Detroit: A Mixture of Water and Socialism

The defense of liberalism BY liberals in this thread, is nothing short of inane leftard rhetoric and psycho babble. A good example of why they're incapable of governing... they don't even have the where with all and gray matter to realize that THEY are the problem.

There's only one word to describe them... "stupid."

Precisely! We have NYcarbineer, for example, asking PC what the answer is to the government corruption and economic woes caused by none other than lefty himself and his socialist policies.

In the meantime, the economies in municipalities and states run by Republicans are humming along in spite of Obama's ongoing Keynesian recession. Budgets are balanced, surpluses realized, debt retired. Citizens can and do pay their bills. Crime is dramatically curtailed in those communities in which the people are encourage to keep and bear arms, freely conceal and carry those arms. And guess what? There's no need for lefty's paternalistic law enforcement with its rampant violations of Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights after all.

Who'd a thunk it?

Well, actually, the Founders thunk it, and before them, the great theologians and philosophes of natural law thunk it. That's who. Capitalism, the free market of ideas and production, actually works! The practice of the notion that the people, not the police, are the first line of defense against criminality works! Responsibility works! Liberty works!

You see, in lefty's mind if the government isn't involved in the lives of the people beyond its fundamental responsibilities, nothing real is being done.

Where economies boom, of course, all boats are lifted, all benefit. We have economic mobility among the various economic classes. The working poor move into the middleclass, the middleclass build retirement wealth. New businesses and new millionaires are created. And the rich—horror!—well, they get richer faster than the rest as they enjoy a higher rate of return per their ability to invest in the economy at a higher rate. Now, of course, this doesn't detract in any way from the improved earnings enjoyed by the working poor or middleclass . . . except in lefty's mythical world of the zero-sum-game, and besides, it just isn't fair!

They’re hording the wealth!

So here we go again. We must redistribute wealth! We must grow the welfare state!

And what is the result?

The defense of liberalism BY liberals in this thread, is nothing short of inane leftard rhetoric and psycho babble. A good example of why they're incapable of governing... they don't even have the where with all and gray matter to realize that THEY are the problem.

There's only one word to describe them... "stupid."

Precisely! We have NYcarbineer, for example, asking PC what the answer is to the government corruption and economic woes caused by none other than lefty himself and his socialist policies.

In the meantime, the economies in municipalities and states run by Republicans are humming along in spite of Obama's ongoing Keynesian recession.

You mean like Kansas?

State turns to borrowing /
If it's up to people to pull their own weight (using YOUR reasoning here), then people without kids shouldn't have to pay school taxes, and that burden should be shifted to the people who have kids.

You like that idea?

Yes, and a person with a well does not have to pay for city water.

Should a family of 2 pay the same water bill as a family of 10? or should we pay for what we use?

I want to first hear from all your pals with kids in school who believe that it would be fair if we dramatically raised their school taxes because all the people without children had their school taxes eliminated.

I guess your conservative pals don't like your idea as much as you do?

Comon now, people, let's hear how you think that only people with children in school should pay school taxes.

And while we're at it, let's get rid of that redistribution of wealth that occurs when all you people with kids take advantage of thousands of dollars worth of tax breaks that you get for having kids,

and the net result is a huge percentage shift of the tax burden onto those who don't have children.

Let's end that free ride, eh? Let's end that redistribution of wealth...

I have no desire to disparage your personal experience, and anxieties.

This is about policies and their effect on a societal level.

The evidence is clear, and except for the filter of your personal situation, it is convincing.

The vast majority of delinquent individuals could pay...but were allowed to believe- due to Liberal indoctrination- that some illusory 'rich guys' should be dunned to take care of their bill.

Liberals/Progressives/Democrats, whatever have been able to use envy and jealousy to have huge numbers of low-character individuals rationalize that they 'deserve' what other people have earned.

But you see, this is where you are a bit deluded.

the rich are not rich because they baked the pie. They just happen to be the ones with the knife cutting the slices.

Using the example of my health care issues. My health insurance was part of my compensation package.

Which means i had a reasonable expectation that if I had an issue, it would be taken care of.

But apparently, nope, guys who lived in mansions might have to give up a dressage horsie.

Now, without your mewling about "Socialism" or "Communism", why not provide every able bodied American with a job, let them bring home a paycheck, and yes, then they could pay for their own water bill or their fair share of it.

Because the system you support isn't about that. We had near full employment in the last years of Clinton, and the rich hated that. They hated having to pay teenagers above minimum wage because if they didn't, someone else would.
If only you had an education and a sense of character, you'd know the answer.

