Zone1 Despite criticism last year, should PBS again feature the Black National Anthem at its nationwide July 4th concert tonight?

Last yearā€™s Capitol Forth concert, sponsored by the liberal PBS, gave a disproportionate amount of attention to blacks, given their 14% share of the population, by having half or more black performers, playing the Black National Anthem, and selecting a black female as the host.

This year, in keeping with the liberal favoritism being shown black women, reports are that PBS has again selected as its host another black female this year. (I hope I read wrong.) Since the concert has turned into an exercise is wokeness, letā€™s discuss whether the following is a good idea.

1. Given that black females constitute 6% of the population, should PBS limit itself to this tiny minority yet againā€¦.or would it be fair to let a white man or woman, or a black man, be the host this time?

2. Should the playing of an anthem labeled for just 14% of Americans be played again, especially in light of how divisive many people see it, and we instead stick to one universal anthem for all people, white and black, as a show of unity on this American holiday?

The left has to keep blacks divided from the rest of the USA, thus all of the special carve outs for them. They are doing the same with LGBTXYZSDE.
You know the complaint isnā€™t about one black person. Itā€™s about the ridiculous overrepresentation. If a Martian dropped in from outer space, heā€˜d think this was a majority Black country.

An as an aside, why the f is black capitalized and white lower-cased?
"ridiculous overrepresentation" poor thing, having to see black people in commercials and other ads.
To the blacks and liberals not seeing the problem with favoring blacks far out of proportion to their numbers, wouldnā€™t the following be ā€œoffā€:

Picture it. Itā€™s the July 4th holiday, and the National Concert - to celebrate the holiday that has been much loved by all Americans - is about to begin. An Asian-American woman has been selected as the host. She sings a favorite Asian-American song. The performers start to come out on stage, and while there are a few token whites or blacks, about half the performers are Asian.

The following year rolls around, and PBS announces that it has chosen the host for the next concert: another Asian-American woman. The performers are again disproportionately Asian.

Clearly, participants are being chosen by race, with Asians being favored. And this is not what America is all about. We donā€™t decide that a minority race should get most of the attention, and pick our hosts and performers based on that racist view.
2. Should the playing of an anthem labeled for just 14% of Americans be played again, especially in light of how divisive many people see it, and we instead stick to one universal anthem for all people, white and black, as a show of unity on this American holiday?
It does not matter whether they are 14% or just 4%.

They must be pampered.

So whatever they demand, just smile and reply, "Yes, sir/ma'am."

Not only should their anthem be played, but all the participants in tonight's presentation should be of their heritage.

And it would be most fitting if all the Caucasian executives at PBS chose this night to announce their retirements so that their places could be taken over by you-know-whom.
I donā€™t understand why everything has to be about being strictly proportionate to racial demographics and if it isnā€™t, it provokes such drama. Just enjoy the showā€¦or donā€™t and tune in to something you feel more comfortable with.

I donā€™t tend to watch it anyway, because it is so far removed from the events on the mall that I remember growing up. It has become a huge crowded commercial event.

It's certainly not something I lose sleep over, but I agree that it's divisive. The media is essentially putting out the message that we live in two countries: one for blacks and one for everyone else. They've been stoking this division for a long time and that's why there is such a wide spread belief that there is still so much racism and bigotry in this country when, in fact, there isn't. It's the reason so many people believe unarmed black men are getting gunned down by white police officers every other week when, in fact, they aren't. The current incident in Akron is a perfect example of this manipulation.

We can't be a united people and live under the banner of all being Americans as long as the media, and academia, and "wokesters" continue to plant the seed that we're living in the 1950s with white and black water fountains. Having a separate "Black National Anthem" only reinforces that narrative.
It's certainly not something I lose sleep over, but I agree that it's divisive. The media is essentially putting out the message that we live in two countries: one for blacks and one for everyone else. They've been stoking this division for a long time and that's why there is such a wide spread belief that there is still so much racism and bigotry in this country when, in fact, there isn't. It's the reason so many people believe unarmed black men are getting gunned down by white police officers every other week when, in fact, they aren't. The current incident in Akron is a perfect example of this manipulation.

We can't be a united people and live under the banner of all being Americans as long as the media, and academia, and "wokesters" continue to plant the seed that we're living in the 1950s with white and black water fountains. Having a separate "Black National Anthem" only reinforces that narrative.
Wish we still had the ā€œinformative buttonā€. I also blame tbe rightwing media for blowing it up way out of proportion and exploiting divisions.

