DeSantis Decries 'Incredibly, Incredibly Disturbing' Books In School Libraries, Pushes Education Law...Republicans are literally canceling culture

Child sex rings in pizza parlors right?

No....books that talk about blow jobs, strap on dildos and child rape in actual public schools controlled by the democrat can see a parent reading from the books here...

Here....books about 4th graders having sex...

You should do a bit of research. The one book does not contain accounts of sex between adults and children, it contains a narrative of an adult man remembering having sex with a fourth grader when he was in fourth grade. And this book was not part of any curriculum but available for checkout from the school library. A high school.

So guys are hung ho into book banning. You want to ban books featuring racial issues, lgbtq characters, trying to fit in in a mainly white school when you aren’t white….are you trying to take us back to the unreality of Leave it to Beaver where uncomfortable topics cease to exist? You’ve already banned teachers from discussing them, now you are banning books….and you think teens aren’t going to read it?
Of course you support this shit. Banning books with graphic descriptions of perverted sexual acts (like you got shown and then lied about anyway) that do NOT belong in ANY school library is a good thing. When school board members cry that reading from that book is inappropriate, then kids should not be exposed to it. You don’t get to corrupt and indoctrinate kids. Tough shit.
No....books that talk about blow jobs, strap on dildos and child rape in actual public schools controlled by the democrat can see a parent reading from the books here...

Here....books about 4th graders having sex...

Anyone supporting that filth in schools shouldn't be allowed around children
Florida is at the forefront of nothing.

You guys have nothing.....we actually show you what they are putting into our schools, and you fall all over yourselves trying to bring up anything, anything to hide what you are trying to are vile...
Anyone supporting that filth in schools shouldn't be allowed around children

Imagine if anyone of these assholes defending this child grooming read one of these books to a kid out on the street......they would be arrested on the spot.....but they put these books in the schools as a way to 1) hide what they are doing and 2) insulate themselves from the laws against child molesting....
Imagine if anyone of these assholes defending this child grooming read one of these books to a kid out on the street......they would be arrested on the spot.....but they put these books in the schools as a way to 1) hide what they are doing and 2) insulate themselves from the laws against child molesting....

Well there's a lot of educators molesting children. Every day one is arrested
Please provide a synopsis and grade level the book was in.

Hey.......shithead......I have a youtube challenge for you....

Buy these books...go out to a public street with underage children around...or go to a public playground....start reading the passages from these books.....

Film what happens to you when the police arrive......

I dare you....then you can tell us that these books aren't created for grooming children...
Cry harder. No indoctrinating children for the left.
Irrelevant topic.

What is relevantbus what they should be taught. What should a high schooler graduate with? Foreign language years, calculus? Language, debate? Economics? This is what parents should be concerned about.
Irrelevant topic.

What is relevantbus what they should be taught. What should a high schooler graduate with? Foreign language years, calculus? Language, debate? Economics? This is what parents should be concerned about.
This isn’t about high schoolers. Move those goal posts some more. It’s about what innocent children are exposed to. Smut that school board members lose their shit over when they hear it read out loud to them. But it’s okay to shove on our children.
Irrelevant topic.

What is relevantbus what they should be taught. What should a high schooler graduate with? Foreign language years, calculus? Language, debate? Economics? This is what parents should be concerned about.

You can pretend all you want....the fucking reason the parents are complaining about you guys trying to groom their children for sex is the teachers who are allowing these books in the schools, can't even teach math, english, history and science to the kids..............children trapped in democrat party controlled schools in democrat party controlled cities can't do basic math, can't do basic idiot.....that is because you morons want them you can control and groom them....
This isn’t about high schoolers. Move those goal posts some more. It’s about what innocent children are exposed to. Smut that school board members lose their shit over when they hear it read out loud to them. But it’s okay to shove on our children.

I like my youtube challenge for these asshole leftists.....take these books to a public playground and read them to what happens next.....then film the would be very entertaining to watch what happens to these idiots defending child grooming for sex...
Of course you support this shit. Banning books with graphic descriptions of perverted sexual acts (like you got shown and then lied about anyway) that do NOT belong in ANY school library is a good thing. When school board members cry that reading from that book is inappropriate, then kids should not be exposed to it. You don’t get to corrupt and indoctrinate kids. Tough shit.
On at least three occasions, this moderator has laughed about the systematic gang rape of children and has banned me for weeks at a time because I did not support the rape.

On another occasion, she supported a poster who claimed that the rape of 11 year olds is just a case of rhe men "tapping" the children.
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Books that the Censorship Wing of the Republican Party want to cancel…

Caste: the Origin of our Discontent

The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood

Michelle Obama: A Political Icon

New Kid - Jerry Black
Amazon product ASIN B07JNNWKKM
Ruby Goes to School: My True Story - Ruby Bridges

They Called Themselves the KKK - Susan Campbell Bartoletti
You can pretend all you want....the fucking reason the parents are complaining about you guys trying to groom their children for sex is the teachers who are allowing these books in the schools, can't even teach math, english, history and science to the kids..............children trapped in democrat party controlled schools in democrat party controlled cities can't do basic math, can't do basic idiot.....that is because you morons want them you can control and groom them....
Which, besides not happening, does fuck all for setting them in a good position for their future. You're worried about dem Gayz but not if they can compete in the 21st Century.
take these books to a public playground and read them to what happens next.....then film the would be very entertaining to watch what happens to these idiots defending child grooming for sex...
Keep talking. Publicizing your fantasies like this is a great first step towards healing your profound mental issues. Keep it up!

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