Dershowitz: ‘You Cannot Charge a President With Obstruction for Exercising His Constitutional Power’

And what was said is backed up by other lawyers and constitutional scholars Yes, a president can obstruct justice, legal experts say the president can not be charged with obstruction in regards his firing of comey.
Of course he can. Mueller just needs to present the evidence to Grand Jury and ask for an indictment and there is nothing Trump can do about it because he is not represented within grand jury proceedings. Trump can certainly fight the charge, but this is not going to happen. Trump's trial will not be in a court of law but before the US Senate.
wrong read the article while Trump can be charged with obstruction for actions he takes THE ACT of firing Comey is NOT one of them. He has a legal constitutional right and power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason.
Of course Trump had the right to fire Comey or any other appointee in the administration. However, if it can be proved that the reason for the firing was to obstruct justice, then he has broken the law and it would be up to the Congress to decide his fate.

Trump's lawyer claims that Trump can not obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer and therefore has the right to express his view of any case. I don't know if that would save him in a court of law. However, if Trump were tried, it would be an impeachment trial before the US Senate and impeachment trials do not follow the same procedures and rules of law as a criminal trial. Senators are the jury and their decisions may or may not be based on evidence plus their decision is final.
. Trump if operating from a position of innocence, is exactly what allowed him to fire Comey, and especially over what we are learning now about it all. Mueller might be next.
Fire Mueller? Go for it A firestorm will the rain down upon his head , by some in his own party too The few that believe in America first
Again for the TRULY SLOW AND STUPID, a President has sole and absolute power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason and there is not a single instance of that not being true Nixon was not charged with obstruction for firing anybody.

that is a lie as Richard Nixon found out. you cannot fire anyone in order to obstruct justice.

you know... for the really brain dead trumptard
. You assume he is obstructing justice, but yet you have no proof of it, otherwise it's just fantasy and dreams of getting Trump because he's everything the liberals fear about forwarding their agenda in which they had worked so hard on for years. If have to the liberals are desperately trying to create something out of nothing now. What they don't realize is that Trump is not the end of the world, so why don't they just sit back and enjoy the great economy being created or fixed, and begin to help in that economic boom ?? The polarizing of this nation by the left has got to be realized finally, and we have to get beyond it.
And what was said is backed up by other lawyers and constitutional scholars Yes, a president can obstruct justice, legal experts say the president can not be charged with obstruction in regards his firing of comey.
Of course he can. Mueller just needs to present the evidence to Grand Jury and ask for an indictment and there is nothing Trump can do about it because he is not represented within grand jury proceedings. Trump can certainly fight the charge, but this is not going to happen. Trump's trial will not be in a court of law but before the US Senate.
wrong read the article while Trump can be charged with obstruction for actions he takes THE ACT of firing Comey is NOT one of them. He has a legal constitutional right and power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason.
Of course Trump had the right to fire Comey or any other appointee in the administration. However, if it can be proved that the reason for the firing was to obstruct justice, then he has broken the law and it would be up to the Congress to decide his fate.

Trump's lawyer claims that Trump can not obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer and therefore has the right to express his view of any case. I don't know if that would save him in a court of law. However, if Trump were tried, it would be an impeachment trial before the US Senate and impeachment trials do not follow the same procedures and rules of law as a criminal trial. Senators are the jury and their decisions may or may not be based on evidence plus their decision is final.
. Trump if operating from a position of innocence, is exactly what allowed him to fire Comey, and especially over what we are learning now about it all. Mueller might be next.
Fire Mueller? Go for it A firestorm will the rain down upon his head , by some in his own party too The few that believe in America first
. Tactical threats in which the administration needs to quit falling for. The whole thing has been a set up, and it needs to end now.
Again for the TRULY SLOW AND STUPID, a President has sole and absolute power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason and there is not a single instance of that not being true Nixon was not charged with obstruction for firing anybody.

that is a lie as Richard Nixon found out. you cannot fire anyone in order to obstruct justice.

