Detroit-area community OKs animal sacrifice for Muslim religious reasons

They were horrified world wide. I was in touch with 3 Arab newspaper editors that day. You're just another garden variety dumbass.
They cheered on ATLANTIC AVENUE----within sight of the
bombed buildings-----and handed out so much MAMOUL
that the DAMASCUS BAKERY was depleted.
They were horrified world wide. I was in touch with 3 Arab newspaper editors that day. You're just another garden variety dumbass.
they celebrated ----WORLD WIDE----well---at least in Brooklyn--which I witnessed, Jersey City, Paterson, NJ, "west bank"
according to witnesses I know well. Lately, muslims lie about it
Loving this thread. Brainless attacks on muzzies give the poor drag queens a break.

That first amendment has to go doeesnt it ?
Muslims don't sacrifice animals. They have feast days. They reject blood sacrifice. The author is a dolt.
^^^LIE muslims sacrifice animals WHOLE SALE---specifically lambs on specific days thruout the year. The denial thereof
is based on a play on semantics in which the semantics player
restricts the phrase "sacrifice" to be related to expiation of
"sin" or even to specfic religions OTHER THAN ISLAM. In fact
sacrifice of a lamb on specific holidays is so MUCH PART AND
PARCEL of islamic life---that average muslims do it with no
training and no restraint other than a sharp knife and the
required recitation "B'SMALLAH" even a four year old muslim boy can do so and that meat of that sacrifice is
HALAL ----ie fit for human consumption. Unfortunately,
most of the meat goes to waste. I have my information from
muslims educated in muslim lands-----I find it hard to believe
that a person who CLAIMS to have lived in muslim lands is
ignorant of these facts. For the record---IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE----killing an animal is called "SACRIFICE"----even
if one shoots bambi in upstate NEW YORK (or smokey the bear)
They were horrified world wide. I was in touch with 3 Arab newspaper editors that day. You're just another garden variety dumbass.
So, al-Qaeda and those who would later form ISIS weren't cheering?
Animals are sacrificed for those feast days.
RIGHT it is a VERY OBSERVED ritual to the extent---as I have
been told---that the amount of meat left LYING AROUND
exceeds any hope that it would end up being consumed.
A muslim friend described the purchase of a lamb which is
then cared for until the DAY OF SACRIFICE---he remembered his father taking the lamb out for a walk
^^LIE muslims sacrifice animals WHOLE SALE---specifically lambs on specific days
Animals are sacrificed for those feast days.
OK, so stipulated.

They try to kill and butcher on some days for a specific reason, ofttimes in religious observance, but.....
....but does it take a 'special day', or a 'feast day' to kill beef cattle, hogs, chickens, or fish in America's Christianist processing plants?

Or do they do that most every day they are open...... no 'special' day, 'feast' day required?

Seems to me that killing a lamb...or a chicken.....kinda comes with the territory of human cultures. "Man has dominion"....(Genesis 1:28, I think), yadda, yadda, yadda.

Sometimes that 'dominion' stuff is done with a special reverence and respect towards the animal.
Other times? Ah, nope....just another ambulatory animal on it's journey to be lunch meat.

So for those seeking to adopt yet another grievance to be outraged over in their ongoing culture-war....well, killing fish, or cows, is as good as any I suppose.
OK, so stipulated.

They try to kill and butcher on some days for a specific reason, ofttimes in religious observance, but.....
....but does it take a 'special day', or a 'feast day' to kill beef cattle, hogs, chickens, or fish in America's Christianist processing plants?

Or do they do that most every day they are open...... no 'special' day, 'feast' day required?

Seems to me that killing a lamb...or a chicken.....kinda comes with the territory of human cultures. "Man has dominion"....(Genesis 1:28, I think), yadda, yadda, yadda.

Sometimes that 'dominion' stuff is done with a special reverence and respect towards the animal.
Other times? Ah, nope....just another ambulatory animal on it's journey to be lunch meat.

So for those seeking to adopt yet another grievance to be outraged over in their ongoing culture-war....well, killing fish, or cows, is as good as any I suppose.
I will help you to understand THE ISSUE. Some people are HOT on disparaging "other" religions and some people
believe that the word "SACRIFICE" denotes ---weird cult-like evil machinations----so they use THE WORD (which they do not, clearly, understand) to describe the manner in
which OTHER PEOPLE kill animals for food
This is what happens when they misuse the First Amendment. It was intended for Christian religion only.
While the First Amendment wasn't specifically intended for Christians, the founders did rely on the assumed sense of the people not to accept ritual sacrifice of either animals or humans.

When John Adams said that the Constitution was written for a moral and religious people, he did mean Christians and not a religion that ritually murders disobedient girls.
The upside for Muslims is that more non Muslims will be leaving this disintegrating city. It's the rare white person that will live in an apartment sharing one or more walls with animals being killed and butchered.
This is outrageous. This is more reason to get Trump back in office and deport these ati-western uncivilized brown scum.

Does that mean that we can sacrifice liberals for both political and common sense reasons.

Still trying to figure out why anyone other than a vegan, or PETA would have a problem with animal sacrifice. We sacrifice 100,000 cows a day just for hamburgers.

I don't think that's what this article is talking about.

Where do you think meat comes from?

Not from cats and dogs. Or at least it shouldn't.

Are you retarded? You are the same person who is supposedly pro-life, but are okay with human sacrifices.

An innocent unborn baby and a full-grown adult don't have the same mindset. I generally don't like using this word, but you are the one who's retarded in this instance.

It is IN THE CITY. In fact you cannot even have food animals IN THE CITY. No. You cannot keep a sheep in your spare bedroom.

Then explain how you're supposed to get to sleep if you don't have any to count.

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