Did Russia "hack" the election? Four questions.

The "charges" the administration is making is that the Russian Government compromised Podesta's and other DNC email accounts using spear phishing malware and then released the contents to the public which unduly influenced the outcome of the election (in Trump's favor); no one has disputed the authenticity of the contents of these emails, so basically this charge amounts to "they influenced the election by telling the American Public the truth about one candidate and one party". From reading the FBI release on the evidence that the Russian Government was responsible it seems very thin (much of the release entailed general guidelines on how to improve systems security), it basically boils down to "the malware used in the attack was similar to malware that has been used by Russian intelligence operations in the past", in other words no "smoking gun" pointing at the Russian Government has been offered up for public consideration and nobody appears to be asking why the Russian Government would use an attack signature that points the finger squarely at themselves.

Further "charges" include accusing the Russian Government of distributing "fake news" which portrayed the Clinton Campaign in a negative light, again no "smoking gun" evidence has been produced just allegations; even if this is true all it does is further demonstrate what a bunch of brainless morons the electorate is comprised of and that voters are stupid enough to believe that reading headlines are all that is required as "homework" on the candidates they vote for.

Was the election "hacked", IMHO insufficient evidence of that has been offered to draw that conclusion, however I personally want to thank WHOMEVER cracked those email accounts and released the contents to the public, they did us a service since we got to get a glimpse inside the corrupt goings on inside the smoke filled back alleys inhabited by the partisan slime balls.

Personally I think it's all a bunch of President Nimrod manufactured bullshit to shift the focus off the Democrat Party's gross incompetence and dishonesty and it reminds of all of the Pre-Iraq War bullshit ginned up by the Bush Administration to justify it's actions against Iraq.... and wouldn't ya know Senator Warmonger (AZ-R) buys right into it ! just like he did with all the Iraq WMD and "Iraq is an imminent threat" bullshit, that should tell ya a lot, he'll swallow anything that makes going to war more likely.
It is much easier and acceptable (though entirely predictable) for the Ds/Big Ears to blame Russia for losing to Trump, rather than believe their failed and horrendously stupid policies were rejected by the American people.
No doubt Big Ears thinks Trump stole the election and as such, is illegitimate. The silver lining could be that the Ds double down on their stupid policies, resulting in the American people rejecting them for the foreseeable future.
NO he won because of the EC and ah's that believed the liar Now he wants to befriend the gov't that hacked our election ,and people are stupid not to want to be friends with Russia ? You elected a mad man now reap the whirlwind
Unhinged...like many on the Left.

Why do they have crazy tendencies?
What is a person called who supports and elects a psychopath into office and park that psychopath next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind.
You need to curtail your consumption of left wing fake news. It is mucking up your brain.
In the hunt for honesty gipper how much of what republicans threw at Hillary wasn't pure unadulterated BS ?? In your honest opinion
The "charges" the administration is making is that the Russian Government compromised Podesta's and other DNC email accounts using spear phishing malware and then released the contents to the public which unduly influenced the outcome of the election (in Trump's favor); no one has disputed the authenticity of the contents of these emails, so basically this charge amounts to "they influenced the election by telling the American Public the truth about one candidate and one party". From reading the FBI release on the evidence that the Russian Government was responsible it seems very thin (much of the release entailed general guidelines on how to improve systems security), it basically boils down to "the malware used in the attack was similar to malware that has been used by Russian intelligence operations in the past", in other words no "smoking gun" pointing at the Russian Government has been offered up for public consideration and nobody appears to be asking why the Russian Government would use an attack signature that points the finger squarely at themselves.

Further "charges" include accusing the Russian Government of distributing "fake news" which portrayed the Clinton Campaign in a negative light, again no "smoking gun" evidence has been produced just allegations; even if this is true all it does is further demonstrate what a bunch of brainless morons the electorate is comprised of and that voters are stupid enough to believe that reading headlines are all that is required as "homework" on the candidates they vote for.

