Detroit-area community OKs animal sacrifice for Muslim religious reasons

try again----I said ANIMAL SACRIFICE was not compulsory--they were as you say "free will"---Tithe of agricultural products was----and very specific as to what was supposed to be included
Where do you get this information? Surely not from the Bible.
The death of Jesus ended the old covenant and all the associated rituals including animal sacrifices, Levitical priesthood, etc. Titus put the exclamation mark on it in 70-71 A.D.
You are engaging in WISHFUL thinking-----I AM A LEVITE---the system of
LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD still exists as does the rest of the COVENANT in forms
modified to life in post TEMPLE days----which ended BOTH animal sacrifice
and Tithe
You are engaging in WISHFUL thinking-----I AM A LEVITE---the system of
LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD still exists as does the rest of the COVENANT in forms
modified to life in post TEMPLE days----which ended BOTH animal sacrifice
and Tithe
Well, that explains a lot. Thanks.
You are engaging in WISHFUL thinking-----I AM A LEVITE---the system of
LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD still exists as does the rest of the COVENANT in forms
modified to life in post TEMPLE days----which ended BOTH animal sacrifice
and Tithe
But animal "sacrifice" (murder actually) is not ended for Muslim barbarians, As we see in Detroit these nutjobs are still actively doing it.

To call it sacrifice, is misleading though, These guys are not sacrificing anything, and certainly not in comparison to Abraham and his son, whom they pretend to emulate. Their Eid al Adha "celebrations" are absurd. They are not sacrificing their own lives, nor any of their family members. Instead, they use innocent animals, and kill them.

Didn't God say "thou shalt not kill". ? Did the 10 commandments specify this would be only humans ? So if it's not just humans, then your dogs or cats or horses, or parrots would also be fair game, in the Muslim way of things, no ?

If Muslims really want to offer a sacrifice to God, maybe they should kill themselves, if killing is so important to them. Millions of soldiers in wars have sacrificed their lives for their country. Muslims could emulate that, if only they had the guts for it.
This is outrageous. This is more reason to get Trump back in office and deport these ati-western uncivilized brown scum.

America is being turned into a bunch of lawless, godless, corrupt, criminal, traiterous heathens in some 3rd-World backwards-ass nation.
Turns out some Cuban Americans practice Santeria. They also sacrifice animals. How about them?
If they do here in the US, prosecute them under animal cruelty laws, just as the Muslim savages in Detroit should be locked up on 10 year felony charges, in violation of Michigan law.

All these goofy foreign lunatics will do anything that they wish, according to their foreign culture, and thereby put themselves supreme above US law, which the Constitution forbids (Article 6, Clause 2- the Supremacy Clause) - as long as spineless US law enforcement officials ALLOW them to get away with it.
Muslims don't sacrifice animals. They have feast days. They reject blood sacrifice. The author is a dolt.
That's right they DON'T "sacrifice" animals. They MURDER them, and then lie about it.

Unlike Christianity, which forbids lying, in Islam, lying is OK, as long as it is done in the furtherance of Islam. This is called "Taqiyya".

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After they die, maybe these Muslim loons will be reincarnated as animals, and then be killed for Eid al Adha. Then in their animal voice, they can tell their killers what a good idea it is.
You really do hate religious freedom.
Even if Islam was a religion (it isn't), there still would not be a valid excuse to put Islamic law above US and state law. To do so, is in violation of the US Constitution (Article 6, Clause 2 - ) And the 1st amendment is a rather weak part of the Constitution, with numerous exceptions.

In contrast, the Supremacy clause is the strongest part of the Constitution, having NEVER had a single exception to it in 230 years.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."
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Even if Islam was a religion (it isn't), there still would not be a valid excuse to put Islamic law above US and state law. To do so, is in violation of the US Constitution (Article 6, Clause 2 - ) And the 1st amendment is a rather weak part of the Constitution, with numerous exceptions.