This might help:

1. As Thomas Jefferson once wrote regarding the "general Welfare" clause:
To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his father has acquired too much, in order to spare to others who (or whose fathers) have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, "to guarantee to everyone a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." US Department of the Treasury

2. Who is to decide what is fair, and what is too much? Some religions suggest tithing, and government demands taxes.

a. Joseph gathered very much grain: It seems it was customary for Pharaoh to take 10% of the grain in Egypt as a tax. Essentially, Joseph doubled the taxes over the next seven years (Genesis 41:34 mentions one-fifth, that is, 20%).

b. That 20% figure appears again in the relationship of colonists to North America, and the English crown "....colonists were free to retain all the profits and fruits of their labor save for the crown's 20 percent share of any gold and silver discovered." "Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New American History: 1585-1828," by Walter A. McDougall, p.33

Your post, as usual, doesn't address my post.

Leave her alone. She could not find a cut and paste that worked. Not that this ever stops her.

So....Sunday is your day out of the 'nervous hospital'?
So silly Lil' Joe.

Because you were mistreated by ONE employer, you denigrate an entire economic system, an entire class of people, and one political party.

Only a fool makes such conclusions.

Many people have been fired from their jobs....good thing all do not believe in fairy tales, as you do.

No, I denigrate a whole economic system because it created a philosophy where that sort of thing is acceptable.

In GOP land, that was a perfectly acceptable thing to do. ANd this wonderful boss, who also fired people who got injured on the workplace or female employees when they got pregnant, thought Mitt Romney would be a wonderful President.

Since leaving the Army in 1992, I've seen so much shitty behavior from employers that I'm just not keen on the whole economic system being based on them being able to make obscene profits.

Jesus called Greed a sin. There was probably a reason for that.

I have no desire to disparage your personal experience, and anxieties.

This is about policies and their effect on a societal level.

The evidence is clear, and except for the filter of your personal situation, it is convincing.

The vast majority of delinquent individuals could pay...but were allowed to believe- due to Liberal indoctrination- that some illusory 'rich guys' should be dunned to take care of their bill.

Liberals/Progressives/Democrats, whatever have been able to use envy and jealousy to have huge numbers of low-character individuals rationalize that they 'deserve' what other people have earned.

But you see, this is where you are a bit deluded.

the rich are not rich because they baked the pie. They just happen to be the ones with the knife cutting the slices.

Using the example of my health care issues. My health insurance was part of my compensation package.

Which means i had a reasonable expectation that if I had an issue, it would be taken care of.

But apparently, nope, guys who lived in mansions might have to give up a dressage horsie.

Now, without your mewling about "Socialism" or "Communism", why not provide every able bodied American with a job, let them bring home a paycheck, and yes, then they could pay for their own water bill or their fair share of it.

Because the system you support isn't about that. We had near full employment in the last years of Clinton, and the rich hated that. They hated having to pay teenagers above minimum wage because if they didn't, someone else would.

"They just happen to be the ones with the knife cutting the slices."

That is the very best example of Liberal what-passes-for-thinking,.....

....and the simplest to destroy.

"Most of America's millionaires are first-generation rich. How is it possible for people from modest backgrounds to become millionaires in one generation? Why is it that so many people with similar socioeconomic backgrounds never accumulate even modest amounts of wealth?

Most people who become millionaires have confidence in their own abilities. They do not spend time worrying about whether or not their parents were wealthy. They do not believe that one must be born wealthy. Conversely, people of modest backgrounds who believe that only the wealthy produce millionaires are predetermined to remain non-affluent. Have you always thought that most millionaires are born with silver spoons in their mouths? If so, consider the following facts that our research uncovered about American millionaires:

* Only 19 percent receive any income or wealth of any kind from a trust fund or an estate.

* Fewer than 20 percent inherited 10 percent or more of their wealth.

* More than half never received as much as $1 in inheritance.

* Fewer than 25 percent ever received "an act of kindness" of $10,000 or more from their parents, grandparents, or other relatives.

* Ninety-one percent never received, as a gift, as much as $1 of the ownership of a family business.

* Nearly half never received any college tuition from their parents or other relatives.

* Fewer than 10 percent believe they will ever receive an inheritance in the future.

America continues to hold great prospects for those who wish to accumulate wealth in one generation. In fact, America has always been a land of opportunity for those who believe in the fluid nature of our nation's social system and economy.

