DeSantis Decries 'Incredibly, Incredibly Disturbing' Books In School Libraries, Pushes Education Law...Republicans are literally canceling culture

Most Republican parents are too ignorant to help their kids with elementary math and you guys want those nuts deciding on material?

70% of Republicans don’t want Arabic numerals taught in class.

Books are a good thing. I read anything i can get my hands on.

So DeSantis just signed into law a bill that allows parents to petition to remove books and learning materials from schools and libraries if they deem them ‘inappropriate.’

Republicans are literally canceling culture.

Cancelling really bad culture of indoctrinating kids. Dude you need to get a life.
yeah Im sure conservatives will be asking for all the math, English, social studies, and biology books to be done away with!!!!

damn people can be so stupid.
There is no reason why a first grade library would have a book of advanced calculus.
School boards and PTAs have been doing that for nearly 100 years ...

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Good point. Huckleberry Finn has been pulled because of the depiction of black people and the derogatory names blacks were called. This might be inappropriate for a 5th grader who could well put down that book and call his black classmate the n word. That same student in high school could enjoy that book and understand the context and why the language is unacceptable today.

I'll bet this makes no sense to the woke.
You should do a bit of research. The one book does not contain accounts of sex between adults and children, it contains a narrative of an adult man remembering having sex with a fourth grader when he was in fourth grade. And this book was not part of any curriculum but available for checkout from the school library. A high school.

So guys are hung ho into book banning. You want to ban books featuring racial issues, lgbtq characters, trying to fit in in a mainly white school when you aren’t white….are you trying to take us back to the unreality of Leave it to Beaver where uncomfortable topics cease to exist? You’ve already banned teachers from discussing them, now you are banning books….and you think teens aren’t going to read it?
Teens aren't the issue. Third graders are the issue. Kindergarten age is the issue. Why should a kindergarten age girl be made to be terrified she would turn into a boy. Kindergarten girl afraid she would turn into a boy after transgender lesson, mom says.

It's inappropriate to teach any children how great Jazz Jennings is when in reality he is a deeply mentally disturbed individual. Children need to have some age and experience before then can digest that TRAGEDY.
let me praise DeSantis on something else so we can all make peace...he has been the best jobs growth governor out there. LET'S GET THOSE JOBS GOVERNOR! :D

"Freedom-loving Florida continues to shine. Florida's statewide unemployment rate continues to be lower than the national average as the state has added jobs 22 months in a row."

Good point. Huckleberry Finn has been pulled because of the depiction of black people and the derogatory names blacks were called. This might be inappropriate for a 5th grader who could well put down that book and call his black classmate the n word. That same student in high school could enjoy that book and understand the context and why the language is unacceptable today.

I'll bet this makes no sense to the woke.
Nothing makes sense to the woke because they don't operate from the perspective of sense to begin with. They never used reason to arrive at their opinions in the first place -- only conformity to groupthink -- so reason cannot possibly appeal to them.

The woke seek the sexualization of children because seeking the sexualization of children is affirmed by their peers as virtuous, and not out of any concern for the well-being of the children involved.
They follow the beliefs of all child molesters. They are acting in the best intererests of the child in helping them understand the centers and uses of sexual pleasure. Who better to guide children into the discovery and understanding of their sexual selves than a responsible caring adult. Go to any prison in the country. This is what predators say.
"there are only 2 types of people on this planet, those who live in Florida, and those who wish they lived in Florida" - Governor DeSantis
Books are a good thing. I read anything i can get my hands on.

So DeSantis just signed into law a bill that allows parents to petition to remove books and learning materials from schools and libraries if they deem them ‘inappropriate.’

Republicans are literally canceling culture.

Not schools and libraries

School libraries
Could you name the book and the school that has that with evidence...

This is the standard operating procedure for Republicans, put out a massively exaggerated story and then try and get laws changed so they can further agenda... When they get laws like this they will leverage way pass its intended purpose...

So books like Cather in the Rye, Kill a Mockingbird, Lord of the Flies, etc... will all be up for banning..

Exposing what 'agenda', not having children exposed to your filth?
any book parents object to apparently.

as a parent of a 12 year old, i want my kid to read anything he likes!
Do books fly around and nest in school libraries as they choose?

the liberal school boards chose books that parents do no want
Parents should not be entitled to know their kids’ sexual & gender identities...that knowledge must be earned, my friends!
Books are a good thing. I read anything i can get my hands on.

So DeSantis just signed into law a bill that allows parents to petition to remove books and learning materials from schools and libraries if they deem them ‘inappropriate.’

Republicans are literally canceling culture.

It's about damn time the Democraps got some of their own medicine.

Fuck the left very much.

Complaining about canceling the culture. What a bunch of retards.

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