Did anyone watch the McMichaels trial today?

Georgia Law

16-5-41. False imprisonment​

(a) A person commits the offense of false imprisonment when, in violation of the personal liberty of another, he arrests, confines, or detains such person without legal authority.

Ahhbery was never arrested.....Ahhbery was never confined....Ahhbery was never detained.

§ 16-5-21. Aggravated assault​

Universal Citation: GA Code § 16-5-21 (2017)

A person commits the offense of aggravated assault when he or she assaults:
  • (1) With intent to murder, to rape, or to rob;
  • (2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury;
  • (3) With any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in strangulation; or
  • (4) A person or persons without legal justification by discharging a firearm from within a motor vehicle toward a person or persons.
None of which were committed by the MacMichaels

(2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury;

So, no one died at the hands of the McMichaels?
Georgia’s old citizen’s arrest law — overhauled after Arbery’s death — required either “immediate knowledge” of a crime or “reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion” of someone fleeing a felony offense.

McMichaels are guilty as shit. They had no immediate knowledge of a crime and a felony was not committed. At worst it was trespassing which is a misdemeanor. A citizens arrest did not apply here. Likewise, what right did they have to grab their guns and stop Arbery for questioning?
They stopped a burglar who happened to be violent. That violent man tried to take a shotgun from a stranger. The dude was unhinged, obviously. Good fucking riddance.
Nope. The home owner said nothing was taken. Try again.
The law that allowed the Defense to eliminate black jurors is a prime example that systemic racism still exists in this country.
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read so far. Affirmative action doesn’t exist for jury selection and for good reason. The defendants are guaranteed a fair trial. Basing jury selection on skin color and not their ability to be impartial does not guarantee a fair trial.
Nope. The home owner said nothing was taken. Try again.
You should have watched the trial...he had thousands of dollars worth of electronic equipment stolen......

The homeowner larry english receieved death threats from blacks because he called the police in regards to ahhmaud.....4 times....became frightened and started lying....he does not want to testify...claims his health is too bad...he does not want to get involved....I do not know if they will force him to testify as they have proof of everything he did as well as the property theft....so he is really not needed.

The topic of this thread was about people who watched the trial today....seems like me and maybe a couple of others are the only ones who did.
This thread is a good example of how the rules are not enforced....just about every post on here is off topic....I will not make a formal complaint due to the fact that hardly anyone watched the trial...so as far as I am concerned--- talk about anything under the sun but I am not going back to discussing the entire history of this case....so I am out of here until Monday and after watching the trial Monday I might make some comments....this thing has been talked to death on several threads and if anyone has any questions they can just review some of the hundreds of posts on it.

Just about evrything about it has been talked about....as I have said before I do not like going back over ploughed ground.
Georgia’s old citizen’s arrest law — overhauled after Arbery’s death — required either “immediate knowledge” of a crime or “reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion” of someone fleeing a felony offense.

McMichaels are guilty as shit. They had no immediate knowledge of a crime and a felony was not committed. At worst it was trespassing which is a misdemeanor. A citizens arrest did not apply here. Likewise, what right did they have to grab their guns and stop Arbery for questioning?
Travis did not stop Arbery until he was viciously attacked by Arbery.

Arbery was desperate because he knew damn well that he was busted and if he didn't get the hell out of Dodge before the police arrived he was going to jail. He was violating his probation and going back to jail if he got caught. That's obviously why he tried to steal Travis' gun and carjack him. He saw the citizens in the neighborhood calling the police.

Travis shot in self-defense when Arbery attacked him.

It's tragic. Arbery probably only would have spent a mere month or two in jail, if even that, if he didn't decide to earn his Darwin award by attacking a guy that was holding a shotgun.

It makes me wonder whether Arbery committed some much more serious crime(s) that we don't know about . Maybe he did something that would have got him a lot more than a couple months in the county jail and was afraid he'd get busted for that too.
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You should have watched the trial...he had thousands of dollars worth of electronic equipment stolen......

The homeowner larry english receieved death threats from blacks because he called the police in regards to ahhmaud.....4 times....became frightened and started lying....he does not want to testify...claims his health is too bad...he does not want to get involved....I do not know if they will force him to testify as they have proof of everything he did as well as the property theft....so he is really not needed.

The topic of this thread was about people who watched the trial today....seems like me and maybe a couple of others are the only ones who did.

You mean where Larry English had things stolen from another location but the McMichaels thought it was the neighborhood?
they didnt chase him down and kill him,,
Well we know he was killed by one of them, you're claiming they didn't chase him? They how in the hell did they end up where he was if they chased after him? If they had merely followed him they would have lost him, they had to have "chased" him in order to catch up to him and manage to place themselves in front of where he was headed so that he's have no choice but to confront them.

Or turn around and go back the way he had just come from AGAIN>
I think the McMichaels are in a lot of trouble.

The Prosecution got one witness in today. And that one witness was the first officer to respond to the scene.

