Destroy President Elect Trump @ All Cost

Reality is that trump keeps acting like a man child instead of a leader. This what people are concerned with and this sour grapes smoking screen that is being used as the current justification for his behavior. His choices for cabinet --- Goldman Sachs gets their pay back for keeping him out of bankruptcy. Aren't they one of the companies that we bailed out for bad business? ANTI EPA person in charge of EPA? Oil executive looking for job ..... seriously trying to keep US fossil fuel dependent. This short sighted thought is why the auto industry needed help to become competitive in the past. Ugh! !!

Not even worth the bandwidth to post a laugh, but WHO IS ACTING LIKE BABIES who didn't get to be KING anymore? If that is what serious means to you, you need to get rid of war and peace, and read a George Carlin script for your drama based book report.
IF the electors shirk their DUTY to vote as they were directed the liberals will get what they asked for but they will quickly find out they made a hell of a mistake. IF They actually think all of their crybaby shit that go and block streets and shit will win real fights they have misjudged their position as they usually do. Dead liberals will be pushed into mass graves and they will never rise again. The military hate liberals, the cops hate liberals the gun owners hate liberals and the working class hate liberals. Have a good death liberal you had better hope Trumps election and inauguration go off without a hitch, or get your plot and headstone ready.

Conservatives would crap their pants before they reach for their guns, just like Finicum & co. did in Oregon. The rule of law wins out.

Keep believing that igmo, it will make extermination much easier. Besides as you liberals always say, You have the really bad side IE the NON conservatives to deal with, the people you always attack that are on the fringe of humanity that think you are the devil incarnate instead of just stupid and shallow buffoons. They have wanted to exterminate everyone like you for years. Once you start some shit, they will be loosed too. Apparently you don't realize that you have no protectors, the cops hate liberal shit, the military hate liberal shit, the conservatives hate liberal shit, AND MOST of all the really bad people in the backwoods with the bears, the snakes, the wolves and the cougars hate liberal shit. You ruling class big government liberals and their pets wont last a month.

As for the murder of Finicum you fail to post that there were NO convictions in your liberal dogshit governments cases against those involved and some of your shit liberals did the same thing, destroyed property, injured people and your shit government did NOTHING. Just do like the song Talk shit, GET hit JUMP UP MF get SHOT. We are waiting for tomorrow, then >>>>>>

You're a funny conservative.

You hopin' Trump goes the route of Hitler and does to Liberals what Hitler did to Jews?

As far as Finicum, it was not murder. Murder is the unlawful killing of another living person. Finicum was a clean kill.
Not to worry just vote the liberals out 2018/2020...

Hitting Trump Before He’s Sworn In
Democrats are fine with becoming “the party of no.”
January 6, 2017
Matthew Vadum


Democrats and left-wing activists are planning to vigorously attack President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees before Trump even takes office at Noon on Jan. 20.

The purpose of this early resistance to the incoming Trump administration is not only to deprive Trump of political legitimacy but also to undermine his authority and make it impossible for him to govern.

All this talk of a vast Russian conspiracy to hack U.S. computer networks to put Trump in the White House is also part of the leftists’ scheme. So was Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein’s goofy fundraising campaign disguised as recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Commie agitprop director Michael Moore is encouraging angry left-wing mobs to come to Washington, D.C., and riot in the streets of the nation’s capital on Inauguration Day in an effort to prevent or at least cast a shadow over Trump’s assumption of the powers of the presidency. Moore’s idea is to do as much damage as possible to Trump before he even gets sworn in. It worked against George W. Bush.

Feminists are planning a Women’s March on Washington for Trump’s first full day as president. Organizers hope 200,000 people will show up but that number seems very optimistic.

"We plan to make a bold and clear statement to this country on the national and local level that we will not be silent and we will not let anyone roll back the rights we have fought and struggled to get," said Tamika Mallory of Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.

President Obama is part of this too. He is planning to stay behind in Washington after Inauguration Day in order to obstruct Trump’s efforts to undo his destructive legacy.

