there. Yet you conveniently and totally ignore the legislators that were "forced" to write and vote for this legislation. Shouldn't they be brought under scrutiny, or is this another "orange man bad" moment?

You know how it is when the courts force a state to allow good people to carry guns to protect themselves. All hell breaks loose.
The best estimate is 40 percent of Americans own a gun. That I believe would be around 132 million people so good luck trying to do evaluations of that many people and their family.

They don't plan to do evalutations....they will simply say without one, they can confiscate your guns.......therefore, it is on you to get and prove you have had it.....and anytime you interact with police, you will be on the spot and in danger of felony violations of those laws ....
The best estimate is 40 percent of Americans own a gun. That I believe would be around 132 million people so good luck trying to do evaluations of that many people and their family.

They don't plan to do evalutations....they will simply say without one, they can confiscate your guns.......therefore, it is on you to get and prove you have had it.....and anytime you interact with police, you will be on the spot and in danger of felony violations of those laws ....
Two things first I really don’t see such a bill getting 60 votes in the Senate Democrat Senators in moderate or red states would be out in the next election if they voted for it their seat in Congress means way to much to them to do that. Second if by some miracle it did get passed it’s all but assured the courts would strike it down.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

If a woman wants an abortion, Republicans have insisted that she wait three days and think about it, view ultra sounds of the fetus, and undergo other unnecessary medical tests before the woman can have a legal abortion and you don't have any problem with any of these waiting periods, and additional restrictions. You're all for making it as difficult and expensive as possible to have an abortion.

If a Republican wants a gun, he or she should have to go through the same level of bullshit that a woman goes through to get an abortion. Fair is fair.

Please quote the Constitutional text specifically guaranteeing the right to abortion.

The 14th Amendment.

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

Laws which deny women the right to decide whether to have a baby denies her constitutional right to life and liberty. And don't start with rights for the zygote. It doesn't have rights.

For the authoritarian right, it's not about abortion, it's about more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

It's a human baby with rights. Once again, your argument fails.
The best estimate is 40 percent of Americans own a gun. That I believe would be around 132 million people so good luck trying to do evaluations of that many people and their family.

They don't plan to do evalutations....they will simply say without one, they can confiscate your guns.......therefore, it is on you to get and prove you have had it.....and anytime you interact with police, you will be on the spot and in danger of felony violations of those laws ....
Two things first I really don’t see such a bill getting 60 votes in the Senate Democrat Senators in moderate or red states would be out in the next election if they voted for it their seat in Congress means way to much to them to do that. Second if by some miracle it did get passed it’s all but assured the courts would strike it down.

I am sad to say that your post is based more on hope than reality.

Why would it need 60 votes? It is a 50-50 split and harris will break the tie.......

And which court would strike it down? The 9th, the 4th, the 2nd? Where gun rights go to die? Followed up be a refusal to hear the case by Roberts and the others?
The best estimate is 40 percent of Americans own a gun. That I believe would be around 132 million people so good luck trying to do evaluations of that many people and their family.

If this stupidity would pass, it would turn so many people against the Democrat party that no massive cheating would get them a win again.

Sadly, I don't think you are correct here....
um, that's a mythology. A real frog will get out of the water when the water temperature changes. On the other hand, if you drop a frog into boiling water, he'll probably die of shock. The actual science is different from the Right Wing Metaphor.

Nope. A frog needs something hard in which to use his legs to jump. The frog just dies.

What you have to remember is the reason you're safe in your home is because people like me have guns in ours. Criminals don't know if you have a gun or not, so they don't dare rob you while you're home. Take guns away from law abiding citizens, and they will know you are not armed and can't defend yourself.

Except other countries ban or limit gun ownership and DON'T Have the kinds of problems we have. The concept of "it can't be done" is ridiculous because it HAS been done in Germany, the UK , Japan and a host of other countries.

And I already posted charts of the problems they do have because they can't protect themselves. They have higher crime rates in other areas like rapes, assaults, and armed robberies. Instead of getting shot, they get sliced up like a side of beef. They have a knife ban. You can't have a knife on your person just like felons here can't have a gun. But like here, the bad guys don't obey the laws, the unsuspecting law abiding citizen does, and that's how they become victims.

No, guy, I worry more about a nut with a gun than I do with a crook without a gun. So a mugger takes my wallet. I never carry more than $100.00 on me, and I can cancel my credit cards. That's MUCH less of a problem than if I'm watching a movie and James Holmes pops in because he thinks he's The Joker. Or if Richard Paddock decides to spray down a concert with bullets because he's dying anyway, and wants to take a bunch of other people with him.

Again, those people will always get guns if they want them. Every place would be a gun-free zone which attracts them to various places today. All crooks carry guns. Nobody is going to mug you unarmed.

Another leftist lying site that has been debunked a while ago.

I live in a country where handguns are carefully regulated, and none of the stuff you claim will happen without guns to defend yourselves, is happening here. Our murder rate is 1/7th of the USA, and our violent crime statistics are much lower than yours.

If owning guns kept Americans "safe", your nation wouldn't be the most violent in the first world. And don't hand me that bullshit that it's because of minorities.
um, that's a mythology. A real frog will get out of the water when the water temperature changes. On the other hand, if you drop a frog into boiling water, he'll probably die of shock. The actual science is different from the Right Wing Metaphor.

