Dershowitz: ‘You Cannot Charge a President With Obstruction for Exercising His Constitutional Power’

You can't charge a President with Obstruction of Justice or Obstruction of an Official Investigation while the President is seated.....

BUT YOU CAN charge them with Obstruction of Justice or Abuse of Power in an Impeachment and impeachment trial..... that's a FACT, JACK!
If congress has the votes, they can charge the president with abuse of power for getting to eat two scoops of ice cream when everyone else only got one scoop in an impeachment trial. That is a fact Jacklyn!
Rather than having to make all the board members read law books, just impeach Trump.
If any president qualifies for impeachment and removal it is Trump. Why do we tolerate such a president, when we don't have to? If America lasts until the next election we have to elect those Congressmen that will vote impeach and removal.
Good fucking luck with that LIB wet dream.
The REPs our going to GAIN seats in congress in 018.
Even the most delusional dipshit LIB talking heads on CNN/MSNBC admit it.
Now go out and see if you can find any of those white unicorns Obama kept in the Rose garden that escaped after Hillary got her ample ass handed to her.
Dershowitz: ‘You Cannot Charge a President With Obstruction for Exercising His Constitutional Power’

Please quote from the Constitution where it authorizes a president to obstruct justice and break the law.

Article II, Section III

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.
You can't charge a President with Obstruction of Justice or Obstruction of an Official Investigation while the President is seated.....

BUT YOU CAN charge them with Obstruction of Justice or Abuse of Power in an Impeachment and impeachment trial..... that's a FACT, JACK!
I'm charging Trump with "STUPID" in his decision in Israel that the world condemns AND ot how stupid was he in not listening to Obama about not taking Flynn on?
Again for the TRULY SLOW AND STUPID, a President has sole and absolute power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason and there is not a single instance of that not being true Nixon was not charged with obstruction for firing anybody.

He does not, as he can be punished for doing it as part of a crime. That's a fact.

And Dershowitz wasn't referring to firing Comey, but rather to Trump giving his opinion of the investigation to Comey and exerting influence upon it.

That's like saying it's illegal to eat a hamburger if you do it "as part of a crime." Eating hamburgers is legal, whether you do it while robbing a bank or having lunch with your kids. Firing Comey was entirely legal, and there was no crime involved.

I know you're not bright enough or sane enough to understand this, you hack... but there are a lot of laws where whether something is legal or not turns on intent.

employment law says you can be fired for any reason or no reason at all, but not for an illegal reason.

now be quiet since you have no clue about these things

Speaking of hacks, what you can't seem to comprehend is that intent only matters when someone has broken a law. Firing Comey doesn't break any laws, so intent is irrelevant. My intent when eating a hamburger doesn't matter because it's inherently legal. It only matters if I do something illegal, like running you over with my car.

I just love all these legal beagels who don't know jack shit about the most basic legal facts.

Except you don't know what you're talking about.

It is not hackish to point that out to your ignorant ass
Dershowitz: ‘You Cannot Charge a President With Obstruction for Exercising His Constitutional Power’

Please quote from the Constitution where it authorizes a president to obstruct justice and break the law.

Article II, Section III

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

So when Richard Nixon resigned for obstruction, all of his lawyers were wrong?

Damn you're stupid
Again for the TRULY SLOW AND STUPID, a President has sole and absolute power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason and there is not a single instance of that not being true Nixon was not charged with obstruction for firing anybody.

He does not, as he can be punished for doing it as part of a crime. That's a fact.

And Dershowitz wasn't referring to firing Comey, but rather to Trump giving his opinion of the investigation to Comey and exerting influence upon it.

That's like saying it's illegal to eat a hamburger if you do it "as part of a crime." Eating hamburgers is legal, whether you do it while robbing a bank or having lunch with your kids. Firing Comey was entirely legal, and there was no crime involved.

I know you're not bright enough or sane enough to understand this, you hack... but there are a lot of laws where whether something is legal or not turns on intent.

employment law says you can be fired for any reason or no reason at all, but not for an illegal reason.

now be quiet since you have no clue about these things

Speaking of hacks, what you can't seem to comprehend is that intent only matters when someone has broken a law. Firing Comey doesn't break any laws, so intent is irrelevant. My intent when eating a hamburger doesn't matter because it's inherently legal. It only matters if I do something illegal, like running you over with my car.

I just love all these legal beagels who don't know jack shit about the most basic legal facts.

Except you don't know what you're talking about.

It is not hackish to point that out to your ignorant ass

If that were true, you could prove I was wrong, but you can't. You claim to be a lawyer, don't you?

Talk about "hacks."
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

Trump fired Comey because Comey would not slack off his investigation. That's obstruction of justice.
No it isn't Trump can fire an appointee for ANY reason. ANY reason means just that and no Nixon was not charged with obstruction for firing anyone so don't try that lie.

