Despite the Math, Bernie's Already Won.

I'm just waiting to be given the usual excuses. 'The US is too big', 'the Scandinavians don't have blacks'.
Another childish response. "My parents are to blame!"
Another propaganda fed response from a fan of society as a feeding frenzy. I guess it's natural for you guys to think a large part of the population should exist in virtual slavery.

Another childish response. "Wah I'm a slave!" You live in a country with the highest standard of living in the world, and all you do is whine like a baby. Grow up.
I'm just waiting to be given the usual excuses. 'The US is too big', 'the Scandinavians don't have blacks'.

A person who dismisses truth as "usual excuses" is a child, who is sticking fingers in their ears screaming "lalalala". Again, you are a typical childish leftwinger through and through.
Sure. The numbers present a narrow path to the nomination, but is that the important take away for Democrats in 2016?

"As it stands now, Clinton leads Sanders 1,243 to 975 in the pledged-delegate count and 1,712 to 1,004 overall when superdelegates are factored in.

"Even if Sanders is given a 73-to-28 split out of Washington State (so far, it's 25 to 9), going with the 72 percent margin he won by, he'd pick up 64 delegates in all out of Saturday.

"Going into the day, he would have needed 58 percent of all remaining delegates for a pledged majority. Coming out, he would need 57 percent. With superdelegates factored in, he needs a whopping 67 percent of all remaining delegate..."
Despite The Math, Bernie Sanders Has Already Won
"So can he win? 'Our calculations are that, in fact, we can win the pledged delegates,' Sanders said Sunday morning on NBC's Meet the Press. Sanders mentioned that his focus is on Wisconsin and New York, the two biggest contests over the next three weeks, and he pointed out that he has 'won five out of the six last contests in landslide fashion.'"

Hillary's been outed as a born loser with zero chance against whatever piece of white trash the Republicans vomit up next November.

Maybe progressives and conservatives should start demanding better candidates?
...and he's a loopy kunt
I'm just waiting to be given the usual excuses. 'The US is too big', 'the Scandinavians don't have blacks'.
A person who dismisses truth as "usual excuses" is a child, who is sticking fingers in their ears screaming "lalalala". Again, you are a typical childish leftwinger through and through.
So it is the blacks' fault? You could have said that at the start, it would have saved a lot of time.
If the red dot would demand that illegal's be shipped out, then they would have a job. But, they just want what the 1 percent has, and don't want to have to work for it. They are entitled to it, because they were born American. Damned idiots.

If someone is in the red dot they only have themselves to blame, I'm not responsible for their failings in life
Are you proud of your ignorance?
"PTSS posits that centuries of slavery in the United States, followed by systemic and structural racism and oppression, including lynching, Jim Crow laws, and unwarranted mass incarceration, have resulted in multigenerational maladaptive behaviors, which originated as survival strategies. The syndrome continues because children whose parents suffer from PTSS are often indoctrinated into the same behaviors, long after the behaviors have lost their contextual effectiveness."
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If the red dot would demand that illegal's be shipped out, then they would have a job. But, they just want what the 1 percent has, and don't want to have to work for it. They are entitled to it, because they were born American. Damned idiots.

If someone is in the red dot they only have themselves to blame, I'm not responsible for their failings in life
Are you proud of your ignorance?
"PTSS posits that centuries of slavery in the United States, followed by systemic and structural racism and oppression, including lynching, Jim Crow laws, and unwarranted mass incarceration, have resulted in multigenerational maladaptive behaviors, which originated as survival strategies. The syndrome continues because children whose parents suffer from PTSS are often indoctrinated into the same behaviors, long after the behaviors have lost their contextual effectiveness."
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You'd be wise to watch who you call ignorant, there isn't a person alive in the US who's parent was a slave.
His rise and his candidacy have emboldened the Left to not only feel far more free to discuss socialism, but to aggressively promote it. That has probably changed our political landscape forever
Perhaps Bernie can help us answer the question: what is the purpose of an economy?

"1. The first of these is that it is a disguised Government, of which the primary, though admittedly not the only, object is to impose upon the world a system of thought and action.

"2. The second alternative has a certain similarity to the first, but is simpler. It assumes that the primary objective of the industrial system is the provision of employment.

"3. And the third, which is essentially simpler still, in fact, so simple that it appears entirely unintelligible to the majority, is that the object of the industrial system is merely to provide goods and services."

Social credit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dems how do you feel about super delegates guaranteeing YOUR vote won't matter unless The D Party wants your pick??

Without super delegates....Bernie may win.

But the Party of the Klan is making sure The People don't get their way.
Bernie wins states, hilary gets all of the delegates....he wanted he is experiencing it......:rofl:
yes...the left is the worse thing that ever happened to minorities....the left will keep them poor, angry, hopeless, uneducated, and enslaved.....and call it helping them....
If the red dot would demand that illegal's be shipped out, then they would have a job. But, they just want what the 1 percent has, and don't want to have to work for it. They are entitled to it, because they were born American. Damned idiots.

If someone is in the red dot they only have themselves to blame, I'm not responsible for their failings in life
Are you proud of your ignorance?
"PTSS posits that centuries of slavery in the United States, followed by systemic and structural racism and oppression, including lynching, Jim Crow laws, and unwarranted mass incarceration, have resulted in multigenerational maladaptive behaviors, which originated as survival strategies. The syndrome continues because children whose parents suffer from PTSS are often indoctrinated into the same behaviors, long after the behaviors have lost their contextual effectiveness."
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You'd be wise to watch who you call ignorant, there isn't a person alive in the US who's parent was a slave.
What's your point?
Sanders is presented by the zionist MSM as a silly, drooling doofus who fights for a delusional version of "justice." In fact, Sanders is a fucking nutcase commie, neocon zionist who wants to steal white people's savings. If the zionist political establishment actually had a real alternative to Hillary, like The Donald, the democrat party would be dissolved. The 1% Sanders is obsessed with are actually jews, but he wants blacks to think they are whites.
Funny how many of the left, including many on this board, thought Mrs. Clinton was a juggernaut not only to win the D nomination, but the general too. That certainly appears to be in question.
Hillary has always impressed me as a born loser who would never have been noticed if she hadn't married "well." Maybe it's worth remembering it was a billionaire who inflicted Bill and Hill on this country in '92?
Just the fact that Bernie has alit of followers and that scares some people is reason snuff to at least like him. I would not vote for him but I do like it that his base is growing larger than anyone dreamed. I like that aspect.

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