Did right wing Republicans and left wing Democrats learn anything from he 2018 midterms?

The far left & far right have a lot in common. They're easily manipulated into believing false narratives and are often preyed upon by certain politicians that prey on the ignorance of their supporters.
I would say "obedient ideology" instead of "ignorance", but it's nice to know I'm not the only one saying this.

The wingers sure don't like HEARING it, THAT'S for sure.

^^^votes for Hillary and pretends to be in the middle :21:
[QUOTE="oreo, post: 21175813, member: 11951”]And you wonder why so many have left the the Republican party[/QUOTE]

I’m not a Republican. I’m an ultra-Conservative. I agree with your article - very few Republicans are actual Conservatives; that’s why they need to be dragged out of the halls of politics and executed right next to their Democrat brethren.
The far left & far right have a lot in common. They're easily manipulated into believing false narratives and are often preyed upon by certain politicians that prey on the ignorance of their supporters.
I would say "obedient ideology" instead of "ignorance", but it's nice to know I'm not the only one saying this. The wingers sure don't like HEARING it, THAT'S for sure.
^^^votes for Hillary and pretends to be in the middle :21:
Nope, not in the middle, never claimed to be, please see line 2 of my sig.

Strike one!
And the win for Democrats this year was yuuuuuge--

Was it really, cookie-brain? It was a good year if you were a woman, a minority or foreigner. As always, the DNC eschews the mainstream American. So was that a win? Actually, all the democrats accomplished was to patch up their wall a bit, in nearly every case where they ran a big name liberal, they lost. The last fad was skin color, now it is gender. The democrats are running out of special interest groups to play off of.

So now we all must sit back as the new muslim democrats will promote muslim interests while all the women democrats play off their nesting instincts promoting safety for home and family (gun bans), and "common-sense" regulations. Don't worry, Oreo, Mom is still looking out for you.
And the win for Democrats this year was yuuuuuge--

Was it really, cookie-brain? It was a good year if you were a woman, a minority or foreigner. As always, the DNC eschews the mainstream American. So was that a win? Actually, all the democrats accomplished was to patch up their wall a bit, in nearly every case where they ran a big name liberal, they lost. The last fad was skin color, now it is gender. The democrats are running out of special interest groups to play off of.

So now we all must sit back as the new muslim democrats will promote muslim interests while all the women democrats play off their nesting instincts promoting safety for home and family (gun bans), and "common-sense" regulations. Don't worry, Oreo, Mom is still looking out for you.

Well--Duh that's what this thread is about. Too far right--too far left is a loser. Presidents don't lose this many seats in an off year election with unemployment rates at 3.7%. So it was Trump. He received a message that was heard around the world.

Every race west of the Mississippi was bleeding Republican house seats, in Republican strongholds. And it's still not over.
For Democrats, a midterm election that keeps on giving

It might interest you to know that I am one of those former Republicans. I was a life long Republican until you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN. I have over 17K posts on this board to prove it.


Yeah, I would say you right wingers have boosted the spirits of Democrats. 10 to 15 million other Republicans have left the Republican party since Trump was elected.

So point your blame fingers in the right direction this time.



This election was a clear condemnation of 'Donald Trump--there is no way to get around that. You were warned by many during the primaries about Trump--and you ignored every single warning. Frankly I don't feel a damn bit sorry for you. Maybe you'll be a little smarter next time around, if you ever get that chance again?
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It's fairly clear you just lost that war. When 10 to 15 million leave the Republican party since Trump has been in office, the Republican party has been reduced to a party of ôld angry white men, and you're not going to win many elections with that group.

Wars don’t involve votes. They involve dead people laying in the street. The fact that American cutizebs no longer understand how to vote tells me it’s time for those people to be exterminated.
Hey Anathema, you'd be a Shoo-in or a job at the Saudi Embassy in Ankara. You should check out the benefits there. A good job doing what you love might make you less grumpy.
Hey Anathema, you'd be a Shoo-in or a job at the Saudi Embassy in Ankara. You should check out the benefits there. A good job doing what you love might make you less grumpy.

Bah. I’m it big on working with or for foreigners. Now if the CIA or some other American organization needed some help in that way, I might consider it.
I think Democrats are learning how to beat Republicans

They have been battling in the trenches, organizing their base, getting out the vote

Republicans are responding by restricting the vote wherever they can
We can only hope that a lesson was learned from Tuesday night. That this country is center and it will remain center. It's not a place where you can run a liberal Democrat in a Republican district and expect to win, or a right wing Republican can hold a seat with Trump at the helm & or fighting a battle with a good moderate Democrat.

