Did anyone watch the McMichaels trial today?

Tell me when it is legal to break out the bang stick in Georgia.

Georgia is a state in the USA. The second amendment of the U.S. constitution says that "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", you fucking dumbass.

Georgia is a state in the USA. The second amendment of the U.S. constitution says that "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", you fucking dumbass.

So the answer to my question is you don’t know.
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So the answer to my question is you don’t know.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion, dumbass?

Are you really too stupid to know what I mean by 24/7/365?

FYI, it means 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, you fucking moron.
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The video that shows Ahmaud Arbery charge at McMichaels and try to take his gun, which obviously means they were right about that dirt bag criminal. That dude was a problem.
The video shows that those white men trapped Arbery then got out of the car. The man was unarmed there was no reason for a shotgun to have been in anyones hands.
It was broad daylight this time when Arbery entered that home. Citizens had called the cops on him. He was going to get caught by the police this time and most likely going back to jail when his probation officer found out about it.
All of that is pure speculation both at the time they thought it and again now while you're regurgitating it.

They had witnessed NOTHING that would legally allow them to take up arms and chase Ahmaud down and hold him at gun point. I don't care what crime he may have committed in the past, or what convictions if any he had. NONE OF IT IS RELEVANT to what occurred on THAT day.

How would you like me running your criminal, financials and other history and then using what I find to constantly hound you even if what is found is already resolved (or more importantly none of my damn business), all the while calling you names that don't accurate represent your "current status" - "Tax cheat", "deadbeat dad", "adulterer", etc.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion, dumbass?

Are you really too stupid to know what I mean by 24/7/365?

FYI, it means 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, you fucking moron.

Yes you can keep them. Yes you can bear them. But when you pull the bang stick on someone you had better be in a life and death situation. Otherwise you are committing a crime.

In Georgia this law is called Aggravated Assault. It is a Felony. We toss people into prison all the time for that. And Georgia is a Shall Issue state for the CCW.

Now what crime did the McMichaels commit?
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Georgia is a state in the USA. The second amendment of the U.S. constitution says that "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", you fucking dumbass.
Why don't you show us how it's done by breaking yours out in one of the following places. We'll wait (or hear about you in the news):
Within an airport terminal; In a government building, courthouse, jail, prison, or place of worship; or. In a state mental health facility that admits individuals on an involuntary basis for treatment of mental illness, developmental disability; or addictive disease. -Prohibitied Places in Georgia
Travis did not stop Arbery until he was viciously attacked by Arbery.

Arbery was desperate because he knew damn well that he was busted and if he didn't get the hell out of Dodge before the police arrived he was going to jail. He was violating his probation and going back to jail if he got caught. That's obviously why he tried to steal Travis' gun and carjack him. He saw the citizens in the neighborhood calling the police.

Travis shot in self-defense when Arbery attacked him.

It's tragic. Arbery probably only would have spent a mere month or two in jail, if even that, if he didn't decide to earn his Darwin award by attacking a guy that was holding a shotgun.

It makes me wonder whether Arbery committed some much more serious crime(s) that we don't know about . Maybe he did something that would have got him a lot more than a couple months in the county jail and was afraid he'd get busted for that too.
You’re so ignorant of the events that day that I’d rather not respond until you’ve at least read up on the case.
The biggest problem with the Defense argument is legal right. The McMichaels had no legal right. They argued duty. Responsibility. But they had no legal right to do what they did from the start.

The McMichaels assumed Arbery was guilty. We all know the assume joke. Citizens arrest didn’t work like that. You couldn’t grab the guy and just know he would be found guilty of something later.

The 911 operator kept asking what crime he committed. He’s running down the street was the answer.

The Defense Attorney is right. The McMichaels had a Duty. A Responsibility. That duty was to obey the law. They did not.
This is exactly right.

Even if Arbery stole something (we know that he did not) the McMichaels still didn’t have the right because they didn’t personally witness it, nor was a felony committed. Stealing a hammer or screw driver is petty theft and therefore a misdemeanor. There is no law that I know of that allows a group of people to grab guns and chase someone down and detain them without actually witnessing a crime being committed. These people defending what the McMichaels did have no idea the can of worms they are opening up.
They had witnessed NOTHING that would legally allow them to take up arms and chase Ahmaud down and hold him at gun point.

They didn't hold him at gun point, dumbass.

Can you show the video where they are holding Arbery at gunpoint? Of course you can't, because it obviously never happened, you stupendously stupid moronic moonbat.

Who the fuck brainwashed your stupid ass into believing that they were holding Arbery at gunpoint?
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This is exactly right.

Even if Arbery stole something (we know that he did not) the McMichaels still didn’t have the right because they didn’t personally witness it, nor was a felony committed. Stealing a hammer or screw driver is petty theft and therefore a misdemeanor. There is no law that I know of that allows a group of people to grab guns and chase someone down and detain them without actually witnessing a crime being committed. These people defending what the McMichaels did have no idea the can of worms they are opening up.
They don't anything at all about the law. All they care about is that 3 white dare I say racist men have had their lives "inconvenienced" for the "mere" act of shooting and killing in their minds "in self-defense" a person whom they in all likelihood consider to be less than human and completely deserving of everything he received on that day up to and especially including the loss of his own life for daring to try to defend himself, unarmed though he was, against these three assailants.

I understand that everyone of us is entitled the the best defense possible but they're attempting to justify something which is not justifiable. You cannot legally be the initiator of a confrontation or the aggressor in an altercation and then claim "self-defense" and shoot someone for a situation you caused.
They didn't hold him at gun point, dumbass.
The only dumbass on this board is you, since you can't hold onto your temper and everytime you call me or any of the other board members names instead of commenting on the replies, you get reported, maybe by others but most definitely by me.

