Did Biden use his power as VP to help his corrupt son in Ukraine?

That appears to be the gist of what's really going on.
The way Libnutt Logic works is that Joe Biden breaks the law and then the Democrats want to Impeach President Trump for pointing it out.

Apparently a person can not be investigated for breaking the law if they are running for president...
Actually, Nancy is saying a Democrat can't be investigated at any time and when running for president should receive immunity for all past crimes.
Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
That appears to be the gist of what's really going on.
Of course he did, in China as well. Politics are about the accumulation and wielding of power and influence. Everybody in the game, no matter in the minors or in the majors acquire it to use it.
Hmmm, looks like you just jumped right in without reading the link in comment #6.
Read it, and really enjoyed the funny part about supporting the post coup democracy made up of UkroNazis that replaced the freely elected government with one installed by the US.
The is and never was a coup. And Trump was not the freely elected president. Freely elected would mean the one with the most votes. That was not Trump.
Meanwhile in Zimbabwe....the government shut the water off for 2 million people in a city. They better contact Flint, Mi. politicians for da answers.
Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
There is no such law requiring everything be turned over to Congress, Nancy lied about that, just as all the Dems have been lying about the IG calling the complaint credible. You now have access to the transcript to the phone call the whistleblower was complaining about so now that you have more facts than the whistleblower had, why not decide for yourself what the truth is?
Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
Trump released everything. Now it's time for Biden to do the same.
Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:

Yes Leftist loon, but he WILL answer to the American people! Put a fork in him, his candidacy is history! Now go ahead, run with Bernie or Warren, lol. Lets see how that works out for you-)
Not just Ukraine, China too. I doubt we'll ever know. Our DOJ/FBI certainly wouldn't investigate diligently.
Of course we know...

The story behind Biden's son, Ukraine and Trump's claims

Ukraine’s current prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, was quoted by Bloomberg News in May as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden or his son. Bloomberg also reported that the investigation into Burisma was dormant at the time Biden pressed for Shokhin’s ouster
So the Ukraine said neither did anything wrong. That's what I thought-this is just he said she said.
Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:
Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:

Yes Leftist loon, but he WILL answer to the American people! Put a fork in him, his candidacy is history! Now go ahead, run with Bernie or Warren, lol. Lets see how that works out for you-)
The good news is that with NPV, there is no reason for Trump to waste his time in Colorado.

In fact, in terms of sheer numbers, the only state with more Republicans than CA is Texas. California republicans haven't had a real voice in Presidential Politics for "many moons" (as Fauxcahontus would say) but now, they can help Trump take another 196 ECV.

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Hunter Biden had no experience in the petro-chemical business except maybe to fire up his crack pipe. He was kicked out of the Navy reserves for testing positive for illegal drugs. You have to be a TDS infected idiot not to be aware that the former V.P. admitted to using the power of the U.S. government to get the fuk-up a job.
That appears to be the gist of what's really going on.

Based on what???

There to date has been NOT A SINGLE CHARGE OF ANY WRONG DOING against Joe's son. Ukranians said as much.

Can you coherently state what he supposedly did?

Need a special prosecutor to find out.

LOL - thats not how it works outside of Bannana Republic.

You don't just point a finger and say - hey cop, go inspect this person I don't like, maybe you'll find something.

There has to be a REASONABLE SUSPICION of wrongdoing.

We have that with Trump, we don't have that with Biden.
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With California Republicans giving Trump the national popular vote, and with it the ECV of the NPV states.


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