Dershowitz: ‘You Cannot Charge a President With Obstruction for Exercising His Constitutional Power’

Proving 'intent' is like proving Obama kept a herd of white unicorns in the Rose garden b/c he 'intended' to ride them.
"Intent" is something the courts need to decide on, that's why they exist. I think it would be interesting to watch.
Clinton was impeached for obstructing justice, so now why all of a sudden can't Trump be charged with it?
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

"..... in Comey’s case, however, becomes legally problematic if it is done with the intent of circumventing an investigation.

“If shown that Trump removed Comey to avoid being investigated? Yes impeachable: abuse of power, corruption, undermines rule of law,” Harvard University law professor Noah Feldman tweeted Friday.

The questions about Trump’s motives are being fueled, increasingly, by his own words in interviews and on Twitter."

Trump’s own words add fuel to questions about the legality of firing Comey
How the fuck would anyone in their right mind imagine that by firing Comey Trump believed that would put an end to any investigation/s?
It like claiming someone who is afraid of the cops showing up to arrest him would burn his ID so the cops wouldn't find out who he was.
Some of you have the mental maturity of four year olds.
Intent, you mean like how Hillary was just to stupid to know she was breaking the law with her server? Like that?
Clinton was impeached for obstructing justice, so now why all of a sudden can't Trump be charged with it?
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

"..... in Comey’s case, however, becomes legally problematic if it is done with the intent of circumventing an investigation.

“If shown that Trump removed Comey to avoid being investigated? Yes impeachable: abuse of power, corruption, undermines rule of law,” Harvard University law professor Noah Feldman tweeted Friday.

The questions about Trump’s motives are being fueled, increasingly, by his own words in interviews and on Twitter."

Trump’s own words add fuel to questions about the legality of firing Comey
How the fuck would anyone in their right mind imagine that by firing Comey Trump believed that would put an end to any investigation/s?

Trump is a Birther. That qualifies him to be mentally capable of believing anything.
Clinton was impeached for obstructing justice, so now why all of a sudden can't Trump be charged with it?
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

Trump fired Comey because Comey would not slack off his investigation. That's obstruction of justice.
"I've got an idea! I'll fire Comey and that way there won't be anymore investigations into me".
You LIB fools have the mental maturity of four year olds!
Clinton was impeached for obstructing justice, so now why all of a sudden can't Trump be charged with it?
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

"..... in Comey’s case, however, becomes legally problematic if it is done with the intent of circumventing an investigation.

“If shown that Trump removed Comey to avoid being investigated? Yes impeachable: abuse of power, corruption, undermines rule of law,” Harvard University law professor Noah Feldman tweeted Friday.

The questions about Trump’s motives are being fueled, increasingly, by his own words in interviews and on Twitter."

Trump’s own words add fuel to questions about the legality of firing Comey
How the fuck would anyone in their right mind imagine that by firing Comey Trump believed that would put an end to any investigation/s?
It like claiming someone who is afraid of the cops showing up to arrest him would burn his ID so the cops wouldn't find out who he was.
Some of you have the mental maturity of four year olds.
they believe it BECAUSE that is precisely what Trump SAID it would would ease the gorilla on his back...

He said it, TWICE to Lester Holt, and to the Russians he met with in the Oval office less than 24 hours after he fired Comey...
Clinton was impeached for obstructing justice, so now why all of a sudden can't Trump be charged with it?
NO! You jerk-off!
Clinton was impeached for LYING TO CONGRESS!!!!!!!
Crawl back under your rock!
He was impeached for lying to a federal judge.
no no no no no

He lied before the Grand jury,

perjury.... before a grand jury for an official investigation is a form of Obstruction of Justice,

ALL PERJURY before a grand jury is a form of Obstruction of Justice.
This is for all the forum idiots who think Mueller can charge Trump with obstruction of justice:

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz batted down the merit of obstruction of justice charges aimed at President Donald Trump for what he said was exercising his constitutional power and authority regarding the firing of then-FBI Director James Comey and instructing the Department of Justice what to and not to investigate.

“If Congress were to ever charge him with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional authority under Article 2, we’d have a constitutional crisis,” he explained. “You cannot charge a president with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional power to fire Comey and his constitutional authority to tell the Justice Department who to investigate, who not to investigate. That’s what Thomas Jefferson did. That’s what Lincoln did. That’s what Roosevelt did. We have precedents that clearly establish that.”

He can charge Trump with obstruction of justice. Dershowitz is wrong.
. Nope, because the original charge and/or the investigation that sought to find the act of cullusion, and all in order for Trump himself to be found guilty of cullusion with the Russians ummmm wasn't found. No cullusion, then the whole case dies, and nothing else matters because it was all a bogus political hit job on Trump and his team by some super corrupt individuals in which had gathered together in order to try and fix an election, but when that failed "the Russians did it, the Russians did it", and that mean ole nasty Trump must have helped them, yes he must have helped them, I mean he had to have helped them right, it's got to be true, it's just got to be, waaaah waahhhh whaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaahhh booooo hoooooooo, boooo hoooooooo snucker snucker goes Madonna, and that NASTY Woman Ashley Judd, Joy Behar, Morning Joe coffee hangover , Miley Cyrus, and well all the rest of the crying good time gang... LOL.

