Detroit: A Mixture of Water and Socialism


What's wrong with water being taxpayer funded as a municipal service, specifically?

For starters: it would jack up the price, encourage waste and likely lead to shortages. But those are just the infrastructural costs. Didn't you learn anything from the OP about the societal costs? Geez louise!

Detroit is right on one of the Great Lakes. They aren't about to run out of water.

Check. I know the geography. Let's talk the European continent next, starting with the Danube. What nations does that river run through and into what body of water does it empty?


That's the extent of your understanding of the economic and infrastructural realities of supply and demand? Geez louise!
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Detroit is a hotbed for houses sitting empty due to foreclosure. I'm wondering if this has something to do with delinquent water bills?
Did Polivinyl chic mention that 60% of the late water accounts were from business accounts?

What's your point? The entire debacle that is Detroit is the disease of lefty think run amok. It's no secrete that millions of dollars are still owed by businesses too. I'm sure she's aware of that. Why should you care anyway? I'm sure they passed the savings of their theft onto their customers, you know, all those desperate tit jerkers who couldn't pay the water company . . . until they could pay the water company when the faucets stopped pouring and the toilets stopped flushing. :eek:
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Municipal water supplies should be taxpayer funded, like police and fire departments, and street maintenance, and waste disposal/treatment.

... and food, and medical care, and housing, and cell phones, and clothing, and cars, and drugs, and booze, and Xboxes, and televisions, and dental care, and gold chains, and switchblades, and condoms, and education, and more education, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and ...

I think the stinking working class OWES the entitlement class BIG TIME. It's simply not fair that workers should be allowed to keep their money and plan for retirement. Filthy middle class!!!:mad:

You would take Medicaid and public education away from the poor? That's your plan for a better America?
For starters: it would jack up the price, encourage waste and likely lead to shortages. But those are just the infrastructural costs. Didn't you learn anything from the OP about the societal costs? Geez louise!

Detroit is right on one of the Great Lakes. They aren't about to run out of water.

Check. I know the geography. Let's talk the European continent next, starting with the Danube. What nations does that river run through and into what body of water does it empty?


That's the extent of your understanding of the economic and infrastructural realities of supply and demand? Geez louise!

European countries wouldn't shut people's water off.

Now, if you want to be more like Europe, I'm all for that. 75% tax rate on the rich, that would be awesome.
Don't pretend to be an idiot.

Clearly this is not about 'poor people.'

It is about those who simply refuse to pay for the water.

Now provide a more honest post.

They aren't "refusing to pay". they can't.

What is happening in Detroit is that they are letting some big corporations pick the last few bits of meat off the bone.

Frankly, what's in store for all of us if we don't get this stuff under control.

We've been tirelessly working to stave off the destructive policies of leftists morons for decades. We'd fix Detroit too if you leftists would get out of the way. What more do you want from us?

Check out these morons:


i'm sorry, who signed all the bad free trade treaties that sent the jobs away?

That would be you fools.
Them Poor People Don't deserve Water!

Don't pretend to be an idiot.

Clearly this is not about 'poor people.'

It is about those who simply refuse to pay for the water.

Now provide a more honest post.

They aren't "refusing to pay". they can't.

What is happening in Detroit is that they are letting some big corporations pick the last few bits of meat off the bone.

Frankly, what's in store for all of us if we don't get this stuff under control.

Absolute, out-and-out lie, as proven in the story.

150,000 wouldn't, pay....

17,000 couldn't pay....and were covered by welfare programs....

Do the math, dope.
Municipal water supplies should be taxpayer funded, like police and fire departments, and street maintenance, and waste disposal/treatment.

Why stop there???

"Employment, with a living wage
Food, clothing and leisure
Farmers' rights to a fair income
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
Medical care
Social security
Franklin Roosevelt

And, the list comes with music:

And what's the alternative you have to offer?

Work hard all your life to make the 1% richer? And if you get old, get sick, bust up your knee on some ice, well, seriously, tough on you?

This is the "alternative"? And you wonder why Obama wins elections?

I got yer alternative right here!

1. In her book, "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker recounts her journey from life as a hustler and welfare addict to freedom. The following gives one version of the path to success.

2. 'My first post-welfare job was hardly a dream job. Assigned to a sterile basement room in a huge office building, I had to hand-write the orders called in by salesmen, and send it to the shipping department. Since, the more orders they called in, the more money they made, the salesman talked fast and were rushed. The shippers, union laborers, on the other hand, received the same wage no matter how much work they did, so they talked slowly and made no effort to be efficient.

a. I acted as if it was my own customer, and the order that I was receiving was worth a million dollars to my business. My view was that hard work would open up opportunities to leave welfare behind, and poverty forever.

