Did right wing Republicans and left wing Democrats learn anything from he 2018 midterms?

We can only hope that a lesson was learned from Tuesday night. That this country is center and it will remain center. It's not a place where you can run a liberal Democrat in a Republican district and expect to win, or a right wing Republican can hold a seat with Trump at the helm & or fighting a battle with a good moderate Democrat.

Who in their wildest dreams would have ever believed that Ted Cruz came that close to losing his seat to a liberal Democrat in Beto O'rourke in red state Texas? Most certainly if Democrats would have put up a moderate Democrat--aka Blue dog Democrat--Ted Cruz would have been looking for a new job this morning. The only state that went wild and elected a liberal Governor was Colorado. Jared Polis won the Governor in this state, but that was due "only" to the Trump effect. Trump is toxic in this state. 2 years ago, or prior to Trump, Polis wouldn't have stood a chance at winning in a state wide election here. Of course when Anderson Cooper asked Bernie Sanders about the loss in Texas he denied that was the reason. Anderson should have asked Sanders about him getting his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat popular primary votes but didn't do it.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


What we witnessed in a great economy was the war between the Republican Suburbanites, and the Republican Rualities. Along with Independents coming out, along with Democrats--made for the year of WOMEN winning everywhere. Women voters went 67% to the Democrats--literally kicking ass. The Tea Party was crushed by their own--Republican suburbanites. Independents remain the largest voting block in this country, then Democrats, and now the Republican party who has supposedly lost 10 to 15 million members since Trump was elected.

And the win for Democrats this year was yuuuuuge--and it continues to grow as not all votes haven't been counted yet. Here is a great article on this. Was it a blue wave?
Analysis | Democrats pinned their hopes on a ‘blue wave’ in the midterms. Is that what happened?
Ted Cruz is universally disliked by both parties

Beto ran as himself. He avoided the gutter politics and came off as a young and refreshing political voice

Not the last we will have heard of him

He is playing obamas game, and that was a cluster fuck..that led us to Trump

Bigotry and hatred led to trump
We can only hope that a lesson was learned from Tuesday night. That this country is center and it will remain center. It's not a place where you can run a liberal Democrat in a Republican district and expect to win, or a right wing Republican can hold a seat with Trump at the helm & or fighting a battle with a good moderate Democrat.

Who in their wildest dreams would have ever believed that Ted Cruz came that close to losing his seat to a liberal Democrat in Beto O'rourke in red state Texas? Most certainly if Democrats would have put up a moderate Democrat--aka Blue dog Democrat--Ted Cruz would have been looking for a new job this morning. The only state that went wild and elected a liberal Governor was Colorado. Jared Polis won the Governor in this state, but that was due "only" to the Trump effect. Trump is toxic in this state. 2 years ago, or prior to Trump, Polis wouldn't have stood a chance at winning in a state wide election here. Of course when Anderson Cooper asked Bernie Sanders about the loss in Texas he denied that was the reason. Anderson should have asked Sanders about him getting his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat popular primary votes but didn't do it.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


What we witnessed in a great economy was the war between the Republican Suburbanites, and the Republican Rualities. Along with Independents coming out, along with Democrats--made for the year of WOMEN winning everywhere. Women voters went 67% to the Democrats--literally kicking ass. The Tea Party was crushed by their own--Republican suburbanites. Independents remain the largest voting block in this country, then Democrats, and now the Republican party who has supposedly lost 10 to 15 million members since Trump was elected.

And the win for Democrats this year was yuuuuuge--and it continues to grow as not all votes haven't been counted yet. Here is a great article on this. Was it a blue wave?
Analysis | Democrats pinned their hopes on a ‘blue wave’ in the midterms. Is that what happened?
Ted Cruz is universally disliked by both parties

Beto ran as himself. He avoided the gutter politics and came off as a young and refreshing political voice

Not the last we will have heard of him

He is playing obamas game, and that was a cluster fuck..that led us to Trump

Bigotry and hatred led to trump

No bill Clinton led to Trump

.you Stupid fuckers

You don't seem to get that you were exterminated on Tuesday.

LOL. I gave up on the voters years ago. When I talk about extermination, I’m talking mass graves filled with the bodies of voters.
We can only hope that a lesson was learned from Tuesday night. That this country is center and it will remain center. It's not a place where you can run a liberal Democrat in a Republican district and expect to win, or a right wing Republican can hold a seat with Trump at the helm & or fighting a battle with a good moderate Democrat.

