Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

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It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.

So...before the authorities have even begun to examine the have concluded that not only is this a false flag? But that it is the 'most obvious false flag ever'?

Perhaps you would be so kind as to avail us of every false flag in history? Because that is the only way you could possibly know this was 'the most obvious' one ever.

And what if the authorities end up - after examining the evidence - blaming this on cons...will you respect their conclusions?

If not - then you clearly have little/no respect for police.
Only if they are brought to trial...alive.
I don't know what to believe on this one...........Near elections............Yeah it could be a false flag............The Dems tactics have been dirty.........wouldn't surprise me........

We've come to a point where we don't trust them any further than we can throw them..............

It's being investigated..........but the politics of it will ramp up for the election.
So far, Republican Terrorists have sent bombs to:

President Obama
HIllary Clinton
George Soros

How low can Republicans sink?

That list has grown since this morning.

Someone sent bombs to John Brennan, Eric Holder, Mario Cuomo and Maxine Waters.

The cowardly conservatives on this board refuse to acknowledge what's happening.

It's disgusting. Real Americans don't behave that way.
We acknowledge that someone sent fake bombs to 9 Democrats.
If no bombs exploded, it's a false flag. This isn't rocket surgery.

What people have organized networks that can deliver things (like protesters) Nationwide simultaneously?

Therein is the answer.
If there was one person in the democrat party you would want building bombs that had a near guaranteed failure rate of 100% would you possibly pick this guy to make them?

If no bombs exploded, it's a false flag. This isn't rocket surgery.

What people have organized networks that can deliver things (like protesters) Nationwide simultaneously?

Therein is the answer.
If there was one person in the democrat party you would want building bombs that had a near guaranteed failure rate of 100% would you possibly pick this guy to make them?

I'd pick that guy to make bricks.

5-6 bricks in a row?

He ain't no John Stockton.
Always ask yourself: Cui bono? (Who Benefits?) In this case only Dems can potentially benefit from this cheap show by stealing Rep votes.

Cui bono - Wikipedia
It expresses the utilitarian view that crimes usually benefit their perpetrators

I bet Soros' ears are sticking out of those "bombs".
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I don't know if it's a false flag, but I do find it astonishing that none of the explosives went off (thank God). It could be any number of people or even foreign governments trying to create chaos, stoke fear and distrust in the U.S. They wouldn't go so far as to actually harm an American in case they are caught, but they could create terror.

Don't count out such a theory. It's very early, let's wait and hear from the authorities investigating.
Why would they care about actually harming someone? That wouldn't reduce their penalty one iota. They did made sure no one would get harmed because they are Democrat operatives.
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.

Q-Anon predicted and warned of an event like this last week.
Oh! Just great! :71: First chem trails and now Q-Anon! :777:

Took these here yesterday in the DFW area and put them on FB. Waking people with any common sense is what I do and why leftards pout and throw temper tantrums when I do......chew on that, lib klunt.
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.

Q-Anon predicted and warned of an event like this last week.
Oh! Just great! :71: First chem trails and now Q-Anon! :777:

Took these here yesterday in the DFW area and put them on FB. Waking people with any common sense is what I do and why leftards pout and throw temper tantrums when I do......chew on that, lib klunt.View attachment 224556 View attachment 224557 View attachment 224558 View attachment 224559

Stahp with the Chemtrail shit, Dale. It's water vapor because jet engine, d00d.

I agree with you on many things, but not that.

What about Sky Writers? :eek:
If no bombs exploded, it's a false flag. This isn't rocket surgery.

What people have organized networks that can deliver things (like protesters) Nationwide simultaneously?

Therein is the answer.
If there was one person in the democrat party you would want building bombs that had a near guaranteed failure rate of 100% would you possibly pick this guy to make them?

I'd pick that guy to make bricks.

5-6 bricks in a row?

He ain't no John Stockton.

He should be working on the wall.
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.

So...before the authorities have even begun to examine the have concluded that not only is this a false flag? But that it is the 'most obvious false flag ever'?

Perhaps you would be so kind as to avail us of every false flag in history? Because that is the only way you could possibly know this was 'the most obvious' one ever.

And what if the authorities end up - after examining the evidence - blaming this on cons...will you respect their conclusions?

If not - then you clearly have little/no respect for police.
What *authorities*?
The ATM? The FBI? The CIA?

Pfft...fuck democrats. Let's go to war.
Go ahead and you start. Get your gun and start the war. Unless you are just a coward.

So you want a war.

See this is what these losers do. They threaten, and attack..then scream that they're being victimized if anybody fights back.

Let's just get it over.

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