Did Russia "hack" the election? Four questions.

Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
The "charges" the administration is making is that the Russian Government compromised Podesta's and other DNC email accounts using spear phishing malware and then released the contents to the public which unduly influenced the outcome of the election (in Trump's favor); no one has disputed the authenticity of the contents of these emails, so basically this charge amounts to "they influenced the election by telling the American Public the truth about one candidate and one party". From reading the FBI release on the evidence that the Russian Government was responsible it seems very thin (much of the release entailed general guidelines on how to improve systems security), it basically boils down to "the malware used in the attack was similar to malware that has been used by Russian intelligence operations in the past", in other words no "smoking gun" pointing at the Russian Government has been offered up for public consideration and nobody appears to be asking why the Russian Government would use an attack signature that points the finger squarely at themselves.

Further "charges" include accusing the Russian Government of distributing "fake news" which portrayed the Clinton Campaign in a negative light, again no "smoking gun" evidence has been produced just allegations; even if this is true all it does is further demonstrate what a bunch of brainless morons the electorate is comprised of and that voters are stupid enough to believe that reading headlines are all that is required as "homework" on the candidates they vote for.

Was the election "hacked", IMHO insufficient evidence of that has been offered to draw that conclusion, however I personally want to thank WHOMEVER cracked those email accounts and released the contents to the public, they did us a service since we got to get a glimpse inside the corrupt goings on inside the smoke filled back alleys inhabited by the partisan slime balls.

Personally I think it's all a bunch of President Nimrod manufactured bullshit to shift the focus off the Democrat Party's gross incompetence and dishonesty and it reminds of all of the Pre-Iraq War bullshit ginned up by the Bush Administration to justify it's actions against Iraq.... and wouldn't ya know Senator Warmonger (AZ-R) buys right into it ! just like he did with all the Iraq WMD and "Iraq is an imminent threat" bullshit, that should tell ya a lot, he'll swallow anything that makes going to war more likely.
It is much easier and acceptable (though entirely predictable) for the Ds/Big Ears to blame Russia for losing to Trump, rather than believe their failed and horrendously stupid policies were rejected by the American people.
No doubt Big Ears thinks Trump stole the election and as such, is illegitimate. The silver lining could be that the Ds double down on their stupid policies, resulting in the American people rejecting them for the foreseeable future.
NO he won because of the EC and ah's that believed the liar Now he wants to befriend the gov't that hacked our election ,and people are stupid not to want to be friends with Russia ? You elected a mad man now reap the whirlwind
Unhinged...like many on the Left.

Why do they have crazy tendencies?
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
The "charges" the administration is making is that the Russian Government compromised Podesta's and other DNC email accounts using spear phishing malware and then released the contents to the public which unduly influenced the outcome of the election (in Trump's favor); no one has disputed the authenticity of the contents of these emails, so basically this charge amounts to "they influenced the election by telling the American Public the truth about one candidate and one party". From reading the FBI release on the evidence that the Russian Government was responsible it seems very thin (much of the release entailed general guidelines on how to improve systems security), it basically boils down to "the malware used in the attack was similar to malware that has been used by Russian intelligence operations in the past", in other words no "smoking gun" pointing at the Russian Government has been offered up for public consideration and nobody appears to be asking why the Russian Government would use an attack signature that points the finger squarely at themselves.

Further "charges" include accusing the Russian Government of distributing "fake news" which portrayed the Clinton Campaign in a negative light, again no "smoking gun" evidence has been produced just allegations; even if this is true all it does is further demonstrate what a bunch of brainless morons the electorate is comprised of and that voters are stupid enough to believe that reading headlines are all that is required as "homework" on the candidates they vote for.

Was the election "hacked", IMHO insufficient evidence of that has been offered to draw that conclusion, however I personally want to thank WHOMEVER cracked those email accounts and released the contents to the public, they did us a service since we got to get a glimpse inside the corrupt goings on inside the smoke filled back alleys inhabited by the partisan slime balls.

