Did Biden use his power as VP to help his corrupt son in Ukraine?

Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Because he doesn't answer to the RNC. If I ask trump to release his taxes, should he?
And the President doesn't have to answer to the DNC, but you have claimed that refusing to disclose his taxes means he is hiding something, so what is Biden hiding if he refuses to disclose his conversations with Ukraine and China while his son had business interests in those places?
Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
Trump released everything. Now it's time for Biden to do the same.
Trump was compelled by law to release the whistle blower's complaint. And he was compelled to release it to the body the law proscribes. There is no law stipulating Biden need turn anything over to the RNC.
Not true. The Justice Department ruled the whistleblower's complaint didn't meet the standard for mandatory release to Congress. Nancy lied about that. Of course Biden doesn't have to allow voters to see transcripts of his conversations with Chinese and Ukrainian officials while his son had business interests in those countries, but why would he hide this from voters if he has nothing to hide?

Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
Trump released everything. Now it's time for Biden to do the same.
Biden has nothing to release.

So this is the cracker you want to get behind?

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he's not my pick for president, but that matters naught.... trump thinks he's gonna win.... I've never thought that...

Trump using his personal lawyer, and presidential power to get a foreign govt to help his own reelection is an abuse of power, and just plain wrong.

it's everything our founders were AGAINST!

We, the people, are suppose to be SELF governed!!!!
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Bottom line there is no law that would prohibit Hunter Biden’s and the other Americans who saw an opportunity to go there and assist them in joining the west and to forget about Russia. Russia was obviously not pleased with Ukraine western tendencies. The issue was corruption with the Ukrainian government. The west wanted to help but they need some assurances that the help was not increasing corruption.

Hunter is not a government employee. So there is no laws broken by taken the job

Did being Joe's son influence the company to hire him

probably but as a business they were looking for energy independence and they hired a few Americans as that was the direction that the company wanted to go. They wanted to move away from Russia dependency and into the world market. Why wouldn't they hire Americans.

Still there has to be a quid pro quo for it to be illegal.

Whether his son got the job or not , they were going to get assistance

Now if you had a very high moral compass, you might not take the job for appearances sake but legally there is nothing that would prohibit him from taking the job as a private citizen.

Bottom line
Hunter was not a government employee or a pretend government employee

There was opportunity and he took it, isn't that the American way. He stayed there even after Biden had left office and just recently resigned from that company when Joe was go to make a run

Trump didn't hesitate to take his dads money or his dad co signing to help him get started.

He could have said "You know dad, I want to do this on my own

now that is funny
That's a fine analysis. This is what you are glossing over. When a Vice President uses the power of his office to get his completely unqualified son to get on the board of a Ukranian Energy Company that is a clear conflict of interest. If he wants to hand his son millions in inheritance as Dona;d Trump's dad did, that is totally fine and a completely different situation.
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
Trump released everything. Now it's time for Biden to do the same.
Biden has nothing to release.

So this is the cracker you want to get behind?

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he's not my pick for president, but that matters naught....

Trump using his personal lawyer, and presidential power to get a foreign govt to help his own reelection is an abuse of power, and just plain wrong.

it's everything our founders were AGAINST!

We, the people, are suppose to be SELF governed!!!!

I haven’t read any transcript, or heard any anonymous whistle blower third party source identified. Seems to be a regular thing thing these days. Last week they were fucking with Kav The last go around wasn’t enough. AOC has her hand up Nancy’s ass, playing socialist puppet master. Plus, Biden is an imbecile. He ran his mouth, and got an investigator fired, I want to hear more. Looks like dorky Liz is your next candidate.

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If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
Trump released everything. Now it's time for Biden to do the same.
Biden has nothing to release.

So this is the cracker you want to get behind?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
he's not my pick for president, but that matters naught.... trump thinks he's gonna win.... I've never thought that...

Trump using his personal lawyer, and presidential power to get a foreign govt to help his own reelection is an abuse of power, and just plain wrong.

it's everything our founders were AGAINST!

We, the people, are suppose to be SELF governed!!!!
Settle down. If you read the transcript of the conversation, all Trump asked was that Ukraine cooperate with ongoing US Justice Department investigations into possible crimes committed by Biden. The founders would certainly not object to that. How can it be Trump's fault if Democrats keep nominating people who are suspected of crimes?
Not just Ukraine, China too. I doubt we'll ever know. Our DOJ/FBI certainly wouldn't investigate diligently.
Of course we know...

The story behind Biden's son, Ukraine and Trump's claims

Ukraine’s current prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, was quoted by Bloomberg News in May as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden or his son. Bloomberg also reported that the investigation into Burisma was dormant at the time Biden pressed for Shokhin’s ouster

Yeah and I’ll believe that coming from a piece of shit like Bloomberg. Good try though. They have Biden on video bragging about. Once the phone call transcript comes out him and his son will be in prison together hopefully joint Clinton and Obama.

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Prominent Democrats don't get indicted, let alone sent to prison.

Yeah that is so true.

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Not just Ukraine, China too. I doubt we'll ever know. Our DOJ/FBI certainly wouldn't investigate diligently.
Of course we know...