3. The only other black in the department was a 32-year-old female who had been there 15 years. On my first day at work she was eager to give me the scoop, including how to get away with the least amount of work for the maximum financial benefit- by paying $260 to join the labor union. Every day she would say I was "uppity" because I worked fast and actually enjoyed it! The more I fulfilled my tasks with vigor, the more dislike I engendered from the union workers.

a. I didn't now about unions, but as an ex-street hustler and con artist, it sounded a lot like paying for protection. Actually, I had no plans to remain for long, and intended to start my own business as soon as I finished writhing a business plan.

4. One particularly busy day, calls were coming in furiously! But I responded by making each feel that they were the most important call I had received that day. My supervisor asked me "Have you ever considered sales and marketing?" He went on to tell me about a full-time position in the marketing department that paid much more than my current wage. And, provided benefits without having to join a union!

a. I declined, as I had my sights set on finishing college, and owning my own business. When the union went on strike, I saw it as the right time to try my hand as an entrepreneur.

5. I began publishing a monthly magazine with a calendar of events from churches around Los Angeles. I added editorials that addressed inner city needs. The spotlight was on wholesome entertainment for single Christians. What began as 16 black-and-white pages, eventually became 64 full color pages of professional layout and some 80 advertisements 8 years later. Exciting, yes, but it was hard work to sell enough ads to cover costs, my personal overhead, and the needs of my daughter.

a. A major pitfall occurred the first time I received the ubiquitous "congratulations, you have qualified" letter from a credit card company. Wow...a symbol of accomplishment and prestige! Before long I had 10 credit cards. Six years after starting my business, I went into bankruptcy. A year later, California went into severe recession. Two years later, the L.A. riots wiped out what was left, as many of my advertisers were burned to the ground. In the middle of all that...I was divorced.

6. But my determination never wavered. I refused to go back on welfare or listen to the leftist lies that sought to discourage me from even trying! I used my talkng/selling experience to cohosting a talk show on a small Christian radio station in Long Beach. It didn't quite pay minimum wage, and had no I made money based on commissions from advertisers of the show. So, no guarantees.....but hard work and a positive attitude paid off: soon, I was offered the opportunity to host my own three-hour daily radio talk show with and ABC affiliate in San Francisco. Not only a good salary, but they put a studio in my home!'

Nothing new here.....the same works and worked for everyone.

" But my determination never wavered. I refused to go back on welfare or listen to the leftist lies that sought to discourage me from even trying!

She's talking about you, ErroneousJoe
Why stop there???

"Employment, with a living wage
Food, clothing and leisure
Farmers' rights to a fair income
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
Medical care
Social security
Franklin Roosevelt

And, the list comes with music:

And what's the alternative you have to offer?

Work hard all your life to make the 1% richer? And if you get old, get sick, bust up your knee on some ice, well, seriously, tough on you?

This is the "alternative"? And you wonder why Obama wins elections?

I got yer alternative right here!

1. In her book, "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker recounts her journey from life as a hustler and welfare addict to freedom. The following gives one version of the path to success.

She's talking about you, ErroneousJoe

My, what is it with you guys, that you trot out these self-loathing Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemimas and you think you have an argument.

What does that have to do with anything I said.

I got let go from a job after 6 years of hard work because I slipped on some ice and busted up my knee and required tens of thousands of dollars to fix.

Didn't matter I worked 60 hours a week for them sometimes, coming in on Saturdays to take care of things. Didn't matter that I had seniority on the rest of the office, didn't matter that I developed processes and procedures they are using to this very day.

The minute it looked like i might cost them more than their obscene profit margin, they were pretty keen to get me off the payroll.

So seriously, fuck the rich, fuck capitalism.

I don't want to see people on welfare, but I'd rather give it to welfare people than rich people.
Why stop there???

"Employment, with a living wage
Food, clothing and leisure
Farmers' rights to a fair income
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
Medical care
Social security
Franklin Roosevelt

And, the list comes with music:

And what's the alternative you have to offer?

Work hard all your life to make the 1% richer? And if you get old, get sick, bust up your knee on some ice, well, seriously, tough on you?

This is the "alternative"? And you wonder why Obama wins elections?

I got yer alternative right here!

1. In her book, "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker recounts her journey from life as a hustler and welfare addict to freedom. The following gives one version of the path to success.