you know... for the really brain dead trumptard
. You assume he is obstructing justice, but yet you have no proof of it, otherwise it's just fantasy and dreams of getting Trump because he's everything the liberals fear about forwarding their agenda in which they had worked so hard on for years. If have to the liberals are desperately trying to create something out of nothing now. What they don't realize is that Trump is not the end of the world, so why don't they just sit back and enjoy the great economy being created or fixed, and begin to help in that economic boom ?? The polarizing of this nation by the left has got to be realized finally, and we have to get beyond it.
economic boom lol How much lower will trump take the unemployment % ? I mean Obama left it at 4+ almost considered FULL EMPLOYMENT?? Wheres he going to get the many more millions he keeps yapping about?
Of course he can. Mueller just needs to present the evidence to Grand Jury and ask for an indictment and there is nothing Trump can do about it because he is not represented within grand jury proceedings. Trump can certainly fight the charge, but this is not going to happen. Trump's trial will not be in a court of law but before the US Senate.
wrong read the article while Trump can be charged with obstruction for actions he takes THE ACT of firing Comey is NOT one of them. He has a legal constitutional right and power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason.
Of course Trump had the right to fire Comey or any other appointee in the administration. However, if it can be proved that the reason for the firing was to obstruct justice, then he has broken the law and it would be up to the Congress to decide his fate.

Trump's lawyer claims that Trump can not obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer and therefore has the right to express his view of any case. I don't know if that would save him in a court of law. However, if Trump were tried, it would be an impeachment trial before the US Senate and impeachment trials do not follow the same procedures and rules of law as a criminal trial. Senators are the jury and their decisions may or may not be based on evidence plus their decision is final.
. Trump if operating from a position of innocence, is exactly what allowed him to fire Comey, and especially over what we are learning now about it all. Mueller might be next.
Fire Mueller? Go for it A firestorm will the rain down upon his head , by some in his own party too The few that believe in America first
. Tactical threats in which the administration needs to quit falling for. The whole thing has been a set up, and it needs to end now.
set up ?like benghazi.....or urainium bs
Again for the TRULY SLOW AND STUPID, a President has sole and absolute power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason and there is not a single instance of that not being true Nixon was not charged with obstruction for firing anybody.

He does not, as he can be punished for doing it as part of a crime. That's a fact.

And Dershowitz wasn't referring to firing Comey, but rather to Trump giving his opinion of the investigation to Comey and exerting influence upon it.

That's like saying it's illegal to eat a hamburger if you do it "as part of a crime." Eating hamburgers is legal, whether you do it while robbing a bank or having lunch with your kids. Firing Comey was entirely legal, and there was no crime involved.

I know you're not bright enough or sane enough to understand this, you hack... but there are a lot of laws where whether something is legal or not turns on intent.

employment law says you can be fired for any reason or no reason at all, but not for an illegal reason.

now be quiet since you have no clue about these things

Speaking of hacks, what you can't seem to comprehend is that intent only matters when someone has broken a law. Firing Comey doesn't break any laws, so intent is irrelevant. My intent when eating a hamburger doesn't matter because it's inherently legal. It only matters if I do something illegal, like running you over with my car.

I just love all these legal beagels who don't know jack shit about the most basic legal facts.
Again for the TRULY SLOW AND STUPID, a President has sole and absolute power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason and there is not a single instance of that not being true Nixon was not charged with obstruction for firing anybody.

He does not, as he can be punished for doing it as part of a crime. That's a fact.

And Dershowitz wasn't referring to firing Comey, but rather to Trump giving his opinion of the investigation to Comey and exerting influence upon it.
from the article
Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz batted down the merit of obstruction of justice charges aimed at President Donald Trump for what he said was exercising his constitutional power and authority regarding the firing of then-FBI Director James Comey and instructing the Department of Justice what to and not to investigate.
Having the power to act does not mean the president can not be held accountable for his actions. If Trump fired Comey because of his poor job performance that is certainly proper but if the reason he fired Comey was to protect himself from criminal charges, that's something quite different.