Personally I think it's all a bunch of President Nimrod manufactured bullshit to shift the focus off the Democrat Party's gross incompetence and dishonesty and it reminds of all of the Pre-Iraq War bullshit ginned up by the Bush Administration to justify it's actions against Iraq.... and wouldn't ya know Senator Warmonger (AZ-R) buys right into it ! just like he did with all the Iraq WMD and "Iraq is an imminent threat" bullshit, that should tell ya a lot, he'll swallow anything that makes going to war more likely.
It is much easier and acceptable (though entirely predictable) for the Ds/Big Ears to blame Russia for losing to Trump, rather than believe their failed and horrendously stupid policies were rejected by the American people.
No doubt Big Ears thinks Trump stole the election and as such, is illegitimate. The silver lining could be that the Ds double down on their stupid policies, resulting in the American people rejecting them for the foreseeable future.
NO he won because of the EC and ah's that believed the liar Now he wants to befriend the gov't that hacked our election ,and people are stupid not to want to be friends with Russia ? You elected a mad man now reap the whirlwind
Unhinged...like many on the Left.

Why do they have crazy tendencies?
Hey gipper

President-elect Donald Trump's incoming chief of staff accepted on Sunday that Russia was behind last year's hacking and leaking of internal emails from top officials at the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Trump's chief of staff acknowledges that Russia was behind DNC hacks
This was already "litigated" on these pages back when the hidden video was released.

If someone paid someone to riot...then do this.

Tell me who wrote the check, who they wrote it to, and where the payee rioted.

Do that....or fuck off. What you claim happened is illegal and would have resulted in arrests. Why no arrests? Asshole.
Ever heard of cash, fuckwit?

Same questions. Who paid who and for what...exactly? You don't know? Awww...I'm shocked.

You are a dupe. It's not a problem until we understand that there are many, many dupes.
Yeah, the rioters all filled out W-4s and got on the payroll, accepted paychecks, which they dutifully posted to their bank accounts and reported as taxable income.

Goddamn gullible nincompoop.

You have no proof that anyone paid anyone for any agitating. But you keep saying it as though it actually happened. That's what nutbags do.

There was no proof of Trump running around grabbing pussies either, just the words. But that's different.
This was already "litigated" on these pages back when the hidden video was released.

If someone paid someone to riot...then do this.

Tell me who wrote the check, who they wrote it to, and where the payee rioted.

Do that....or fuck off. What you claim happened is illegal and would have resulted in arrests. Why no arrests? Asshole.
Ever heard of cash, fuckwit?

Same questions. Who paid who and for what...exactly? You don't know? Awww...I'm shocked.

You are a dupe. It's not a problem until we understand that there are many, many dupes.
Yeah, the rioters all filled out W-4s and got on the payroll, accepted paychecks, which they dutifully posted to their bank accounts and reported as taxable income.

Goddamn gullible nincompoop.

You have no proof that anyone paid anyone for any agitating. But you keep saying it as though it actually happened. That's what nutbags do.

There was no proof of Trump running around grabbing pussies either, just the words. But that's different.

Well, he said that's what he did. Are you calling him a liar? Are you saying we can't take him at his word? Okay.
This was already "litigated" on these pages back when the hidden video was released.

If someone paid someone to riot...then do this.

Tell me who wrote the check, who they wrote it to, and where the payee rioted.

Do that....or fuck off. What you claim happened is illegal and would have resulted in arrests. Why no arrests? Asshole.
Ever heard of cash, fuckwit?

Same questions. Who paid who and for what...exactly? You don't know? Awww...I'm shocked.

You are a dupe. It's not a problem until we understand that there are many, many dupes.
Yeah, the rioters all filled out W-4s and got on the payroll, accepted paychecks, which they dutifully posted to their bank accounts and reported as taxable income.

Goddamn gullible nincompoop.

You have no proof that anyone paid anyone for any agitating. But you keep saying it as though it actually happened. That's what nutbags do.

There was no proof of Trump running around grabbing pussies either, just the words. But that's different.
Just the words out of his own mouth BUT we all know the pos is a degenerate liar Right?
Weird question. I trust them as much as I trust any human, I suppose.