2. 'My first post-welfare job was hardly a dream job. Assigned to a sterile basement room in a huge office building, I had to hand-write the orders called in by salesmen, and send it to the shipping department. Since, the more orders they called in, the more money they made, the salesman talked fast and were rushed. The shippers, union laborers, on the other hand, received the same wage no matter how much work they did, so they talked slowly and made no effort to be efficient.

a. I acted as if it was my own customer, and the order that I was receiving was worth a million dollars to my business. My view was that hard work would open up opportunities to leave welfare behind, and poverty forever.

3. The only other black in the department was a 32-year-old female who had been there 15 years. On my first day at work she was eager to give me the scoop, including how to get away with the least amount of work for the maximum financial benefit- by paying $260 to join the labor union. Every day she would say I was "uppity" because I worked fast and actually enjoyed it! The more I fulfilled my tasks with vigor, the more dislike I engendered from the union workers.

a. I didn't now about unions, but as an ex-street hustler and con artist, it sounded a lot like paying for protection. Actually, I had no plans to remain for long, and intended to start my own business as soon as I finished writhing a business plan.

4. One particularly busy day, calls were coming in furiously! But I responded by making each feel that they were the most important call I had received that day. My supervisor asked me "Have you ever considered sales and marketing?" He went on to tell me about a full-time position in the marketing department that paid much more than my current wage. And, provided benefits without having to join a union!

a. I declined, as I had my sights set on finishing college, and owning my own business. When the union went on strike, I saw it as the right time to try my hand as an entrepreneur.

5. I began publishing a monthly magazine with a calendar of events from churches around Los Angeles. I added editorials that addressed inner city needs. The spotlight was on wholesome entertainment for single Christians. What began as 16 black-and-white pages, eventually became 64 full color pages of professional layout and some 80 advertisements 8 years later. Exciting, yes, but it was hard work to sell enough ads to cover costs, my personal overhead, and the needs of my daughter.

a. A major pitfall occurred the first time I received the ubiquitous "congratulations, you have qualified" letter from a credit card company. Wow...a symbol of accomplishment and prestige! Before long I had 10 credit cards. Six years after starting my business, I went into bankruptcy. A year later, California went into severe recession. Two years later, the L.A. riots wiped out what was left, as many of my advertisers were burned to the ground. In the middle of all that...I was divorced.

6. But my determination never wavered. I refused to go back on welfare or listen to the leftist lies that sought to discourage me from even trying! I used my talkng/selling experience to cohosting a talk show on a small Christian radio station in Long Beach. It didn't quite pay minimum wage, and had no I made money based on commissions from advertisers of the show. So, no guarantees.....but hard work and a positive attitude paid off: soon, I was offered the opportunity to host my own three-hour daily radio talk show with and ABC affiliate in San Francisco. Not only a good salary, but they put a studio in my home!'

Nothing new here.....the same works and worked for everyone.

" But my determination never wavered. I refused to go back on welfare or listen to the leftist lies that sought to discourage me from even trying!

She's talking about you, ErroneousJoe

Your alternative is that poor people should go into show business?

lol. Don't try to think for yourself, it appears to be a dangerous exercise for you.

What about the 1000 people that line up for 100 jobs at a new Walmart? Ten times the number of people than jobs,

and low paying jobs at that. What's your alternative for the other 900? That 900 times all the 900's that show up all across the country when 100 such jobs come up.

Rightwingers have been blaming poverty on the poor for as long as there have been rightwingers and poor people;

your act isn't even novel.
The defense of liberalism BY liberals in this thread, is nothing short of inane leftard rhetoric and psycho babble. A good example of why they're incapable of governing... they don't even have the where with all and gray matter to realize that THEY are the problem.

There's only one word to describe them... "stupid."
And what's the alternative you have to offer?

Work hard all your life to make the 1% richer? And if you get old, get sick, bust up your knee on some ice, well, seriously, tough on you?

This is the "alternative"? And you wonder why Obama wins elections?

I got yer alternative right here!

1. In her book, "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker recounts her journey from life as a hustler and welfare addict to freedom. The following gives one version of the path to success.

She's talking about you, ErroneousJoe

My, what is it with you guys, that you trot out these self-loathing Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemimas and you think you have an argument.

What does that have to do with anything I said.

I got let go from a job after 6 years of hard work because I slipped on some ice and busted up my knee and required tens of thousands of dollars to fix.

Didn't matter I worked 60 hours a week for them sometimes, coming in on Saturdays to take care of things. Didn't matter that I had seniority on the rest of the office, didn't matter that I developed processes and procedures they are using to this very day.