More than one hundred years ago the same was true. In The American Economy, Stanley Lebergott reviews a study conducted in 1892 of the 4,047 American millionaires. He reports that 84 percent "were nouveau riche, having reached the top without the benefit of inherited wealth."

The Millionaire Next Door

Rips the heck out of even the slightest possibility that you know anything....and indicates that it is no more than hate, envy and jealousy that motivates you.

Reform yourself.

"They just happen to be the ones with the knife cutting the slices."

That is the very best example of Liberal what-passes-for-thinking,.....

....and the simplest to destroy.

Rips the heck out of even the slightest possibility that you know anything....and indicates that it is no more than hate, envy and jealousy that motivates you.

Reform yourself.

Ho-hum. Don't know why you cut and paste this shit like I'm going to be impressed.

Hey, unlike you, I actually am out there working in Corporate America. I see all the shit that goes down, and, no, they aren't brilliant.

At best, the wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people they are vital organs.

Now, I'll admit, I think our current GM is a bright guy. But things happen because the rest of us go to our cubicles and work cells every day and do thankless, soul-sucking work.

Meanwhile, the investors really had nothing to do with that, and they are getting awesome amounts of money because they guessed right.

So, no, I don't buy into the mentality that the rich are rich because they "Deserve it".

Not for a fucking minute.

There are a lot more Ringo Starrs than John Lennons in the world.

"They just happen to be the ones with the knife cutting the slices."

That is the very best example of Liberal what-passes-for-thinking,.....

....and the simplest to destroy.

Rips the heck out of even the slightest possibility that you know anything....and indicates that it is no more than hate, envy and jealousy that motivates you.

Reform yourself.

Ho-hum. Don't know why you cut and paste this shit like I'm going to be impressed.

Hey, unlike you, I actually am out there working in Corporate America. I see all the shit that goes down, and, no, they aren't brilliant.

At best, the wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people they are vital organs.

Now, I'll admit, I think our current GM is a bright guy. But things happen because the rest of us go to our cubicles and work cells every day and do thankless, soul-sucking work.

Meanwhile, the investors really had nothing to do with that, and they are getting awesome amounts of money because they guessed right.

So, no, I don't buy into the mentality that the rich are rich because they "Deserve it".

Not for a fucking minute.

There are a lot more Ringo Starrs than John Lennons in the world.

"Ho-hum. Don't know why you cut and paste this shit like I'm going to be impressed."

Impress you???

Don't be silly.

I simply enjoy showing that you have taken the Art of Clueless to an epic level!

And, the vulgar language to which you have been reduced shows that you know I've done exactly that.
If only you had an education and a sense of character, you'd know the answer.

This might help:

1. As Thomas Jefferson once wrote regarding the "general Welfare" clause:
To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his father has acquired too much, in order to spare to others who (or whose fathers) have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, "to guarantee to everyone a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." US Department of the Treasury

2. Who is to decide what is fair, and what is too much? Some religions suggest tithing, and government demands taxes.

a. Joseph gathered very much grain: It seems it was customary for Pharaoh to take 10% of the grain in Egypt as a tax. Essentially, Joseph doubled the taxes over the next seven years (Genesis 41:34 mentions one-fifth, that is, 20%).

b. That 20% figure appears again in the relationship of colonists to North America, and the English crown "....colonists were free to retain all the profits and fruits of their labor save for the crown's 20 percent share of any gold and silver discovered." "Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New American History: 1585-1828," by Walter A. McDougall, p.33

Your post, as usual, doesn't address my post.

Leave her alone. She could not find a cut and paste that worked. Not that this ever stops her.

I know I shouldn't make fun of the intellectually crippled....

...but here is another post you won't be able to handle:

Liberal world leaders couldn't bear the thought that any folks would be held responsible for their actions....or, in this case, lack of action.
Imagine being penalized for demanding that others pay your bills!!!

Unheard in the precincts of Liberalism/socialism!

14. The United Nation's claim that " the government is ruthlessly violating people’s human rights in liberal Detroit is almost laughable.

Detroit is a socialist mecca—a land of public unions, welfare opportunity and handouts. The city has almost 2,000 public assistance outlets providing cash assistance, food stamps, water, electricity, gas, rental and medical assistance to those who can show they need it.

Union rights, minority rights, women’s rights, LGBT rights—you can hardly find a city more concerned about fulfilling people’s rights.

The only people not having their rights protected are the increasingly scarce Detroit upper-middle-class taxpayers who actually pays their taxes.