Nope. A frog needs something hard in which to use his legs to jump. The frog just dies.

What you have to remember is the reason you're safe in your home is because people like me have guns in ours. Criminals don't know if you have a gun or not, so they don't dare rob you while you're home. Take guns away from law abiding citizens, and they will know you are not armed and can't defend yourself.

Except other countries ban or limit gun ownership and DON'T Have the kinds of problems we have. The concept of "it can't be done" is ridiculous because it HAS been done in Germany, the UK , Japan and a host of other countries.

And I already posted charts of the problems they do have because they can't protect themselves. They have higher crime rates in other areas like rapes, assaults, and armed robberies. Instead of getting shot, they get sliced up like a side of beef. They have a knife ban. You can't have a knife on your person just like felons here can't have a gun. But like here, the bad guys don't obey the laws, the unsuspecting law abiding citizen does, and that's how they become victims.

No, guy, I worry more about a nut with a gun than I do with a crook without a gun. So a mugger takes my wallet. I never carry more than $100.00 on me, and I can cancel my credit cards. That's MUCH less of a problem than if I'm watching a movie and James Holmes pops in because he thinks he's The Joker. Or if Richard Paddock decides to spray down a concert with bullets because he's dying anyway, and wants to take a bunch of other people with him.

Again, those people will always get guns if they want them. Every place would be a gun-free zone which attracts them to various places today. All crooks carry guns. Nobody is going to mug you unarmed.

Another leftist lying site that has been debunked a while ago.

I live in a country where handguns are carefully regulated, and none of the stuff you claim will happen without guns to defend yourselves, is happening here. Our murder rate is 1/7th of the USA, and our violent crime statistics are much lower than yours.

If owning guns kept Americans "safe", your nation wouldn't be the most violent in the first world. And don't hand me that bullshit that it's because of minorities.

Which country, doofus?

Again.....the countries of Europe were less violent when they were allowed to have guns....

Except...of course, when the governments of Europe murdered 12 million innocent men, women and children...after they banned guns.......

Canada? Is that your country or are you from somewhere else....
um, that's a mythology. A real frog will get out of the water when the water temperature changes. On the other hand, if you drop a frog into boiling water, he'll probably die of shock. The actual science is different from the Right Wing Metaphor.

Nope. A frog needs something hard in which to use his legs to jump. The frog just dies.

What you have to remember is the reason you're safe in your home is because people like me have guns in ours. Criminals don't know if you have a gun or not, so they don't dare rob you while you're home. Take guns away from law abiding citizens, and they will know you are not armed and can't defend yourself.

Except other countries ban or limit gun ownership and DON'T Have the kinds of problems we have. The concept of "it can't be done" is ridiculous because it HAS been done in Germany, the UK , Japan and a host of other countries.

And I already posted charts of the problems they do have because they can't protect themselves. They have higher crime rates in other areas like rapes, assaults, and armed robberies. Instead of getting shot, they get sliced up like a side of beef. They have a knife ban. You can't have a knife on your person just like felons here can't have a gun. But like here, the bad guys don't obey the laws, the unsuspecting law abiding citizen does, and that's how they become victims.

No, guy, I worry more about a nut with a gun than I do with a crook without a gun. So a mugger takes my wallet. I never carry more than $100.00 on me, and I can cancel my credit cards. That's MUCH less of a problem than if I'm watching a movie and James Holmes pops in because he thinks he's The Joker. Or if Richard Paddock decides to spray down a concert with bullets because he's dying anyway, and wants to take a bunch of other people with him.

Again, those people will always get guns if they want them. Every place would be a gun-free zone which attracts them to various places today. All crooks carry guns. Nobody is going to mug you unarmed.

Another leftist lying site that has been debunked a while ago.

I live in a country where handguns are carefully regulated, and none of the stuff you claim will happen without guns to defend yourselves, is happening here. Our murder rate is 1/7th of the USA, and our violent crime statistics are much lower than yours.

If owning guns kept Americans "safe", your nation wouldn't be the most violent in the first world. And don't hand me that bullshit that it's because of minorities.

Why is it bullshit? Cause you don't like it?
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'
We definitely need psych evals for all gun owners.

Wackos like the guy in horns that stormed the capitol or Marjorie Greene are too crazy to have guns. They are not responsible enough to own guns.

What a coincidence. I think people like anyone who voted for President Asterisk are too crazy and irresponsible to be allowed to do a whole host of things. Tell me, which of YOUR civil rights would you think it's okay for the right-wing to strip from you on the basis of "Disagreeing with me means you're crazy"?
I live in a country where handguns are carefully regulated, and none of the stuff you claim will happen without guns to defend yourselves, is happening here. Our murder rate is 1/7th of the USA, and our violent crime statistics are much lower than yours.

If owning guns kept Americans "safe", your nation wouldn't be the most violent in the first world. And don't hand me that bullshit that it's because of minorities.

All you have to do is look at statistics to see who's doing the most murders per capita. In the US, you are six times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Europe is having all kinds of problem with violence and crime. They are gun free just like Canada. Explain that one.
And which court would strike it down? The 9th, the 4th, the 2nd? Where gun rights go to die? Followed up be a refusal to hear the case by Roberts and the others?

I would think Benedict Roberts would have to hear the case. He didn't like Trump very much, but now that Trump is gone for four years, I think he'd entertain it.

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