The minute it looked like i might cost them more than their obscene profit margin, they were pretty keen to get me off the payroll.

So seriously, fuck the rich, fuck capitalism.

I don't want to see people on welfare, but I'd rather give it to welfare people than rich people.

I have no desire to disparage your personal experience, and anxieties.

This is about policies and their effect on a societal level.

The evidence is clear, and except for the filter of your personal situation, it is convincing.

The vast majority of delinquent individuals could pay...but were allowed to believe- due to Liberal indoctrination- that some illusory 'rich guys' should be dunned to take care of their bill.

Liberals/Progressives/Democrats, whatever have been able to use envy and jealousy to have huge numbers of low-character individuals rationalize that they 'deserve' what other people have earned.
The defense of liberalism BY liberals in this thread, is nothing short of inane leftard rhetoric and psycho babble. A good example of why they're incapable of governing... they don't even have the where with all and gray matter to realize that THEY are the problem.

There's only one word to describe them... "stupid."

I said that municipal water should be funded by the local taxes, like the police and fire department and other public works.

What's your argument against that?
And what's the alternative you have to offer?

Work hard all your life to make the 1% richer? And if you get old, get sick, bust up your knee on some ice, well, seriously, tough on you?

This is the "alternative"? And you wonder why Obama wins elections?

I got yer alternative right here!

1. In her book, "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker recounts her journey from life as a hustler and welfare addict to freedom. The following gives one version of the path to success.

2. 'My first post-welfare job was hardly a dream job. Assigned to a sterile basement room in a huge office building, I had to hand-write the orders called in by salesmen, and send it to the shipping department. Since, the more orders they called in, the more money they made, the salesman talked fast and were rushed. The shippers, union laborers, on the other hand, received the same wage no matter how much work they did, so they talked slowly and made no effort to be efficient.

a. I acted as if it was my own customer, and the order that I was receiving was worth a million dollars to my business. My view was that hard work would open up opportunities to leave welfare behind, and poverty forever.

3. The only other black in the department was a 32-year-old female who had been there 15 years. On my first day at work she was eager to give me the scoop, including how to get away with the least amount of work for the maximum financial benefit- by paying $260 to join the labor union. Every day she would say I was "uppity" because I worked fast and actually enjoyed it! The more I fulfilled my tasks with vigor, the more dislike I engendered from the union workers.

a. I didn't now about unions, but as an ex-street hustler and con artist, it sounded a lot like paying for protection. Actually, I had no plans to remain for long, and intended to start my own business as soon as I finished writhing a business plan.

4. One particularly busy day, calls were coming in furiously! But I responded by making each feel that they were the most important call I had received that day. My supervisor asked me "Have you ever considered sales and marketing?" He went on to tell me about a full-time position in the marketing department that paid much more than my current wage. And, provided benefits without having to join a union!

a. I declined, as I had my sights set on finishing college, and owning my own business. When the union went on strike, I saw it as the right time to try my hand as an entrepreneur.

5. I began publishing a monthly magazine with a calendar of events from churches around Los Angeles. I added editorials that addressed inner city needs. The spotlight was on wholesome entertainment for single Christians. What began as 16 black-and-white pages, eventually became 64 full color pages of professional layout and some 80 advertisements 8 years later. Exciting, yes, but it was hard work to sell enough ads to cover costs, my personal overhead, and the needs of my daughter.

a. A major pitfall occurred the first time I received the ubiquitous "congratulations, you have qualified" letter from a credit card company. Wow...a symbol of accomplishment and prestige! Before long I had 10 credit cards. Six years after starting my business, I went into bankruptcy. A year later, California went into severe recession. Two years later, the L.A. riots wiped out what was left, as many of my advertisers were burned to the ground. In the middle of all that...I was divorced.

6. But my determination never wavered. I refused to go back on welfare or listen to the leftist lies that sought to discourage me from even trying! I used my talkng/selling experience to cohosting a talk show on a small Christian radio station in Long Beach. It didn't quite pay minimum wage, and had no I made money based on commissions from advertisers of the show. So, no guarantees.....but hard work and a positive attitude paid off: soon, I was offered the opportunity to host my own three-hour daily radio talk show with and ABC affiliate in San Francisco. Not only a good salary, but they put a studio in my home!'

Nothing new here.....the same works and worked for everyone.

" But my determination never wavered. I refused to go back on welfare or listen to the leftist lies that sought to discourage me from even trying!

She's talking about you, ErroneousJoe

Your alternative is that poor people should go into show business?

lol. Don't try to think for yourself, it appears to be a dangerous exercise for you.