15. For decades, the Detroit mentality has been “everyone needs to pay their fair share.” What this really meant was sucking dry the producers and service suppliers, demanding that they subsidize the standard of living everyone took for granted....Economic reality disconnected the socialist water spigot."
Tapped Out -
Ah yes the Right's other favorite scapegoats.

San Jose, California is the richest city in America, and Brownsville, Texas is the poorest.

The next four richest?

Washington, DC
Bridgeport, CT
San Francisco

The other poorest?

Dalton, Ga
McAllen, Texas
Gadsden, Alabama
Kingman, Arizona

Where do liberals get the credit/blame for that? lol

Looks to me like quite a distinct red state/blue state pattern there...

America's richest and poorest cities- MSN Money

that study compares the average incomes of the residents of the cities, not the fiscal health of the city governments.

But we get it, liberals lie, you are a liberal---------------------:eusa_whistle:

Hmmm...then I guess you misspoke when you tried to blame liberals for the ECONOMY of cities??

You want to revise your testimony?

Nope, the average income of the residents has nothing to do with the financial well being of the city. Your cite is very clear on that.
So silly Lil' Joe.

Because you were mistreated by ONE employer, you denigrate an entire economic system, an entire class of people, and one political party.

Only a fool makes such conclusions.

Many people have been fired from their jobs....good thing all do not believe in fairy tales, as you do.

No, I denigrate a whole economic system because it created a philosophy where that sort of thing is acceptable.

In GOP land, that was a perfectly acceptable thing to do. ANd this wonderful boss, who also fired people who got injured on the workplace or female employees when they got pregnant, thought Mitt Romney would be a wonderful President.

Since leaving the Army in 1992, I've seen so much shitty behavior from employers that I'm just not keen on the whole economic system being based on them being able to make obscene profits.

Jesus called Greed a sin. There was probably a reason for that.


So what you're saying is that all that surplus value, the fuel of new and better opportunities, has to go, eh? That way virtually all of us will be equally dependent and poor . . . well, except of course for the super rich and their inordinately powerful lackeys in government.

I simply enjoy showing that you have taken the Art of Clueless to an epic level! —PoliticalChic

To absurdity and beyond!
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16. And now a word from the 'Food Stamp President,' who believes in everyone paying 'their fair share.'

One would tend to believe that the "fair share" prescription applies to those who use Detroit city water.
But, of course, Obama political views don't require honesty.

17. "... with Detroit collapsing, the same “social fairness” policies guaranteed to produce dependency and a culture of entitlement are implemented at the national level as supposed solutions to America’s economic problems."
Op. Cit.

One can only hope that the public wakes up in time to save this nation from Liberalism.
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True, but does that hurt the Democrats (poverty, failure, crime, corruption, poor education, decay and despair)?

No not at all, its the best thing for the DNC, heaven, nirvana. Wherever you have poverty, failure, crime, corruption, poor education, decay and despair to the extreme, people vote 80% plus Democrats.

It would be political suicide for Democrats to produce jobs, good education, hope, safe cities and non-corrupt government. Places like Provo Utah that are safe and functional vote very Republican. Murderous hellholes Oakland, Flint and Detroit are extra good for Democrats, even though average wages are about the same.

Here is an article, about just what you are talking about PoliticalChic, Detroit a Third World Country Without Running Water? UN Plans to Step In | AUN-TV

But it could be worse, what if the Hollywood democrats/socialist types that worship Che get control?

Here is an excerpt:
Shin Dong-hyuk was born into North Korea Camp 14 as a slave. He is the only person to ever escape it alive. Marc Wiese’s film. Camp 14: Total Control Zone is a documentary about Shin’s escape and the camp system.

Hoping to start the film with an upbeat story, he asked him for a memory from when he was four. “So he told me, ‘I have a memory; it was a public execution.’ I said, ‘Did your mother talk to you about that? Did she try to help you?’ He looked at me and was shaking his head, and he said, ‘No. For what? It was happening every week.’ And just for me, personally, I said, ‘Shin, what did your mother teach you?’ and he said, ‘Only one thing: how to survive.’”

Survival meant living by the rules, which included informing on anyone in breach of camp regulations. When Shin overhead his mother apparently plotting to help his brother escape, he told his teacher. Later, he had to watch as his mother was publicly hanged and his brother killed by firing squad. He felt nothing. If he hadn’t informed, he and his father would probably have been executed, he says.