So with just one decisive election that reduced Democrats nationwide to their lowest ebb since at least 1920, the left-wingers who spent the Obama years denouncing Republicans as the “party of no” have suddenly decided being the “party of no” is fine by them.

Sounding much like PLO terrorist leader Yasser Arafat “negotiating” with the State of Israel, the Senate’s new minority leader, Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), said Democrats will only work with Trump if he “moves completely in our direction and abandons his Republican colleagues.”

“The only way we’re going to work with him is if he moves completely in our direction and abandons his Republican colleagues,” Schumer told CNN. “Ninety to nine-five percent of the time we’ll be holding his feet to the fire and holding him accountable.”

He is specifically promising to prevent Trump from appointing a ninth member of the Supreme Court to replace the late conservative justice Antonin Scalia.

“It’s hard for me to imagine a nominee that Donald Trump would choose that would get Republican support that we could support,” Schumer said on MSNBC. When asked if he’d do his “best to hold the seat open” on the Supreme Court, Schumer answered, “Absolutely.”

Democrats have also signed onto a quixotic quest to aggressively oppose eight of Trump’s cabinet nominees and stretch their confirmation votes into March, a move he Chicago Tribune called “an unprecedented break with Senate tradition.”


Radicals love getting arrested. Saul Alinsky viewed a stay in the hoosegow as a gateway to personal growth and as a means of building street cred as a political activist. “[A] periodic removal from circulation by being jailed is an essential element in the development of the revolutionary,” he wrote.

Urging members to sign a petition, Simelton opines that Trump “is wholly unqualified to be the nation's top law enforcement official, as demonstrated by his long and troubling record in opposition to civil and human rights.”

It’s a bogus racism charge but Sessions is an easy target. He’s white and a Southerner and that fits the Left’s narrative so Simelton and his kind are trying to lynch him.

We’re going to be hearing this kind of leftist lying a lot in the coming four years.

Hitting Trump Before He’s Sworn In
You lost the right to be treated with respect when you did the same shit to Obama. End of story.
Why do you attack us and expect us to be nice to you? Explain why I should take the high road?
KARMA (or basically, what goes around, comes around...)

gits ya every time....
Destroying Trump requires action on the part of no one other than he, who is doing a good job of it.
Globalist/No borders Libtards want a civil war. It's obvious.

Yes, the neo-Commies failed with their Commie-Globalist agenda, now they do not care abou freedom and democracy any more.

They seem to plan a violent revolition.
If they are not stopped, the Gulag-System will be applied on a global scsle.
Russian Hacking Hysteria
The Left can't stop blaming the vast Russian conspiracy.
December 13, 2016
Matthew Vadum

All this talk of a vast Russian conspiracy to hack U.S. computer networks to put Donald Trump in the White House is difficult to believe.

It may turn out to be true that somebody either hacked the Democratic National Committee or leaked emails from inside the DNC to expose Democrats’ dirty tricks against the Trump campaign. Among those illicit operations were the effort to foment violence at Trump campaign rallies, rigging the Democrat primaries against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and the leaking of debate questions by then-CNN pundit and now acting DNC chairman Donna Brazile.

The Left’s immediate goal, as it was during and after the bitter 36-day-long Bush versus Gore recent in Florida in 2000, is working toward a broader narrative. Left-wingers are laboring to delegitimize the incoming president because he is a Republican. Democracy isn’t working properly if it puts non-leftists in power, left-wingers reason, so all GOP chief executives must be vigorously opposed.

Commie agitprop director Michael Moore is encouraging angry left-wing mobs to come to Washington, D.C., and riot in the streets of the nation’s capital on Inauguration Day in an effort to prevent or at least cast a shadow over Trump’s assumption of the powers of the presidency. The idea is to do as much damage as possible to Trump before he even gets sworn in.

Selective recounts in states Trump won aren’t yielding election-changing results so now Electoral College members pledged to vote for Trump are being besieged by angry radicals who are threatening them with death if they vote for Trump on the appointed day Dec. 19. Corrupt partisan shills like Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, former head of the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress, are demanding that presidential electors be burdened with unprecedented, utterly inappropriate intelligence briefings before they vote.