What about the 1000 people that line up for 100 jobs at a new Walmart? Ten times the number of people than jobs,

and low paying jobs at that. What's your alternative for the other 900? That 900 times all the 900's that show up all across the country when 100 such jobs come up.

Rightwingers have been blaming poverty on the poor for as long as there have been rightwingers and poor people;

your act isn't even novel.

Here is a novel plan for you....simply to try something you haven't attempted before: write the truth, don't make things up.....

Or...would that cost you your Liberal creds?
And, of course, one need simply compare the private endeavors with government....

12. "Detroit’s crumbling city-owned electrical grid is evidence of this same destructive entitlement mentality.
Last year, Kevin Orr, Detroit’s emergency manager, said the city would shut down the utility after a string of high-profile power failures. The 100-year-old utility’s massive debts, ....
—despite having a monopoly to service government-owned commercial centers like Wayne State University, Detroit Public Schools, Joe Louis Arena, Cobo Hall and the Detroit Institute of Arts. Privately owned Detroit Edison will take over the customers.

a. Why has Detroit Public Lighting collapsed—while privately owned Detroit Edison is thriving? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that, for one of these companies, customers who don’t pay get their electricity turned off.
For the other, having your neighbor pay for your “free” electricity became a human right.
Guess which is which?

13. This type of thinking has so saturated .... that half of the entire city came to believe they were entitled to something they did nothing to earn. A city-wide culture of dependency resulted, with ... people coming to rely on “free” water and sewer.

... massive shock and outrage when they were told it actually wasn’t their right to have someone else pay to pump, filter, treat and deliver water so they could shower and water their lawns free."
Tapped Out -

Bottom line: Liberalism endorses, imposes, teaches that as long as one votes the 'right way,' everything will come to

Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.”
As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness.

It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.”

It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”
The defense of liberalism BY liberals in this thread, is nothing short of inane leftard rhetoric and psycho babble. A good example of why they're incapable of governing... they don't even have the where with all and gray matter to realize that THEY are the problem.

There's only one word to describe them... "stupid."

I said that municipal water should be funded by the local taxes, like the police and fire department and other public works.

What's your argument against that?

If only you had an education and a sense of character, you'd know the answer.

This might help:

1. As Thomas Jefferson once wrote regarding the "general Welfare" clause:
To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his father has acquired too much, in order to spare to others who (or whose fathers) have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, "to guarantee to everyone a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." US Department of the Treasury

2. Who is to decide what is fair, and what is too much? Some religions suggest tithing, and government demands taxes.

a. Joseph gathered very much grain: It seems it was customary for Pharaoh to take 10% of the grain in Egypt as a tax. Essentially, Joseph doubled the taxes over the next seven years (Genesis 41:34 mentions one-fifth, that is, 20%).

b. That 20% figure appears again in the relationship of colonists to North America, and the English crown "....colonists were free to retain all the profits and fruits of their labor save for the crown's 20 percent share of any gold and silver discovered." "Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New American History: 1585-1828," by Walter A. McDougall, p.33
I got yer alternative right here!

1. In her book, "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker recounts her journey from life as a hustler and welfare addict to freedom. The following gives one version of the path to success.

She's talking about you, ErroneousJoe

My, what is it with you guys, that you trot out these self-loathing Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemimas and you think you have an argument.

What does that have to do with anything I said.

I got let go from a job after 6 years of hard work because I slipped on some ice and busted up my knee and required tens of thousands of dollars to fix.

Didn't matter I worked 60 hours a week for them sometimes, coming in on Saturdays to take care of things. Didn't matter that I had seniority on the rest of the office, didn't matter that I developed processes and procedures they are using to this very day.

The minute it looked like i might cost them more than their obscene profit margin, they were pretty keen to get me off the payroll.

So seriously, fuck the rich, fuck capitalism.

I don't want to see people on welfare, but I'd rather give it to welfare people than rich people.

I have no desire to disparage your personal experience, and anxieties.

This is about policies and their effect on a societal level.

The evidence is clear, and except for the filter of your personal situation, it is convincing.

The vast majority of delinquent individuals could pay...but were allowed to believe- due to Liberal indoctrination- that some illusory 'rich guys' should be dunned to take care of their bill.

Liberals/Progressives/Democrats, whatever have been able to use envy and jealousy to have huge numbers of low-character individuals rationalize that they 'deserve' what other people have earned.

Was that the same kind of liberal propaganda that made Clive Bundy think he didn't have to pay grazing fees?

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