But Nixon was. And Trump cannot impede an investigation.

Look fool, you can do all the bellowing you want, but this investigation s is continuing and apparently Mueller has evidence that shows him he can continue. You don't have that information therefore you really have nothing to say.

Actiually, he can impede an investigation conducted by his own justice department. That's one of his functions as the country's chief law enforcement officer
Remember the last president who tried to impeded an investigation of his administration and it cost him his presidency. The president certainly has the power to shutdown any investigation but he will have to deal with the political fallout.
The LIBs have been frantically trying to get rid of Trump before Ruth crooks and or Kennedy retires.
That's the 100% number one reason the LIBs MUST impeach Trump.
CNN BREAKING NEWS! The 'investigations haven't turned up a SINGLE bit of evidence that Trump 'colluded' with russia.
What has been exposed is the extent of Hillary's corrupt dealings with the russians.
He does not, as he can be punished for doing it as part of a crime. That's a fact.

And Dershowitz wasn't referring to firing Comey, but rather to Trump giving his opinion of the investigation to Comey and exerting influence upon it.

That's like saying it's illegal to eat a hamburger if you do it "as part of a crime." Eating hamburgers is legal, whether you do it while robbing a bank or having lunch with your kids. Firing Comey was entirely legal, and there was no crime involved.

I know you're not bright enough or sane enough to understand this, you hack... but there are a lot of laws where whether something is legal or not turns on intent.

employment law says you can be fired for any reason or no reason at all, but not for an illegal reason.

now be quiet since you have no clue about these things

Speaking of hacks, what you can't seem to comprehend is that intent only matters when someone has broken a law. Firing Comey doesn't break any laws, so intent is irrelevant. My intent when eating a hamburger doesn't matter because it's inherently legal. It only matters if I do something illegal, like running you over with my car.

I just love all these legal beagels who don't know jack shit about the most basic legal facts.

Except you don't know what you're talking about.

It is not hackish to point that out to your ignorant ass

If that were true, you could prove I was wrong, but you can't. You claim to be a lawyer, don't you?

Talk about "hacks."

Prove what idiot? That Nixon resigned because he obstructed justice e it that the standard in employment cases is that you can fire someone for any reason or no reason but not for an illegal reason.

That is the law. Get over it ignoramous
Policy gets in his way. If he doesn't like someone, he fires them. If he thinks Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel he recognizes it as such. If he feels like pissing off North Korea, he does it. If he feels like saying something that is opposite of what he said last week, he says it. It's that simple. He does what he feels like doing when the urge hits him. If you understand this, you understand Trump and hopefully you understand the problems that poses for the nation. However, Trump's president is not about the nation, it's about Trump.

That may be fine for local consumption. but it's dangerous when the world has to make sense of his illogical behavior. Countries will no longer want to work with the USA, and who can blame them.
Name me ONE COUNTRY that "will no longer work with the USA".
You can't! You're a fucking clown!
This is for all the forum idiots who think Mueller can charge Trump with obstruction of justice:

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz batted down the merit of obstruction of justice charges aimed at President Donald Trump for what he said was exercising his constitutional power and authority regarding the firing of then-FBI Director James Comey and instructing the Department of Justice what to and not to investigate.

“If Congress were to ever charge him with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional authority under Article 2, we’d have a constitutional crisis,” he explained. “You cannot charge a president with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional power to fire Comey and his constitutional authority to tell the Justice Department who to investigate, who not to investigate. That’s what Thomas Jefferson did. That’s what Lincoln did. That’s what Roosevelt did. We have precedents that clearly establish that.”

The aim of the Dems is CLEARLY aimed at trying to pin an Obstruction of Justice on Trump. By definition, an impeachment must rise to the level of a "High Crime," and the case against Trump is full of holes.
Dershowitz is an illustration of how radical lefties of the past seem downright moderate in comparison with today's incoherent crazy and angry democrat party. Dershowitz actually praised President Trump for having the guts to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem.
Dershowitz is an illustration of how radical lefties of the past seem downright moderate in comparison with today's incoherent crazy and angry democrat party. Dershowitz actually praised President Trump for having the guts to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem.
Derschowitz has retained at least a modicum of common sense. That's why all the snowflakes in here hate him.
This is for all the forum idiots who think Mueller can charge Trump with obstruction of justice:

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz batted down the merit of obstruction of justice charges aimed at President Donald Trump for what he said was exercising his constitutional power and authority regarding the firing of then-FBI Director James Comey and instructing the Department of Justice what to and not to investigate.

