Detroit bans all pride flags on state property?

First of all how the fuck is CNN being Islamophobic? Here is the actual CNN Report . They are reporting on what is happening in that community without opinion or judgement:

Hamtramck, Michigan, votes to permanently ban Pride flags from display on public property during Pride Month | CNN

From reading the story, it is hard to know what the motivation of the city council actually is. It is plausible that they are trying to suppress the expression of gay pride, but it is also plausible that they are trying to avoid conflict. Honestly, I have a problem with the council equating LGBT with “ radical and racists groups. LGBT people are in fact part of the fabric of the community and do not represent any particular political ideology, race or ethnicity and they certainly are not a hate group.

Secondly, I take umbrage at your moronic suggestion that we on the left have to decide between being homophobic or Islamophobic. You people pull that divisive shite all of the time while at the same time harbor animosity to both LGBT and Muslim people- then attempt to pit them against each other.

We are on to you and we know that we do not have make any such choice because you bigots say we have to. Even if this city council was motivated by animosity towards the LGBT community- and we do not know that they were- that does not mean that liberals must condemn Islam as a group because of one decision that may have been misguided or inappropriate.

There are many examples of mutual cooperation and support between Muslim and LGBT groups. Your kind of bigoted and divisive bovine excrement is intended to undermine that cooperation and sow chaos, but we see right through you. It is indeed sad that your life must be such a miserable mess that you have to promote this sort of despicable hate mongering just to find some meaning.

Have a fucked up day and for that matter life. Oh wait, you life is already fucked up.
"There are many examples of mutual cooperation and support between Muslim and LGBT groups."
Sure they do.
What do you think is going to happen to gays after the country is destroyed? They will be the first in line at the gas chamber. What Communist country has gay rights?
I've been saying this for years. The useful idiot's that helped with the collapse will be the second group to be murdered.
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It has been interesting to watch the American left stumble all over themselves virtue signaling their support for Muslims after 9/11. Feminists, particularly, have remained silent about the abuses women suffer under Islamic law, and homosexual groups have said little to nothing about abuses homosexuals suffer. Now we start to see the battle lines being drawn, and homosexual groups are finding out that Muslim groups really mean it when they oppose homosexuality. I wonder when feminist groups will wake up.
More hateful and divisive horseshit. You're painting all Muslims with the same broad brush. You are sowing hate and fear. The battle lines are being drawn by you-You who want no peace and who revel is war and strife among those who you want to see suffer
I am talking about Muslim Americans in the US, fool!
Well obviously your claim of support for the gay community doesn't apply to the Muslim Americans in Hamtramck, Michigan. You should look up Taqiyya it's basically a denial of religious belief or practice if it betters Islam. There may be a few Muslims that offer real support but I bet money the majority aren't doing it out of the kindness of their hearts.
More hateful and divisive horseshit. You're painting all Muslims with the same broad brush. You are sowing hate and fear. The battle lines are being drawn by you-You who want no peace and who revel is war and strife among those who you want to see suffer
People are not critsizing Muslims they are criticizing Islam. There is quite a difference. Tough shit that they don't like you. It is the way of the world.
More hateful and divisive horseshit. You're painting all Muslims with the same broad brush. You are sowing hate and fear. The battle lines are being drawn by you-You who want no peace and who revel is war and strife among those who you want to see suffer
i don't recall seeing you in the last meeting when we discussed this. Were you hiding in the corner?
Hamtamck ain’t Detroit you fucking idiot.

Can you read?
Yes it is, you should look at a map before you run your trap, you must like the taste of your shoe!
Hamtramck I say is Detroit, there is a reason people refer to it that way, one only need look at a map. Or have lived there, ate there, died there, as some of our families have.

Guess, What?! this is, Hamtramck, that little city in the city of Detroit.
"There are many examples of mutual cooperation and support between Muslim and LGBT groups."
Sure they do.
Sure, some moose limbs will embrace any enemy of the USA. Look how many are democrooks.
Yes it is, you should look at a map before you run your trap, you must like the taste of your shoe!
Hamtramck I say is Detroit, there is a reason people refer to it that way, one only need look at a map. Or have lived there, ate there, died there, as some of our families have.

Guess, What?! this is, Hamtramck, that little city in the city of Detroit.
View attachment 795949
One little problem dick face.

Hamtramck ain’t Detroit.

The city of Detroit has not banned anything
One little problem dick face.

Hamtramck ain’t Detroit.

The city of Detroit has not banned anything
Same difference, Hamtramck, a tiny little city in a city. One can say, "In Detroit", because that is literally where we are speaking and it gives a geographical reference to where we are speaking.

Dick face? Calm down, you don't have to be right, and a complete fucking asshole with everyone of your posts, do you?
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Same difference, Hamtramck, a tiny little city in a city. One can say, "In Detroit", because that is literally where we are speaking and it gives a geographical reference to where we are speaking.

Dick face? Calm down, you don't have to be right, and complete fucking asshole with everyone of your posts, do you?
Lol, that bed wetter is never right, and it was born a complete asshole without a frontal cortex.
Why not just be neither? Not hating people is surprisingly easy if you try.
Hate is a very useful, very powerful emotion…all good real core Americans should HATE leftists more than Hitler hated Jews. We should hate anybody trying to fuck us over and change our nation.
Refusing to hate is how the ‘gracious’ right has got their ass handed to them and their nation stolen from them…it’s time to sack up and hate like we’ve never hated before.
Hate is a very useful, very powerful emotion…all good real core Americans should HATE leftists more than Hitler hated Jews. We should hate anybody trying to fuck us over and change our nation.
Refusing to hate is how the ‘gracious’ right has got their ass handed to them and their nation stolen from them…it’s time to sack up and hate like we’ve never hated before.
I know.

It's hard not to hate people who want to steal your shit using armed federal thugs, and disarm us entirely so that they can cull our numbers according to what a bunch of eggheaded elitists believe they want left alive.

It's hard not to hate vacuous bed wetting filth that burn cities down when cops let pieces of shit die of an overdose. God forbid they shoot one.

Still I have a harder time hating an individual bed wetter if they're acting like a decent human being. I run into moonbats regularly in the Shity of Autism TX. Most of the time they're not that bad on a personal level, but some just walk around begging to get the shit slapped out of them.
More hateful and divisive horseshit. You're painting all Muslims with the same broad brush. You are sowing hate and fear. The battle lines are being drawn by you-You who want no peace and who revel is war and strife among those who you want to see suffer
Hateful and divisive horseshit? Which is your posts over and over, insulting and demeaning everyone else. You can't see that you post like a hateful fucking bigot! I should thank you for wearing your ignorance and hate on you sleeve.

Moslems, yes you can paint with a nice broad brush. It is people like you who need to attach hate, racism, or bigotry to everything so that you cant be happy with the hate in your heart for everything the Democratic Party tells you to hate.

Seriously, what do you know about Moslems.

Your posts are divisive and do not allow an intelligent discussion to prevail wherever you post your bigotry. And that is exactly what you post.

You are what you claim to hate.

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