Dick Cheney should really stop playing the blame game.

newp,, won't shut the hell up about it,, if obamalamaie can whine and complain then so can we,, you just want it both ways,, it don't work that way bodunk,, obamie was in office for a year,, he himself said they had everything they needed by way of intelligence they just failed to put it together, he said it was his responsibliity,, so if you want to argue that point take it up with your messiaha,, and as long as you folks want to play the blame game, Cheney has every right to respond.. he does a good job too pointing out obamie's weaknessess.. Put the cia on trial and they are going to undermine yer ass.. maybe,, give that a thought.

And that means that Cheney is responsible for 9/11, and so is Bush.

I don't personally believe it myself, but if one thing is true, then so is the other.
LOL! Only because he'd dismantled the CIA's ability to do so, something that had been corrected post-9/11. :rolleyes:

Who did? What does this even mean?

Bush had actionable intelligence on 9/11 on his desk in August of 2001

Obama had all the Bush infrastructure in place, (You know the infrastructure that Bush spent trillions on?), and something slipped through the cracks of communication.

But apparently you all feel that Obama is at fault for the Christmas bomber without Bush being at fault for 9/11.

Again, no one ever said you people used LOGIC.

You have NO FUCKING IDEA what was on the Presidents desk in August of 2001. You don't even know the definition of "actionable intelligence" so it might be best to burn that straw man right now.
Again, you're point? Partisans acting partisan, who'd have thunk? Yet, it's Obama with blame placing, all but himself.

Apparently you missed the title of this thread.

I am specifically pointing out the logical hypocrisy of Mr Cheney and other like him.

I didn't point, I am turning your own pointing finger back at you.
newp,, won't shut the hell up about it,, if obamalamaie can whine and complain then so can we,, you just want it both ways,, it don't work that way bodunk,, obamie was in office for a year,, he himself said they had everything they needed by way of intelligence they just failed to put it together, he said it was his responsibliity,, so if you want to argue that point take it up with your messiaha,, and as long as you folks want to play the blame game, Cheney has every right to respond.. he does a good job too pointing out obamie's weaknessess.. Put the cia on trial and they are going to undermine yer ass.. maybe,, give that a thought.

And that means that Cheney is responsible for 9/11, and so is Bush.

I don't personally believe it myself, but if one thing is true, then so is the other.

why do you keep focusing on Cheney and Bush and 9-11? Christmas of 2009 too painful?
LOL! Only because he'd dismantled the CIA's ability to do so, something that had been corrected post-9/11. :rolleyes:

Who did? What does this even mean?

Bush had actionable intelligence on 9/11 on his desk in August of 2001

Obama had all the Bush infrastructure in place, (You know the infrastructure that Bush spent trillions on?), and something slipped through the cracks of communication.

But apparently you all feel that Obama is at fault for the Christmas bomber without Bush being at fault for 9/11.

Again, no one ever said you people used LOGIC.

You have NO FUCKING IDEA what was on the Presidents desk in August of 2001. You don't even know the definition of "actionable intelligence" so it might be best to burn that straw man right now.

LOL! Logic.

BBC NEWS | Americas | US 'al-Qaeda memo': Full text

US 'al-Qaeda memo': Full text

The following is the full text of the intelligence briefing of 6 August 2001, prepared for President George W Bush, concerning the al-Qaeda threat to the United States.

It was declassified on 10 April.

Three sections were edited, the White House said, to "protect the names of foreign governments that provided information to CIA".

For the President Only
Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US

Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate (Osama) Bin Laden since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Laden implied in US television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and "bring the fighting to America".

After US missile strikes on his base in Afghanistan in 1998, Bin Laden told followers he wanted to retaliate in Washington, according to a ...(edited)... service.

An Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) operative told a ... (edited) ... service at the same time that Bin Laden was planning to exploit the operative's access to the US to mount a terrorist strike.

