Detroit-area community OKs animal sacrifice for Muslim religious reasons

Of course, God didn't like it, but he required animal sacrifices up until the death of Jesus. Israel never got the message, that as long as they continued in sin such sacrifices would be necessary. It would take the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to change the heart of men. Until then Israel happily paid the fee, in animal blood, for their sins.

You made it sound like it was God's idea and His "pattern" up to that point, that is what I was replying to, because that is simply not true.

This particular discussion started when surada brought up Abel's and Cain's offering to God, and my point was that at that time, there is nothing to suggest that God asked for or wanted animal sacrifice. People read that into the text, through their modern-day lens where killing and eating animals is the norm. So you're starting to get into other topics now, and I've been on here way too long today, so I'm not going to get into other stuff right now, you can argue about that with someone else. :)

Well, finally!!
This thread has turned informative rather than some little culture-war hissyfit.
The fact that you refer the clash of Islam and western culture as a hissyfit not only shows that you have no idea of what you're talking about, it also shows how immensely far away you are from knowing what you're talking about.

Here's some reading material that you should spend a month with, before even saying another word on this subject >>>

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You're an absolute moron. It's a feast day... Like we have turkey or goose. It's not a blood sacrifice to a diety. Muslims reject all blood sacrifice.
BULLSHIT. This is the common and ridiculous alibi that Muslims and their apologists use to excuse the cold-blooded murder of innocent animals on Eid al Adha. If killing animals was merely something having to do with food, the uncivilized, barbaric savages who engage in it would not be smiling and laughing, or be doing it on such a large scale. The worst animal abuse in the world is the millions of animals (mostly cattle, sheep, and goats) that Muslims kill every year on the Eid al Adha holiday. They claim it's for food, but there's plenty of food around every other day. Why kill so many animals on that one day ? They seem to enjoy it.

Better yet, look up the definition of animal cruelty in the state statutes (and how much prison time you could get)

Michigan’s Animal Cruelty Laws: What You Need To Know​

Last updated June 17, 2019 by David J. Kramer
Gavel depicting Michigan's Animal Cruelty Laws

The state of Michigan has strict laws against animal cruelty. If convicted, violators could face stiff fines and jail time depending on the offense.

Michigan Laws Against Animal Cruelty​

In March 2019, Michigan’s existing laws about animal cruelty were amended. The new laws included increasing the maximum penalty for killing or torturing an animal from four years to 10-year prison sentence.

These Detroit city councilmen who voted in favor of killing animals should be arrested and jailed.

There has been entirely too much of ignoring our US laws, and allowing criminal behavior, just to kowtow to lawless, lunatic Muslims.

for the record----did any of you guys ever read anything on the science of ANTHROPOLOGY?
Organized "Animal sacrifice" is a world wide phenomenon and for a VERY IMPORTANT ECONOMIC
REASON----it feeds people necessary protein foods, providing for such foods for ALL LEVELS OF SOCIETY.
The EXPIATION OF SIN thing is hardly related. For
EXPIATION OF SIN-----see Canon Law
Of course, God didn't like it, but he required animal sacrifices up until the death of Jesus. Israel never got the message, that as long as they continued in sin such sacrifices would be necessary. It would take the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to change the heart of men. Until then Israel happily paid the fee, in animal blood, for their sins.
BS ^^^^ another jelly-bean school valedictorian
Of course, God didn't like it, but he required animal sacrifices up until the death of Jesus. Israel never got the message, that as long as they continued in sin such sacrifices would be necessary. It would take the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to change the heart of men. Until then Israel happily paid the fee, in animal blood, for their sins.
what they do not say in jelly-bean school----here it is, GENIUSES. The entire tribe of LEVI is landless and
depends on donations (to wit, charity) for food in the
"TEMPLE society" The system ensures that the LEVITES do not get CONTROL----remember--he who
owns the food---controls society. Not only is the
"sacrificed meat" the only meat LEVITES GET---they
cannot even sell it.
for the record----did any of you guys ever read anything on the science of ANTHROPOLOGY?