Who in their wildest dreams would have ever believed that Ted Cruz came that close to losing his seat to a liberal Democrat in Beto O'rourke in red state Texas? Most certainly if Democrats would have put up a moderate Democrat--aka Blue dog Democrat--Ted Cruz would have been looking for a new job this morning. The only state that went wild and elected a liberal Governor was Colorado. Jared Polis won the Governor in this state, but that was due "only" to the Trump effect. Trump is toxic in this state. 2 years ago, or prior to Trump, Polis wouldn't have stood a chance at winning in a state wide election here. Of course when Anderson Cooper asked Bernie Sanders about the loss in Texas he denied that was the reason. Anderson should have asked Sanders about him getting his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat popular primary votes but didn't do it.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


What we witnessed in a great economy was the war between the Republican Suburbanites, and the Republican Rualities. Along with Independents coming out, along with Democrats--made for the year of WOMEN winning everywhere. Women voters went 67% to the Democrats--literally kicking ass. The Tea Party was crushed by their own--Republican suburbanites. Independents remain the largest voting block in this country, then Democrats, and now the Republican party who has supposedly lost 10 to 15 million members since Trump was elected.

And the win for Democrats this year was yuuuuuge--and it continues to grow as not all votes haven't been counted yet. Here is a great article on this. Was it a blue wave?
Analysis | Democrats pinned their hopes on a ‘blue wave’ in the midterms. Is that what happened?
Ted Cruz is universally disliked by both parties

Beto ran as himself. He avoided the gutter politics and came off as a young and refreshing political voice

Not the last we will have heard of him

He is playing obamas game, and that was a cluster fuck..that led us to Trump

Bigotry and hatred led to trump

No bill Clinton led to Trump

.you Stupid fuckers


Here's what's going on in red state Arizona right now.

It's fairly clear that this country hates Trump. You were warned a thousand times over about Trump, and you ignored every single one of them. Now as predicted a million times over the Republican party is being systematically destroyed. Frankly I don't feel a damn bit sorry for you.
We can only hope that a lesson was learned from Tuesday night. That this country is center and it will remain center. It's not a place where you can run a liberal Democrat in a Republican district and expect to win, or a right wing Republican can hold a seat with Trump at the helm & or fighting a battle with a good moderate Democrat.

Who in their wildest dreams would have ever believed that Ted Cruz came that close to losing his seat to a liberal Democrat in Beto O'rourke in red state Texas? Most certainly if Democrats would have put up a moderate Democrat--aka Blue dog Democrat--Ted Cruz would have been looking for a new job this morning. The only state that went wild and elected a liberal Governor was Colorado. Jared Polis won the Governor in this state, but that was due "only" to the Trump effect. Trump is toxic in this state. 2 years ago, or prior to Trump, Polis wouldn't have stood a chance at winning in a state wide election here. Of course when Anderson Cooper asked Bernie Sanders about the loss in Texas he denied that was the reason. Anderson should have asked Sanders about him getting his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat popular primary votes but didn't do it.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


What we witnessed in a great economy was the war between the Republican Suburbanites, and the Republican Rualities. Along with Independents coming out, along with Democrats--made for the year of WOMEN winning everywhere. Women voters went 67% to the Democrats--literally kicking ass. The Tea Party was crushed by their own--Republican suburbanites. Independents remain the largest voting block in this country, then Democrats, and now the Republican party who has supposedly lost 10 to 15 million members since Trump was elected.

And the win for Democrats this year was yuuuuuge--and it continues to grow as not all votes haven't been counted yet. Here is a great article on this. Was it a blue wave?
Analysis | Democrats pinned their hopes on a ‘blue wave’ in the midterms. Is that what happened?
Ted Cruz is universally disliked by both parties

Beto ran as himself. He avoided the gutter politics and came off as a young and refreshing political voice

Not the last we will have heard of him

He is playing obamas game, and that was a cluster fuck..that led us to Trump

Bigotry and hatred led to trump

No bill Clinton led to Trump

.you Stupid fuckers


Here's what's going on in red state Arizona right now.

It's fairly clear that this country hates Trump. You were warned a thousand times over about Trump, and you ignored every single one of them. Now as predicted a million times over the Republican party is being systematically destroyed. Frankly I don't feel a damn bit sorry for you.

Here is whats going in a red state a week ago..

Oh yeah Wyoming has 29 times more voting power then California


We can only hope that a lesson was learned from Tuesday night. That this country is center and it will remain center. It's not a place where you can run a liberal Democrat in a Republican district and expect to win, or a right wing Republican can hold a seat with Trump at the helm & or fighting a battle with a good moderate Democrat.

