Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

Defense had live video of attack in Benghazi

By Guy Taylor

Live video from a drone flying over the U.S. Consulate during the Sept. 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, was monitored at a Defense Department facility, but was not fed to the White House, senior officials say.

The Obama administration has declined to respond to media requests for details about who was watching the live video, but a senior defense official told The Washington Times that “the surveillance aircraft captured footage of events on the ground” and “it wasn’t available that night at the White House.” [[[Ya Right!!!]]]

The officials said the “overhead footage was available at a DOD location,” and they declined to comment further.


Read more: Defense had live video of attack in Benghazi - Washington Times
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Yanno...............we've got several news stations that have covered the attack on a shopping mall in Oregon.

It's an attack that killed 2 victims, and wounded another severely. 100 cops are on the ground, trying to put it all together.

There are also a lot of news stations currently running the story with live feeds.

What does all this mean? Even with all the equipment, cops, and news anchors on the ground, we still don't know the full extent of this situation over in Oregon.

Are you gonna tell me that they can figure out everything with just a couple of drone passes in Benghazi?
Did they watch via live feed??

I've read in some articles that they did and in others that they didn't. Is it possible? Yes.

Those are facts you can bet the administration will never let out there.

The only fact I need is that three good men and an ambassador are dead.

That requests for additional security were ignored.

That no help was sent.

That this administration could care less about those dead men and that fuck in the WH had no problem taking off for his fundraiser in Vegas. Priorities after all.

All the lefties on this board who are defending that fuck would be singing a different tune if one of their loved ones were dead in that consulate. They would all be screaming for answers not defending Barry and his pack of incompetant boobs and his lousy State Department.
Yanno...............we've got several news stations that have covered the attack on a shopping mall in Oregon.

It's an attack that killed 2 victims, and wounded another severely. 100 cops are on the ground, trying to put it all together.

There are also a lot of news stations currently running the story with live feeds.

What does all this mean? Even with all the equipment, cops, and news anchors on the ground, we still don't know the full extent of this situation over in Oregon.

Are you gonna tell me that they can figure out everything with just a couple of drone passes in Benghazi?

Next they'll want to impeach the President over the Shopping mall incident.
Did they watch via live feed??

I've read in some articles that they did and in others that they didn't. Is it possible? Yes.

Those are facts you can bet the administration will never let out there.

The only fact I need is that three good men and an ambassador are dead.

That requests for additional security were ignored.

That no help was sent.

That this administration could care less about those dead men and that fuck in the WH had no problem taking off for his fundraiser in Vegas. Priorities after all.

All the lefties on this board who are defending that fuck would be singing a different tune if one of their loved ones were dead in that consulate. They would all be screaming for answers not defending Barry and his pack of incompetant boobs and his lousy State Department.
Just curious...are you a self-proclaimed Christian?
Yanno................last night there were 2 major news organizations covering the Oregon shooting (MSNBC and CNN, because FAUX Nooze had to run O'reilly's show), as well as several local affiliates.

There were over 100 police officers on the ground, and lots of EMT workers trying to take care of the people and sort out what happened.

We still don't know much about this shooting, even though we had cameras all over the place interviewing witnesses.

My question is............................how much can you REALLY tell about the Benghazi attack from just 1 drone flying overhead? My guess is that they didn't really know exactly how things went down until around 2 weeks after the attack, because information was fragmented and sketchy.

And a lot of that information is classified, because to release it could possibly do some damage to our intelligence networks.

Face it.......................you right wing idiots don't have anything concerning this issue, just hearsay and bullshit.
Yanno...............we've got several news stations that have covered the attack on a shopping mall in Oregon.

It's an attack that killed 2 victims, and wounded another severely. 100 cops are on the ground, trying to put it all together.

There are also a lot of news stations currently running the story with live feeds.

What does all this mean? Even with all the equipment, cops, and news anchors on the ground, we still don't know the full extent of this situation over in Oregon.

Are you gonna tell me that they can figure out everything with just a couple of drone passes in Benghazi?

We know way too much about Benghazi to think that Obama should be allowed to keep his job. Time to ditch the bum.
Rep. King: Benghazi 10 times bigger than Watergate, Iran-Contra combined

By David Sherfinski

Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican, said Wednesday that the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, is 10 times bigger than the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals put together.