In contrast, the Supremacy clause is the strongest part of the Constitution, having NEVER had a single exception to it in 230 years.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstandin."
You must not understand what the Constitution says about religion....
The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Constitution | The White House

The state can make laws regarding religion. Whether you think it is a religion or not.
You must not understand what the Constitution says about religion....
The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Constitution | The White House

The state can make laws regarding religion. Whether you think it is a religion or not.
You don't understand what I just said about the weak 1st Amendment, and the all-powerful Supremacy Clause. Your Post 233 was solidly refuted by my post 231, which you quoted. And that would be IF Islam even was a religion, which it isn't.

As for the state making laws, Michigan made laws regarding the killing of animals. It's a felony worth 10 years in prison, which is exactly what these Muslim nutjobs should be arrested & prosecuted for.
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You don't understand what I just said about the weak 1st Amendment, and the all-powerful Supremacy Clause. Your Post 233 was solidly refuted by my post 231, which you quoted. And that would be IF Islam even was a religion, which it isn't.

As for the state making laws, Michigan made laws regarding the killing of animals. It's a felony worth 10 years in prison, which is exactly what these Muslim nutjobs should be arrested & prosecuted for.
You don't get to make the determination if Islam or any religion is a religion or not.
Actually, not only is animal cruelty/killing banned, but Islam itself IS BANNED entirely, in the US by our Constitution (Article 6 Section 2, part 1 - the Supremacy Clause). Therefore, mosques should be shut down, all Korans eliminated, and everything Islam should cease to exist in the USA. This is a fundamental constitutional thing that has never been enforced. It should be, 100%.

In addition to the supremacy clause ban, US laws also ban many things that Muslims accept and practice, as is written in the Koran- mass genocide, rape, wife-beating, sex discrimination, pedophilia, slavery, animal cruelty, etc
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You don't get to make the determination if Islam or any religion is a religion or not.
Yes, I do, along with 330 Million+ other Americans, same as other countries which define Islam as not a religion. Unlike them, where Islam is defined as not a religion (and thus, is denied religious tax status - ex. Italy, Myanammar), in the US we simply have not arrived at that conclusion yet, which shows those other countries to be superior to us, at least in that one respect.

Yes, I do, along with 330 Million+ other Americans, same as other countries which define Islam as not a religion. Unlike them, where Islam is defined as not a religion (and thus, is denied religious tax status - ex. Italy, Myanammar), in the US we simply have not arrived at that conclusion yet, which shows those other countries to be superior to us, at least in that one respect.

Indeed you are against religion unless you approve of it.
Actually, not only is animal cruelty/killing banned, but Islam itself IS BANNED entirely, in the US by our Constitution (Article 6 Section 2, part 1 - the Supremacy Clause). Therefore, mosques should be shut down, all Korans eliminated, and everything Islam should cease to exist in the USA. This is a fundamental constitutional thing that has never been enforced. It should be, 100%.

In addition to the supremacy clause ban, US laws also ban many things that Muslims accept and practice, as is written in the Koran- mass genocide, rape, wife-beating, sex discrimination, pedophilia, slavery, animal cruelty, etc
in further related developments I hate some burgers from mcdonalds that a friend told me were made from sacrificed animals I immediately gave myself an enema to clean my system from this abomination
Indeed you are against religion unless you approve of it.
Actually, I AM against any ideology (masquerading as a religion),or actual religion that advocates > mass genocide, rape, wife-beating, sex discrimination, pedophilia, slavery, animal cruelty, etc..........and you should be too.

Just because some lunatics advocating and engaging is mass criminality, call themselves a religion, that doesn't give them the right to ENGAGE IN CRIME.

Once again, the Supremacy Clause establishes that our Constitution is supreme above all other ideologies, including those which masquerade as a religion, or even if they actually are a religion. You either don't understand the US Constitution, or you have no compunctions about being against it.

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