Did the US fight on Mao's side?

FDR was a hardcore commie and by far the most evil president in US history.

He reestablished slavery. Typical Democrat.

The Democratic party is the party of slavery and oppression.
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andaronjim the French left Vietnam in 1954
Yeah, and at that time all Ike did was give the French advice until they got their butts kicked out. But it was JFK who brought in the expeditionary force(boots on the ground) that got the US involved with Vietnam and LB Johnson had to escalate it full bore so the establishment war machine could go full on. Also helped LBJ's unemployment when you send 10s of thousands of men to their death, that is less competition in the labor force.
Yeah, and at that time all Ike did was give the French advice until they got their butts kicked out. But it was JFK who brought in the expeditionary force(boots on the ground) that got the US involved with Vietnam and LB Johnson had to escalate it full bore so the establishment war machine could go full on. Also helped LBJ's unemployment when you send 10s of thousands of men to their death, that is less competition in the labor force.
Unemployment was apparently just because of the preparations for the war. Capital turned into a military machine, because of this, civilian industry stopped and people lost their jobs.
The liberation from French slavery, which was prevented by France and the American Democrats, is not freedom in your opinion?

Surely he gave freedom, at that time they were even in the USSR
Ho did not have the right to kill pro-western vietnamese in order to make vietnam “free”
Its probably true that Ho was a nationalist

but not everyone in vietnam wanted him

they were Catholics and he was a godless progressive/lib/communist

if he had been willing to allow political freedom for the millions of vietnamese who were not communists a lot of lives could have been saved
The South Vietnamese Flag Is Like Its People: If It's Not Red, It's Yellow

The anti-Communists in the North ran away, while the Communists in the South stayed and fought. Our allies, adopted as so by our multicultie race-traitors, were cowards, crooks, and collaborators.
Truman's left-wing mafia spent 700 million US taxpayer dollars to support the French imperialists
Class-Climbing Traitor

Truman, a small-time politician from a crooked Kansas City machine, supported the Military-Industrial Complex, which wanted long drawn out wars.

You know, like Afghanistan—Operation What So Proudly We Halliburton.
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The South Vietnamese Flag Is Like Its People: If It's Not Red, It's Yellow

The anti-Communists in the North ran away, while the Communists in the South stayed and fought. Our allies, adopted as so by our multicultie race-traitors, were cowards, crooks, and collaborators.
South Vietnamese leaders were often corrupt and not ip to the high standards of assholes like sticky fingers joe biden

But neither were the south koreans in 1953 when we saved them from progressive liberal hell under the stalinists

It takes time for s newly liberated colonial people to get their footing

Had we stayed and finished the job south vietnam would be a much better place today
The infamous "Citizen/Soldier", George Marshall who was FDR's COS and famous for not warning Pearl Harbor about the pending attack was appointed Secretary of State by Harry Truman. While Truman's HUAC program was attacking Communists in the U.S. Marshall was in the process of disarming the loyal Chinese who supported the U.S. during WW2 and paving the way for Mao's revolution.
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Its probably true that Ho was a nationalist

but not everyone in vietnam wanted him

they were Catholics and he was a godless progressive/lib/communist

if he had been willing to allow political freedom for the millions of vietnamese who were not communists a lot of lives could have been saved
If memory serves Ho joined the communist party back in 1921.
If memory serves Ho joined the communist party back in 1921.
Probably so

And the nature of communism up until 1990 was globalism with a russian cherry on top

But Tito was a communist and a nationalist also
Probably so

And the nature of communism up until 1990 was globalism with a russian cherry on top

But Tito was a communist and a nationalist also
Apparently, Tito or his party elites took the right course, which was then in the USSR under the influence of Eisenhower. Khrushchev also made anti-Semitic statements, but this was not nationalism, he simply accused the Jews in a political sense. Gomulka, the Polish leader, went even further, he talked about the expulsion of the Jews from Poland.
In general, in 50th there was anti-federalist rhetoric, characteristic of traditional right in the United States
And the nature of communism up until 1990 was globalism with a russian cherry on top
No. In 1985, there was nothing left of communism and left-wing globalism in the USSR. Reagan established complete control there.

Since 1993, there have been reverse trends associated with Clinton's policies.

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