They showed his Body Camera footage, with Arbery laying in the street covered in blood. A hole in his chest.

That was it for the week. The Jury went home with that image in their minds. It will stay with them all weekend. It will offend them. It might even make them lose sleep.

Emotionally, it was a powerful weapon wielded by the Prosecutor.

The Defense is arguing that the intentions of the three were to stop non existent crime in the neighborhood. Yet, the law says their actions were illegal. The Defense Attorney didn’t deny that, he just said no crime was committed. Then the imagery of Arbery laying in the street bled out. Having committed no crime, the guy was dead.

Now, the Jury is going to be sitting at home this weekend, and having trouble getting those images out of their heads. And the argument that no crime was committed will not resonate. It has to be a crime to chase a guy down and kill him like that.

When they get to the evidence to support the rest of the Prosecution’s case, the McMichaels will be screwed badly. The Defense has a tough choice. Put the McMichaels on the stand and count on them being calm and reasonable, or leave them off the stand and let the Jury wonder what they are hiding.

Can’t you see the Prosecutor demanding to know what crime Arbery had committed other than running down the street? Both Travis and Greg stuttering and mumbling they didn’t know, but he had to be up to something. Even if the McMichaels don’t say he’s black and obviously a criminal the attitude will come out.

For months I’ve said that Roddy had the best chance at being let go on this. I don’t have a reason to change that. We’ll see what happens next week.
You know this whole exercise is painful and we're not even the affected parties. But for us, this has been going on for centuries and every time something like this happens we can't help but think that could be our brother, father, son, nephew laying there in the street, chased down and shot because the white supremacist population in the U.S. with their addled racist brains, have once again presupposed someone to be guilty of a crime first and foremost due to his skin color.

I personally will be praying for them, but this prayer has nothing to do with forgiveness or salvation of their souls.

16-5-41. False imprisonment​

(a) A person commits the offense of false imprisonment when, in violation of the personal liberty of another, he arrests, confines, or detains such person without legal authority.

Ahhbery was never arrested.....Ahhbery was never confined....Ahhbery was never detained.
So an Georgia Attorney posted this on his website. Note, it's the same statute you cited above and remember the defendants stated that they had Ahmaud "trapped like a rate" :
According to Georgia Code §16-5-41, false imprisonment occurs when someone violates the personal liberty of another individual by arresting, confining, or detaining the other “without legal authority.” However, to have legal recourse, you will have to prove that:
  • Another confined you against your will [trapped like a rat?]
  • The person who confined you did so intentionally
  • There were no lawful grounds for your confinement
  • You suffered harm (physical, financial, or emotional) [physical harm - death]
Proving the physical force of the defendant is not necessary for having a false imprisonment case. An implied threat of force can be enough to prove the defendant’s intent. [like a shotgun & handgun?] An example of a threat can be the aggressor stating that they would hurt the victim if they attempted to leave. A false imprisonment attorney from our firm can clarify whether you have grounds and evidence for a false imprisonment case.
The biggest problem with the Defense argument is legal right. The McMichaels had no legal right. They argued duty. Responsibility. But they had no legal right to do what they did from the start.

The McMichaels assumed Arbery was guilty. We all know the assume joke. Citizens arrest didn’t work like that. You couldn’t grab the guy and just know he would be found guilty of something later.

The 911 operator kept asking what crime he committed. He’s running down the street was the answer.

The Defense Attorney is right. The McMichaels had a Duty. A Responsibility. That duty was to obey the law. They did not.
They stopped a burglar who happened to be violent. That violent man tried to take a shotgun from a stranger. The dude was unhinged, obviously. Good fucking riddance.
They stopped a burglar who happened to be violent.

Burglar? What did he steal?

That violent man tried to take a shotgun from a stranger.

You think he should have stood there quietly to be shot? Murdered?
So an Georgia Attorney posted this on his website. Note, it's the same statute you cited above and remember the defendants stated that they had Ahmaud "trapped like a rate" :
It was broad daylight this time when Arbery entered that home. Citizens had called the cops on him. He was going to get caught by the police this time and most likely going back to jail when his probation officer found out about it.

At no time did the McMichaels' arrest, confine or detain Arbery.

The video evidence proves that Arbery attacked Travis and tried to steal his shotgun, thus earning his Darwin award.

Why do so many of you low IQ gun-grabbing moronic moonbats think you can just steal peoples' guns right out of their hands without getting shot? :dunno:
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It was broad daylight this time when Arbery entered that home. Citizens had called the cops on him. He was going to get caught by the police this time and most likely going back to jail when his probation officer found out about it.

At no time did the McMichaels' arrest, confine or detain Arbery.

The video evidence proves that Arbery attacked Travis and tried to steal his shotgun, thus earning his Darwin award.

Why do so many of you low IQ gun-grabbing moronic moonbats think you can just steal peoples' guns without getting shot? :dunno:

Tell me when it is legal to break out the bang stick in Georgia.

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