Video: Lone Escapee and Former Guards of North Korean Slave Prison System Reveal What is Really Going On | AUN-TV

Check out the comments at bottom of supporters of North Korea's slave system. here is just one:BolshevikLeninist 1 year ago : Great men, both anti-imperialists and dedicated socialists who served their people. Viva Fidel! Viva Kim-il Sung!

The bottom line is Democrats do what rewards them. And ruining lives and cities benefits them.
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I have no desire to disparage your personal experience, and anxieties.

This is about policies and their effect on a societal level.

The evidence is clear, and except for the filter of your personal situation, it is convincing.

The vast majority of delinquent individuals could pay...but were allowed to believe- due to Liberal indoctrination- that some illusory 'rich guys' should be dunned to take care of their bill.

Liberals/Progressives/Democrats, whatever have been able to use envy and jealousy to have huge numbers of low-character individuals rationalize that they 'deserve' what other people have earned.

But you see, this is where you are a bit deluded.

the rich are not rich because they baked the pie. They just happen to be the ones with the knife cutting the slices.

Using the example of my health care issues. My health insurance was part of my compensation package.

Which means i had a reasonable expectation that if I had an issue, it would be taken care of.

But apparently, nope, guys who lived in mansions might have to give up a dressage horsie.

Now, without your mewling about "Socialism" or "Communism", why not provide every able bodied American with a job, let them bring home a paycheck, and yes, then they could pay for their own water bill or their fair share of it.

Because the system you support isn't about that. We had near full employment in the last years of Clinton, and the rich hated that. They hated having to pay teenagers above minimum wage because if they didn't, someone else would.

Indeed. And the fact that the Clinton years were the continuation of Reagan's reorientation of the economy away from the failed, demand-side paradigm of Keynesianism that prolonged the Great Depression, triggered the double recession of the 1950s and gave us the decade of Stagflation in the 1970s had nothing to do with it, not to mention—wait! let's mention it—the fact that a Republican-controlled Congress compelled ol' forked-tongue Bill to declare that the era of big government was over. Most significantly, the fact that Bill was compelled to adopt much of the economic agenda of the Republican Party's Contract with America, including a wildly successful welfare reform law, had nothing to do with it either, eh?

And let us never forget, as much of American did when it elected Obama and put the Democrats back in charge of Congress, the fact that Bill was stopped cold, that is to say, the unelected Hillary was stopped cold, from saddling the Republic with her special project, which would have put a real dent in the boom of the 1990s and rid us of all those "underfunded," start-up businesses that drove the boom. . . .

Yeah. Sure. The latter had nothing to do with it either.
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Them Poor People Don't deserve Water!

If you didn't pay your water bill, would the city still provide it to you?

You realize that if no one pays their bills, then the utility goes bust. If the utility goes bust then no one gets their water including the ones that pay. Also do you really think the 150K are going to continue paying if they find out the other 150K aren't paying? Nope remember these are socialist Democrats we are talking about!

Indeed. And the fact that the Clinton years were the continuation of Reagan's reorientation of the economy away from the failed, demand-side paradigm of Keynesianism that prolonged the Great Depression, triggered the double recession of the 1950s and gave us the decade of Stagflation in the 1970s had nothing to do with it, not to mention—wait! let's mention it—...

Are you some kind of fucking retard? Did you miss the whole Depression of 1990-92 where you had lines around buildings for two job openings?

Reaganism failed MISERABLY.
Them Poor People Don't deserve Water!

If you didn't pay your water bill, would the city still provide it to you?

You realize that if no one pays their bills, then the utility goes bust. If the utility goes bust then no one gets their water including the ones that pay. Also do you really think the 150K are going to continue paying if they find out the other 150K aren't paying? Nope remember these are socialist Democrats we are talking about!

Or you can just fund the utility through taxes as a public service.

You know, like Police, Fire Departments, Street Lights... all that commie shit.

Putting the screws to poor people so a few of Snyder's rich buddies can make money off the looting of Detroit isn't the answer.
And what's the alternative you have to offer?

Work hard all your life to make the 1% richer? And if you get old, get sick, bust up your knee on some ice, well, seriously, tough on you?

This is the "alternative"? And you wonder why Obama wins elections?

I got yer alternative right here!

1. In her book, "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker recounts her journey from life as a hustler and welfare addict to freedom. The following gives one version of the path to success.

She's talking about you, ErroneousJoe

My, what is it with you guys, that you trot out these self-loathing Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemimas and you think you have an argument.

What does that have to do with anything I said.