And I do trust them more than I trust Putin. Ya got me there. I wish the GOP did.
What would that trust be based on?
Human nature, as I would cautiously place trust in the hands of my surgeon or in the decisions of a CEO.

But I admit, I'm a bit of sucker for my country, and I'll place more faith in them than in Putin.

I love America, and I tend to give her the benefit of the doubt. I don't trust Russia or Putin that much, despite what I'm hearing from the GOP.
There are no surgeons in the CIA or any other intelligence agencies, just professional liars. Have they found the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq yet? Have they stopped importing cocaine to finance operations? Are they still supporting ISIS in Syria? You could have just stopped at "...I'm a sucker...." and left it at that.
Ya the hate party now loves the russia and and putin who they all hated two months ago , now they hate the FBI and CIA and two months ago what they said, The CIA and FBI was proof positive to every one of their comments that the letter groups supported . The new and Improved anti American Nazi hate party.
It sure is funny to watch so called liberals fall in love with intelligence agencies.
Whats funny is the hate party used the letter agency to support their comments every chance they got , now they are worthless and you can't believe what they say. what is funnier yet is just two months ago the hate party had Putin and Russia at the top of their enemy list, now the pukes love them and tell us how great they are and grovel at their feet. They are a scum party , anti government , anti American, anti truth. pro hate.
Ever heard of cash, fuckwit?

Same questions. Who paid who and for what...exactly? You don't know? Awww...I'm shocked.

You are a dupe. It's not a problem until we understand that there are many, many dupes.
Yeah, the rioters all filled out W-4s and got on the payroll, accepted paychecks, which they dutifully posted to their bank accounts and reported as taxable income.

Goddamn gullible nincompoop.

You have no proof that anyone paid anyone for any agitating. But you keep saying it as though it actually happened. That's what nutbags do.

There was no proof of Trump running around grabbing pussies either, just the words. But that's different.

Well, he said that's what he did. Are you calling him a liar? Are you saying we can't take him at his word? Okay.

Of course he is a liar, as is Clinton. Both candidates were awful.
Ever heard of cash, fuckwit?

Same questions. Who paid who and for what...exactly? You don't know? Awww...I'm shocked.

You are a dupe. It's not a problem until we understand that there are many, many dupes.
Yeah, the rioters all filled out W-4s and got on the payroll, accepted paychecks, which they dutifully posted to their bank accounts and reported as taxable income.

Goddamn gullible nincompoop.

You have no proof that anyone paid anyone for any agitating. But you keep saying it as though it actually happened. That's what nutbags do.

There was no proof of Trump running around grabbing pussies either, just the words. But that's different.

Well, he said that's what he did. Are you calling him a liar? Are you saying we can't take him at his word? Okay.
Look how pitiful the hate part has become with their ass kissing to their psychopathic liar.
Ever heard of cash, fuckwit?

Same questions. Who paid who and for what...exactly? You don't know? Awww...I'm shocked.

You are a dupe. It's not a problem until we understand that there are many, many dupes.
Yeah, the rioters all filled out W-4s and got on the payroll, accepted paychecks, which they dutifully posted to their bank accounts and reported as taxable income.

Goddamn gullible nincompoop.

You have no proof that anyone paid anyone for any agitating. But you keep saying it as though it actually happened. That's what nutbags do.

There was no proof of Trump running around grabbing pussies either, just the words. But that's different.
Just the words out of his own mouth BUT we all know the pos is a degenerate liar Right?

Yes, we all know that BOTH candidates are liars. There are no points to be scored on honesty or integrity. Both candidates get a big fat zero in that category.
Same questions. Who paid who and for what...exactly? You don't know? Awww...I'm shocked.

You are a dupe. It's not a problem until we understand that there are many, many dupes.
Yeah, the rioters all filled out W-4s and got on the payroll, accepted paychecks, which they dutifully posted to their bank accounts and reported as taxable income.

Goddamn gullible nincompoop.

You have no proof that anyone paid anyone for any agitating. But you keep saying it as though it actually happened. That's what nutbags do.

