Did last nights debate change anyone's mind on who they are voting for?

Did the debate change your mind

  • Was Trump, now Biden

  • Was Biden, now Trump

  • Was Trump, still Trump

  • Was Biden, still Biden

  • Was Trump, now neither

  • Was Biden, now neither

  • Never planned to vote for either one.

Results are only viewable after voting.
So, did last night change anyone's mind?
That is not a real question for this forum. Everyone who comes here is pretty much entrenched in their beliefs and direction they want the country to go.

However, this will be an interesting question to ask the population at large. The center was already beginning to move and break for Trump. After last night, I think even some of the more moderate left will hold their noses and vote Trump unless the Dems pull something out of their collective asses soon.
on one of the shows this morning they reported that about 19% are undecided or leaning one way or the other. And that about 5% changed their minds last night. Which way I do not know.
That is not a real question for this forum. Everyone who comes here is pretty much entrenched in their beliefs and direction they want the country to go.

However, this will be an interesting question to ask the population at large. The center was already beginning to move and break for Trump. After last night, I think even some of the more moderate left will hold their noses and vote Trump unless the Dems pull something out of their collective asses soon.

If every our country had the chance to stop the stranglehold of the duopoly this year it is, the two worst/most flawed candidates in the history of the nation...and yet partisan loyalties will again win out over the good of the nation.
If every our country had the chance to stop the stranglehold of the duopoly this year it is, the two worst/most flawed candidates in the history of the nation...and yet partisan loyalties will again win out over the good of the nation.

Unfortunately there is no third party candidate to get many votes away from the big 2 (no, I don't think RFK Jr is the one to do that). Perhaps we'll see more of a move toward third party candidates after this election...but I doubt it.
America is too great to settle for the lessor of two evils ...

Shiva the Destroy for President ...

Iran's volunteered to host World War III ...

we have been doing that for decades. These two are the result of doing that for so long
Well i will still be voting Biden if he runs vs throwing democracy out the window. I'd rather not vote for a dude past his prime though and Biden looked passed his prime.

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