“If Congress were to ever charge him with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional authority under Article 2, we’d have a constitutional crisis,” he explained. “You cannot charge a president with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional power to fire Comey and his constitutional authority to tell the Justice Department who to investigate, who not to investigate. That’s what Thomas Jefferson did. That’s what Lincoln did. That’s what Roosevelt did. We have precedents that clearly establish that.”

he's lost his freaking mind.
And if president killed his wife on the White House lawn with a hundred witnesses, he could shutdown any federal investigation because he's president:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: I rather doubt that would hold up in a Senate impeachment trial. Trump may think he is immune from punishment for his crimes but that's just another one of his delusions.
The moment Trump murders his wife by all means let us know.
Trump NEVER "shut down" ANY investigation/s. When he fired Comey the investigation into Trump never missed one fucking heartbeat.
What's happened is all three 'get Trump' investigations have fallen off the cliff.
Again for the TRULY SLOW AND STUPID, a President has sole and absolute power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason and there is not a single instance of that not being true Nixon was not charged with obstruction for firing anybody.

He does not, as he can be punished for doing it as part of a crime. That's a fact.

And Dershowitz wasn't referring to firing Comey, but rather to Trump giving his opinion of the investigation to Comey and exerting influence upon it.
from the article
Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz batted down the merit of obstruction of justice charges aimed at President Donald Trump for what he said was exercising his constitutional power and authority regarding the firing of then-FBI Director James Comey and instructing the Department of Justice what to and not to investigate.
Having the power to act does not mean the president can not be held accountable for his actions. If Trump fired Comey because of his poor job performance that is certainly proper but if the reason he fired Comey was to protect himself from criminal charges, that's something quite different.
How the fuck did firing Comey "protect" Trump from being investigated???????
Did the investigation stop?
Was it 'set back' months'?
You're an IDIOT!!!!!!
You can't charge a President with Obstruction of Justice or Obstruction of an Official Investigation while the President is seated.....

BUT YOU CAN charge them with Obstruction of Justice or Abuse of Power in an Impeachment and impeachment trial..... that's a FACT, JACK!
As soon as the articles of impeachment are made public would you mind posting them here? Thanks.
These assholes now think a Trump tweet is obstruction and grounds for impeachment? pathetic.
Clinton was impeached for obstructing justice, so now why all of a sudden can't Trump be charged with it?
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

"..... in Comey’s case, however, becomes legally problematic if it is done with the intent of circumventing an investigation.

“If shown that Trump removed Comey to avoid being investigated? Yes impeachable: abuse of power, corruption, undermines rule of law,” Harvard University law professor Noah Feldman tweeted Friday.

The questions about Trump’s motives are being fueled, increasingly, by his own words in interviews and on Twitter."

Trump’s own words add fuel to questions about the legality of firing Comey
How the fuck would anyone in their right mind imagine that by firing Comey Trump believed that would put an end to any investigation/s?
It like claiming someone who is afraid of the cops showing up to arrest him would burn his ID so the cops wouldn't find out who he was.
Some of you have the mental maturity of four year olds.
they believe it BECAUSE that is precisely what Trump SAID it would would ease the gorilla on his back...

He said it, TWICE to Lester Holt, and to the Russians he met with in the Oval office less than 24 hours after he fired Comey...
Now explain how Trump firing Comey "eased" the gorilla on his back.
If anything the gorilla got bigger.
I guess that must mean Trump really IS as stupid as you claim he is right?
You can't charge a President with Obstruction of Justice or Obstruction of an Official Investigation while the President is seated.....

BUT YOU CAN charge them with Obstruction of Justice or Abuse of Power in an Impeachment and impeachment trial..... that's a FACT, JACK!
I'm charging Trump with "STUPID" in his decision in Israel that the world condemns AND ot how stupid was he in not listening to Obama about not taking Flynn on?

Other countries are now following Trump's lead in Israel, try to keep up.
Clinton was impeached for obstructing justice, so now why all of a sudden can't Trump be charged with it?
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

"..... in Comey’s case, however, becomes legally problematic if it is done with the intent of circumventing an investigation.

“If shown that Trump removed Comey to avoid being investigated? Yes impeachable: abuse of power, corruption, undermines rule of law,” Harvard University law professor Noah Feldman tweeted Friday.

The questions about Trump’s motives are being fueled, increasingly, by his own words in interviews and on Twitter."

Trump’s own words add fuel to questions about the legality of firing Comey
How the fuck would anyone in their right mind imagine that by firing Comey Trump believed that would put an end to any investigation/s?
It like claiming someone who is afraid of the cops showing up to arrest him would burn his ID so the cops wouldn't find out who he was.
Some of you have the mental maturity of four year olds.
they believe it BECAUSE that is precisely what Trump SAID it would would ease the gorilla on his back...

He said it, TWICE to Lester Holt, and to the Russians he met with in the Oval office less than 24 hours after he fired Comey...
Now explain how Trump firing Comey "eased" the gorilla on his back.
If anything the gorilla got bigger.
I guess that must mean Trump really IS as stupid as you claim he is right?

Exactly. Trump became POTUS with no political, experience because he is stupid.

Maxine Waters is smart.

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