There was no proof of Trump running around grabbing pussies either, just the words. But that's different.

Well, he said that's what he did. Are you calling him a liar? Are you saying we can't take him at his word? Okay.

Of course he is a liar, as is Clinton. Both candidates were awful.
What does Clinton have to do with electing a Psychopath, a dangerous psychopath and putting said psychopath next to the little red button that will destroy mankind once pushed. Forget your long list of stupid lies about Clinton killing people , I'll give you 100 videos' proving that Small Hands is nuts.
Same questions. Who paid who and for what...exactly? You don't know? Awww...I'm shocked.

You are a dupe. It's not a problem until we understand that there are many, many dupes.
Yeah, the rioters all filled out W-4s and got on the payroll, accepted paychecks, which they dutifully posted to their bank accounts and reported as taxable income.

Goddamn gullible nincompoop.

You have no proof that anyone paid anyone for any agitating. But you keep saying it as though it actually happened. That's what nutbags do.

There was no proof of Trump running around grabbing pussies either, just the words. But that's different.
Just the words out of his own mouth BUT we all know the pos is a degenerate liar Right?

Yes, we all know that BOTH candidates are liars. There are no points to be scored on honesty or integrity. Both candidates get a big fat zero in that category.


One lies more. One keeps lying even when the lies have been exposed. One lies about things that aren't even politically expedient. One is a pathological liar.

The other is a politician.

The false equivalency bullshit is why we have a juvenile weirdo heading to the White House.

Now....go ahead and tell me that I'm a biased lib. But don't bother to PROVE that Hillary lies as much or as casually as TRUMP.
Neither has the GOP, but they're fine with Trump disparaging our intelligence community.

Why is that?
How do you disparage something with such a long history of lying to everyone?
Look, I'll just assume that, if the GOP had been hacked and Hillary was being sworn in in a couple of weeks, you would say, "oh well, that's okay, no big deal, it happens, those crazy Russkies and our worthless intelligence boobs, you know them, ha ha, maybe next time."

And we move on.
I'll bet I can guess what your attitude was when Sanders got fucked by the DNC and the corporate controlled news media.
The corporate controled anything is about 70% aligned with the hate party so your corporate attacks is stupid , from a very very small mind.
Your easy, bring something that is at least has some semblance of reality, your opinion leads the league in stupid so bring facts or go take a nap.
So let me see if have the dem/lib position right on this:

The Russians hacked into DNC and Podestra servers and found evidence of corruption, cheating, and lying by the democrats and Clinton, then they gave it wikileaks so they could "release" the truth to the American voters because Putin wants the USA to have a strong president rather than one who can be bribed and blackmailed. Then American voters decided to vote against Clinton, even though the pollsters said that she had it locked up. Is that about right?
No! You left out that Russia committed a de facto act of war against the United States by trying to interfere with our democratic election process and shift the results to favor their chosen favorite who they are in the position of butt fucking into submission through his myriad business entanglements with Russia! What a piece of shit apologist you are for Trump and Putin/Russia!

since its Sunday I will refrain from calling you a dipshit.

The Saudis gave hundreds of millions to the Clinton campaign (illegally). Why no outrage that they were trying to hack the election?
What the fuck is the title of the thread, DIPSHIT? Does it say anything about Clinton you imbecile? Now run off and have your Sunday morning shit sundae, Fish! Your false equlivence has no fucking place on this thread, shit for brains!

the title of the thread, dingleberry, is did the Russians hack the ELECTION. The answer is NO. Someone (wikileaks will not reveal their source) hacked the DNC e-mail system and Podestras e-mails and Weiner's e-mails. What those hacks exposed (and wikileaks revealed) is cheating and corruption by the dems to: 1. suppress the Sanders vote, 2. give the questions to hilly before the debates and interviews, and 3. cover up the illegal money coming in to the Clinton campaign.

THE RUSSIANS MAY OR MAY NOT BE THE SOURCE OF THE HACKS. Assange will not say where the info came from. It is very possible it was a disgruntled DNC staffer or Bernie supporter.

