Did ANYONE on this board see a savings from Obamacare?

I did

My 23 year old son was able to be covered on my family policy for no additional cost

Yeah maybe in the short term.

Side Effects: Obamacare Adds $17 Trillion to Long-Term Unfunded Government Spending

No additional cost to you today. Screw over your children and grand children though. Of course left-wingers only think about today, not the future. Who the heck cares who you stick with the bill for your policies... .right?

$17 trillion

You guys just make numbers up

Yeah, the people in Greece said the same thing in the 1990s, when people warned of debts they couldn't pay. They all ignored them, and told them they were making it up.

Funny.... it doesn't seem so made up anymore. Kind of like Argentina.... and Venezuela.... and Cypress.... and a dozen countries that all believed they could give freebies away to the public forever.

Not just Argentina: 11 countries near bankruptcy

Suddenly, not so safe to just 'oh they just make up numbers'. But your fine. It's safer to believe you can borrow forever.... right? You saved money. Who cares about the future.
Guess what? We are not Greece

We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to take care of our people......it is just that we choose not to

Please provide those numbers.....

8,500 per person per year. That's 34 K per year for a family of four.

We can afford that ?
The US can.
Yeah maybe in the short term.

Side Effects: Obamacare Adds $17 Trillion to Long-Term Unfunded Government Spending

No additional cost to you today. Screw over your children and grand children though. Of course left-wingers only think about today, not the future. Who the heck cares who you stick with the bill for your policies... .right?

$17 trillion

You guys just make numbers up

Yeah, the people in Greece said the same thing in the 1990s, when people warned of debts they couldn't pay. They all ignored them, and told them they were making it up.

Funny.... it doesn't seem so made up anymore. Kind of like Argentina.... and Venezuela.... and Cypress.... and a dozen countries that all believed they could give freebies away to the public forever.

Not just Argentina: 11 countries near bankruptcy

Suddenly, not so safe to just 'oh they just make up numbers'. But your fine. It's safer to believe you can borrow forever.... right? You saved money. Who cares about the future.
Guess what? We are not Greece

We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to take care of our people......it is just that we choose not to

Please provide those numbers.....

8,500 per person per year. That's 34 K per year for a family of four.

We can afford that ?
The US can.

The average family of four makes 50 to 75 K per year.

They can afford 34 K ?

Good to know.
$17 trillion

You guys just make numbers up

Yeah, the people in Greece said the same thing in the 1990s, when people warned of debts they couldn't pay. They all ignored them, and told them they were making it up.

Funny.... it doesn't seem so made up anymore. Kind of like Argentina.... and Venezuela.... and Cypress.... and a dozen countries that all believed they could give freebies away to the public forever.

Not just Argentina: 11 countries near bankruptcy

Suddenly, not so safe to just 'oh they just make up numbers'. But your fine. It's safer to believe you can borrow forever.... right? You saved money. Who cares about the future.
Guess what? We are not Greece

We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to take care of our people......it is just that we choose not to

Please provide those numbers.....

8,500 per person per year. That's 34 K per year for a family of four.

We can afford that ?
The US can.

The average family of four makes 50 to 75 K per year.

They can afford 34 K ?

Good to know.
What part about the "US" confused you?
Yeah, the people in Greece said the same thing in the 1990s, when people warned of debts they couldn't pay. They all ignored them, and told them they were making it up.

Funny.... it doesn't seem so made up anymore. Kind of like Argentina.... and Venezuela.... and Cypress.... and a dozen countries that all believed they could give freebies away to the public forever.

Not just Argentina: 11 countries near bankruptcy

Suddenly, not so safe to just 'oh they just make up numbers'. But your fine. It's safer to believe you can borrow forever.... right? You saved money. Who cares about the future.
Guess what? We are not Greece

We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to take care of our people......it is just that we choose not to

Please provide those numbers.....

8,500 per person per year. That's 34 K per year for a family of four.

We can afford that ?
The US can.

The average family of four makes 50 to 75 K per year.

They can afford 34 K ?

Good to know.
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
Guess what? We are not Greece

We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to take care of our people......it is just that we choose not to

Please provide those numbers.....

8,500 per person per year. That's 34 K per year for a family of four.

We can afford that ?
The US can.

The average family of four makes 50 to 75 K per year.

They can afford 34 K ?

Good to know.
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.
The catastrophic plans I was paying for went away.

Bronze plans replaced them.

A 7X increase in cost and not much of an improvement.
Please provide those numbers.....

8,500 per person per year. That's 34 K per year for a family of four.

We can afford that ?
The US can.

The average family of four makes 50 to 75 K per year.

They can afford 34 K ?

Good to know.
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.

I see that someone who makes a claim but has no number is calling out gaps in comprehension.

Thanks for the laugh.

Calling health care free is even more funny.

Saying I have the disconnect is hysterical.

Deal with that....
The US can.

The average family of four makes 50 to 75 K per year.

They can afford 34 K ?

Good to know.
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.

I see that someone who makes a claim but has no number is calling out gaps in comprehension.

Thanks for the laugh.

Calling health care free is even more funny.

Saying I have the disconnect is hysterical.

Deal with that....
Says the guy that thinks the US paying for health care is going to cost someone $34K a year. :laugh:
Please provide those numbers.....

8,500 per person per year. That's 34 K per year for a family of four.

We can afford that ?
The US can.

The average family of four makes 50 to 75 K per year.

They can afford 34 K ?

Good to know.
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.
I think the disconnect is where you seem to think that money that the U.S spends comes from.
The average family of four makes 50 to 75 K per year.

They can afford 34 K ?

Good to know.
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.

I see that someone who makes a claim but has no number is calling out gaps in comprehension.

Thanks for the laugh.

Calling health care free is even more funny.