The millennium plotting in Canada in 1999 may have been part of Bin Laden's first serious attempt to implement a terrorist strike in the US.

Convicted plotter Ahmed Ressam has told the FBI that he conceived the idea to attack Los Angeles International Airport himself, but that Bin Laden lieutenant Abu Zubaydah encouraged him and helped facilitate the operation.

Ressam also said that in 1998 Abu Zubaydah was planning his own US attack.

Ressam says Bin Laden was aware of the Los Angeles operation.

Although Bin Laden has not succeeded, his attacks against the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 demonstrate that he prepares operations years in advance and is not deterred by setbacks.

Bin Laden associates surveilled our embassies in Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam as early as 1993, and some members of the Nairobi cell planning the bombings were arrested and deported in 1997.

Al-Qaeda members - including some who are US citizens - have resided in or travelled to the US for years, and the group apparently maintains a support structure that could aid attacks.

Two al-Qaeda members found guilty in the conspiracy to bomb our embassies in East Africa were US citizens, and a senior EIJ member lived in California in the mid-1990s.

A clandestine source said in 1998 that a Bin Laden cell in New York was recruiting Muslim-American youth for attacks.

We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a ... (edited)... service in 1998 saying that Bin Laden wanted to hijack a US aircraft to gain the release of "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel Rahman and other US-held extremists.

Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.

The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full field investigations throughout the US that it considers Bin Laden-related.

The CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our embassy in the United Arab Emirates in May saying that a group of Bin Laden supporters was in the US planning attacks with explosives.

No 'where', no 'when'. No names...
You have NO FUCKING IDEA what was on the Presidents desk in August of 2001. You don't even know the definition of "actionable intelligence" so it might be best to burn that straw man right now.

Again, you're point? Partisans acting partisan, who'd have thunk? Yet, it's Obama with blame placing, all but himself.

Apparently you missed the title of this thread.

I am specifically pointing out the logical hypocrisy of Mr Cheney and other like him.

I didn't point, I am turning your own pointing finger back at you.

Oh my! Now I'm trembling. Your brilliance is so intimidating. :doubt:
newp,, won't shut the hell up about it,, if obamalamaie can whine and complain then so can we,, you just want it both ways,, it don't work that way bodunk,, obamie was in office for a year,, he himself said they had everything they needed by way of intelligence they just failed to put it together, he said it was his responsibliity,, so if you want to argue that point take it up with your messiaha,, and as long as you folks want to play the blame game, Cheney has every right to respond.. he does a good job too pointing out obamie's weaknessess.. Put the cia on trial and they are going to undermine yer ass.. maybe,, give that a thought.

And that means that Cheney is responsible for 9/11, and so is Bush.

I don't personally believe it myself, but if one thing is true, then so is the other.

why do you keep focusing on Cheney and Bush and 9-11? Christmas of 2009 too painful?
That's what they do Willow...blame everyone else when their feet are in the fire....typical leftwing baloney.
The Bush administration spent Trillions of dollars fighting a war to supposedly rid us of the terrorist networks, as well as building a comprehensive anti-terrorist network and security apparatus.

But according to the right-wing propaganda machine, and Dick Cheney, it was not the structure put in place by the Bush administration, but it was instead the leadership of the Obama administration that's at fault.

In September of 2001, the Bush administration had been given actionable intelligence that a large-scale terrorist attack was imminent. A memo was given to the president himself warning him of this threat.

The Bush administration not only simply relied upon the pre-existing infrastructure to take care of this threat, but it disregarded the intelligence it did have.

So, by the right-wing logic:

If the "Christmas Bomber" is Obama's fault...

Then 9/11 is the Bush administration's fault.

And of course good ol' Dick Cheney was second in charge.


So many of you feeble minded liberoidals are unable to see or speak the truth. Very sad.