Who in their wildest dreams would have ever believed that Ted Cruz came that close to losing his seat to a liberal Democrat in Beto O'rourke in red state Texas? Most certainly if Democrats would have put up a moderate Democrat--aka Blue dog Democrat--Ted Cruz would have been looking for a new job this morning. The only state that went wild and elected a liberal Governor was Colorado. Jared Polis won the Governor in this state, but that was due "only" to the Trump effect. Trump is toxic in this state. 2 years ago, or prior to Trump, Polis wouldn't have stood a chance at winning in a state wide election here. Of course when Anderson Cooper asked Bernie Sanders about the loss in Texas he denied that was the reason. Anderson should have asked Sanders about him getting his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat popular primary votes but didn't do it.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


What we witnessed in a great economy was the war between the Republican Suburbanites, and the Republican Rualities. Along with Independents coming out, along with Democrats--made for the year of WOMEN winning everywhere. Women voters went 67% to the Democrats--literally kicking ass. The Tea Party was crushed by their own--Republican suburbanites. Independents remain the largest voting block in this country, then Democrats, and now the Republican party who has supposedly lost 10 to 15 million members since Trump was elected.

And the win for Democrats this year was yuuuuuge--and it continues to grow as not all votes haven't been counted yet. Here is a great article on this. Was it a blue wave?
Analysis | Democrats pinned their hopes on a ‘blue wave’ in the midterms. Is that what happened?
Ted Cruz is universally disliked by both parties

Beto ran as himself. He avoided the gutter politics and came off as a young and refreshing political voice

Not the last we will have heard of him

He is playing obamas game, and that was a cluster fuck..that led us to Trump

Bigotry and hatred led to trump

No bill Clinton led to Trump

.you Stupid fuckers


Actually, deranged men in women’s showers led to Trump.
We can only hope that a lesson was learned from Tuesday night. That this country is center and it will remain center. It's not a place where you can run a liberal Democrat in a Republican district and expect to win, or a right wing Republican can hold a seat with Trump at the helm & or fighting a battle with a good moderate Democrat.

Who in their wildest dreams would have ever believed that Ted Cruz came that close to losing his seat to a liberal Democrat in Beto O'rourke in red state Texas? Most certainly if Democrats would have put up a moderate Democrat--aka Blue dog Democrat--Ted Cruz would have been looking for a new job this morning. The only state that went wild and elected a liberal Governor was Colorado. Jared Polis won the Governor in this state, but that was due "only" to the Trump effect. Trump is toxic in this state. 2 years ago, or prior to Trump, Polis wouldn't have stood a chance at winning in a state wide election here. Of course when Anderson Cooper asked Bernie Sanders about the loss in Texas he denied that was the reason. Anderson should have asked Sanders about him getting his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat popular primary votes but didn't do it.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


What we witnessed in a great economy was the war between the Republican Suburbanites, and the Republican Rualities. Along with Independents coming out, along with Democrats--made for the year of WOMEN winning everywhere. Latino's came out, blacks came out, everyone was voting. Women voters went 67% to the Democrats--literally kicking ass. The Tea Party was crushed by their own--Republican suburbanites. Independents remain the largest voting block in this country, then Democrats, and now the Republican party who has supposedly lost 10 to 15 million members since Trump was elected.

And the win for Democrats this year was yuuuuuge--and it continues to grow as not all votes haven't been counted yet. The one to watch right now is the Senate race in Arizona, where the Democrat, Sinema is currently leading Republican McSally who whollly embraced Trump's immigration policies. Here is a great article on this. Was it a blue wave?
Analysis | Democrats pinned their hopes on a ‘blue wave’ in the midterms. Is that what happened?

The midterm election sure taught me something.

It taught me that the DNC finally learned how to collude with Putin.
Yep. And isn't it ironic that, at the same time, both parties are controlled by their fundamentalists?

Both ends want to think that moderate Americans are the exception, that they're flawed, and they attack them as they would an enemy.


Exactly but I think we're seeing the rise of the Blue dog Democrats--the JFK's of the party that may set a standard for getting back to middle ground where once long ago Democrats and Republicans could actually work together to get things done for the American public.

Moderates are the majorities of both party's, and they certainly rang a bell on Tuesday night.
Oh, holy hell, I hope you're right about the Blue Dogs.

Just judging from the special elections over the last two years, and this midterm it's evident that the Blue Dog's (moderate Democrats) are the ones that are winning and the ones who can appeal to both sides, which is making them winners, even in predominately Republican districts.
That would be great. My concern right now is that we'll once again swing too far in the opposite direction.

That's always a concern, but so far we haven't seen that happen. I think moderates have realized they have to take this country back from the right & left wings of both parties.