Organized "Animal sacrifice" is a world wide phenomenon and for a VERY IMPORTANT ECONOMIC

REASON----it feeds people necessary protein foods, providing for such foods for ALL LEVELS OF SOCIETY.

The EXPIATION OF SIN thing is hardly related. For

EXPIATION OF SIN-----see Canon Law
for the record----did any of you guys ever read anything on the science of ANTHROPOLOGY?
Organized "Animal sacrifice" is a world wide phenomenon and for a VERY IMPORTANT ECONOMIC
REASON----it feeds people necessary protein foods, providing for such foods for ALL LEVELS OF SOCIETY.
The EXPIATION OF SIN thing is hardly related. For
EXPIATION OF SIN-----see Canon Law
The citizens of MICHIGAN are not suffering from deficiencies, unless they voluntarily eat all the chips and cheese puffs. There are no starving villagers in Detroit.
what they do not say in jelly-bean school----here it is, GENIUSES. The entire tribe of LEVI is landless and
depends on donations (to wit, charity) for food in the
"TEMPLE society" The system ensures that the LEVITES do not get CONTROL----remember--he who
owns the food---controls society. Not only is the
"sacrificed meat" the only meat LEVITES GET---they
cannot even sell it.
The Levites received the "tithe", which was their "portion" in Israel. It wasn't charity.
You made it sound like it was God's idea and His "pattern" up to that point, that is what I was replying to, because that is simply not true.

This particular discussion started when surada brought up Abel's and Cain's offering to God, and my point was that at that time, there is nothing to suggest that God asked for or wanted animal sacrifice. People read that into the text, through their modern-day lens where killing and eating animals is the norm. So you're starting to get into other topics now, and I've been on here way too long today, so I'm not going to get into other stuff right now, you can argue about that with someone else. :)
I'm not arguing. I'm just explaining why I'm right. ;)
The Levites received the "tithe", which was their "portion" in Israel. It wasn't charity.
the levites got the TITHE ----veggies __and for meat--the SACRIFICES. This is
easy stuff-------it was a DONATION like the money EXTORTED in church
when the PLATE IS PASSED each sunday. also not "charity". Contrary to that which you learned in Jelly bean school----animal sacrifices were not
FORCED nor did they consist of HERDS of animals In the ROMAN and GREEK
systems they were a kind of CONSPICUOUS consumption used to garner
FAME and the meat thereof was SOLD enriching the priests
the levites got the TITHE ----veggies __and for meat--the SACRIFICES. This is
easy stuff-------it was a DONATION like the money EXTORTED in church
when the PLATE IS PASSED each sunday. also not "charity". Contrary to that which you learned in Jelly bean school----animal sacrifices were not
FORCED nor did they consist of HERDS of animals In the ROMAN and GREEK
systems they were a kind of CONSPICUOUS consumption used to garner
FAME and the meat thereof was SOLD enriching the priests
The tithe was compulsory, actually a tax, not charity. There were other 'freewill' offerings that could be considered charity.

Studying the bible isn't "jelly bean school" (whatever that is).
That too.
ROFLMAO @ "that too...." with the breakup of the temple system---
animal donation system is SUSPENDED as is TITHE ----....essentially ended. Levites enter the general economy. For the sake of GENERAL
AWARENESS----get yourself a few books on anthropology
The tithe was compulsory, actually a tax, not charity. There were other 'freewill' offerings that could be considered charity.

Studying the bible isn't "jelly bean school" (whatever that is).
try again----I said ANIMAL SACRIFICE was not compulsory--they were as you say "free will"---Tithe of agricultural products was----and very specific as to what was supposed to be included
ROFLMAO @ "that too...." with the breakup of the temple system---
animal donation system is SUSPENDED as is TITHE ----....essentially ended. Levites enter the general economy. For the sake of GENERAL
AWARENESS----get yourself a few books on anthropology
The death of Jesus ended the old covenant and all the associated rituals including animal sacrifices, Levitical priesthood, etc. Titus put the exclamation mark on it in 70-71 A.D.

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