It doesn't seem this is the case. If the investigation was for collusion and the investigation had not been closed and was ongoing, then anything that is designed to stop that investigation is obstruction of justice and a crime. So the case does not die. Instead a count of obstruction is now added to the case.
How did Trump firing Comey effect the 'investigation'?
If anything it made sure the investigations would continue! Which they have without missing a beat.
I encourage Crooked Donnie to believe he cannot be charged with obstruction
Clinton was impeached for obstructing justice, so now why all of a sudden can't Trump be charged with it?
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

Trump fired Comey because Comey would not slack off his investigation. That's obstruction of justice.
No it isn't Trump can fire an appointee for ANY reason. ANY reason means just that and no Nixon was not charged with obstruction for firing anyone so don't try that lie.

But Nixon was. And Trump cannot impede an investigation.

Look fool, you can do all the bellowing you want, but this investigation s is continuing and apparently Mueller has evidence that shows him he can continue. You don't have that information therefore you really have nothing to say.
"this investigation is continuing". That's right asshole! None of the three 'investigations' were slowed down or 'obstructed' by Trump.
You REALLY ought to put your brain in gear.
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

Trump fired Comey because Comey would not slack off his investigation. That's obstruction of justice.

The thing is, Trump could have fired him early on, but his own actions, TWEETS, and big mouth has put him in this position of not finish his term! What incompetent who had such an easy transition with no drama from a failing economy, high unemployment, or budget crisis! This TOOL couldn't even staff the gov't properly because he's so busy watching TV, posting online, and undermining all the institutions that are only trying to keep him in check! Disparaging the MSM, the FBI, Intel, and even the NFL proves he has too much time on his hands! A normal president would be so busy, he would worry about what's being said of him! That's all TRUMP is; always about him and it has to be a flattering portrait for him to be satisfied! If this guy can't be truth when things are going well, how can you possibly believe anything he has to say when Mueller's closing in on his and his entire corrupt admin.? :rolleyes: :cool: ;)

And what was he going to fire Comey for? But I agree with all of what you have said. People here can hide behind the excuse of him using his constitutional right to fire someone but his constitutional right to fire doesn't preclude the reality that if he's firing someone investigating a crime because he wants the investigation to stop its obstruction of justice.
NO it isn't. Clinton fired an attorney that was investigating democrats. NO president has ever been accused of obstruction for firing an appointee. And no charge such as that will ever fly.

Well actually it is obstruction of justice. Trump would not have thought about firing Comey if Comey was not investigating him. We all know that, including you. Now just stop lying to yourself and face the fact that Trump is facing obstruction of justice charges and deal with it.
I can't WAIT for Muller to charge Trump with 'obstruction' and then have to prove the charge to a Supreme Court. HAAA HAAAA!
THAT would be a laugh!
The SC wouldn't even bother to hear the bullshit hoax charge.
The very best part is Muller has to ask himself if the case would stand up in the SC.
He KNOWS it wouldn't.
He's going to try to 'get' Trump on some business deal that Trump was involved with thirty years ago.
We will see how well THAT bullshit flies.
Clinton was impeached for obstructing justice, so now why all of a sudden can't Trump be charged with it?
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

Trump fired Comey because Comey would not slack off his investigation. That's obstruction of justice.
"I've got an idea! I'll fire Comey and that way there won't be anymore investigations into me".
You LIB fools have the mental maturity of four year olds!
Nope, that is Trump acting like a four year old.
Clinton was impeached for obstructing justice, so now why all of a sudden can't Trump be charged with it?
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

Trump fired Comey because Comey would not slack off his investigation. That's obstruction of justice.
Invoking your 5th Amendment rights would be obstruction of justice according to your definition of the term.
Trump fired Comey because Comey would not slack off his investigation. That's obstruction of justice.

The thing is, Trump could have fired him early on, but his own actions, TWEETS, and big mouth has put him in this position of not finish his term! What incompetent who had such an easy transition with no drama from a failing economy, high unemployment, or budget crisis! This TOOL couldn't even staff the gov't properly because he's so busy watching TV, posting online, and undermining all the institutions that are only trying to keep him in check! Disparaging the MSM, the FBI, Intel, and even the NFL proves he has too much time on his hands! A normal president would be so busy, he would worry about what's being said of him! That's all TRUMP is; always about him and it has to be a flattering portrait for him to be satisfied! If this guy can't be truth when things are going well, how can you possibly believe anything he has to say when Mueller's closing in on his and his entire corrupt admin.? :rolleyes: :cool: ;)

And what was he going to fire Comey for? But I agree with all of what you have said. People here can hide behind the excuse of him using his constitutional right to fire someone but his constitutional right to fire doesn't preclude the reality that if he's firing someone investigating a crime because he wants the investigation to stop its obstruction of justice.
NO it isn't. Clinton fired an attorney that was investigating democrats. NO president has ever been accused of obstruction for firing an appointee. And no charge such as that will ever fly.