Was the election "hacked", IMHO insufficient evidence of that has been offered to draw that conclusion, however I personally want to thank WHOMEVER cracked those email accounts and released the contents to the public, they did us a service since we got to get a glimpse inside the corrupt goings on inside the smoke filled back alleys inhabited by the partisan slime balls.

Personally I think it's all a bunch of President Nimrod manufactured bullshit to shift the focus off the Democrat Party's gross incompetence and dishonesty and it reminds of all of the Pre-Iraq War bullshit ginned up by the Bush Administration to justify it's actions against Iraq.... and wouldn't ya know Senator Warmonger (AZ-R) buys right into it ! just like he did with all the Iraq WMD and "Iraq is an imminent threat" bullshit, that should tell ya a lot, he'll swallow anything that makes going to war more likely.
It is much easier and acceptable (though entirely predictable) for the Ds/Big Ears to blame Russia for losing to Trump, rather than believe their failed and horrendously stupid policies were rejected by the American people.
No doubt Big Ears thinks Trump stole the election and as such, is illegitimate. The silver lining could be that the Ds double down on their stupid policies, resulting in the American people rejecting them for the foreseeable future.
NO he won because of the EC and ah's that believed the liar Now he wants to befriend the gov't that hacked our election ,and people are stupid not to want to be friends with Russia ? You elected a mad man now reap the whirlwind
Unhinged...like many on the Left.

Why do they have crazy tendencies?
What is a person called who supports and elects a psychopath into office and park that psychopath next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind.
You need to curtail your consumption of left wing fake news. It is mucking up your brain.
How fake is this gipper?

It is much easier and acceptable (though entirely predictable) for the Ds/Big Ears to blame Russia for losing to Trump, rather than believe their failed and horrendously stupid policies were rejected by the American people.
No doubt Big Ears thinks Trump stole the election and as such, is illegitimate. The silver lining could be that the Ds double down on their stupid policies, resulting in the American people rejecting them for the foreseeable future.
NO he won because of the EC and ah's that believed the liar Now he wants to befriend the gov't that hacked our election ,and people are stupid not to want to be friends with Russia ? You elected a mad man now reap the whirlwind
Unhinged...like many on the Left.

Why do they have crazy tendencies?
What is a person called who supports and elects a psychopath into office and park that psychopath next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind.
You need to curtail your consumption of left wing fake news. It is mucking up your brain.
How fake is this gipper?


You self identify yourself as really really stupid, if you believe that.

Don't allow yourself to be duped. Refuse to believe the words of liars.
There are some several key points that the Russians were cheating on the American elections, according to this declassified report from the CIA, the FBI, and lastly, the National Security Agency, and their significant scope is that Russia is the only country creating this blurred line of this unprotected thing, and that is hacking.
Then we can safely dismiss everything they said. That's utter bullshit. China alone has stolen millions worth of intellectual property rights.
Listen MR dog turd ,TEll us again what China has to do with anything. Start a thread if you think it is interesting. but it just looks stupid stuck in this thread.
Look, iceweasel, I am putting China off-topic, okay? Our focus is did Russians hack the election. This topic needs to be stayed. I am not Mr. Dog Turd, or Mr. Crack.

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
China wasn't even the point. I used them as ONE example of hacking. Russia is in good company. You think we don't hack foreign systems? We probably do it more than anybody.
It is much easier and acceptable (though entirely predictable) for the Ds/Big Ears to blame Russia for losing to Trump, rather than believe their failed and horrendously stupid policies were rejected by the American people.
No doubt Big Ears thinks Trump stole the election and as such, is illegitimate. The silver lining could be that the Ds double down on their stupid policies, resulting in the American people rejecting them for the foreseeable future.
NO he won because of the EC and ah's that believed the liar Now he wants to befriend the gov't that hacked our election ,and people are stupid not to want to be friends with Russia ? You elected a mad man now reap the whirlwind
Unhinged...like many on the Left.

