Despite bogus court cases, Trump gaining support. Opposition is losing support


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

There are a lot of statistics here.

One is that only 23% of people surveyed said briben's policies did them any good.

That's about 20 points higher than I tended to think.

Fucked Snooze, they lie and you believe them. Fucked had to pay out big time already, to the tune of

There are a lot of statistics here.

One is that only 23% of people surveyed said briben's policies did them any good.

That's about 20 points higher than I tended to think.

Fucked Snooze, they lie and you believe them.

Fucked had pay $787.5M for the lies Fuked told Dominion.

Not mention all money Bill O'Liely cost them

Fucked Snooze the least honest news source, except for Gateway Fucknuts, Dridged Up and OWNED.

There are a lot of statistics here.

One is that only 23% of people surveyed said briben's policies did them any good.

That's about 20 points higher than I tended to think.
Despite eleventy trillion posts saying the court cases are bogus, not one of you Trumpers has managed to argue why that is.

Not once.

There are a lot of statistics here.

One is that only 23% of people surveyed said briben's policies did them any good.

That's about 20 points higher than I tended to think.
Where's that poll? I wanna see the fine print.
Nikki Haley beats Biden by 17-points, Trump beats Biden by 1-point, and Desantis ties Biden.

Yep, I'm a Nikki Haley supporter.

ReNaziKlans will never nominate a dark skinned woman as their nominee. P01135809 will have several convictions against him by election day. There is a rising of Cons who will NOT vote for convicted felon.
Trump has become a martyr because of the phony indictments.
Americans don't like that corrupt shit and we root for the underdog. Prissy elitist prick Democrats sit on their throne and run their lying filth mouths, that's fine. On election day the American people will bitch slap them out of office.
ReNaziKlans will never nominate a dark skinned woman as their nominee. P01135809 will have several convictions against him by election day. There is a rising of Cons who will NOT vote for convicted felon.
Low-IQ democrat racists only look at race, Republicans look at winning. Just win baby.
Some polls even show Haley with gaudy, double-digit leads over Biden — including a Wall Street Journal poll released hours before this column published that showed her a stunning 17 points ahead of Biden (Trump led the president by 4).
Dude, you have spent 7 years polishing the scrotum of a billionaire with a golden toilet.

And you spent 7 years trying to unseat him, and look what happened.

Now he's ahead in the polls and he's going to win another term.

Because everyone can see the alternative, it's in front of us in real time.

15% inflation, and 1.2 million illegal aliens per year. This is what leftards consider a "good" economy.
And about ten points better than Orange Man Bad.
I hate to pop your bubble, but the American people were more in favor of Trump in the three stations I spent time listening to in the past week. President Trump is on top of both liberal and conservative voters. Americans don't cotton to narratives that are inconsistent due to lying. I think Trump may well win the 2024 election. The majority of the American people have come to the conclusion that all those Hillary dirty tricks such as the Steel Dossier, and having a desk in the White House for 19 years total was creepy, considering the Steele Dossier was actually procuring a foreign agent to spy on and disparage President Trump with a pack of lies as revenge for Hillary's failed run for presidency, which she lost all by herself going back to Whitewater days, explained here for anyone who doesn't recall the details:
Low-IQ democrat racists only look at race, Republicans look at winning. Just win baby.
Some polls even show Haley with gaudy, double-digit leads over Biden — including a Wall Street Journal poll released hours before this column published that showed her a stunning 17 points ahead of Biden (Trump led the president by 4).

First off fucked for brains, last I checked it was Epsilon Plus Semi-Morons who shouted, "Jews will not replace us", which is ridiculous why would they want to.

Last time I checked my IQ, it was 135, enough to become a brain dead fuck wad lifer in the Army.

Grow the fuck up asshole.

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