Did anyone watch the McMichaels trial today?

They did intend to make a citizens arrest when they began the pursuit and Gregory Mac said that ---which has confused a lot of people....because he changed his mind....decided to let the police handle it and if you had kept up ......watched the trial friday etc. you would know why.....Greg said he decided not to pursue a citizens arrest because of Ahmaud's bizarre behavior...he assumed he was on drugs or something....thus he decided to wait and let the police handle it after their initial encounter with Ahmaud and as everyone who has kept up knows it has been proven Ahmaud was on drugs but the Judge will not allow that to be shown in court.

If you watch Defense attorney Rubin's opening remarks you will see and should understand what actually went down that day and how the media has lied and propagandized regarding this case.

The video has been posted on this thread.
IF and that's a big damn IF, IF they changed their minds how did they still manage to end up confronting Ahmaud at gunpoint?

They're lying and everyone who has the ability to digest a set of facts, analyze them and either come up with more questions or arrive at the only conclusion or the most likely conclusion KNOWS that they've been backtracking and trying to make their false narrative fit their unlawful actions since the police first showed up to take a statement.

Your heroes are liars and they are so disconnected from modern day America that they released the video that incriminates them without ever realizing that they were not the good guys in this scenario.
why are you leaving out the most important part??
Again...all of that was covered by the dedense team Friday....I am not going to waste board space by going over it all....anyone who wants to understand it....watch the defense Atorney Rubin's opening statement when he destroys the states narrative.

The video has been posted on this thread.
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IF and that's a big damn IF, IF they changed their minds how did they still manage to end up confronting Ahmaud at gunpoint?

They're lying and everyone who has the ability to digest a set of facts, analyze them and either come up with more questions or arrive at the only conclusion or the most likely conclusion KNOWS that they've been backtracking and trying to make their false narrative fit their unlawful actions since the police first showed up to take a statement.

Your heroes are liars and they are so disconnected from modern day America that they released the video that incriminates them without ever realizing that they were not the good guys in this scenario.
Again....watch the posted video of defense attorney Rubin's opening statement....then get back with us....that video should open your eyes to the truth...and I am sure the truth will be painful for you.

Not to say this incident is not tragic....but unfortunately Ahhmaud brought about his own death.
Can you name the required elements for affecting a citizen's arrest in the state of Georgia at the time Ahmaud Ahbery was killed?
The Georgia law on citizens arrest that was in force at the time has been posted.

Here is what it said

'A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion'.

The key elements that apply to this case being...'within his immediate knowledge' and 'If the offender 'ahmaud' is attempting to escape.

Again the dedense attorney rubios opening statement will explain this in a manner everyone will be able to understand.

What has confused a lot of people is that the law on citizens arrest was changed after the ahmaud incident for obvious reasons.
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The law that allowed the Defense to eliminate black jurors is a prime example that systemic racism still exists in this country.
Every Juror removed was removed for CAUSE, they stated a bias either against the defendants or in support of the dead guy as noted by the JUDGE.
Yes you can keep them. Yes you can bear them. But when you pull the bang stick on someone you had better be in a life and death situation. Otherwise you are committing a crime.

In Georgia this law is called Aggravated Assault. It is a Felony. We toss people into prison all the time for that. And Georgia is a Shall Issue state for the CCW.

Now what crime did the McMichaels commit?
His crime was called jogging in a white neighborhood while black.
The Georgia law on citizens arrest that was in force at the time has been posted.

Here is what it said

'A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion'.

The key elements that apply to this case being...'within his immediate knowledge' and 'If the offender 'ahmaud' is attempting to escape.

Again the dedense attorney rubios opening statement will explain this in a manner everyone will be able to understand.

What has confused a lot of people is that the law on citizens arrest was changed after the ahmaud incidenr for obvious reasons.
That law did not apply here.
Every Juror removed was removed for CAUSE, they stated a bias either against the defendants or in support of the dead guy as noted by the JUDGE.
No they weren't. Stop looking for excuses.
Well you are partially right....regarding how the media lies.