Now, question for you: Why would Putin prefer a strong American president (Trump) rather than a weak one (Clinton) that would be susceptible to bribes and blackmail?
Your partisan opinions aren't worth shit, fish, and are off the damn topic of the thread. You are incapable of focusing, you partisan hacked POS! YOU ARE FUCKED IN THE HEAD!
Yeah, the rioters all filled out W-4s and got on the payroll, accepted paychecks, which they dutifully posted to their bank accounts and reported as taxable income.

Goddamn gullible nincompoop.

You have no proof that anyone paid anyone for any agitating. But you keep saying it as though it actually happened. That's what nutbags do.

There was no proof of Trump running around grabbing pussies either, just the words. But that's different.

Well, he said that's what he did. Are you calling him a liar? Are you saying we can't take him at his word? Okay.

Of course he is a liar, as is Clinton. Both candidates were awful.
What does Clinton have to do with electing a Psychopath, a dangerous psychopath and putting said psychopath next to the little red button that will destroy mankind once pushed. Forget your long list of stupid lies about Clinton killing people , I'll give you 100 videos' proving that Small Hands is nuts.

I've never accused her of killing anyone. She is proven to be extremely careless with national security when it is convenient for her. That is dangerous and has long term consequences. It is a deal breaker for me. Trump does not carry the football. The military does. Trump cannot nuke anyone by himself. There are safeguards in place to prevent what you fear.
The impact of the release of damaging information on the dems was insignificant compared to the tsunami of false panic mongering propaganda coming out of the media, pop culture and social media.
We'll never know how much the election was affected by this.

We do know that the popular votes in key electoral states were very, very close, and that one party had to deal with the scandal, not the other.

I just wish there would be some sign of concern from much of the GOP about what may have happened.

That's just it... politics hasn't gotten so divided Trump supporters only care about one thing, their candidate won. They don't care how he won, what his private dealings are, or if he lies to them. As long as they can hang their hat on the fact he won the election, that's all they care about, period.
..and yet another retarded statement. One idiotic comment after the next and you think you know what you're talking about.
You supporting or OKing the idea that Russia hacked the election shows the low level of people that belong to the hate party, You do know that Small Hands has said they did hack the democrats. And saying that is OK or shouldn't be looked at is very high on the scum meter.
You belong to the party of hate, not me. You lied about what I said and believe and backed it up with childish insults.

Go suck a long steamy dog turd.
My insults are good , yours are kind of transparent , speaking volumes of who you are and what you think of and get off on in life. Your a little sickening. Lied about what you said , there would be no need for me to do that with the lexicon of stupid from you that I could draw from.
You have no proof that anyone paid anyone for any agitating. But you keep saying it as though it actually happened. That's what nutbags do.

There was no proof of Trump running around grabbing pussies either, just the words. But that's different.

Well, he said that's what he did. Are you calling him a liar? Are you saying we can't take him at his word? Okay.

Of course he is a liar, as is Clinton. Both candidates were awful.
What does Clinton have to do with electing a Psychopath, a dangerous psychopath and putting said psychopath next to the little red button that will destroy mankind once pushed. Forget your long list of stupid lies about Clinton killing people , I'll give you 100 videos' proving that Small Hands is nuts.

I've never accused her of killing anyone. She is proven to be extremely careless with national security when it is convenient for her. That is dangerous and has long term consequences. It is a deal breaker for me. Trump does not carry the football. The military does. Trump cannot nuke anyone by himself. There are safeguards in place to prevent what you fear.

Awesome. You really think Trump is a better bet for our national security....but you are banking on someone being there to help him if he needs to make a decision.

Really awesome.
I support wiki leaks no mater what they say that is true. My complaint is the right got so populated with haters that they were able to elect a hate puke candidate. Scum level psychopath and put him next to the little red button that once pushed ends mankind.
And we are supposed to not notice that you are the accusations you love to hurl around? LOL, what are you, 8 years old?