The story behind Biden's son, Ukraine and Trump's claims

Ukraine’s current prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, was quoted by Bloomberg News in May as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden or his son. Bloomberg also reported that the investigation into Burisma was dormant at the time Biden pressed for Shokhin’s ouster

Yeah and I’ll believe that coming from a piece of shit like Bloomberg. Good try though. They have Biden on video bragging about. Once the phone call transcript comes out him and his son will be in prison together hopefully joint Clinton and Obama.

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Like it matters what you b'lieve. :lol:

You're only going to b'lieve what you want to b'lieve no matter who says it; which by the way, they're quoting the Ukrainian prosecutor general. And he said what he said regardless of what you rubes b'lieve.

He said that Trump did not pressure him in any way. So where is the threat and problem. There is none and the transcript shows it. You should worry about Biden and his POS son. I don’t care that you don’t believe me. Doesn’t matter. Trump will be re-elected

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Accusations against the Biden's are nothing more than conspiracy theories being used to deflect away from holding our corrupt President accountable. One would think this old overused Trump strategy would have no legs and will disappear in due time, like all the other "what about..." deflections and hoaxes used consistently by Trump and Republicans over the last three years.

Yeah more liberal bullshit and lies. Keep telling yourself that. I know when you see the video of him admitting it and bragging about it you’ll make another excuse for him.

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Not just Ukraine, China too. I doubt we'll ever know. Our DOJ/FBI certainly wouldn't investigate diligently.
Of course we know...

The story behind Biden's son, Ukraine and Trump's claims

Ukraine’s current prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, was quoted by Bloomberg News in May as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden or his son. Bloomberg also reported that the investigation into Burisma was dormant at the time Biden pressed for Shokhin’s ouster

Yeah and I’ll believe that coming from a piece of shit like Bloomberg. Good try though. They have Biden on video bragging about. Once the phone call transcript comes out him and his son will be in prison together hopefully joint Clinton and Obama.

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Like it matters what you b'lieve. :lol:

You're only going to b'lieve what you want to b'lieve no matter who says it; which by the way, they're quoting the Ukrainian prosecutor general. And he said what he said regardless of what you rubes b'lieve.
Putin said he didn’t do anything to help Trump win
That appears to be the gist of what's really going on.
Of course he did, in China as well. Politics are about the accumulation and wielding of power and influence. Everybody in the game, no matter in the minors or in the majors acquire it to use it.
Hmmm, looks like you just jumped right in without reading the link in comment #6.
Read it, and really enjoyed the funny part about supporting the post coup democracy made up of UkroNazis that replaced the freely elected government with one installed by the US.
The is and never was a coup. And Trump was not the freely elected president. Freely elected would mean the one with the most votes. That was not Trump.

Cry baby. Yes that’s why we have the electoral college. States like California and NY, Nj alone could win the popular vote for the amount of people there dumbass. Libtards are trying to destroy the Constitution and it’s not going to happen.

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Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?

Because he is guilty as hell and wants to hide it. Trump turned it over and of course nothing. Now it’s Biden’s turn but he won’t because that’s the Democratic way. Do as I say not as I do.

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Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
There is no such law requiring everything be turned over to Congress, Nancy lied about that, just as all the Dems have been lying about the IG calling the complaint credible. You now have access to the transcript to the phone call the whistleblower was complaining about so now that you have more facts than the whistleblower had, why not decide for yourself what the truth is?

Simple. It’s another Trump witch-hunt.

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If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
Trump released everything. Now it's time for Biden to do the same.
Biden has nothing to release.

So this is the cracker you want to get behind?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
he's not my pick for president, but that matters naught.... trump thinks he's gonna win.... I've never thought that...

Trump using his personal lawyer, and presidential power to get a foreign govt to help his own reelection is an abuse of power, and just plain wrong.

it's everything our founders were AGAINST!

We, the people, are suppose to be SELF governed!!!!

But Biden getting the prosecutor going after his son fired and a mult-billion dollar payment made is ok. Then Biden admitting he did it and bragging about it on video is ok. What did Trump do. Nothing was proved He turned over the phone call. Now if Biden has nothing to hide time for him to turn it over.

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Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Because he doesn't answer to the RNC. If I ask trump to release his taxes, should he?
And the President doesn't have to answer to the DNC, but you have claimed that refusing to disclose his taxes means he is hiding something, so what is Biden hiding if he refuses to disclose his conversations with Ukraine and China while his son had business interests in those places?
The president must answer to the congress. That's whos making the demands. Not the DNC.
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
Trump released everything. Now it's time for Biden to do the same.
Biden has nothing to release.

So this is the cracker you want to get behind?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
he's not my pick for president, but that matters naught.... trump thinks he's gonna win.... I've never thought that...

Trump using his personal lawyer, and presidential power to get a foreign govt to help his own reelection is an abuse of power, and just plain wrong.

it's everything our founders were AGAINST!

We, the people, are suppose to be SELF governed!!!!

But Biden getting the prosecutor going after his son fired and a mult-billion dollar payment made is ok. Then Biden admitting he did it and bragging about it on video is ok. What did Trump do. Nothing was proved He turned over the phone call. Now if Biden has nothing to hide time for him to turn it over.

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Except he didn't do that. So he has nothing to turn over.

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