I got let go from a job after 6 years of hard work because I slipped on some ice and busted up my knee and required tens of thousands of dollars to fix.

Didn't matter I worked 60 hours a week for them sometimes, coming in on Saturdays to take care of things. Didn't matter that I had seniority on the rest of the office, didn't matter that I developed processes and procedures they are using to this very day.

The minute it looked like i might cost them more than their obscene profit margin, they were pretty keen to get me off the payroll.

So seriously, fuck the rich, fuck capitalism.

I don't want to see people on welfare, but I'd rather give it to welfare people than rich people.

So, socialism, that is to say, sour grapes economics, is the answer?

You know my grandparents were hit hard by the Great Depression, knocked clean out of the middleclass, lost virtually everything . . . but their trust in God and hard work. But they packed up what they still had, which was a few hundred bucks, some clothes and an old Ford, moved clear across the country, worked odd jobs, made ends meet, started their own business, and built a happy and successful home in spite of it all. They never got rich, but my grandfather's modest, repair-and-whatever-else-you-wanted business paid for a modest house and a modest retirement.

And my father, an aircraft technician, moved our family squarely back into the upper middleclass . . . eventually. He could have done even more had he worked in the private sector, as he was an especially ingenious electronics man who turned down the really big bucks offered him by Boeing, Lockheed, Hughes Airwest and others over the years. In fact, everything I know worth knowing about mathematics, electrical wiring, plumbing, masonry, framing, cabinetry, tiling, automotive repair . . . I learned at his side. He was a self-taught jack of all the manly trades. Comes in handy around the house. I've saved many thousands of dollars over the years.

Like my parents and their parents before them, we invested a lot of time and money in our children's education . . . because we couldn't afford private schools, and the state schools weren't good enough.

Today, I'm a near millionaire, and my son's already there.

My father worked for the Air Force for 38 years out of sheer gratitude to a great nation that afforded him the opportunity to better the next generation. He remains the longest serving civil servant in Air Force history, a record that won't be broken any time soon as the Air Force systematically eliminated civil servants from those kinds of jobs. But they kept him around, because he was that good. As a GS-15, he was the equivalent of a colonel when he retired. All that on a high school diploma and hard work.

Sadly, this understanding of what America is all about seems to have been lost on way too many of the European and African descendants of America's founding. Asian Americans still get it. African Americans were generally on their way too during the 1940s and 50s . . . before the devastation of the War on Poverty.

My point is this: I just don't get you. What really happened to you? Why did you allow this company to sour you on life and the opportunities that are still out there? Character is what makes us or break us, not the next crisis. I nearly lost everything at one point, but learned from my mistakes and moved on. Work. Risk. Build.

The answer is not socialism, as the attitude it engenders in society infects companies too, apparently, like the one you worked for. I don't understand why you can't see the detrimental impact socialism has on the entrepreneurial spirit. You talk about Europe, where small business is virtually extinct as new enterprises can't get past all the regulation and the staggering rates of taxation, at least not without being inordinately beholden to powerful political or corporate interests. Corruption.

Generally, the essence of socialism in capitalist societies is corporatism, burdensome regulation and taxation, and the redistribution of wealth of social and corporate welfare that systematically enslaves the poor and hampers the middleclass. It's your economic agenda that keeps the little people down, not capitalism proper.
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Indeed. And the fact that the Clinton years were the continuation of Reagan's reorientation of the economy away from the failed, demand-side paradigm of Keynesianism that prolonged the Great Depression, triggered the double recession of the 1950s and gave us the decade of Stagflation in the 1970s had nothing to do with it, not to mention—wait! let's mention it—...

Are you some kind of fucking retard? Did you miss the whole Depression of 1990-92 where you had lines around buildings for two job openings?

Reaganism failed MISERABLY.

You have managed to catapult yourself from 'erroneous' all the way to 'liar.'

1. “Between the early 1980s and 2007 we lived in an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years. Until the credit crisis, 70 million people a year were joining the middle class. The U.S. kicked off this long boom with the economic reforms of Ronald Reagan, particularly his enormous income tax cuts. We burst from the economic stagnation of the 1970s into a dynamic, innovative, high-tech-oriented economy. Even in recent years the much-maligned U.S. did well. Between year-end 2002 and year-end 2007 U.S. growth exceeded the entire size of China's economy.”
How Capitalism Will Save Us - Forbes

a. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
b. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
c. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.

George Gilder: The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan - WSJ

Reaganomics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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