Actually, not. It's legal in both cases.

again, idiotic and false.... bordering on delusional.
It's absolutely true, in other words.
Again for the TRULY SLOW AND STUPID, a President has sole and absolute power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason and there is not a single instance of that not being true Nixon was not charged with obstruction for firing anybody.

that is a lie as Richard Nixon found out. you cannot fire anyone in order to obstruct justice.

you know... for the really brain dead trumptard
. You assume he is obstructing justice, but yet you have no proof of it, otherwise it's just fantasy and dreams of getting Trump because he's everything the liberals fear about forwarding their agenda in which they had worked so hard on for years. If have to the liberals are desperately trying to create something out of nothing now. What they don't realize is that Trump is not the end of the world, so why don't they just sit back and enjoy the great economy being created or fixed, and begin to help in that economic boom ?? The polarizing of this nation by the left has got to be realized finally, and we have to get beyond it.
economic boom lol How much lower will trump take the unemployment % ? I mean Obama left it at 4+ almost considered FULL EMPLOYMENT?? Wheres he going to get the many more millions he keeps yapping about?
. Instead of yapping all the time, why don't you help and find out ? Nope you won't do that because you are a separatist for whom wants your agenda pushed only in the nation right ?? Right ! We had way to much of the polarizing bullcrap from Obammy, and it's time for a change.
So the president is above the law ?
According to the man in the op he is because Hillary is and anyone who isn't a peon is.

I saw him on Fox News tonight and that was his message. Politicians, if high enough, are above the law.

And he didn't mean it as a slur, he was speaking from the heart.

No, according to Dershowitz, the constitution which is the law gives the president the authority to do certain things such as firing cabinet memembers and their subordinates. Following the law in excercising his power is not obstructing the law.

The constitution gives the president a bunch of authority. The constitution is the highest law of the land. Following that law by definition is not being above the law.
He has the power to fire his cabinet members just like Nixon, he doesn't have the right to abuse his power..... in Nixon's articles of impeachment he was not only charged with obstruction, he was charged with "Abuse of Power", so although the president has the right to hire and fire among many things he has the power to do, but he can't ABUSE that example, he can't simply fire the FBI Director investigating him or his wife or his son or his campaign manager or in this case investigating his national security advisor, for committing a crime....That would be an ABUSE of his power.
If President Trump does any of those things by all means let us know.
wrong read the article while Trump can be charged with obstruction for actions he takes THE ACT of firing Comey is NOT one of them. He has a legal constitutional right and power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason.
Of course Trump had the right to fire Comey or any other appointee in the administration. However, if it can be proved that the reason for the firing was to obstruct justice, then he has broken the law and it would be up to the Congress to decide his fate.

Trump's lawyer claims that Trump can not obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer and therefore has the right to express his view of any case. I don't know if that would save him in a court of law. However, if Trump were tried, it would be an impeachment trial before the US Senate and impeachment trials do not follow the same procedures and rules of law as a criminal trial. Senators are the jury and their decisions may or may not be based on evidence plus their decision is final.
. Trump if operating from a position of innocence, is exactly what allowed him to fire Comey, and especially over what we are learning now about it all. Mueller might be next.
Fire Mueller? Go for it A firestorm will the rain down upon his head , by some in his own party too The few that believe in America first
. Tactical threats in which the administration needs to quit falling for. The whole thing has been a set up, and it needs to end now.
set up ?like benghazi.....or urainium bs
. What ?? Are you talking about Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and the lies told over a video that alledgedly caused a riot in Benghazi that got our personel killed there ? You want to go there again ? Didn't think so.
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So the president is above the law ?
According to the man in the op he is because Hillary is and anyone who isn't a peon is.

I saw him on Fox News tonight and that was his message. Politicians, if high enough, are above the law.

And he didn't mean it as a slur, he was speaking from the heart.

No, according to Dershowitz, the constitution which is the law gives the president the authority to do certain things such as firing cabinet memembers and their subordinates. Following the law in excercising his power is not obstructing the law.