"I believe that it's a lot bigger than Watergate, and if you link Watergate and Iran-Contra together and multiply it times maybe 10 or so, you're going to get in the zone where Benghazi is," Mr. King said. "I don't think the public has any idea, and I tell you, I don't either, of the chronology of the events — what took place, and who was where doing what and why. And all the way down through — we still haven't seen an autopsy report on the ambassador yet. Simple questions that you would ask in the first 24 hours have not been asked yet."

The Obama administration has faced intense criticism both for its handling of the attack and for the confusing and at time conflicting messages it put out afterward on what happened.


Read more: Rep. King: Benghazi 10 times bigger than Watergate, Iran-Contra combined - Washington Times
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I've suddenly remembered that i've forgotten.
Could someone please explain again why it is so earth-shatteringly important when, or if, Obama/Rice/Clinton etc said the word 'terrorist'?
Did they watch via live feed??

I've read in some articles that they did and in others that they didn't. Is it possible? Yes.

Those are facts you can bet the administration will never let out there.

The only fact I need is that three good men and an ambassador are dead.

That requests for additional security were ignored.

That no help was sent.

That this administration could care less about those dead men and that fuck in the WH had no problem taking off for his fundraiser in Vegas. Priorities after all.

All the lefties on this board who are defending that fuck would be singing a different tune if one of their loved ones were dead in that consulate. They would all be screaming for answers not defending Barry and his pack of incompetant boobs and his lousy State Department.
Just curious...are you a self-proclaimed Christian?

Just curious. Are you??
Say isn't that the guy that said the Acorn Scandel was bigger than Watergate?

What a joke. Combining the two worst Republican Scandels. Hahahaha. An impeachment resolution will not even get out of committee.

Rep. King: Benghazi 10 times bigger than Watergate, Iran-Contra combined

By David Sherfinski

Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican, said Wednesday that the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, is 10 times bigger than the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals put together.

"I believe that it's a lot bigger than Watergate, and if you link Watergate and Iran-Contra together and multiply it times maybe 10 or so, you're going to get in the zone where Benghazi is," Mr. King said. "I don't think the public has any idea, and I tell you, I don't either, of the chronology of the events — what took place, and who was where doing what and why. And all the way down through — we still haven't seen an autopsy report on the ambassador yet. Simple questions that you would ask in the first 24 hours have not been asked yet."

The Obama administration has faced intense criticism both for its handling of the attack and for the confusing and at time conflicting messages it put out afterward on what happened.


Read more: Rep. King: Benghazi 10 times bigger than Watergate, Iran-Contra combined - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
Yanno................last night there were 2 major news organizations covering the Oregon shooting (MSNBC and CNN, because FAUX Nooze had to run O'reilly's show), as well as several local affiliates.

There were over 100 police officers on the ground, and lots of EMT workers trying to take care of the people and sort out what happened.

We still don't know much about this shooting, even though we had cameras all over the place interviewing witnesses.

My question is............................how much can you REALLY tell about the Benghazi attack from just 1 drone flying overhead? My guess is that they didn't really know exactly how things went down until around 2 weeks after the attack, because information was fragmented and sketchy.

And a lot of that information is classified, because to release it could possibly do some damage to our intelligence networks.

Face it.......................you right wing idiots don't have anything concerning this issue, just hearsay and bullshit.

Apparently you didn't watch the Sheperd Smith hour preceding O'Reilly, then you would have been brought up to speed on the Portland Oregon shooting.
OP- Of course not, Pure Pubcrappe. About a tragedy only total hypocrite a-holes would try to politicize. PFFFFT! Pub dupes! change the channel, shytteheads...LOL And good night.

Hillary Clinton to testify on Benghazi

By Lucy Madison /
CBS News

Amid ongoing questions about the September violence in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton heads to Capitol Hill next week to testify on the matter, appearing before both House and Senate committees to answer questions about the sequence of events that led up to the attacks, and how the State Department hopes to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Hillary Clinton to testify on Benghazi - CBS News

Obama Doubled Down on Rice--and Lost

by Joel B. Pollak

President Barack Obama has suffered a major political defeat with Susan Rice's withdrawal today of her name from consideration as the next Secretary of State. A month ago, Obama raised the stakes by defending Rice angrily in his first post-election press conference, challenging Republicans to "go after" him instead. He and his party cast Republican objections as racist and sexist, rather than motivated by legitimate concerns about her role in lying to the public about the Benghazi terror attack and her thin record as ambassador to the United Nations.
Obama Doubled Down on Rice--and Lost
If what is suspected is true, what have we become as a country? In the name of politics, is there justification in the sacrifice of one American? Have we now evolved into a country that is willing to compromise justice and honor in the name of diplomacy?

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