But anyone who watched Fridays trial episode should understand the state has no case....no real evidence of anything....they presented their first witness Friday....he went over like a lead baloon.

He was a off duty cop when hearing about the incident rushed over.....he had a body cam but it was malfunctioning....did not record audio.....this nonsense went on for a long time....it was totally ridiculous...if the judge had not been biased he would have stopped it....nothing in it was relevant.....the lame ass prosecutor obviously used it because it showed Ahmauds bloody body.....she wanted to shock people....not understanding stuff like that impresses nobody as we see much worse on netdlix etc.
The state has a real strong case and if those two thugs don't get put in prison, it's a miscarriage of justice.
You’re so ignorant of the events that day that I’d rather not respond until you’ve at least read up on the case.
If you had watched the trial you would have a different perspective.
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They did intend to make a citizens arrest when they began the pursuit and Gregory Mac said that ---which has confused a lot of people....because he changed his mind....decided to let the police handle it and if you had kept up ......watched the trial friday etc. you would know why.....Greg said he decided not to pursue a citizens arrest because of Ahmaud's bizarre behavior...he assumed he was on drugs or something....thus he decided to wait and let the police handle it after their initial encounter with Ahmaud and as everyone who has kept up knows it has been proven Ahmaud was on drugs but the Judge will not allow that to be shown in court.

If you watch Defense attorney Rubin's opening remarks you will see and should understand what actually went down that day and how the media has lied and propagandized regarding this case.

The video has been posted on this thread.
The media did not lie. But you are.
They don't anything at all about the law. All they care about is that 3 white dare I say racist men have had their lives "inconvenienced" for the "mere" act of shooting and killing in their minds "in self-defense" a person whom they in all likelihood consider to be less than human and completely deserving of everything he received on that day up to and especially including the loss of his own life for daring to try to defend himself, unarmed though he was, against these three assailants.

I understand that everyone of us is entitled the the best defense possible but they're attempting to justify something which is not justifiable. You cannot legally be the initiator of a confrontation or the aggressor in an altercation and then claim "self-defense" and shoot someone for a situation you caused.
You do not have all the facts of the case.
More nonsense ....you just lack the analytical ability to properly analyze this case....it is really not that complicated though those who are biased will simply not get it as we see so many times on here on this as well as most other topics.

Any reasonably intelligent person who watched the trial on Friday saw how the defense demonstrated the legality of everything the Macs did under the Georgia law on citizens arrest that was in existence at the time of this incident...the mere fact that Georgia very quickly after this incident changed the law(practically eliminated it) demonstrates that it covered the defendents thus their sole motivation to change it.

I am now going to put you on ignore as in there is only so much stupidity and lack of honesty I can tolerate.
Here we see a white supremacist lying about this trial. Everything he says is incorrect.
They didn't hold him at gun point, dumbass.

Can you show the video where they are holding Arbery at gunpoint? Of course you can't, because it obviously never happened, you stupendously stupid moronic moonbat.

Who the fuck brainwashed your stupid ass into believing that they were holding Arbery at gunpoint?
She and so many others who rushed to judgement without knowing all the facts of the case have been misled by the propaganda the media has spread far and wide.

All these posters who still cling to their fallacious ideas will not go to the trouble to find out the truth...just continue to cling to the medias fallacious narrative.
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Can you name the required elements for affecting a citizen's arrest in the state of Georgia at the time Ahmaud Ahbery was killed?
He can't. Because the law at that time said they had to see a crime being committed to attempt a citizens arrest.
This is exactly right.

Even if Arbery stole something (we know that he did not) the McMichaels still didn’t have the right because they didn’t personally witness it, nor was a felony committed. Stealing a hammer or screw driver is petty theft and therefore a misdemeanor. There is no law that I know of that allows a group of people to grab guns and chase someone down and detain them without actually witnessing a crime being committed. These people defending what the McMichaels did have no idea the can of worms they are opening up.
If you had watched the trial then you would now know that Larry English...the home owner of the house undergoing renovation had suffered a loss of thousands of dollars of electronic equipment .....this was proved in Fridays trial episode.

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