The constitution gives the president a bunch of authority. The constitution is the highest law of the land. Following that law by definition is not being above the law.
He has the power to fire his cabinet members just like Nixon, he doesn't have the right to abuse his power..... in Nixon's articles of impeachment he was not only charged with obstruction, he was charged with "Abuse of Power", so although the president has the right to hire and fire among many things he has the power to do, but he can't ABUSE that example, he can't simply fire the FBI Director investigating him or his wife or his son or his campaign manager or in this case investigating his national security advisor, for committing a crime....That would be an ABUSE of his power.
If President Trump does any of those things by all means let us know.
of course, no problem! :p
I agree.There's no possible way that firing the FBI director would violate the law.

I agree. At issue here is "intent." I, at least, do not question his legal authority to terminate his own staff. However, was it done for the intent of interfering with or suborning justice, is the questioning being proposed.

Proving 'intent' is like proving Obama kept a herd of white unicorns in the Rose garden b/c he 'intended' to ride them.
Again for the TRULY SLOW AND STUPID, a President has sole and absolute power to fire ANY appointee for ANY reason and there is not a single instance of that not being true Nixon was not charged with obstruction for firing anybody.

that is a lie as Richard Nixon found out. you cannot fire anyone in order to obstruct justice.

you know... for the really brain dead trumptard
Nixon was NOT charged with firing anyone retard and you claim to be a lawyer.
Of course Trump had the right to fire Comey or any other appointee in the administration. However, if it can be proved that the reason for the firing was to obstruct justice, then he has broken the law and it would be up to the Congress to decide his fate.

Trump's lawyer claims that Trump can not obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer and therefore has the right to express his view of any case. I don't know if that would save him in a court of law. However, if Trump were tried, it would be an impeachment trial before the US Senate and impeachment trials do not follow the same procedures and rules of law as a criminal trial. Senators are the jury and their decisions may or may not be based on evidence plus their decision is final.
. Trump if operating from a position of innocence, is exactly what allowed him to fire Comey, and especially over what we are learning now about it all. Mueller might be next.
Fire Mueller? Go for it A firestorm will the rain down upon his head , by some in his own party too The few that believe in America first
. Tactical threats in which the administration needs to quit falling for. The whole thing has been a set up, and it needs to end now.
set up ?like benghazi.....or urainium bs
. What ?? Are you talking about Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and the lies told over a video that alledgedly caused a riot in Benghazi that got our personel killed there ? You want to go there again ? Didn't think so.
Why should we go there again, we have had 9 investigations lead by Republicans, over the past 4 years and nothing criminal was done by the administration...

btw, why were those 4 soldiers killed in Africa on trump's watch? why did they lie about it to us, why was it 30 days before we found out one of our soldiers was tortured and dismembered and found 2 miles away? Why was he left behind? why were they on this mission alone? What was the real mission? Who was it precisely who killed them? why isn't Trump talking about it? Why aren't the Republicans in Congress instituting 9 investigations to find out what went wrong? Why are the 4 people in Benghazi MORE important than the 4 soldiers ambushed and killed under Trump?
Well there is this.
Trump’s lawyer: the president can’t obstruct justice. 13 legal experts: yes, he can.

President Trump’s lawyer, John Dowd, apparently believes the president cannot be guilty of obstruction of justice because he’s the president.
The “president cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer [under the Constitution’s Article II] and has every right to express his view of any case,” Dowd told Axios’s Mike Allen.
But is that true? To find out, I reached out to 13 legal experts and asked them a single question: Can the president commit obstruction of justice?
Trump’s lawyer: the president can’t obstruct justice. 13 legal experts: yes, he can.
I can 'cherry pick' 13 'lawyers' who say the opposite........asshole!
I can find 13 lawyers today who will swear that eating dog shit everyday will allow you to live forever.
GROW UP!!!!!!
Clinton in Benghazi, Trump in Africa, and all that can and will happen in other case will be

headless benghazi dead horseman.jpg
You can't charge a President with Obstruction of Justice or Obstruction of an Official Investigation while the President is seated.....

BUT YOU CAN charge them with Obstruction of Justice or Abuse of Power in an Impeachment and impeachment trial..... that's a FACT, JACK!
Guys, whether it be Obama or Trump or Nixon or whatever, if the President is above the law and can't be charged in impeachment or actioned by Amendment XXV, we are on the road to dictatorship, and you all know it.

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