But I think all this complaining about too much minority ā€œrepresentationā€ (but only when it comes to blacks and gays)) is also creating a divideā€¦as if it is saying get back out of sight where you belong.
Thatā€™s ridiculous. Never heard of such a thing.
Many believe that God had a hand in the founding of America, but don't know why. Why would God craft the founding of such a nation if not for the people to whom he promised such a nation?
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You know the complaint isnā€™t about one black person. Itā€™s about the ridiculous overrepresentation. If a Martian dropped in from outer space, heā€˜d think this was a majority Black country.

An as an aside, why the f is black capitalized and white lower-cased?
On the first, would it matter? :dunno:

On the second, never noticed this.
It doesnā€™t matter that DC is mostly black. The performers are coming from all over the country, and the concert is broadcast for people who live all over the country.

And yes, focusing the majority of attention on the same small minority is an issue.
So, they can never have their day in the sun?
Yaā€¦that is a new one alright.
Actually, the theory, British Israelism, goes back to the 1800's. Like many it's simply been forgotten, ignored, or debunked. However, there are organizations that still support the theory.
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Wish we still had the ā€œinformative buttonā€. I also blame tbe rightwing media for blowing it up way out of proportion and exploiting divisions.

But I think all this complaining about too much minority ā€œrepresentationā€ (but only when it comes to blacks and gays)) is also creating a divideā€¦as if it is saying get back out of sight where you belong.
NOBODY SAID THAT. When you have to make up imaginary comments and then attack on things never intended, with the not so subtle message that you think the people who never even said what you claim are racist, then you have lost the argument.

The point is that the same group of people, making up 14% of the population, are being chosen over and over again for more than half the slots.

And the woke PBS picked a black female for host LAST year. Do they have to go back to the same, limited 6% pool and pick another black female again THIS year?
So, they can never have their day in the sun?
Againā€¦.you are saying things I never said! I never said they canā€™t have their day in the sun. But when you restrict your choices to black people out of proportion to their numbers - WAAAAAY out of proportion - then you are robbing other people, not black, from their day in the sun.

And if they start playing the Black National Anthem, or the Asian National Anthem, or the Latino National Anthem instead of the AMERICAN National Anthem, Iā€˜m turning the woke PBS crap off.

And to think I used to volunteer with those PBS pledge drives. Never again.
Woodnutz is an antisemite. He can take a thread totally unrelated to Israel, and make it a criticism of the Jews.
I may criticize the Jews but I'm not an antisemite. I also criticize blacks, but I'm not a racist.
Againā€¦.you are saying things I never said! I never said they canā€™t have their day in the sun. But when you restrict your choices to black people out of proportion to their numbers - WAAAAAY out of proportion - then you are robbing other people, not black, from their day in the sun.

And if they start playing the Black National Anthem, or the Asian National Anthem, or the Latino National Anthem instead of the AMERICAN National Anthem, Iā€˜m turning the woke PBS crap off.

And to think I used to volunteer with those PBS pledge drives. Never again.
I matured out of PBS when I lost interest in Sesame Street. There are far more appropriate places to see opera performances and travel programs without having to gag on the woke propaganda.
On the first, would it matter? :dunno:

On the second, never noticed this.
Yes, itā€™s the WHY behind it. WHY are whites being discriminated against, and excluded from opportunities because they arenā€™t the proper skin color?

You never noticed the capital B and lower w stuff? Tell you what. For the next day or so, Iā€™m going to lower case when I refer to black people and upper case when I refer to White people. A not so subtle implication will emerge.
Yes, itā€™s the WHY behind it. WHY are whites being discriminated against, and excluded from opportunities because they arenā€™t the proper skin color?

You never noticed the capital B and lower w stuff? Tell you what. For the next day or so, Iā€™m going to lower case when I refer to black people and upper case when I refer to White people. A not so subtle implication will emerge.
I also started noticing the lower case r and the capital D, and altered the way I type those distinctions.
I matured out of PBS when I lost interest in Sesame Street. There are far more appropriate places to see opera performances and travel programs without having to gag on the woke propaganda.
I hadnā€˜t watched in years, but I did return for Downton Abbey.

But youā€™re right. This isnā€™t like 1985 when there were few options for some relatively high-brow programming.

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