Why do they have crazy tendencies?
What is a person called who supports and elects a psychopath into office and park that psychopath next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind.
You need to curtail your consumption of left wing fake news. It is mucking up your brain.
In the hunt for honesty gipper how much of what republicans threw at Hillary wasn't pure unadulterated BS ?? In your honest opinion
Oh a lot...but that is politics silly.

Do you think the Ds did not say a bunch of shit about Trump? No need to answer, because you chose to believe every word the Ds said about Trump. Proving yourself to be a dupe.
There are some several key points that the Russians were cheating on the American elections, according to this declassified report from the CIA, the FBI, and lastly, the National Security Agency, and their significant scope is that Russia is the only country creating this blurred line of this unprotected thing, and that is hacking.
Then we can safely dismiss everything they said. That's utter bullshit. China alone has stolen millions worth of intellectual property rights.
Listen MR dog turd ,TEll us again what China has to do with anything. Start a thread if you think it is interesting. but it just looks stupid stuck in this thread.
Look, iceweasel, I am putting China off-topic, okay? Our focus is did Russians hack the election. This topic needs to be stayed. I am not Mr. Dog Turd, or Mr. Crack.

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
China wasn't even the point. I used them as ONE example of hacking. Russia is in good company. You think we don't hack foreign systems? We probably do it more than anybody.
Yeah, of course. China is a small example. We Americans do need to make computer systems stay protected from any virus, spyware, or malware.

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
The DEMS were hacked! The ELECTION was not hacked! YOU are the IDIOT here! Fuck off, idiot!

I think many are going by the fake news headlines. Don't expect them to understand the finer points.

Of course, it might be that the DNC wasn't hacked at all. Assange had an insider leaking info and that is far different than hacking.

Hillary's server was likely hacked numerous times and we still have no idea who has that info. While some of it was released by WikiLeaks, that doesn't mean other countries don't have the same emails. And considering that Hillary claimed none of those emails existed, it just proves she thought she had deleted all of them.

The left still ignores the content of the emails and are only angry at the whistleblowers. Hypocrites!
NO he won because of the EC and ah's that believed the liar Now he wants to befriend the gov't that hacked our election ,and people are stupid not to want to be friends with Russia ? You elected a mad man now reap the whirlwind
Unhinged...like many on the Left.

Why do they have crazy tendencies?
What is a person called who supports and elects a psychopath into office and park that psychopath next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind.
You need to curtail your consumption of left wing fake news. It is mucking up your brain.
How fake is this gipper?


You self identify yourself as really really stupid, if you believe that.

Don't allow yourself to be duped. Refuse to believe the words of liars.
So I shouldn't believe my lying Ears and Eyes?? Trump is right there in front of you to see and hear Just listen to him
There are some several key points that the Russians were cheating on the American elections, according to this declassified report from the CIA, the FBI, and lastly, the National Security Agency, and their significant scope is that Russia is the only country creating this blurred line of this unprotected thing, and that is hacking.
Then we can safely dismiss everything they said. That's utter bullshit. China alone has stolen millions worth of intellectual property rights.
Listen MR dog turd ,TEll us again what China has to do with anything. Start a thread if you think it is interesting. but it just looks stupid stuck in this thread.
Look, iceweasel, I am putting China off-topic, okay? Our focus is did Russians hack the election. This topic needs to be stayed. I am not Mr. Dog Turd, or Mr. Crack.

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
China wasn't even the point. I used them as ONE example of hacking. Russia is in good company. You think we don't hack foreign systems? We probably do it more than anybody.
Yeah, of course. China is a small example. We Americans do need to make computer systems stay protected from any virus, spyware, or malware.

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
Most of us manage to avoid the phishing trick Podesta fell for.
The DEMS were hacked! The ELECTION was not hacked! YOU are the IDIOT here! Fuck off, idiot!

I think many are going by the fake news headlines. Don't expect them to understand the finer points.