Well actually it is obstruction of justice. Trump would not have thought about firing Comey if Comey was not investigating him. We all know that, including you. Now just stop lying to yourself and face the fact that Trump is facing obstruction of justice charges and deal with it.
I can't WAIT for Muller to charge Trump with 'obstruction' and then have to prove the charge to a Supreme Court. HAAA HAAAA!
THAT would be a laugh!
The SC wouldn't even bother to hear the bullshit hoax charge.
The very best part is Muller has to ask himself if the case would stand up in the SC.
He KNOWS it wouldn't.
He's going to try to 'get' Trump on some business deal that Trump was involved with thirty years ago.
We will see how well THAT bullshit flies.
The material will be made public and Mueller will send it all to the Congress for action.

Anyone else than the President may well end up in court on the wrong side of it all.
Clinton was impeached for obstructing justice, so now why all of a sudden can't Trump be charged with it?
Clinton was charge with trying to coach witnesses not with exercising his given power to fire an appointee to his government.

Trump fired Comey because Comey would not slack off his investigation. That's obstruction of justice.

The thing is, Trump could have fired him early on, but his own actions, TWEETS, and big mouth has put him in this position of not finish his term! What incompetent who had such an easy transition with no drama from a failing economy, high unemployment, or budget crisis! This TOOL couldn't even staff the gov't properly because he's so busy watching TV, posting online, and undermining all the institutions that are only trying to keep him in check! Disparaging the MSM, the FBI, Intel, and even the NFL proves he has too much time on his hands! A normal president would be so busy, he would worry about what's being said of him! That's all TRUMP is; always about him and it has to be a flattering portrait for him to be satisfied! If this guy can't be truth when things are going well, how can you possibly believe anything he has to say when Mueller's closing in on his and his entire corrupt admin.? :rolleyes: :cool: ;)

And what was he going to fire Comey for? But I agree with all of what you have said. People here can hide behind the excuse of him using his constitutional right to fire someone but his constitutional right to fire doesn't preclude the reality that if he's firing someone investigating a crime because he wants the investigation to stop its obstruction of justice.
No it isn't, turd. DAs do it all the time, and none have ever been charged with obstruction of justice for doing it.
This is for all the forum idiots who think Mueller can charge Trump with obstruction of justice:

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz batted down the merit of obstruction of justice charges aimed at President Donald Trump for what he said was exercising his constitutional power and authority regarding the firing of then-FBI Director James Comey and instructing the Department of Justice what to and not to investigate.

“If Congress were to ever charge him with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional authority under Article 2, we’d have a constitutional crisis,” he explained. “You cannot charge a president with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional power to fire Comey and his constitutional authority to tell the Justice Department who to investigate, who not to investigate. That’s what Thomas Jefferson did. That’s what Lincoln did. That’s what Roosevelt did. We have precedents that clearly establish that.”

He can charge Trump with obstruction of justice. Dershowitz is wrong.
. Nope, because the original charge and/or the investigation that sought to find the act of cullusion, and all in order for Trump himself to be found guilty of cullusion with the Russians ummmm wasn't found. No cullusion, then the whole case dies, and nothing else matters because it was all a bogus political hit job on Trump and his team by some super corrupt individuals in which had gathered together in order to try and fix an election, but when that failed "the Russians did it, the Russians did it", and that mean ole nasty Trump must have helped them, yes he must have helped them, I mean he had to have helped them right, it's got to be true, it's just got to be, waaaah waahhhh whaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaahhh booooo hoooooooo, boooo hoooooooo snucker snucker goes Madonna, and that NASTY Woman Ashley Judd, Joy Behar, Morning Joe coffee hangover , Miley Cyrus, and well all the rest of the crying good time gang... LOL.

It doesn't seem this is the case. If the investigation was for collusion and the investigation had not been closed and was ongoing, then anything that is designed to stop that investigation is obstruction of justice and a crime. So the case does not die. Instead a count of obstruction is now added to the case.
How did Trump firing Comey effect the 'investigation'?
If anything it made sure the investigations would continue! Which they have without missing a beat.
Trump did not think that the congress/senators would be upset, Kushner told Trump that...he followed Kushner's advice.... they thought Dems hated Comey from the way he unfairly treated Clinton during the campaign and Trump thought his Republican minions would follow him.... but Republicans insisted on a Special counsel from Trump's actions, and a Republican picked Mueller to be that special counsel head.

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