If a filthy capitalistic manufacturer makes a damn good product that will kill rats, mice and nasty insects in a house, but the end-user, the purchasor (or some exterminating company) fails to USE the damn product at all, the end-user REALLY has no fucking VALID right to blame the manufacturer for the failure of the product to get rid of the pests.
LWC, do you think anything in the memo has changed today?
You have NO FUCKING IDEA what was on the Presidents desk in August of 2001. You don't even know the definition of "actionable intelligence" so it might be best to burn that straw man right now.

The memo mentioned that they knew there were specfic members of Al Qaeda living in the US. If they knew this, then they knew who they were, and indeed immediately following 9/11 lists of wanted terrorists living in the United States were made public in the form of "Most Wanted" lists.
I wonder what's in Obama's PDB with relation to the intel he had on the panty bomber and why hasn't it been released yet??!!

What did Obama know and when did he know it?
well..it's right there in black and white you dishonest leftwinger...

The FBI was investigating it.....now what were you saying?

AND THEY FAILED TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, and got no extra support from the president to press the case.

Apparently you missed the fucking point of this entire thread.

If Obama is responsible for the "Christmas Bomber", then the Bush administration is responsible for 9/11.

Now, how does pointing out the logical conclusion of the right-wing blame game make me "dishonest"? Hmmm?
You have NO FUCKING IDEA what was on the Presidents desk in August of 2001. You don't even know the definition of "actionable intelligence" so it might be best to burn that straw man right now.

The memo mentioned that they knew there were specfic members of Al Qaeda living in the US. If they knew this, then they knew who they were, and indeed immediately following 9/11 lists of wanted terrorists living in the United States were made public in the form of "Most Wanted" lists.

and the FBI and CIA were investigating it...what part of the memo where that is said escapes your steel-trap like mind.
You have NO FUCKING IDEA what was on the Presidents desk in August of 2001. You don't even know the definition of "actionable intelligence" so it might be best to burn that straw man right now.

The memo mentioned that they knew there were specfic members of Al Qaeda living in the US. If they knew this, then they knew who they were, and indeed immediately following 9/11 lists of wanted terrorists living in the United States were made public in the form of "Most Wanted" lists.

At the time those people were operating on the criminal investigation, no way were we 'at war.' We are now back to the same mindset, which was probably why the CIA wanted to talk to the crotch bomber, 'after the plane landed.' :rolleyes: They let a known terrorist board a plane to the US.

Significant difference and illustrates just how insecure we are, no matter the porno shots at airports now. Obama's response to those charged with keeping us safe, "Do what you did, just faster and smarter." There's direction for you!
You have NO FUCKING IDEA what was on the Presidents desk in August of 2001. You don't even know the definition of "actionable intelligence" so it might be best to burn that straw man right now.


I do notice the declassified dates on this memo, but have you seen the dates IN the memo, they are all on Clinton's watch. These dates were back in the 1990's with the threats. Why didn't Clinton have better policies with security in the US with the info that he had in his hand? I'm not blaming Clinton, I'm not blaming Bush, and I'm not blaming Cheney. I'm blaming the terrorists on this, but you are doing a lot of finger pointing yourself.
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well..it's right there in black and white you dishonest leftwinger...

The FBI was investigating it.....now what were you saying?

AND THEY FAILED TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, and got no extra support from the president to press the case.

Apparently you missed the fucking point of this entire thread.

If Obama is responsible for the "Christmas Bomber", then the Bush administration is responsible for 9/11.

Now, how does pointing out the logical conclusion of the right-wing blame game make me "dishonest"? Hmmm?

apparently you're so dishonest you won't even acknowledge that you DO NOT know what was in the CLASSIFIED version of the PDB and you still have no idea what actionable intelligence is.

Plus the fact that you left out the part where it says the FBI and CIA were conducting NUMEROUS investigations into the allegations alluded to in the beginning of the memo is indicative OF YOUR FAILED LOGIC....but hey...be my guest...continue to make a boob out of yourself. Thanks for posting that declassified PDB...you just made my argument shoot yours down in flames.

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