Left-wing Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) openly embraces an Electoral College coup against Trump, calling him a “potentially dangerous president” who is “not only unqualified to be president, he’s a danger to the republic.”

After recounts and threatening electors, paranoid fear-mongering about Russia is the Left’s fallback position.


Russian Hacking Hysteria
This is just politics, left is completely off balance right now, these are just wild haymakers being thrown about until they can regain their senses...right now they are trying to just get off the canvas, once the right names the next SCOTUS nominee to the bench they will be trying to figure out how best to crawl back into the ring.
Globalist/No borders Libtards want a civil war. It's obvious.

Yes, the neo-Commies failed with their Commie-Globalist agenda, now they do not care abou freedom and democracy any more.

They seem to plan a violent revolition.
If they are not stopped, the Gulag-System will be applied on a global scsle.

Libtard congressman John Lewis made a public statement today that he believes Trump is not a legitimate President. He was speaking honestly for himself and said what many other Libtards are too afraid to say, but expect many more to jump on the bandwagon openly!
These scumbags are anti-American as Trump was duly elected legitimately and if they wanna get violent, than bring it on! I will do my part to protect his Presidency when they get froggy.
Coulter: How the Establishment Will Try to Destroy Trump
There's a long and tragic history of Republicans who won the war but lost the peace by trading results for respectability.
Ann Coulter

Shortly before Thanksgiving, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni wrote a column that should chill you to the bone.

Titled "Donald Trump's Demand for Love," Bruni said: "I had just shaken the president-elect's normal-size hand and he was moving on to the next person when he wheeled around, took a half step back, touched my arm and looked me in the eye anew. 'I'm going to get you to write some good stuff about me,' Donald Trump said.”

Bruni is a fabulous writer, but if he ever writes good stuff about you, Mr. President-elect, YOU WILL HAVE FAILED.

I assume this was just our president-elect doing something he gets the least credit for, which is being nice. But you can never be too careful.

The Times is in total opposition to Trump's stated goal to make America great again. Trump has got to know -- not next year, but by 5 p.m. today -- that anyone pursuing his agenda will incite rage, insanity and spitting blood from that newspaper.


Trump has just annihilated 16 far more experienced Republican rivals, the Clinton machine and the entire media/Hollywood/Wall Street complex by raising the one issue no other politician would touch: putting America's interests first on immigration

What promise do you think they want Trump to break?

Luckily for the country, Trump doesn't seem obsessed with what the elites think of him
. But his advisers include just the type of Republicans whose second-tier law schools make them particularly susceptible to the cheap respectability of establishment media approval.


Trump is down to his last wish from Aladdin. He can impress The New York Times, or he can make America great again. But he can't do both.

Coulter: How the Establishment Will Try to Destroy Trump
The problem is if he does good for the country and they don't write good stuff about him then they will prove what most of us already know. The MSM has been taken over by leftwing hacks.
These scumbags are anti-American as Trump was duly elected legitimately and if they wanna get violent, than bring it on! I will do my part to protect his Presidency when they get froggy.

I think that police will be on the side of the elected president.
The policemen are tired of the hate that is promoted against them in the lying media.
The military is tired of waging crazy wars on the other side of the Globe, while being unable to protect the American boarders from a third world invasion.

People who have real power (and real power have not the lying presstitutes, but people with guns) are on the side of Trump.
The law is on the side of Trump.

So Trump has just to implement the law, and ignore the lying media that becomes irrelevant.

The law can be applied to the corrupt politicians and media owners, that is called "drain the swamp".
The Inauguration War
The Left prepares its counter-attack on American democracy.
January 13, 2017
David Horowitz

According to Gallup, the average presidential honeymoon lasts seven months. This is a window when the losing party declares a partisan peace, allows the incoming president to pick his cabinet and launch the agenda his victory mandates. Presidential honeymoons are not only a venerable American tradition they are one of democracy’s pillars. For generations they have been ceremonial supports for the peaceful transition of power, and the peaceful resolution of partisan conflicts.