Of course, it might be that the DNC wasn't hacked at all. Assange had an insider leaking info and that is far different than hacking.

Hillary's server was likely hacked numerous times and we still have no idea who has that info. While some of it was released by WikiLeaks, that doesn't mean other countries don't have the same emails. And considering that Hillary claimed none of those emails existed, it just proves she thought she had deleted all of them.

The left still ignores the content of the emails and are only angry at the whistleblowers. Hypocrites!
It sure would be funny if the insider leaking Hillary's shit was her lady friend's husband, Carlos Danger. That would be such sweet irony.

Regarding Cankle's server, it is absurd to think it was not completely hacked by several sources. She is above the law, so she can do whatever she wants including really stupid shit.
Unhinged...like many on the Left.

Why do they have crazy tendencies?
What is a person called who supports and elects a psychopath into office and park that psychopath next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind.
You need to curtail your consumption of left wing fake news. It is mucking up your brain.
How fake is this gipper?


You self identify yourself as really really stupid, if you believe that.

Don't allow yourself to be duped. Refuse to believe the words of liars.
So I shouldn't believe my lying Ears and Eyes?? Trump is right there in front of you to see and hear Just listen to him
Stop believing all that fake news you are consuming.
There is no doubt that both sides of the isle got down and rolled around in the mud. this site clearly shows that. Private body parts, name calling, foul language, personal attacks are 10 to one both sides.. The one thing I am sure of is that J Assange has said he hates USA, that Russia is not perfect but better than USA. so we need to question everything he says
There is no doubt that both sides of the isle got down and rolled around in the mud. this site clearly shows that. Private body parts, name calling, foul language, personal attacks are 10 to one both sides.. The one thing I am sure of is that J Assange has said he hates USA, that Russia is not perfect but better than USA. so we need to question everything he says
He said he hates the US government. Big difference and there are numerous very good reasons to hate the US government.
There is no doubt that both sides of the isle got down and rolled around in the mud. this site clearly shows that. Private body parts, name calling, foul language, personal attacks are 10 to one both sides.. The one thing I am sure of is that J Assange has said he hates USA, that Russia is not perfect but better than USA. so we need to question everything he says
He said he hates the US government. Big difference and there are numerous very good reasons to hate the US government.
I hated GWB but not our gov't OR form of gov't That I leave for traitors
We need to question our government, who is Assange to question our government, what creeds has he got?
We need to question our government, who is Assange to question our government, what creeds has he got?
That's a great point Dems and Repubs can be at each others throats BUT that's a family argument, and woe be unto any ah like assange or putin that steps in
The DEMS were hacked! The ELECTION was not hacked! YOU are the IDIOT here! Fuck off, idiot!

I think many are going by the fake news headlines. Don't expect them to understand the finer points.

Of course, it might be that the DNC wasn't hacked at all. Assange had an insider leaking info and that is far different than hacking.

Hillary's server was likely hacked numerous times and we still have no idea who has that info. While some of it was released by WikiLeaks, that doesn't mean other countries don't have the same emails. And considering that Hillary claimed none of those emails existed, it just proves she thought she had deleted all of them.

The left still ignores the content of the emails and are only angry at the whistleblowers. Hypocrites!
It sure would be funny if the insider leaking Hillary's shit was her lady friend's husband, Carlos Danger. That would be such sweet irony.

Regarding Cankle's server, it is absurd to think it was not completely hacked by several sources. She is above the law, so she can do whatever she wants including really stupid shit.

The guy believed to have leaked the DNC emails was murdered. Just another coincidence in the Clinton saga.
There are those of us who voted Trump that wouldn't be screaming if a foreign entity revealed accurate information about him.
You really don't think that, had Russia done this to the Republicans and Trump lost, that they would be complaining?

I thought the Intel "opinions" were that the RNC had also been hacked. In fact, the FBI tried to warn BOTH nearly simultaneously back in July or August..

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