Moderates will not take the parties back any time soon, the extremes are more motivated to vote the. Moderates, that is why we see so many nuts come out of the primaries.
We can only hope that a lesson was learned from Tuesday night. That this country is center and it will remain center. It's not a place where you can run a liberal Democrat in a Republican district and expect to win, or a right wing Republican can hold a seat with Trump at the helm & or fighting a battle with a good moderate Democrat.

Who in their wildest dreams would have ever believed that Ted Cruz came that close to losing his seat to a liberal Democrat in Beto O'rourke in red state Texas? Most certainly if Democrats would have put up a moderate Democrat--aka Blue dog Democrat--Ted Cruz would have been looking for a new job this morning. The only state that went wild and elected a liberal Governor was Colorado. Jared Polis won the Governor in this state, but that was due "only" to the Trump effect. Trump is toxic in this state. 2 years ago, or prior to Trump, Polis wouldn't have stood a chance at winning in a state wide election here. Of course when Anderson Cooper asked Bernie Sanders about the loss in Texas he denied that was the reason. Anderson should have asked Sanders about him getting his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat popular primary votes but didn't do it.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


What we witnessed in a great economy was the war between the Republican Suburbanites, and the Republican Rualities. Along with Independents coming out, along with Democrats--made for the year of WOMEN winning everywhere. Latino's came out, blacks came out, everyone was voting. Women voters went 67% to the Democrats--literally kicking ass. The Tea Party was crushed by their own--Republican suburbanites. Independents remain the largest voting block in this country, then Democrats, and now the Republican party who has supposedly lost 10 to 15 million members since Trump was elected.

And the win for Democrats this year was yuuuuuge--and it continues to grow as not all votes haven't been counted yet. The one to watch right now is the Senate race in Arizona, where the Democrat, Sinema is currently leading Republican McSally who whollly embraced Trump's immigration policies. Here is a great article on this. Was it a blue wave?
Analysis | Democrats pinned their hopes on a ‘blue wave’ in the midterms. Is that what happened?

The midterm election sure taught me something.

It taught me that the DNC finally learned how to collude with Putin.

You must think this is a FOX NEWS facebook page--:auiqs.jpg:

Just redirect to this link on this board and spend more than 2 seconds reading an article that was confirmed by James Clapper, National Intelligence director, under sworn testimony over a year ago. You can also watch a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL


If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority house leaders on January 20. 2019.
Exactly but I think we're seeing the rise of the Blue dog Democrats--the JFK's of the party that may set a standard for getting back to middle ground where once long ago Democrats and Republicans could actually work together to get things done for the American public.

Moderates are the majorities of both party's, and they certainly rang a bell on Tuesday night.
Oh, holy hell, I hope you're right about the Blue Dogs.

Just judging from the special elections over the last two years, and this midterm it's evident that the Blue Dog's (moderate Democrats) are the ones that are winning and the ones who can appeal to both sides, which is making them winners, even in predominately Republican districts.
That would be great. My concern right now is that we'll once again swing too far in the opposite direction.

That's always a concern, but so far we haven't seen that happen. I think moderates have realized they have to take this country back from the right & left wings of both parties.

Moderates will not take the parties back any time soon, the extremes are more motivated to vote the. Moderates, that is why we see so many nuts come out of the primaries.

I'll agree with you over the past years we have seen a lot of nutcases come out of the primaries--due to very low participation--especially regarding caucus's. But a lot more states have adopted primary's, meaning everyone has a chance to vote for their preferred candidate--making it much harder for right or left wing nut cases to take over the primary process.

But no doubt on Tuesday--the moderates won the battle. And it's not over yet. This article has some good stats in it.
For Democrats, a midterm election that keeps on giving
The moderates of both parties weren't gutless on Tuesday. They showed the right & left wings of both parties who has the real power.

Just shows how much they all need to be exterminated from American society.

You don't seem to get that you were exterminated on Tuesday.

Here's a look at what is going on in red state Arizona right now.

And take a look at who is trying to help block the uncounted ballots? Give you a hint, he's from Colorado.
The moderates of both parties weren't gutless on Tuesday. They showed the right & left wings of both parties who has the real power.

Just shows how much they all need to be exterminated from American society.

You don't seem to get that you were exterminated on Tuesday.

Here's a look at what is going on in red state Arizona right now.

And take a look at who is trying to help block the uncounted ballots? Give you a hint, he's from Colorado.

You're talking about Cory Gardner. You can color him GONE in 2020. I know I live in Colorado. this article mentions Colorado along with a lot of other midterm election stats that you may find interesting.
For Democrats, a midterm election that keeps on giving
The moderates of both parties weren't gutless on Tuesday. They showed the right & left wings of both parties who has the real power.