Who in their wildest dreams would have ever believed that Ted Cruz came that close to losing his seat to a liberal Democrat in Beto O'rourke in red state Texas? Most certainly if Democrats would have put up a moderate Democrat--aka Blue dog Democrat--Ted Cruz would have been looking for a new job this morning. The only state that went wild and elected a liberal Governor was Colorado. Jared Polis won the Governor in this state, but that was due "only" to the Trump effect. Trump is toxic in this state. 2 years ago, or prior to Trump, Polis wouldn't have stood a chance at winning in a state wide election here. Of course when Anderson Cooper asked Bernie Sanders about the loss in Texas he denied that was the reason. Anderson should have asked Sanders about him getting his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat popular primary votes but didn't do it.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


What we witnessed in a great economy was the war between the Republican Suburbanites, and the Republican Rualities. Along with Independents coming out, along with Democrats--made for the year of WOMEN winning everywhere. Women voters went 67% to the Democrats--literally kicking ass. The Tea Party was crushed by their own--Republican suburbanites. Independents remain the largest voting block in this country, then Democrats, and now the Republican party who has supposedly lost 10 to 15 million members since Trump was elected.

And the win for Democrats this year was yuuuuuge--and it continues to grow as not all votes haven't been counted yet. Here is a great article on this. Was it a blue wave?
Analysis | Democrats pinned their hopes on a ‘blue wave’ in the midterms. Is that what happened?
Ted Cruz is universally disliked by both parties

Beto ran as himself. He avoided the gutter politics and came off as a young and refreshing political voice

Not the last we will have heard of him

He is playing obamas game, and that was a cluster fuck..that led us to Trump

In my congressional district it seems that democrats thought they had a shot at long time congressman Bob Goodlatte's seat. The district takes in Lexington Va., home of the notorious "Red Hen" incident where the Press Secretary was chased out of the restaurant. Democrats apparently thought that anger and hatred for the administration would be enough so they ran a female democrat activist who had never held office against a former State's Attorney and current delegate. Republican Ben Cline won in a 20 point landslide over democrat Jennifer Lewis..
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It might interest you to know that I am one of those former Republicans.

Yeah, sure you were. You were just another latent liberal just looking for your first excuse to jump ship with your real brothers, the Democraps. Now you're happy as a pig in the mud.
We can only hope that a lesson was learned from Tuesday night. That this country is center and it will remain center.
Yep. And isn't it ironic that, at the same time, both parties are controlled by their fundamentalists?

Both ends want to think that moderate Americans are the exception, that they're flawed, and they attack them as they would an enemy.


Call me old fashioned but you’d think the right & left should do anonymous surveys via phone to discover what moderates actually are strongly concerned about. Or, they can just keep on risking losing key powerholds.
We can only hope that a lesson was learned from Tuesday night. That this country is center and it will remain center.
Yep. And isn't it ironic that, at the same time, both parties are controlled by their fundamentalists?

Both ends want to think that moderate Americans are the exception, that they're flawed, and they attack them as they would an enemy.


Call me old fashioned but you’d think the right & left should do anonymous surveys via phone to discover what moderates actually are strongly concerned about. Or, they can just keep on risking losing key powerholds.
You'd think. But all the energy in both parties is in the wings, with the psychos.

We desperately need a strong and viable third party, but the two "major" parties have too much control.
We desperately need a strong and viable third party, but the two "major" parties have too much control.

Exactly. We have the Left Wing Progressive party of the Democrats. We also have the gutless, Moderate, stand for nothing Rept. What we need is a true, walk the talk Conservative party to balance things out.
This both sides shit is ridiculous. Democrats won. Both left and center.
We can only hope that a lesson was learned from Tuesday night. That this country is center and it will remain center.
Yep. And isn't it ironic that, at the same time, both parties are controlled by their fundamentalists?

Both ends want to think that moderate Americans are the exception, that they're flawed, and they attack them as they would an enemy.


Call me old fashioned but you’d think the right & left should do anonymous surveys via phone to discover what moderates actually are strongly concerned about. Or, they can just keep on risking losing key powerholds.
You'd think. But all the energy in both parties is in the wings, with the psychos.

We desperately need a strong and viable third party, but the two "major" parties have too much control.

Independents aka swing voters are the largest block of voters in this country, but again they are Center.

Someday as John Kasich stated their will be an Independent President that will win. But right now any Independent would be figthing the big money machines coming out of the Democrat & Republican Party's.
We desperately need a strong and viable third party, but the two "major" parties have too much control.

Exactly. We have the Left Wing Progressive party of the Democrats. We also have the gutless, Moderate, stand for nothing Rept. What we need is a true, walk the talk Conservative party to balance things out.

The moderates of both parties weren't gutless on Tuesday. They showed the right & left wings of both parties who has the real power.

Blue dog Democrats were winning everywhere, in predominately Republican districts.
The moderates of both parties weren't gutless on Tuesday. They showed the right & left wings of both parties who has the real power.

Just shows how much they all need to be exterminated from American society.
The moderates of both parties weren't gutless on Tuesday. They showed the right & left wings of both parties who has the real power.

Just shows how much they all need to be exterminated from American society.

You don't seem to get that you were exterminated on Tuesday.

Here's a look at what is going on in red state Arizona right now.


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