
And what? the post I responded to said they thought Trump was stupid, from your response I see you disagree with him
You see wrong. I was just agreeing with you that IQ doesn't really say much about the quality of a person's character, or their skills that aren't reflected in an IQ test.
Nope, Trump twice, I just know he's an asshole. That doesn't make him wrong on the issues.

Giuliani was an asshole in the 90's, but he was the asshole NYC needed at the time to be mayor.
DeSantis is a great governor to get Florida back on track after a Democrat and then several RINO governors.

The thing about him that I like is he isn't afraid to push back against Liberal icons.
The thing about him that I like is he isn't afraid to push back against Liberal icons.
Yep. The authoritarian right "pushing back" against the authoritarian left. Bickering over who gets to be in charge. Fuck 'em.
Have I ever lied on this forum before? Feel free to search through all 27,400 of my posts and show any single lie I've told. You cannot do it because I don't tell lies to the USMB forum. I'm an impeccable source of information.

All liars have a first lie.

Perhaps this was yours...

Could you explain to the USMB forum, the reasoning that you used to come to that conclusion that the NYC metropolitan subway system did not have the highest crime rate on the fucking planet? What other subway system(s) on the planet do the believe had a higher crime rate than the NYC subway system 50 years ago? Can you specify a few of them?

Of course you cannot. You're full of shit.

It's not my job to explain my reasoning that it wasn't. It's your job to explain your reasoning that it was.

And you failed.


You said that the NYC subway had the highest crime rate on the planet. You did not specify, as you're doing now, that it had the highest among subway systems.

You stupidly said it was just the highest crime rate in the world. Well, I'm pretty sure the city of Los Angeles had a higher crime rate than the New York subway system.

Essentially, you failed to indicate what you were comparing it to. You also failed to mention how those statistics (which you're still a failure at providing) affected the overall crime rate in New York City over all, and whether or not that placed New York City above or below other American cities, which would be important.

Now, can you provide the statistics or not? Because, if not, there's not a single reason to not believe that you're full of shit...
LOL - fuck science!!!
Not "FUCK" but it is OK to question. Science told us that the Earth was flat and the Sun revolved around it at one time. Science evolves and we should be allowed to question it. All I am saying. In the instance of the COVID vaccines, anyone questioning them was suddenly called a science denier. Not right!
and you are a billionaire married to a super model.
Nope. Just a middle class dad married to a middle class mom (who ran the Boston Marathon 3x).

I swear on my kids, when work tested me (15 yrs ago) I got a 148. 147 was a typo.

148...swear on my kids....believe what you like.
Finally someone stands up to “science”

He is a Ray of Hope for our Dying Republic...
Nope. Just a middle class dad married to a middle class mom (who ran the Boston Marathon 3x).

I swear on my kids, when work tested me (15 yrs ago) I got a 148. 147 was a typo.

148...swear on my kids....believe what you like.

Why would your work test you? In all my 50 plus years of living and all the people I have known not a single one ever got tested for a job, and that includes all walks of life including a man that was once the worlds leading authority in the field of protozoology.

It is basically a meaningless number.
A friend of mine is a retired NYPD Detective. His son, wanting to follow his Dad's footsteps, also joined the NYPD.

He left for the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office out on Long Island two years ago. He cited the city's leadership as the primary reason...
It would be hard to be a cop for a city that doesn’t stand behind you.
I live in Florida. DeSantis did a good job handling COVID-19 and all its variations up to now. I am damn glad I wasn’t living in New York City under Governor Coumo.

Of course since DeSantis is Trump without the rough edges the Democrats will do anything they can to ruin his chances to become President. Of course that includes using false stories Like Hillary did to Trump.

I fully expect a constant barrage of smears, lies, insults and outright threats of violence directed at him between now and election day. They are scared to death of him for exactly the reasons you laid out.
NY in 1972 was in the grips of the economic malaise of the 70's as well as the overspending of the local governments. add in the corruption of the local police and you had a grimy gritty city, nowhere near the safe place it was for the late 90's until the early 2010's

Which local police?
Why would your work test you? In all my 50 plus years of living and all the people I have known not a single one ever got tested for a job, and that includes all walks of life including a man that was once the worlds leading authority in the field of protozoology.

It is basically a meaningless number.
Ask GE Capital. They wanted our team to take the test so we did. I cannot even recall why now as I was 25. I do recall the test was mostly solvable puzzles. Something I used to have a knack for. I am not sure it really tests intelligence as much as it tests common sense.

Regardless of my IQ, I am smarter than rightwinger
Republicans always manage to outdo each other’s stupidity.
Well, they don't want to give parents a choice. Unless its about how many guns to buy no questions asked.

Remember back when the vaccine was being pushed and the position was "we want parents to have a choice, that's all". I guess that didn't test so well with the focus groups.
DeSantis is a great governor to get Florida back on track after a Democrat and then several RINO governors.

The thing about him that I like is he isn't afraid to push back against Liberal icons.

As Lincoln said of Grant "I can't spare the man, he fights"

Trump does have a lot of baggage, but he fought as well. DeSantis just seems to fight smarter.
So, evidently you're one of those people who believe that "New York" is comprised only of New York City...

New York City is what people think when they say NY, people don't think Rochester or Buffalo.

Anything north of Yonkers is Upstate.

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