All the wikileaks showed was how corrupt the democrat party is, that isn't Trump's fault, any supporters, the Russians, Assange, etc. You are too immature to figure out where the problem is.
Nonsense and hardly worth typing Mr. Dog turd
Yeah, the rioters all filled out W-4s and got on the payroll, accepted paychecks, which they dutifully posted to their bank accounts and reported as taxable income.

Goddamn gullible nincompoop.

You have no proof that anyone paid anyone for any agitating. But you keep saying it as though it actually happened. That's what nutbags do.

There was no proof of Trump running around grabbing pussies either, just the words. But that's different.
Just the words out of his own mouth BUT we all know the pos is a degenerate liar Right?

Yes, we all know that BOTH candidates are liars. There are no points to be scored on honesty or integrity. Both candidates get a big fat zero in that category.


One lies more. One keeps lying even when the lies have been exposed. One lies about things that aren't even politically expedient. One is a pathological liar.

The other is a politician.

The false equivalency bullshit is why we have a juvenile weirdo heading to the White House.

Now....go ahead and tell me that I'm a biased lib. But don't bother to PROVE that Hillary lies as much or as casually as TRUMP.

Hillary lies about handling national security, admits to no wrongdoing after being proven lying repeatedly about it. She would continue behaving loosely with national security because she sees nothing wrong with it. That is delusional and narcissistic, both of which are mental issues.

You can polish your turd as hard as you like, but she is every bit the turd that Trump is.
So let me see if have the dem/lib position right on this:

The Russians hacked into DNC and Podestra servers and found evidence of corruption, cheating, and lying by the democrats and Clinton, then they gave it wikileaks so they could "release" the truth to the American voters because Putin wants the USA to have a strong president rather than one who can be bribed and blackmailed. Then American voters decided to vote against Clinton, even though the pollsters said that she had it locked up. Is that about right?
No! You left out that Russia committed a de facto act of war against the United States by trying to interfere with our democratic election process and shift the results to favor their chosen favorite who they are in the position of butt fucking into submission through his myriad business entanglements with Russia! What a piece of shit apologist you are for Trump and Putin/Russia!

since its Sunday I will refrain from calling you a dipshit.

The Saudis gave hundreds of millions to the Clinton campaign (illegally). Why no outrage that they were trying to hack the election?
What the fuck is the title of the thread, DIPSHIT? Does it say anything about Clinton you imbecile? Now run off and have your Sunday morning shit sundae, Fish! Your false equlivence has no fucking place on this thread, shit for brains!

the title of the thread, dingleberry, is did the Russians hack the ELECTION. The answer is NO. Someone (wikileaks will not reveal their source) hacked the DNC e-mail system and Podestras e-mails and Weiner's e-mails. What those hacks exposed (and wikileaks revealed) is cheating and corruption by the dems to: 1. suppress the Sanders vote, 2. give the questions to hilly before the debates and interviews, and 3. cover up the illegal money coming in to the Clinton campaign.

THE RUSSIANS MAY OR MAY NOT BE THE SOURCE OF THE HACKS. Assange will not say where the info came from. It is very possible it was a disgruntled DNC staffer or Bernie supporter.

Now, question for you: Why would Putin prefer a strong American president (Trump) rather than a weak one (Clinton) that would be susceptible to bribes and blackmail?
Your partisan opinions aren't worth shit, fish, and are off the damn topic of the thread. You are incapable of focusing, you partisan hacked POS! YOU ARE FUCKED IN THE HEAD!
I'm really looking forward to seeing something besides vague, generic, references to evidence. Aren't you?
I support wiki leaks no mater what they say that is true. My complaint is the right got so populated with haters that they were able to elect a hate puke candidate. Scum level psychopath and put him next to the little red button that once pushed ends mankind.
And we are supposed to not notice that you are the accusations you love to hurl around? LOL, what are you, 8 years old?

All the wikileaks showed was how corrupt the democrat party is, that isn't Trump's fault, any supporters, the Russians, Assange, etc. You are too immature to figure out where the problem is.
No small hands problem would be helping Putin hack the election Mr Dog turd.

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