Saying I have the disconnect is hysterical.

Deal with that....
Says the guy that thinks the US paying for health care is going to cost someone $34K a year. :laugh:
.05 cent is more than I care to pay to prolong some ghetto thugs life.
"No additional cost to you today. Screw over your children and grand children though."

Wow. A blast from the past.

You can thank Ronald Reagan for legitimizing this economic policy. In his case, it was cut taxes to win votes, then borrow like crazy to pay the bills, enslaving generations to come to servicing that unnecessary debt.

At least we're getting insurance coverage and more productivity out of Obamacare.
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.

I see that someone who makes a claim but has no number is calling out gaps in comprehension.

Thanks for the laugh.

Calling health care free is even more funny.

Saying I have the disconnect is hysterical.

Deal with that....
Says the guy that thinks the US paying for health care is going to cost someone $34K a year. :laugh:
.05 cent is more than I care to pay to prolong some ghetto thugs life.
Your disapproval is noted and dismissed. Sorry.
The US can.

The average family of four makes 50 to 75 K per year.

They can afford 34 K ?

Good to know.
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.
I think the disconnect is where you seem to think that money that the U.S spends comes from.
That comment lets me know you are out of your league when it comes to the discussion of where money comes from. One thing we know for certain is that its not going to cost a family $34K for the government to provide them free health care.
Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.

I see that someone who makes a claim but has no number is calling out gaps in comprehension.

Thanks for the laugh.

Calling health care free is even more funny.

Saying I have the disconnect is hysterical.

Deal with that....
Says the guy that thinks the US paying for health care is going to cost someone $34K a year. :laugh:
.05 cent is more than I care to pay to prolong some ghetto thugs life.
Your disapproval is noted and dismissed. Sorry.
I really dont care if you agree or not. I would assume based on your proclaimed race that you are certainly one of those with the entitlement attitude.
Comes from improper upbringing to think everyone owes you everything just because you breath and hold up the corner store.
The average family of four makes 50 to 75 K per year.

They can afford 34 K ?

Good to know.
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.
I think the disconnect is where you seem to think that money that the U.S spends comes from.
That comment lets me know you are out of your league when it comes to the discussion of where money comes from.
Well why dont you share with the class. Were does the money that the U.S wastes keeping scum alive come from if not the working citizens. (I can only assume you are not one of those or you would understand)
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.
I think the disconnect is where you seem to think that money that the U.S spends comes from.
That comment lets me know you are out of your league when it comes to the discussion of where money comes from.
Well why dont you share with the class. Were does the money that the U.S wastes keeping scum alive come from if not the working citizens. (I can only assume you are not one of those or you would understand)
You need to educate yourself first. This is an advanced subject. You need some fundamental understanding of how far off your understanding of the monetary system is before tackling this subject. Would you like me to recommend some prerequisite readings for you?
I can no longer afford the free colonosthophy I can't afford to get to after losing my job as "elderly" costly worker with only BCBSHD plan lost that was $53/2x-mo. Now I ride dirty. Can't afford deductible, so I cross at the crosswalk on way to food bank.

Why aren't you on Medicare? Colorectal cancer screenings | Medicare.gov

I believe medicare age is 65? They start trying to colonosthpy you at age 50. Used to be you had to have someone take you and bring u home. Many can't fit the requirements due to work, kids, location, cost, wives whatever. And it gets put off, nobody wants to go....?
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.

I see that someone who makes a claim but has no number is calling out gaps in comprehension.

Thanks for the laugh.

Calling health care free is even more funny.

Saying I have the disconnect is hysterical.

Deal with that....
Says the guy that thinks the US paying for health care is going to cost someone $34K a year. :laugh:
.05 cent is more than I care to pay to prolong some ghetto thugs life.
Your disapproval is noted and dismissed. Sorry.
I really dont care if you agree or not. I would assume based on your proclaimed race that you are certainly one of those with the entitlement attitude.
Comes from improper upbringing to think everyone owes you everything just because you breath and hold up the corner store.
I neither care nor deign to get a discussion of agreement. I simply said your wishes have been dismissed as being valid in my eyes.
I did

My 23 year old son was able to be covered on my family policy for no additional cost

Yeah maybe in the short term.

Side Effects: Obamacare Adds $17 Trillion to Long-Term Unfunded Government Spending

No additional cost to you today. Screw over your children and grand children though. Of course left-wingers only think about today, not the future. Who the heck cares who you stick with the bill for your policies... .right?

$17 trillion

You guys just make numbers up

Yeah, the people in Greece said the same thing in the 1990s, when people warned of debts they couldn't pay. They all ignored them, and told them they were making it up.

Funny.... it doesn't seem so made up anymore. Kind of like Argentina.... and Venezuela.... and Cypress.... and a dozen countries that all believed they could give freebies away to the public forever.

Not just Argentina: 11 countries near bankruptcy

Suddenly, not so safe to just 'oh they just make up numbers'. But your fine. It's safer to believe you can borrow forever.... right? You saved money. Who cares about the future.
Guess what? We are not Greece

We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to take care of our people......it is just that we choose not to

Please provide those numbers.....

8,500 per person per year. That's 34 K per year for a family of four.

We can afford that ?

So wrong...
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.
I think the disconnect is where you seem to think that money that the U.S spends comes from.
That comment lets me know you are out of your league when it comes to the discussion of where money comes from.
Well why dont you share with the class. Were does the money that the U.S wastes keeping scum alive come from if not the working citizens. (I can only assume you are not one of those or you would understand)

I'm a working citizen. Have been since I was 14. Just don't happen to be as lucky as you. I suspect you're not a "Christian," so you can't use the "worthiness" alibi as an excuse. You just think you're better than me because your boss pays you more.

You're not.

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