Detroit-area community OKs animal sacrifice for Muslim religious reasons

Don't you eat lamb? I make leg of lamb basted in strong coffee, red wine and creme fraishe. It's absolutely devine.
spell check---creme fraiche .......DIVINE. Lamb---garlic, coriander leaf and----worcester or soy sauce and HONEY. I do not buy the HALAL stuff which is spread
all over the city-----considering the manner in which it
is likely SACRIFICED
spell check---creme fraiche .......DIVINE. Lamb---garlic, coriander leaf and----worcester or soy sauce and HONEY. I do not buy the HALAL stuff which is spread
all over the city-----considering the manner in which it
is likely SACRIFICED

It's a feast. It's also tradition. It's not blood sacrifice to a diety for sin.
Nope. Trump was lying. I was in Arabia when Israel pulled out of Lebanon meeting with the king. We were interrupted by the US ambassador. Later I watched the newsreels over and over. They used the same footage after 9/11.
I was on ATLANTIC AVENUE----jumping and dancing and ululating females and throwing MAMOUL around
(from the Damascus Bakery-----btw owned and run
by Maronites I moved on to clinics in Queens, Bronx
and again in Brooklyn over the next few days and got
information from the HORSE'S mouth and dealt with some of the puppet ladies who heeded the advice of
CAIR_----"report everything even a "bad look"" and,
of course, the beleaguered cops. HUNDREDS OF
COMPLAINTS and no witnesses to ANYTHING. Theoretically-----I was NOTIFIED TO STAY HOME----well----actually had I been a bit earlier, I would have been on the train right thru Chambers street when IT HAPPENED-----somehow I must have missed the call
from DA MOSSAD. There was dancing in Jersey City
and Paterson, NJ too. I was not in Arabia---did you get mamoul?
It's a feast. It's also tradition. It's not blood sacrifice to a diety for sin.
It is sacrifice of lambs. ROFLMAO @ "BLOOD SACRIFICE" every time a lamb throat is slit---
there is lots of blood if done correctly by a trained
Shochet------if a kid saws at the neck for 20 minutes---
the poor little lamb likely dies of TORMENT---but that
B"SMALLAH renders the meat HALAL
I was on ATLANTIC AVENUE----jumping and dancing and ululating females and throwing MAMOUL around
(from the Damascus Bakery-----btw owned and run
by Maronites I moved on to clinics in Queens, Bronx
and again in Brooklyn over the next few days and got
information from the HORSE'S mouth and dealt with some of the puppet ladies who heeded the advice of
CAIR_----"report everything even a "bad look"" and,
of course, the beleaguered cops. HUNDREDS OF
COMPLAINTS and no witnesses to ANYTHING. Theoretically-----I was NOTIFIED TO STAY HOME----well----actually had I been a bit earlier, I would have been on the train right thru Chambers street when IT HAPPENED-----somehow I must have missed the call
from DA MOSSAD. There was dancing in Jersey City
and Paterson, NJ too. I was not in Arabia---did you get mamoul?

Calm down. The film was from the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon.

It is sacrifice of lambs. ROFLMAO @ "BLOOD SACRIFICE" every time a lamb throat is slit---
there is lots of blood if done correctly by a trained
Shochet------if a kid saws at the neck for 20 minutes---
the poor little lamb likely dies of TORMENT---but that
B"SMALLAH renders the meat HALAL

You've never seen a lamb slaughtered. Children don't do it, drama queen.
I suddenly feel like throwing up.
any other symptoms? Shortness of breath? --anything else. I felt the same when I saw people
jumping out of the towers-----I did not actually see
them smash to ground----but it did happen. The
scene was visible from Atlantic Ave----arab enclave--
both muslims and christians. The christians stayed
locked up in their shops. One sign in the window
did amuse me "CLOSED ON SUNDAY"---muzzie
owned shops featured "CLOSED FOR PRAYERS
Calm down. The film was from the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon.

I did not see film----I saw the live happening---your lies are nauseating---over the smashed bodies of
hundreds. BTW I also saw the victims of the bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER 1993---ie some of the
SURVIVORS ----that did not happen either---right? ---WHAT THE IMAM TOLD YOU!!!!
any other symptoms? Shortness of breath? --anything else. I felt the same when I saw people
jumping out of the towers-----I did not actually see
them smash to ground----but it did happen. The
scene was visible from Atlantic Ave----arab enclave--
both muslims and christians. The christians stayed
locked up in their shops. One sign in the window
did amuse me "CLOSED ON SUNDAY"---muzzie
owned shops featured "CLOSED FOR PRAYERS

Actually what made my stomach turn was all the talk about killing and eating a lamb. But yes, seeing people jumping out of the twin towers was also horrifying.
You've never seen a lamb slaughtered. Children don't do it, drama queen.
Maybe not in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia-----in the more
elegant sections----in places like Pakistan and Yemen--
well ----it is a matter of pride---like carrying a gun at
age seven
Actually what made my stomach turn was all the talk about killing and eating a lamb. But yes, seeing people jumping out of the twin towers was also horrifying.
oh----well----we are both americans----I think.
some of our lady ancestors did some really bloody
things for the kitchen. When I was a kid I watched
my mom yank the remnants of guts from
store bought chickens and decided----I NEVER
You've never seen a lamb slaughtered. Children don't do it, drama queen.
I do not seek it out----but it is a lively activity sometimes around ramadan in my city. If you are
interested you are welcome to visit Queens, NY
You've never seen a lamb slaughtered. Children don't do it, drama queen.
according to my informants----to wit, muslims from places like Pakistan, it is something like a rite of passage for a little kid----and little kids so engage
in Mecca at sometime during the HAJ. Hubby saw
the family goat get slit----but by a professional---
in the backyard.
oh----well----we are both americans----I think.
some of our lady ancestors did some really bloody
things for the kitchen. When I was a kid I watched
my mom yank the remnants of guts from
store bought chickens and decided----I NEVER

Not to get off topic, and I'm sure that most here would disagree with me on this… But I firmly believe that people are conditioned to think of that sort of thing as normal. Leo Tolstoy had it right when he said "Compassion towards animals is so natural to us, that only through conditioning could we become callous towards their suffering and death."

In other words, we were right as a child.

Halal not kosher. It's not a sacrifice. God does not eat nor is he fed.
It IS a sacrifice, modeled after the Biblical story of Abraham and his son. It is a assinine cultural practice of cruelty/murder of innocent animals, and yet another example of the impossibility of merging Muslim barbarism into American culture.
Muslims reject all blood sacrifice. They think that from the time of Abraham and Isaac (or Ishmael) God forbid it.

The Christmas turkey or goose is not a sacrifice. It's for a religious feast
BULLSHIT to a high degree.
It IS a sacrifice, modeled after the Biblical story of Abraham and his son. It is a assinine cultural practice of cruelty/murder of innocent animals, and yet another example of the impossibility of merging Muslim barbarism into American culture.

You're an absolute moron. It's a feast day... Like we have turkey or goose. It's not a blood sacrifice to a diety. Muslims reject all blood sacrifice.

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