Just shows how much they all need to be exterminated from American society.

You don't seem to get that you were exterminated on Tuesday.

Here's a look at what is going on in red state Arizona right now.

And take a look at who is trying to help block the uncounted ballots? Give you a hint, he's from Colorado.

You're talking about Cory Gardner. You can color him GONE in 2020. I know I live in Colorado. this article mentions Colorado along with a lot of other midterm election stats that you may find interesting.
For Democrats, a midterm election that keeps on giving

I am so sick of him talking out of his ass when he talks to us. He plays the old "I haven't Decided Yet" game and then pulls the alt-right lever. I wonder is they are saving Hickenlooper for that seat. If so, Gardner can go back to plowing corn fields again.
Oh, holy hell, I hope you're right about the Blue Dogs.

Just judging from the special elections over the last two years, and this midterm it's evident that the Blue Dog's (moderate Democrats) are the ones that are winning and the ones who can appeal to both sides, which is making them winners, even in predominately Republican districts.
That would be great. My concern right now is that we'll once again swing too far in the opposite direction.

That's always a concern, but so far we haven't seen that happen. I think moderates have realized they have to take this country back from the right & left wings of both parties.

Moderates will not take the parties back any time soon, the extremes are more motivated to vote the. Moderates, that is why we see so many nuts come out of the primaries.

I'll agree with you over the past years we have seen a lot of nutcases come out of the primaries--due to very low participation--especially regarding caucus's. But a lot more states have adopted primary's, meaning everyone has a chance to vote for their preferred candidate--making it much harder for right or left wing nut cases to take over the primary process.

But no doubt on Tuesday--the moderates won the battle. And it's not over yet. This article has some good stats in it.
For Democrats, a midterm election that keeps on giving

Respectfully disagree, the blue got bluer and the red redder. The best in is the House went Blue, the Senate went red and now we have the balance of gridlock. I will enjoy the new Congress.
Respectfully disagree, the blue got bluer and the red redder. The best in is the House went Blue, the Senate went red and now we have the balance of gridlock. I will enjoy the new Congress.

I have no use for gridlock. There’s 150+ years of laws, regulations and policy that need to be undone. I’d rather see it all go Blue, as a means to infuriate the Red than having it split.
Just judging from the special elections over the last two years, and this midterm it's evident that the Blue Dog's (moderate Democrats) are the ones that are winning and the ones who can appeal to both sides, which is making them winners, even in predominately Republican districts.
That would be great. My concern right now is that we'll once again swing too far in the opposite direction.

That's always a concern, but so far we haven't seen that happen. I think moderates have realized they have to take this country back from the right & left wings of both parties.

Moderates will not take the parties back any time soon, the extremes are more motivated to vote the. Moderates, that is why we see so many nuts come out of the primaries.

I'll agree with you over the past years we have seen a lot of nutcases come out of the primaries--due to very low participation--especially regarding caucus's. But a lot more states have adopted primary's, meaning everyone has a chance to vote for their preferred candidate--making it much harder for right or left wing nut cases to take over the primary process.

But no doubt on Tuesday--the moderates won the battle. And it's not over yet. This article has some good stats in it.
For Democrats, a midterm election that keeps on giving

Respectfully disagree, the blue got bluer and the red redder. The best in is the House went Blue, the Senate went red and now we have the balance of gridlock. I will enjoy the new Congress.

Actually, the Bluedog Dems replaced some of the Reps. The Bluedogs are moderates. The only reason the House won't work together now would be if the Reps in the House start the tired party of NO. Same goes for the Senate. If it becomes a deadlock for the next two years, don't look for the Senate to stay red. And I don't want to see one party have both houses. This is what gets us into trouble every time when the Radicals of either party can get their hijinx into law.

They either learn to work together now or some replacements are going to happen. The US Public is fed up. Trump is not a sickness, he's a symptom and the wakeup call in the house elections is another wakeup call. The question is, will both sides finally wake the hell up.
They either learn to work together now or some replacements are going to happen. The US Public is fed up. Trump is not a sickness, he's a symptom and the wakeup call in the house elections is another wakeup call. The question is, will both sides finally wake the hell up.
holy crap


Here's hoping. Trump is indeed a symptom, and hopefully he was a wake-up call. We've gotta marginalize the crazies, somehow. If Trump's presence doesn't demonstrate that something is seriously wrong, nothing will.

I don't know if enough Blue Dogs were elected to either make a difference or get the ball rolling, but it's certainly worth hoping for.
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