Detroit-area community OKs animal sacrifice for Muslim religious reasons

This whole kerfluffle is just another 'grievance'-scab the denizens of RWNJ-istan like to pick at. They live a life of outrage. It's 'culture war' nonsense.

If some practitioners of a religious habit wish to kill and/or prepare and eat a lamb or gefilte fish or a goose or a rabbit in their homes/garage/basement/bathtub....and the governance of that community allows such....well, so be it. And let the grievance-burdened lives of the RWNJ/QAnon-world be outraged yet again. It'll pass.

They'll go on to another grievance they imagine exists....and they'll crank up their outrage-mojo on that. And then another. And then another.
It is the type of people they are. Unhappy ne-er-do-wells who revel in being unhappy and angry.

It seems so sad to the rest of us.
Halal not kosher. It's not a sacrifice. God does not eat nor is he fed.
In the english language, the killing of an animal is called
a SACRIFICE. You are playing a game of semantics
Muslims reject all blood sacrifice. They think that from the time of Abraham and Isaac (or Ishmael) God forbid it.

The Christmas turkey or goose is not a sacrifice. It's for a religious feast
The fact that people eat the SACRIFICED animal does not
negate the fact that the animal was SACRIFICED.
The idea that a SACRIFICED animal MEANS that the
animal is then fed to a "GAWD" is utter BS. Interestngly
even the greeks and romans used sacrificed animals for
FOOD. Some people believe that using the word
SACRIFICE ----MEANS a sort of weird cult like activity.
Some people who IMAGINE themselves "educated"
do not know english. Example----if one KILLS a
Turkey or goose before eating it on Christmas---the
act of KILLING it is properly referred to as SACRIFICE
in the english language. Muslims SACRIFICE thousands
of lambs right there in Mecca in the vicinity of the
KABAA on the special days designated for such
SACRIFICES to take place. A good friend of mine
described the scene to me IN DETAIL ----sadly most
of the meat gets wasted----distribution is a problem
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They don't.
they do. I have been told that the appropriate person
to do a SACRIFICE is a male muslim of ANY AGE and
of whom no particular skill is required. If it takes a
four year old boy 20 minutes to saw thru the neck---
the meat is still HALAL. As to whether a woman's
"sawing" is eligible----I just do not know
they do. I have been told that the appropriate person
to do a SACRIFICE is a male muslim of ANY AGE and
of whom no particular skill is required. If it takes a
four year old boy 20 minutes to saw thru the neck---
the meat is still HALAL. As to whether a woman's
"sawing" is eligible----I just do not know

It's not a sacrifice to a diety for atonement of sin. Have you ever seen an animal slaughtered by a Muslim much less by a four year old?
In the english language, the killing of an animal is called
a SACRIFICE. You are playing a game of semantics

The fact that people eat the SACRIFICED animal does not
negate the fact that the animal was SACRIFICED.
The idea that a SACRIFICED animal MEANS that the
animal is then fed to a "GAWD" is utter BS. Interestngly
even the greeks and romans used sacrificed animals for
FOOD. Some people believe that using the word
SACRIFICE ----MEANS a sort of weird cult like activity.
Some people who IMAGINE themselves "educated"
do not know english. Example----if one KILLS a
Turkey or goose before eating it on Christmas---the
act of KILLING it is properly referred to as SACRIFICE
in the english language. Muslims SACRIFICE thousands
of lambs right there in Mecca in the vicinity of the
KABAA on the special days designated for such
SACRIFICES to take place. A good friend of mine
described the scene to me IN DETAIL ----sadly most
of the meat gets wasted----distribution is a problem

Lolol 😂 look up the definition of sacrifice.
because muslims do not use english words easily
LOL you do not use english words well----therefore have no valid POV. IN ANY CASE-----I do not know the
word in arabic (or farsi or urdu---etc) that is used for the
MASSIVE LAMB SLAUGHTER that takes place for ?? EID AL FTR. However-----lots of lambs are SACRIFICED for that holiday----that the meat is eaten BY NO MEANS precludes the word "SACRIFICE" just because whoever
translated the bible referred to jewish ritual killing of animals with the english word "sacrifice". Sadly there
are people who actually invented such an idea---gawd
only, knows why ROFLMAO
where have you been?----muslims do not refer to their
holiday mass killings of animals as "animal sacrifice"
Sunni agree-----perhaps he can tell us what the arabic or farsi or urdu word is for that massive killing of little lambs?
It's not a sacrifice to a diety for atonement of sin. Have you ever seen an animal slaughtered by a Muslim much less by a four year old?
The situation was described to me in detail by a
nice muzzie doc who told me with great delight
of his visit to Mecca. The man was a shiite---so
maybe his story does not count. Did mary sacrifice
a pigeon in the Temple in Jerusalem so the trinity
could EAT it to expiate her SINS?
They were horrified world wide. I was in touch with 3 Arab newspaper editors that day. You're just another garden variety dumbass.
"An hour later, at a little market near the U.S. Embassy, on the outskirts of Beirut, a thrilled shop assistant showed us, using his hands, how the plane had crashed into the twin towers. He, too, was laughing.

Once back at the house where we were staying, we started scanning the international channels. Soon came reports of Palestinians celebrating. The BBC reporter in Jerusalem said it was only a tiny minority. Astonished, we asked some moderate Arabs if that was the case. "Nonsense," said one, speaking for many. "Ninety percent of the Arab world believes that Americans got what they deserved."

That film was from May 2000 when Israel pulled out of Lebanon.
what a coincidence----somehow the Lebanese muslims on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn---were jumping and dancing and ULULATING in the street as the towers burned and people jumped to their deaths --ON 9-11-01. They must have gotten the dates screwed up.
Next day the word on
every muzzie lips was "da joooos did not go to work
at the towers that day----LOL LOL LOL" Three days later---a few hundred complaints to the cops----"SOMEONE
Sunni agree-----perhaps he can tell us what the arabic or farsi or urdu word is for that massive killing of little lambs?

Don't you eat lamb? I make leg of lamb basted in strong coffee, red wine and creme fraishe. It's absolutely devine.
what a coincidence----somehow the Lebanese muslims on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn---were jumping and dancing and ULULATING in the street as the towers burned and people jumped to their deaths --ON 9-11-01. They must have gotten the dates screwed up.
Next day the word on
every muzzie lips was "da joooos did not go to work
at the towers that day----LOL LOL LOL" Three days later---a few hundred complaints to the cops----"SOMEONE
you are wrong Golf----I was there---ON THE VERY DAY and the days that followed and witnessed the
ISLAMIC REACTION close-up-----and got the information from the cops and even got the complaints from the muzzie ladies
what a coincidence----somehow the Lebanese muslims on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn---were jumping and dancing and ULULATING in the street as the towers burned and people jumped to their deaths --ON 9-11-01. They must have gotten the dates screwed up.
Next day the word on
every muzzie lips was "da joooos did not go to work
at the towers that day----LOL LOL LOL" Three days later---a few hundred complaints to the cops----"SOMEONE

Nope. Trump was lying. I was in Arabia when Israel pulled out of Lebanon meeting with the king. We were interrupted by the US ambassador. Later I watched the newsreels over and over. They used the same footage after 9/11.

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