And just in case you're wondering, I don't report anyone else unless they engage in the same tactics but so far it's only been you.

Back to the topic: How are you going to arrest someone, citizen or otherwise, without a means to force them to comply with your demands? Isn't that why they brought the guns or did they bring the guns because they're too cowardly to attempt to impose their will on him with the ability to shoot and kill him in the event he didn't take kindly to the way he was being treated, having a gun pointed at him and all and having crazy demands yelled at him.

Besides, they TOLD the responding officers that their plan was to make a citizens arrest and hold him for the police presumably at gunpoint, but I guess the 3 lard asses could have sat on him until the police arrived, he probably would have suffocated under all that weight and we'd be right back where we are now with them having caused his death,

Don't be getting mad at us just cause you're not as smart as you thought you were.
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The biggest problem with the Defense argument is legal right. The McMichaels had no legal right. They argued duty. Responsibility. But they had no legal right to do what they did from the start.

The McMichaels assumed Arbery was guilty. We all know the assume joke. Citizens arrest didn’t work like that. You couldn’t grab the guy and just know he would be found guilty of something later.

The 911 operator kept asking what crime he committed. He’s running down the street was the answer.

The Defense Attorney is right. The McMichaels had a Duty. A Responsibility. That duty was to obey the law. They did not.
More nonsense ....you just lack the analytical ability to properly analyze this case....it is really not that complicated though those who are biased will simply not get it as we see so many times on here on this as well as most other topics.

Any reasonably intelligent person who watched the trial on Friday saw how the defense demonstrated the legality of everything the Macs did under the Georgia law on citizens arrest that was in existence at the time of this incident...the mere fact that Georgia very quickly after this incident changed the law(practically eliminated it) demonstrates that it covered the defendents thus their sole motivation to change it.

I am now going to put you on ignore as in there is only so much stupidity and lack of honesty I can tolerate.
More nonsense ....you just lack the analytical ability to properly analyze this case....it is really not that complicated though those who are biased will simply not get it as we see so many times on here on this as well as most other topics.

Any reasonably intelligent person who watched the trial on Friday saw how the defense demonstrated the legality of everything the Macs did under the Georgia law on citizens arrest that was in existence at the time of this incident...the mere fact that Georgia very quickly after this incident changed the law(practically eliminated it) demonstrates that it covered the defendents thus their sole motivation to change it.

I am now going to put you on ignore as in there is only so much stupidity and lack of honesty I can tolerate.
Can you name the required elements for affecting a citizen's arrest in the state of Georgia at the time Ahmaud Ahbery was killed?
After being on jury duty many times I can tell all of you what is reported on the news of a situation like this will turn out different than what really happened. Wait until the evidence all comes out to make a decision on it. It does look bad for them though. Depends on what Georgia law says on situations like this.
The only dumbass on this board is you, since you can't hold onto your temper and everytime you call me or any of the other board members names instead of commenting on the replies, you get reported, maybe by others but most definitely by me.

And just in case you're wondering, I don't report anyone else unless they engage in the same tactics but so far it's only been you.

Back to the topic: How are you going to arrest someone, citizen or otherwise, without a means to force them to comply with your demands? Isn't that why they brought the guns or did they bring the guns because they're too cowardly to attempt to impose their will on him with the ability to shoot and kill him in the event he didn't take kindly to the way he was being treated, having a gun pointed at him and all and having crazy demands yelled at him.

Besides, they TOLD the responding officers that their plan was to make a citizens arrest and hold him for the police presumably at gunpoint, but I guess the 3 lard asses could have sat on him until the police arrived, he probably would have suffocated under all that weight and we'd be right back where we are now with them having caused his death,

Don't be getting mad at us just cause you're not as smart as you thought you were.
They did intend to make a citizens arrest when they began the pursuit and Gregory Mac said that ---which has confused a lot of people....because he changed his mind....decided to let the police handle it and if you had kept up ......watched the trial friday etc. you would know why.....Greg said he decided not to pursue a citizens arrest because of Ahmaud's bizarre behavior...he assumed he was on drugs or something....thus he decided to wait and let the police handle it after their initial encounter with Ahmaud and as everyone who has kept up knows it has been proven Ahmaud was on drugs but the Judge will not allow that to be shown in court.

If you watch Defense attorney Rubin's opening remarks you will see and should understand what actually went down that day and how the media has lied and propagandized regarding this case.

The video has been posted on this thread.
Well we know he was killed by one of them, you're claiming they didn't chase him? They how in the hell did they end up where he was if they chased after him? If they had merely followed him they would have lost him, they had to have "chased" him in order to catch up to him and manage to place themselves in front of where he was headed so that he's have no choice but to confront them.

Or turn around and go back the way he had just come from AGAIN>
why are you leaving out the most important part??
After being on jury duty many times I can tell all of you what is reported on the news of a situation like this will turn out different than what really happened. Wait until the evidence all comes out to make a decision on it. It does look bad for them though. Depends on what Georgia law says on situations like this.
Well you are partially right....regarding how the media lies.

But anyone who watched Fridays trial episode should understand the state has no case....no real evidence of anything....they presented their first witness Friday....he went over like a lead baloon.

He was a off duty cop when hearing about the incident rushed over.....he had a body cam but it was malfunctioning....did not record audio.....this nonsense went on for a long time....it was totally ridiculous...if the judge had not been biased he would have stopped it....nothing in it was relevant.....the lame ass prosecutor obviously used it because it showed Ahmauds bloody body.....she wanted to shock people....not understanding stuff like that impresses nobody as we see much worse on netdlix etc.

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