Not this election year. There will be no honeymoon. This year even before Trump arrives in the Oval Office, the opposition cry has been Resist! Block! Reject! It is not just anti-American radicals like Michael Moore, who has indeed called for “100 days of resistance” to the Trump presidency, but by the leadership of the Democratic Party which has vowed to fight Trump’s appointments, has attacked the election result as an expression of popular racism, attempted to discredit the Electoral College by falsely calling it a legacy of slavery, and even accused Trump of being a Russian agent, a pawn in the chess game of its dictator Vladimir Putin. It is a sad day for America when the world’s oldest political party, whose name proclaims it a partisan of democracy, comes out in force as a saboteur of that same system.

Nor is all this simply a fit of Democratic absent-mindedness. Instead, it is the culmination of a long developing shift in Democratic Party politics, a shift symbolized by the current favorite to become its next leader. Keith Ellison is a Muslim radical who spent his formative adult years as a vocal supporter of the anti-American, anti-Semitic racist Louis Farrakhan. Ellison reflects the power of the Bernie Sanders radicals in the Democratic Party who according to recent Gallup polls now represent its majority, even though they lost a rigged primary election which would have made him the party’s presidential nominee.

The face of this new Democratic Party was revealed during a seminal moment in the second Clinton-Trump presidential debate. It came when Trump turned to the cameras and said, “Hillary has tremendous hatred in her heart.” He was referring to her now notorious statement that half of Trump’s supporters belonged in a “basket of deplorables,” which was followed by her iteration of those she had in mind: “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”


This is the revolution that Trump represents. It will succeed or fail on whether the American people are ready to reject the racial, gender and ethnic divisiveness that has become the policy of the Democratic Party; whether they are ready to restore the American social contract that regards individuals on their merits, regardless of race, color or creed. In short it will succeed or fail on whether they are ready to make America great again.

The Inauguration War

Nearly 50 House Democrats vow to boycott Trump inauguration
4 / 28

Associated Press
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By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press
7 hrs ago

WASHINGTON — The roster of House Democrats planning to boycott President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration grew to about 50 on Tuesday in a protest of the New York businessman's policies and his repeated criticism of legendary civil rights activist John Lewis.

The Georgia congressman made headlines over the weekend for challenging Trump's legitimacy to be the next president and erroneously claiming that Trump's inauguration would be the first he will have missed since coming to Congress three decades ago.

In fact, Lewis had skipped President George W. Bush's inauguration in 2001.

Trump struck on Tuesday morning, as is typical, on Twitter: "WRONG (or lie)!" Trump tweeted, citing a 2001 Washington Post report that noted Lewis had skipped George W. Bush's inauguration.

Lewis' office on Tuesday confirmed that the congressman had missed Bush's swearing-in.

"His absence at that time was also a form of dissent," said spokeswoman Brenda Jones. "He did not believe the outcome of that election, including the controversies around the results in Florida and the unprecedented intervention of the U.S. Supreme Court, reflected a free, fair and open democratic process."

Lewis said last week that he would skip Trump's swearing in on Friday, telling NBC News that he didn't view Trump as a legitimate president.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis said in an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" that aired Sunday.


Nearly 50 House Democrats vow to boycott Trump inauguration
Agencies rush to publish rules before Trump takes office

The Hill

Tim Devaney 5 hrs ago

On the eve of Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday, federal agencies are racing to publish midnight rules before the president-elect institutes a regulatory moratorium.

The Federal Register was overwhelmed Thursday with nearly 1,500 pages worth of rules from federal agencies. Miriam Kleiman, a spokesperson for the Federal Register, described it as "one of the largest ever" editions of the government's rulebook.

"It certainly is a busy time for the Federal Register," Kleiman told The Hill.

"There is a huge increase in the volume [of rules we receive] toward the end of an administration," she added.

The rules are known as midnight regulations, and represent a final attempt by the Obama administration to leave a mark on Washington's rulebooks before Trump takes over at the White House.

Trump has called for a freeze on all new regulations, and the president-elect and congressional Republicans are expected to try to roll back rules they disagree with.

That's also created a deadline for agencies that want to complete work before Trump takes office, and many appear to be working overtime.


Agencies rush to publish rules before Trump takes office

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